HomeMy Public PortalAboutApril 7 2021 Minutes with linksWatertown Free Public Library TRUSTEES MEETING Minutes Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 7pm Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitations on the number of people that may gather in one place, this public hearing of the Watertown Free Public Library Board of Trustees is being conducted via remote participation. No in -person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but the public can listen to or view this meeting while in progress via Zoom meeting ID 816 4998 3747 Password 127706. Members of the public may access the meeting through this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81649983 747?pwd=Q0Y2OF1YNm93 VTAzY3ZvZm5BLz1NQT09 or by dialing in at 929 205 6099 and entering the meeting ID and password. Members of the public attending this meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so, during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment, by audio. AGENDA Present: WFPL Trustees: Leanne Hammonds, Chair, Michael Hanlon, Treasurer, Teddy Kokoros, Secretary, Daniel Pritchard, Emily Izzo, Sheppard Ferguson (Vice Chair), WFPL Director Leone Cole, WFPL Assistant Director Caitlin Browne, Ariel Hammel (member of public) Call to Order Secretary's Report Minutes of March 3, 2021 Meeting A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the March 3, 2021 meeting minutes as read. Public Forum: No Public Comments Red Leaf Cafe Update: No Updates Financial Report FY21 Budget: Treasurer Hanlon reported 71.9 percent of the fiscal year budget has been spent so far. Director Cole reported The Watertown Library is in the middle of the process of hiring a new janitor and a part time reference librarian and the process is going well. In addition, Director Cole mentioned some temps are being used to work at the library but only when needed. Director Cole also reported that The CARES Fund reimbursement has not come in yet. Burke Fund Report: The current balance of the Burke Fund is $4,400 Hatch Financials: No Update A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the financial report as read. Consideration and Action on Acceptance of Donations: A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the past month's donations Chair's Report: Chair Hammonds noted that May is the month when people can pull papers to run for election to the Library Trustees. The Charter Review Committee last night recommended to keep the current Town Manager form of government in Watertown. Director's Report Consideration and Action on Cafe Vendor Bids: No bids to consider Consideration and Action on Bookmobile Bids: The Purchasing agent is putting out The Bookmobile for bids with a new deadline date of May 17th for bids. Consideration and Action on an addition to the Collection Development Policy (zines): • The zines draft policy is listed in this month's packet. • Assistant Director Browne reported that Zines collections would not take up much space; Zine collections will start off as trial and error with a small collection like flipping through crates at a record store. They will all be located upstairs on the second floor. The current consensus is that the zines will not be digitized but there is a plan to archive zines made by Watertown residents to preserve local history. A duplicate will be found in the Local History room. • A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the addition language related to zines to the Collection Development Policy Consideration and Action on • Applying for a WCF Grant for Hatch • A motion was made and unanimously passed to apply for the Watertown Community Foundation Grant for Hatch. Reopening Updates: • There is now a 24 -hour quarantine for books which is based on CDC guidance. • Saturday hours are back to normal • Computer appointments are going well, and patrons are happy with them being open. • In the future, based on the COVID-19 conditions, The Watertown Library will consider opening for more hours, opening the Local History Room, and possibly study rooms by appointment Old Business: None New Business Library Director Evaluation - Discussion of Process and Timeframe • The Trustees will fill out their evaluations by the next Trustees meeting in May. From there, the evaluations will be sent to Secretary Kokoros who will compile comments and scores to create a report by the June meeting • Trustees Pritchard and Kokoros updated about the Bookmobile fundraising. There is currently one committed donation and they are in the process of reaching out to more people for donations. Requests for Information and Responses: None Date of next meeting May 5th Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned at 7:40pm