HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:287 2ReønIutiüt1 üf ±~£ ~arau£IT af ([ar±£ £Í) ~. 3}. No. 06-287 Date of A optionQc_tober_26+ 2006 ORDERING THE ,USPENSION OF PI[NARY RETAil. CONSLJ LIQUOR LICENSE 1201-JI-06J·002/1-IISPANIC OLMOCRATIC AND SO CA RTLRE r. INC. PTION IAL CLUB OF \VHEREAS. I-IlslXl11ic DCl1loCliJlic and Sociul Club or'Carteret. Illc 03 Roose\'c:1 Avel1ue. Cai'!eret. NJ 0700R. C'l-lisp!1llic Sl1cial C¡ub", "Liccnsct:" or "bal") plesent\y holds D Sociü Club Liquor License issued hy the Borough ofCarlcrct C'ßorollgh··). License Number J 1-063- ()2~ find \VHEREAS. the Borough. 8S the Local Alcol1lìlic ßevcl"dge Control EIlJorcelllell Agency, has preferred cJH1rges l1g,¡insl Hispanic DCIll(\cnllic ,1Ild SocÎ;:¡1 Clun ofC<lrlen::l, JIlC ft r ,dlegcd conduct ill \inl¡¡(ioll of ABC Icgulél!ions ;:md HOIOU¡:.dl OrdiIIJIKe(s) occurring 011 Augus( 4. 2 06: and \VHEREAS, lhe Borough clllldllcled J heal-illg 011 s[lid charges 011 October 26. ~O Jó. during which MLlY01- and Coullcil heard lhe expJil!lílliol1S l.lllJ plea orwitllt:sses flllO received otll r evidence Iq¿arding snid clll1rges [llld. rurll1erlllOle, cOllsi(krcd the é1r¡,!uments (If Icg~d coullsel representing the BOlou¡,!h LlIlJ the licellsee, pro se, lespecti\ely: [llld 'VH EREAS. IHlving cOl1sidned Ihe teslilllOIl) LInd evidence :::md Ihe pnsili )11<; of !egrd u.1ullse1. the Governing l3C1dy I1lLlkes the following tilldings [llld conclusions: fINDINC;S AND CONSLUSIONS 1. Thlll the Borough or Curlerel ¡IcceplS lhe ple<J or guilty hy the licensee, ~jspJllic Democrl1lic and SociDI Club (If Curterel, /l1c.. Cluo Licellsc Number 12 1-3 -063-002 to the charge ofN..!.A.C'. 11:2-26. I (sale or service of alcoholic beverage 0 n nOll-club Illcmher). which oecurrcd 011" August 4. 200ô , 111<\[ the Borough or Ci.ll{l'rel Jccepts JS J ple¡¡ or guílty to N..f.AC ! J -8.8,9 <1l1d ¡ I (the sale orscrvÎcc oJ"nlcuhnlic hevC1"ages \vhich IS lw)"o)ld the sLope ortlle ermitled liccnse). \'vhich occurrcd 011 August 4. '¿006. NO'V, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED h) the Ì'VIélYOI' ;md COtlllcil of the ßOl'lllgl1 ofCnl'lereL Coullty ()fl'vJiddlt'se:_\:. SIGte orNew .leisey, siuillg íJS Ih~ LoCü! Alcohol ßeverage Ilforcelllent Authority. 8S follolVs 1. 1113.[ the ch,uge broug.ht t1!!t1illsll·rispallic DC1110cr<J(ic alld Sncia] Club ofCal'lereL Illc. pUrSLlJll1 to lhe issued Noticc nrHc<J!ing (111 Ch;:\I-gcs nrVÎn!;lliOlls is heleb)' slIstailled. lhe Soci(ll Club Liquo¡- License, Liccnse NUlllber 1201-31-06_1-002 iS5 ed by the Borough nrC;:¡rlerel to l--lisp~H1ic Del1locr;:¡lic and Social Club of ('¡Irlerel. !l1c. sh, II be slIspended ftH a period of 10 Jays The ¡lfnrcJllellliolled pt:rlod ur suspt'Il_<;iul1 wil! be as ¡] slIspelldt:d senten ~~ [¡é:Jsed lIpon 110 lll:'\'ioll:; or priol violations by Ihe licensee. Adopted this 26'" day 0 Oeloher,200b ;md certified as a tnle co on October n1h, 2006. RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. NY A.B. BELLINO DIAZ X _~RUM X x - IndiciHe Vote AS - Absem Adoptcd al a meeting of the tvIunicipal Council