HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:278 3thSDluttm1 af tlF~ ~~LTrouBtT of [adetet, .~. jJ- ',- ~;o 06-278 D,1:('_ .:;:' A.!q~~ en ~J:::l.í~_~~006 CERTlFYI",C CITRISTOPHER\lOK:\UU: AND Erue WAHL Ei:>LERG[i\CY .\!EDICAL n:CITê\!CIASS \VIIEREAS, the: '\JC\V Jcr')cy' Dcp:JnmCnl of Personnel callcel for an examInatiun for the position ùt E::>IFRGF'iCY .\!EDICAL rECHSICL\'iS in Lf1è Borough of Catteret; ~l[:J \VIIE:RE:\S, the :0è\V Jersey Dcpartmeat of Personnel has served a Ccrtillcation of Eligihles for ApPolntment. d,ltcd 9/11/'06 for s;:u(~ zwd \VHEREAS, the :-Jew JersèY' Depanmertt of Pasollnd has cèni tled :Ì1at CHJUSrOPHER :\IOIÜ!![[ ERIC WAHL arc elig1ble tor appointment to the posÜion uf E.\fERGF:"ICY ::>fEDlCAL ['LCH'i!CL\'\S 111 the Borough uCC;lrtcrel: i\OW, THEREFOKE, BE LT ,~'iD IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that i' 'i II II i ,I il Ii Ii I il CHRISTOPHER .\IOR\ULf ERIC WAHL be and are hereh~,/ appuintcd to lhe position of F:'IIERCE:\C" \ILUIC\L TECH",rCIA~'\S of the Borough of Car1eret fro]n the Certi1ïc¡lìon List da[cJ 9/12/0(, as proviùed hy la\v, effective [0/27/06 BE IT FCRTHER RESOL VFD that a cupy of this ResolulIOI1 be sent 10n11wltl1 to the 0iew Jersey Department of PersorUlel, CA\lPS Fon11S, PO Box 354, Trenton, NJ, 08625-0354. , il 11 I II 'I ii 'i il\ ..\dopted thIs 26" day of Octoher, 2006 and certi.¡ìcd as (ì tnre copY' of the original OIl Octnha 27,2006, ~- --_._-~-- --- KA THUle,," \1. B.\R"iFY :vrunicipill Clerk ~I RECOlW 0[< COL-;\CIL VOTE COL"7'iCII,'\-II~~~~ YE-.'i NO ì'{V A.B. 1 , ~o ¡ :'N I A.B. ¡ !Ik__ COtINCIL,\-fAN YES I' ßE.'LLI~~---LX ¡¡X If-- D [AZ d _ I Ii KRLIM X I' Ii , X X I '-1lAP [ F.S .L._R.lO.5- ,---..-5-~- , ' , , rJ , , I X -- . Ab5~nl ~~'/ - ~;nl V8~i,lg xo? Indica:cs vo~::::o Ovcrruk \/"-10 ;< . índ:carc Vo::: i Adoprd al a :-n-":::ting of ,;ìC Ì\-'I'Jn:ciDal CJU:lc:] , ~'..On()ber 76, 2()G6 I " .0L/L~~~~ </ -