HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:276 31ÜZDlnÜnn af the 'illiünnwh üf ffimterBÌ, i\! ~ '11 ~ ,_ \ "- ~) I '- 0 No ~6-276_ Do" nt,JuIl"onQc:t:Qber ~~ 2006 l' I II I I I I I AUTllORIZIN(; A PROFESSIONAL Sb:RVICES CONTRACT WITIl ~IAURICE STACK \\'HEHEAS1 the Dorough or CarterCl 1S in neeJ of professional municipal tax assessing servicèS with règarJ to the defi:~nsc in the maller of l1v11 of Cartcrd v. Borough of Carterel, Tax Court of NL'\\' Jersey, Docket Nos. 4234·2U05, 5321- :2005, 3887-200l> anll CJ140-201J6; and , I I II II "I \1 II \1 II II, 1\ !I I' 11 II II II \' i 1\ II I[ II II II \1 1\ __----- -- ------- ---- -- --- WHEREAS, Maurice Stack, Slack, Coolaban & Stack, LLC, 90 Hudson Street, P.O. Box 731, Hoboken, NJ C17030, possesses tbe requisite knowledge, \raining, experience and prufessinnalliccnse to provide said services; and \VHEREAS, Maurice Stack bas submitted a proposal to provide scud services at a rate oCS200.00 pc-.r hour, nut to exceed J. lOtelÌ Hl110Lmt of$7,500,OO~ and WHF:REAS, the Chid' hnancia1 OftíCl'.1 has ccnilied that [nnds alc or will be avai lable for said purpose NOW, THEREFORE, ilE IT lŒSOLVED by the Mayor and the COllllCd of tbe Burough of Canclet, County of t\liddksex, State oCNe\\' Jersey, as fol1ows; The proposal from I'vburicc Stnck 1'01' professiol1:.l1 tax US.stSSlng services v;lith regard to thi.: defense in the m,j[1er ofIÌ\'ll ofCarteret v. Borough ofCaJ1eret, Tax COLIn of New Jersey, Docket Nos. 4234-2U05, 531\-2005,3887-2006 and 6140-200l>, at the bour1y ratl' of S200UO, at a lutal cost not to exceed 57,500.00, is hc:reb)-' approved 2. ThlS avv'anl is made as a profession.al sè1"vices cuntracl pursuant to NJSJ\ 4UA: 11-5( 1 )(b). Adopted Ihis 2l>'1, day of OClOber, 2006 /\nd cèr1ifíc:d as a true copy of the Origimil on October 27,2006. -. -..-.- ---. - .-.-- ~~_._._.._-- L\Tl1LLEN M BARNEY MlIl1IClpal Clerk fŒCOJUJ OF COU)lCIL VOTE r-- COUNcrLMA~__l-YLS~_N[)-1 ~cy _I, A~_~ _CDUNCILMAN~ vr..s¥4'1"'--tAH i \~LlNº--_--L~- ~~L__\f--JAP1 F.S~++-t- -i--~ ~~~~~;---+~ ¡-r -\i~fl'-- ~~" - -',-:\-1--\ J I = =~ JLl= i] -=-~1==-- -=-_-:1::=--[1- -lL_ I x. tedl'''' vo" f.ß· ,\C"C\ ,·IV· Nol VOU"1- XOR· te',,"" Vo" 10 Own'" VolO I '\Ifl ^",","m=.:~""'''''~'::- -- -~~$¡;--.J - CL~~K . ...... 10/25/2006 11:01 FAX 732 5~1 8925 BORO OF C\RTERET CLERK 141001/001 ii ~ 2@nrnuglI nf C!Iarfrr:ef M!ÛL,~E:;EX COUNTY ~B'C ,~£r>"\! TEL (732) 541-30500 FAX (732) 541-8925 Orncr OF KAT¡¡LEE~ M. BART\EY, R,tCiCMC MUNICIPAL CLERK 61 COOKE AVE:'{TJE CARTER£T, NEW JERSEY 07008 Date ____~tober 25, 2006 TO: Patrick J. DeBlasio, Tréi\$urer- Borough of Carterét REQUEST FOR CERTIFICA nON OF A V AILABLE FUNDS: FQr: M&Uriç~ ~r~rk, Stack, Coolahan & Stack. LtC. for Municipal Tax Assessing Services Name of Account: Resout5:ot'l -#06-276 AMOUNT TO BE E~CU.!\tBERED: Not to Exceed $7.500.00. at an hourly rate of $200.00 per hr. )(~'-!~$ ~~:~~~e~ BARNEv-- CERTIFICA nON OF A V A ILABILITY OF FUNDS I, Treasurer of the Borough of Carteret, do hereby certifY that there are sufficient funds available in the CUTTent budget to enable the Municipal Council to authorize the entering into a contract between the Borough of Carteret and: in'.:?", '¡, ,_, }1<.(r L_: ~ ,~ L- I. ' The funds available for this contract are in the Budget, in the account of: L e (./ - , ~.' ( ( / ~ , - /,-.. > -- .) '!.'/ in the amount of: . ì .) v' _'. By this çertification, I have hereby encumbered the above named açcount,Wr the amo~nt of the contract ~,..y, (( PAT, K J. DeBLÂSIO, Treasurer Date: (~' /; 'l·-c KMB! /~I;~Ä . 1¡lornun h 11£ QIartl'Lcf c- 4)\ i.'·"in~)L[sr=;< C::::OU[\.),.--,' :\r\lJ 1]rrSJ'\1 , ' - TEL (732) 54I-3800 FAX (n2) 54I-8~]2[) OFFlCf: ()f' KATIILEE:" ~1. BAR1"F;Y, R~1C.CÌ\lC ~lUNtCJPAL CLERk (iI COOKE AVENUE CAIlTEHET, NEW JERSEY 07008 Date October 25, 2006 TO: Patrick J. DeBlasio. Treasurer Borough of Carteret REQUEST FOR CEHTTFICATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS: For: M¡p]ri("e <;t"rk) StArk, Coolahan & Stack, LLC. for Municipal Tax Assessing Services Name of Account: Resoution #06-276 AMOUNT TO BE Er"CUMBERED: Not to Exceed $7.500.00. at an hourly rate of $200.00 per hr. //' ]/D L-ø:ctrL<c-TlI. ,,~L, L(. KA TTfLEEN M B/,RNEY;7"--- Municipal Clerk CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS I, Treasurer of the Borough of Carteret, do hereby certify that there are sufficient funds available in the current budget to enable the Municipal Council to authorize the entering into a contract between the Borough of Carteret and: It{Jv/c, ( , _J' '¡ J<-.-I,'. {-¡ <. Cl( The funds available for this contract are in the Budget, in the account of L (-. {:/ ("j ¿ i.c. 1_ /__ :2:. I( ) .... ç -- in the amount of 7 "5 ",c' / -'-~'-'--._-- By this certification, I have hereby encumbered the above named account fo;}he amount of the contract. ~-7' .' j - - . /c!-{/- P A TRI 1. DeBLASIO, Treasurer Date: 1<.: ') ,,:>i; ( . KMB/ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICA 1'10:'\ ~ ~ The following IS a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared II1 the l-lome Ne\ys Tribune, a ne\Yspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. ONE CD-- times, once in each issue as follows: October 31, 2006 ~ } ylr.- él /i",~ NotarY PubLic of New Jersey , LINDA A RIVERÄ NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2. 201 ' Swora and suhscribed before me this L:Y~ day of _~ [' '" p..c 'ì --t (L- (. /.7 dw:'((c¿ i/ '_/cO/d¿ Kathleen Barney, RlVIGf ;i\iC ~Junicipal Clerk BORO H OF CARTERET N nCE OF CONTR crAWARED ;The 80' ugh-·oITar1ërét has aw rded a contract without competitive, bid- dlllg a a professional ~e.7i~.~. gö~:)ar\ (1) (a). Th s contract and the reso ution authorizing :~;;~C~i ~~lf~l;h~06Ji~~I~f the Mu icipal Clerk. Awarde to Maurice Stark, ~ ark, Coalahan & Stack. L C Service, Mun!cipal Tax ~~;~~~~i gn S;Õ~:276 Cost ot to Exceed ~7 'r~~eO g?'$lÓO~bOhO~~; hr. ~:~mr M. B~~~r~iPal Clerk ($13.2 ) 220970 ~~------ ..., k / / Ie __) \ \i? vI\-'