HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 2009-11-03 - CCLYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 3, 2009 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 5:05 p.m. Mayor Santillan .presiding... Council Members Flores, Morton, Rodriguez, Castro and Santillan were present Also present were City Manager Haley, City Attorney Galante, City Clerk Quinonez and City Treasurer Alatorre. City Clerk Quinonez announced that the Agenda had been duly posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Item #6. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS • Sheriff Captain James Hellmold -Update on Law Enforcement Issues Lieutenant Rosson stated that crime is down 15.3% at the end of October. He stated that the two taggers at Ham Park have both been convicted and asked to pay restitution to the City. He thanked the citizens who were involved to bring the convictions. Item #7. COUNCIL .RECESS TO: LYNWOOD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 5:12 p.m. LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5:14 p.m. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS . (Regarding Agenda Items Only) PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Harry Gibbens stated that his neighbors are still dumping trash on his .property and he wants Council's support in getting a fence built so that people stop throwing trash. He provided Council with a sample of the trash that he has picked up from his property. Duchess Lovette asked Council for support in locating social services for herself and her husband who are elderly and in need of social services. Ted Chan stated that he was the owner of the property next door to Mr. Harry Gibbens. He asked Council to help him work out the problem through the use of the Asian American Conflict Resolution Agency. A woman spoke on behalf of Bertha Gray .Russel and the First Church of Deliverance. She thanked Council for their consideration, kindness and love. Antonio Munguia reported to Council as the President of Blockwatch. He stated that Captain Brown had a Blockwatch party last month and it was disappointing that not a single member of Council was in attendance. Sheriffs Deputies at the; Block Watch -parties. rushing .through their duties and are not doing parking.. in the community has gotten worse ad < get rid of unlicensed drivers. He stated that they also need the He stated that the trash company. is a .good job. Lastly, he stated that the isked that Council push on this issue to Paulette Bradley asked Council fior their support of the Lynwood Holiday Bingo Drawing. She stated that the tickets are one dollar each and the first prize is a television,. the second prize is fifty dollars cash, and the third prize is a fifty dollar target gift card. She announced the Regal Red Hats' Western HoDown on Friday, the Christmas Dance on December 10th and the Birthday Bash next Wednesday. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item #8. HOUSING ;ELEMENT 2006-2014 REPORTING PERIOD Development Services Director, Jonathan Colin, introduced the item regarding the Housing Element for the X2006-2014 .reporting period. It was moved by Mayor f'ro Tem Castro, seconded by Council Member Flores, to open the public hearing. It was moved by Council) Member Morton, seconded by Mayor Santillan, to continue the item to the December 1 St(Council Meeting. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLAN NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #9. PROPERTY NUISANCE ABATEMENT- 3570 JOSEPHINE STREET City Manager, Roger Haley, introduced ,the item regarding the property nuisance abatement. It was moved by Council Member 'Flores, seconded by Council .Member Rodriguez, to open the public hearing. j It was moved by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council :Member Morton, to close the public hearing. ..1t... n, .t ~. It was moved by 'Mayor Pro Tem Castro, seconded by Mayor Santillan, to approve staff recommendation. RESOLUTION'NO. 2009.203 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING ~ MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3570 JOSEPHINE STREET, AND IDENTIFIED AS TAX ASSESSOR'S BOOK NO. 6175, PAGE 011, PARCEL NO. 018, IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLAN NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #10. PROPERTY NUISANCE ABATEMENT - 4307 CARLIN AVENUE City Manager, Roger Haley, introduced the item regarding the property nuisance abatement. It was moved by Council Member Flores, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez to open the public hearing. It was moved by Mayor Santillan, seconded by Council Member Flores, to close the public hearing. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Castro, seconded by Council Member Flores, to approve staff recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 2009.204 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 4307 CARLIN AVENUE, AND IDENTIFIED AS TAX ASSESSOR'S BOOK NO. 6186, PAGE 011, PARCEL NO. 083, IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLAN NOES.: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member .Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Morton, to approve the consent calendar and. receive and file -staff reports. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLAN NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #11. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Regular Meeting -October 20, 2009 Item #12. APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTER RESOLUTION NO. 2009.205 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE i Item #13. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD A NEW SECTION 2-1.6 TO ESTABLISH A CODE OF ETHICS AND HEARING AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES THEREFOR RESOLUTION NO. 2009.206 ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD A NEW SECTION 2-1.6 TO ESTABLISH A CODE OF ETHICS AND HEARING AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES THEREFOR. Item #14. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD-WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WALDORF DRIVE, ALVADA STREET &~ HARRIS AVENUE, .PROJECT NO. 4011.67.986 RESOLUTION. NO. 2009.207 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF TH'E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AWARDING A CONTRACT TO GARCIA JUAREZ CONSTRUCTION, INC. AS THE APPARENT LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $305,610 FOR THE WALDORF DRIVE, ALVADA STREET AND HARRIS AVENUE WATER MAIN AND STREET LMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.986 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Item #15. ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2, ABBOTT ROAD WATER MAIN PROJECT, 'PROJECT NO. 4011.67.950 . RESOLUTION NO. 2009.208 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE 'CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2; ACCEPTING THE ABBOTT ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.950 AS BEING COMPLETE; AND AUTHORIZING TFiE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCESS THE RECORDATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Item #16. ADOPTION OF PLANS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND WORKING DETAILS DESTRUCTION OF WATER WELLS NUMBERS 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 15A AND 20,~ PROJECT NO. 4011.67.878 RESOLUTION NO. 2009.209 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING THE PLANS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND WORKING DETAILS FOR "THE DESTRUCTION OF WATER WELLS NO. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 15A AND 20, PROJECT NO. 4011:67.87$ AND AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' ENGINEERING STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS Item #17. CONTRACT AWARD FOR WATER MAIN LLNE PROJECT LOCATED ON STATE STREET (FROM TWEEDY BOULEVARD TO LONG BEACH BOULEVARD) TWEEDY BOULEVARD (FROM LONG BEACH BOULEVARD TO STATE STREET) INTERSECTION OF LONG BEACH -BOULEVARD AND MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BOULEVARD, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.950 RESOLUTION NO. 2009.210 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD REJECTING THE BID SUBMITTED BY BLOTS CONSTRUCTION, INC.; AWARDING A CONTRACT TO CEDRO CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $690,332 FOR THE WATER MAIN LINE PROJECT ON STATE STREET, TWEEDY BOULEVARD AND THE INTERSECTION OF LONG BEACH BOULEVARD AND MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BOULEVARD, PROJECT NUMBER 4011.67.950; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Item #18. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY Council voted to reject the claim. Item #19. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY JAZMINE BAKERY Council voted to reject the claim. .Item #20. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY ROQUE MOGUEL Council voted to reject the claim. .Item #21. Mayor Pro Tem Castro Pulled Item. #21 -TREASURER'S QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT i It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Castro, seconded by Mayor Santillan, to combine .Item #21 with Item #3 from jthe Lynwood Redevelopment Agency and Item #5 from the .Lynwood Public Finance;Authority, and to receive and file the report. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLi4N NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NDNE 'NEW/OLD BUSINESS Item #22. REQUEST! FOR SPECIAL PERMIT: LYNWOOD ROAD - STREET CLOSUREI It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Castro, seconded by Council Member Flores, to approve the request for the street closure with no waiver of permit fees and the permission. of no City of Lynwood assistance beyond the basic requirements for the street closure. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS FLORES, MORTON, RODRIGUEZ, CASTRO AND SANTILLAN NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CITY COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Council Member Flores thanked everyone for allowing Council to serve. He .wished his colleagues good luck on jthe election. He thanked Deborah Jackson for the .Safe Way to Walk to School Program. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting and asked them to tell everyone about what they see and hear. i Mayor 'Pro Tem Castro stated that there was a young lady in the audience from EI Camino College who was doing a report for her Political Science class and encouraged City Employees to talk to~ her and share their local government experience with her. Council Member Rodriguez stated that it was election night and for the first time in twenty years or so, the election has gone smoothly, compared- to other years. He said that he is very proud that the City has grown away from the feuding and fighting between candidates. He stated that some of the political signs are too exaggerated, they trash the City and make it look bad. He said that candidates should have more respect for the residents. He asked staff to make sure that the signs are taken down after the election. He wished 'his colleagues good luck. Council Member Morton thanked Deborah Jackson for her fantastic work on the Kids Walk This Way Program. He thanked everyone for coming out on election night. He stated that he is tired of people spreading lies and trying to stir up controversy. He said that a group called California Coalition for Honest Government ID#1322057, 730 Ford St., Los Angeles, was required to file a report within twenty four hours, two weeks ago and they did not do so. He asked the City Attorney to investigate. The City Attorney, Fred Galante, stated that Council could schedule this suggestion on the next Council Meeting Agenda or instead allow him to meet with the City Manager. He was instructed to meet with the City Manager by general consent. Mayor Santillan asked staff if the surveillance cameras could be moved. She stated .that residents and business owners requested that a surveillance camera be moved to a location that needs it. She stated that the political signs make the City look trashy and that candidates should not be given any warnings. She stated that after thirty days, signs should be thrown away. She reminded candidates that they should be picking up their own signs. Mayor Pro Tem Castro asked the City Manager if there is any way to ask SCE to check all the light posts in the City. She said that a lot of residents have been calling to complain and she wants to make sure that SCE is doing their due diligence. CLOSED SESSION NONE ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Mayor Santillan, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, and carried to adjourn the regular Lynwood City Council meeting at 5:50 p.m. '_` ~'~l-J Maria Santillan, Mayor aria Quinonez, City Clerk