HomeMy Public PortalAboutSeventh Ter_6A 10/14;'98 THU 3.5:24 FAX 91235279 OPIITHALMOLOGY ASSOCIAT Z a13.F s .. .... ELO VATION CEIITIFICATE o.M. No. 3067.0077 'sr FEDERAL EN EROENCY MANAGEMENT AGENC bef J 31,1 ' NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROORAM ENIION: Liu of this certificate dose not provide ea wa lvgr of the flood !newsroom purchase mquin ment. This form lr used only to pro � -.S�a .��. t _s-� ��' �:= a'c:: 7:1!z��.. To _d_"41:: iv �lii ii T.wN iiili.R ti+iwli�R.. , V1T 4cire r - iii proper Insurarsder premium rite, end%r to � sup� I s reausat llor e a Latter of Map Amendment or Revision (COMA or f.OMR). You aro rant ulred to respond to this collection of bafertnsllon unless a valid OMB control number is displayed in the wiper right corner of this foreL Instructions for comp clang this term ton be found on the following pages. • ` SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR tW$LIPANCS OCMPW* use I MUM . a atleedeaq R E {tom Apti6k. �9 OA PA ROUTE AND NOR RUNUP' 1eNAuu MI i roesoeurnow e err • ¢r'' .W44p dile. e., .rie4he d -;" Arrx? SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION vide the following thorn the proper FIRM (Sao Insitniettans): 1. COWMUtOrt MIMES I a. PAN& dhNJheepA 1 3,. 4411.001K I a, Ogg Or PlAti WOW 1 MOM OM ZOt4 s. DA PL.O0D ertEVAT3CN !WWII* the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for Bain Flood Voyager)* (BFE): [ IGVD'29 TO Other (describe on bad) or Zones A or V, where no BFE Is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building site. Inaba e he community's BM 1 1 1 I J 1.LJ. feet NOVO l or other FIRM dsllen -toot Seaton B, Bent 7). SECTION 0 BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION losing the Elevation Cerliflmte tnatnuoftens, Indfaatto disarm number from the Owen* found,on Pages ti ands that test lesaribes the subject building's reference levet .. ra'.`... ' ). FIRM &MOD AE, AH, and A (with VS). "rho top of the reference level floor from the *elected diagram is at an elevation ' of L1 feet NOVO (or other FIRM daufrn -ase motion B, Item7). I. FIRM Zones V1.V30. VE, and V (with DFE). Theo bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the rrotefsrtoe level from the selected diagram, is at en elevation of LL.jj J .IJ feet NGv0 (or other FIRM datum-au Section 8, Item 7). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the ralsrsnce level from the aelsoted diagram Is UJ.0 fast above ❑ or below Q (check one) the highest grade ad)aoent to the bulking. FIRM Zone AO. The floor used u the reference level from the selected diagram Is LL .L1 feet ebovs 0 or below 0 (owed one) the highest grads adjacent to the building. Ill no flood depth number Is available, is the building's lowest floor (reference level) elevated In accordance with the oammuntgd'm floodp1atn management orditsnce7 0 Yes 0 No 0 unknown ,dealt the elevation datum system used In determining this above reference level elevations: 'NOVO 'Z8 0 Odder (describe ender Comments on Page 2). (NOTE: 1! the eleveilan datum used lY m.sa&mng the elevetone iii different than that used on tie PAM fee. Section 8, Item 71, them convent then eisvattone to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversoton ousfonn Wider Comment* on Pape 2) ;IevaUon reference mark used appears on FIRM: 0 Yes OZ (Bee instructions on Papa 4) he reference level erlsvartton is based On: t2110Wiltil constnlcdoe ❑ e onstrucl}on drains VATE'; Use of c0netruction drawings is only valid tlr Errs buicring does rant yet hen* the reterenoer larval floor to piece, tar which to this certificate will only be valid for the building ehm'a>g the course a eciestivction. A post-conetruction E!.44111017 COMitane W b required once construction le oompfete,) �- 'he efevatlon of the lowest grads immediately adjacent to the building 1a :1 1 1 ,l. lest NOVO (or other FIRM deVin'eee *Odeon a, Item 7). . •, enc ii D COMMIJNmr INFORMATION &, /9 j , �} the community Wine& nseporisible for verifying building elevadone specifies that the reference hire! indicated In Section C. item 1 not the "lowest floor" as defined In the eommur ty'1, ftoodplain management (ordim . the elevation of the bulldtng's 'lowest soar" so defined by the ordinance is: J I i 1 1 1 . 1 1,J feet tda3VO (or other FIRM datum -see Section 9, Item 7), ate of the start of construction or substantial Improve Mont e4A Form 81-31, AUG 98 flifstACES ALL PRO IOUS tiOftlChi5 3EE SPARSE SIN FOR COMINUATICN 9 57 16 /24.'9., TEU 19:26 FAX 81236279 Ei OF OLOOY ASSOCIATES , f l ' s I SECTION E CERTIFICATION This certification Is to be stoned by • land suavnvor, 1111141filler. or architect who Is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the sfevattion information for 3a 3nee M -A30: AE Ali, A (with SFE).V1- Y3a and V (with it is r e!lrsd, cdornrnunity arnciaia wno are authorized by iQQli law or orar►anee to provide t00apiafin Management information. may also sign the certlfcstian: In the cue of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community Issued BFE), a bulldlnp`officle►1, 0 property Owner, or am owner's representative may also sign the oertIlltatien. Reference level elephants- a, ? and Q - OlstIngulkthinp Features -If the certifier le unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wail. •nolosurs etas, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall opsr+lnps, or vnflnthsd eroe Feature((), then list the Fsstume) not Included In the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C. item 1, must aitill be entered. 1 certify that the Information In 8 and i., on W c es enlecate represents my best efforts to �rlvrpr+ot the (lane( avail 1 understand that any fines statement may be sivnirh'bbe by Anna or(m dNotorienr under 18 U.S. Code. Srodlon 7001. .h • yJr4 / =Doe NUMU (o MIN IR v. z._11., A4 A lir r7Z 'MI CCMPANY NAME . • rY6 ' G s T Ti �� C 6 .�t co 71 1 pplorde zi . uld bi des hi s Ce rtificate fore 1) community offiolat, 2) Insurance sgsnt/compeny, rind 3) building owner. .4e/.41j_,,__ji,Ia,ik___Cgaretr:222ZfdSre2e . . .. IIIMISMIler maw Olt OOLVIIANS - was ae so WNW • m. *Ms ae , 1 Tr r, ' jl + _ -. — i. Y , .71 1 d11a41" saam EMS , I y am. c4r , • '� .� r k��} ti 'Y.t:N� . ..;fir _. .. The diagrams above Illustrate the points at r thtch the elevations show be measured In A Zone. end V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be rpeasrasd at tha top of the reference lev& floor. • Elevations for an v Zones should be meowed at the bottom of the lowest horftantal structural member. i Page 2 - -, c .;;;4,4:•:.1. ,..„:„. , ,..1, ,, ,.,,. "Nr •. • - - , : : , . 1 - , k.. 4 - .. .-'- 7 - - r , , - '' ' - ,-. - -. 4...J. 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APPORVED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRA W000 11/1644 REONTIV__O -a t '-'7T'l , . AM •-aeo.,,,v. .41 4. / — .1:'-':': ..,5 • •,-4,-1 ./itao/)&4 / 7 e. 4 .? ?s) L A I ,,, L , ,,e=' 4,, .2. 7- , t 9 ,H 7 , Il t .-" 4J'A' DATE MAYOR 2 „ . . ir....12.2.,Caltftwel, 1,9?-10 1 In Lar 44 1 - LEIWOF COUNCIL DATE 40 - , , ,,s. c... S 70 91.14' , 1 1 1 = 2 -7,, • raceme. r 27 .1-Ar- ■O ____....,\ , — f 1 ' ,...,,;,••: : ,. ' - -,. , • \ I P. ■P I I I • . '' " .. • " . • ' t was --- LOT 3—A \ L: \ i) w . , . ,. ,.. ,, . ,.. .. ,..I.., '• .''' . ri =1 . 3131 31 CO :.:•:'•',:.: -. : ,,,: 7 1.8 Z; • 1 1. 1 '- t, , 1, , , , • r t , ' • A : 1 g.i . KM' VAIL •■ 4 -1 .7 ',..' . 7 80807 a‘a l' 3 WM MC. RESIDGICC : V VICINITY MAP , I) 1 LOT 3—B , s . ,. .. • , . . a' 'g ,7, I AM • .010 SI a 41!!! • ! , .!,. •!!'. 6, _ . _ .....! ! • !, it .1 ..„ ! ! -- • A ' Ar --------L - - , •_. , COW ININt - 'I - ' 10,1.2:33 • Mass ow — .......... _ 1._ PM PI V -- . a - — ti • - • - ---- V. N 70.30 8714 . • • . 1 9703033E 182 46' . , i I, . ' I 113NVOILMi ■ r ' 1 POL. 1111, tr. ... r..L7 ma . , . T1 '' - . • 1! ..., 01407080400 70 %VS 80488 DATED /3 17 88 11 SLBEHVISION M 111111181112 • i' ' • :'. 0: , -. 100 YEAR FLOOD 8088 .0 4 . ' ' • AU LOTS SHALL 07 880100 BY THE CITY 71 MEE MOO *0700 070 SAN1TAIII SCWERAGE SYSTEWS 3,S 46 - :V Tots 7 7110 LOTH 1. 78,.., ABLE 1.0 1:121,82.2 EMILE •1 - , - ' , .• . ... . `,.. .. , . . '',.. XESEHEYHE 225 24 .17 . • • ...,, • . ,' : •• : - ' ." • , . , • . -, #6 SEVENTH TERRACE 5 _ ,5 ,_ . ..... ...: A... /7 1.:, ...... EhNOR OF ALOSIME 1 1712AH 1'17.800 ANC V' ' 001.E ., DALAS.,FD 01 L H 0 1 ,11 80 4 culla fanvouos kr '' \ ,,, PLAY 1 ' ma.000 00 A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 OF A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 45, WARD NO. 2, TYBEE ISLAND, CHATHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA IAND SURVEYOR ! . No 228%4? , _._... ..„ _I . _. I :- I 636 STEPHENSON AVENUE 1,;7! ..) ' F CNAPHIC SCALE • , . SUITE C • 3 7,- SEALS 1 - 20' i . ' . 7 - , : , SAVANNAH GEORCIA 31445 •,". . i , DOE AP18L 18, 1007 OM FOR. DALE JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TELE 912-352-D4N / 7- - - et Mil NO 9, 44 " al 912- 1767 - 7 - 11 .. ,../ 7 " 017,74144761ft 1 ' ';•;..:4 7 -. .: '., - , t . - 7 • . , ., • . • - - -- . .. . . - • . .- . . ,, . . . . .... , , . ..