HomeMy Public PortalAbout2018.07.12 Regular MinutesMINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting McCall City Hall -- Legion Hall July 12, 2018 Call to Order and Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Approve the Agenda Consent Agenda Department Reports Committee Minutes Public Comment Business Agenda Adjournment CALL TO: ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Aymon called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Aymon, Council Member Giles, Council Member Holmes, Council Member Nielsen, and Council Member Sowers all answered roll call. City staff members present were Anette Spickard, City Manager; Bill Nichols, City Attorney; Shay Tyler, Deputy Clerk; Linda Stokes, City Treasurer; Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director; Delta James, Economic Development Planner; Kurt Wolf, Parks and Recreation Director; Jay Scherer, Airport Manager; Eric McCormick, Golf Course Superintendent; Meg Lojek, Library Director; David Simmonds, Information Systems Manager; Nathan Stewart, Public Works Director; Dallas Palmer, Police Lieutenant; Seth Arramith, Police Sergeant; Chris Curtain, Network Administrator; Delta James, Economic Development Planner Also in attendance: Robert Peterson of EntryPoint; Tammy McCloud and Jill Morris Chapman of McCall Area Chamber of Commerce; Mayor Aymon led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVE THE AGENDA Council Member Holmes moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Council Member Giles seconded the motion. In a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. MCCALL CITY COUNCIL July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting Page 1 of 8 CONSENT AGENDA Staff recommended approval of the following ACTION ITEMS. A11 matters which are listed within the consent section of the agenda have been distributed to each member of the McCall City Council for reading and study. Items listed are considered routine by the Council and were enacted with one motion. 1. Payroll Report for period ending — June 29, 2018 2. Clerk Report 3. Warrant Register — GL 4. Warrant Register — Vendor 5. AB 18-179 Request to Proclaim July 14, 2018 as Gene Nora Jessen Day in McCall 6. AB 18-176 Request for Approval of final cost documents and closeout report for the FAA AIP Grant for Land Acquisition Council Member Nielsen moved to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Council Member Holmes seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Nielsen, Council Member Holmes, Mayor Aymon, Council Member Giles, and Council Member Sowers all voted aye and the motion carried. REPORTS Chamber of Commerce Tammy McCloud of the McCall Area Chamber reported on the new chamber members, shared they are working with Andrew to visit all the Chamber members, finalizing the budget, revamping the website with tourist & business parts, and the winter magazine will be going to print soon. The Chamber shared the different events that have transpired and are now forming committees for the Festival of Trees and Winter Carnival. The strategic team is collaborating with other entities for the Housing Summit at August 13th from 1p.m.-5p.m. at Idaho First Bank, and is helping get the word out about the Recreation District ballot measure. Business After Hours is sponsored by the McCall Lake Cruises. City Manager City Manager Anette Spickard reported on the Association of Idaho Cities conference and the information she received about housing and wages in Idaho. She stated the new website is now live and that Communication Manager Erin Greaves has been asked to be a speaker at the State level. The Council asked questions regarding the housing report, specifically the wages. Airport Airport Manager Jay Scherer reported the open house is Saturday July 14th from 9am-2pm, and food and coffee will be available. Jenora Jessen, keynote speaker, is in the aviation hall of fame, and went through astronaut training on the Mercury 13 crew. Walt Sledzieski will be speaking on aviation history in the McCall area. Community Development Economic Development Planner Delta James reported on the code update. MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 2 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting Golf Course Golf Superintendent Eric McCormick reported staffing is still short but has hired a couple of people. Golf rounds are up due to more people. Restaurant is doing well but is having staffing issues. A tent will be set up by the T-box for events. Library Library Director Meg Lojek reported on her journey to libraries across the United States. She felt story time in McCall was far better than what NY City had, and the City of Valencia had a beautiful old building with people of different ethnics reading there. Parks & Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Kurt Wolf answered questions regarding the noxious weed program event, reported the movie night was well received even though the temps were cooler with about 150 people, and planning another one for August. Police Police Lieutenant Dallas Palmer reported on the new facility. Demo is done, painting will be happening soon, electrical work done, IT needs completed. The enforcement position is being re- structured. Public Works Public Works Director Nathan Stewart reported on the water pipe break on Idaho Street. Idaho street should be paved before school starts but final completion will be a bit farther out. COMMITTEE MINUTES The Council received the following Committee Minutes for review: 1. Airport Advisory Committee — April 5, 2018 2. Airport Advisory Committee — May 3, 2018 3. Airport Advisory Committee — June 7, 201 4. Historic Preservation Commission — May 7, 2018 5. Historic Preservation Commission — June 4, 2018 6. McCall Improvement Committee — April 12, 2018 7. McCall Improvement Committee — May 10, 2018 PUBLIC. COMMENT Mayor Aymon called for public comment at 6:00 p.m. Blake Hanks of 1801 Carico Road is concerned about speeding on Lick Creek Road. He called dispatch during the 4th of July and there was an increase of officers which it helped. But since then, it has gone up again. He feels there needs to be more officer presence, and spoke of the difference of the painted lines (solid lines vs passing lines). He is very concerned for the safety for children on bikes and pedestrians. He believes there needs to be increased signage along the road, a cross MCCALL CITY COUNCIL July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 8 walk at Calico Road and Pilgrims Cove Road, maybe a flashing sign like at Brundage Road, and markings along the road. He asked the Council and the City to please look at some solutions to the problem. Mayor Aymon asked Police Chief Justin Williams and City Manager Anette Spickard to discuss some of the ideas Mr. Hanks mentioned. Hearing no more comments, Mayor Aymon closed the comment period at 6:09 p.m. .BUSINESS AGENDA AB 18-178 Request to Reject all Bids for Communications Conduit Information Systems Manager Dave Simmonds presented the request to reject all bids for the Communication Conduit. A Request for Proposals for Communications Conduit was issued on June 1, 2018 in accordance with the City's Capital Improvement Plan and to help provide network and communications services to City facilities including the relocated Police Department, Airport office and Parks & Recreation offices. The RFP package was provided to at least six qualified contractors, with a stated submission deadline of June 15, 2018, and a completion deadline of October 15, 2018. Budgetary estimates from a number of contractors and suppliers were used to design and budget for this project. Anticipated cost was well below the threshold for a formal bid process. A semi- formal RFP and bid process were therefore used in conformance with Idaho Code §67-2805(1) (a- e) procedures and requirements with respect to value, solicitation, notice, and approval. The City received one proposal in response to the RFP and several communications from other potential bidders stating that they would be unable to bid. The proposal that was received stated a price which exceeded the available project funds by 60%, as well as the valuation limit for a semi- formal bid process under IC§67-2805. Therefore, Information Systems is recommending that the Council reject all bids. Instead, to provide better value, longer lead time and an economy of scale, we propose that funding for this FY18 communications conduit (fiber network) project be carried forward to FY19 and combine with a fiber network / conduit project linking the Public Works offices to the Water Treatment Plant so that both projects may be completed during the 2019 construction season, with a single contractor mobilization. Staff would like to combine projects as it will increase the number of miles of conduit with the addition of next year's projects and will bring in better bids. This is believed to bring the bid numbers closer to the original budgetary expectation and plans on working more closely with the bidders on the details so there is less guesswork Council Member Nielsen moved to reject all bids for the communications conduit proposal. Council Member Sowers seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Nielsen, Council Member Sowers, Mayor Aymon, Council Member Giles, and Council Member Holmes all voted aye, and the motion carried. MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 4 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting AB 18-177 Request to Adopt Resolution 18-15 Recognizing Broadband as an Essential Service and A Presentation on Municipal Networks Information Systems (IS) Manager Dave Simmonds presented Resolution 18-15 recognizing broadband as an essential service and gave a presentation on municipal networks. He provided background on broadband, universal service and the linkage between data and economic development. He discussed the short and long-term opportunities for constructing and leveraging municipal networks to benefit residents and economic development. The City has a series of CIP projects to address replacement of the conduit in different areas around the city. The current internet infrastructure in place is very inadequate. He talked about the bigger picture and the need to build infrastructure for the future, and how it will attract other industries. He asked the Council to establish broadband as an essential service, and explained the difficulty of asking the private sector to put in the infrastructure. He would like to see investment in a municipal fiber utility, and gave solutions of how to move forward. Robert Peterson of EntryPoint Networks, a technology consultant for the City, gave a brief history of how the system got to where it is today. The telephone company cannot keep up with cable tv. There is a disruption happening in this industry. The replacement of fiber is extremely expensive for phone companies, and cell phone companies are jumping into the fray with data plans with a difficulty in being able to keep up with the speed increases. Basically, residential consumers are getting left out in the race. He went over solutions to bringing back the residential consumer to the top again with broadband. First step is establishing an ordinance that declares broadband infrastructure as critical. He shared a model that has three stake holders — property owner, City, and Internet Service Provider (ISP) and at no cost to the City. The property owner will opt into the Local Improvement District and pay a utility fee. The goal is to give the consumer more options. He used the City of Ammon as an example of the model, as they have done this. Mr. Peterson answered the Council's questions. City Manager Anette Spickard explained this problem is one of the areas identified in the City's comprehensive plans. The goal with the resolution is to spur conversation to see if there is an interest outside of the City of McCall's needs, and to look at solutions to address the interest. Gene Tyler of Donnelly was invited to speak. He shared he is on the Economic Development Council and gave a brief history of his experience in this industry. His suggestion is to plan ahead with better infrastructure and if done correctly, will only be pennies on the dollar to the consumer. He was excited to see this presentation and complimented the City for looking at this process. IS Manager Simmonds stated that one strand of fiber of optic cable can transport a 100 ghz and not be hindered by distance or landscape obstacles. Council Member Nielsen asked about tapping into the large pipeline far away. IS Manager Simmonds had had the same concern but has since learned the infrastructure is already there, though small, is perfectly capable of supplying the needs. Mr. Peterson addressed the cost concerns. Every community is different but for the City of Ammon, with the approximately 4500 addresses, the cost was $16.50/mo. 100 meg. The money is already being spent by the consumer, this only redirects where they pay it, and with competition can bring the costs down. MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 5 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting This initiative supports implementation of the McCall Area Comprehensive Plan's Policy 2.5 "Improve broadband and fiber optic capacity within the city...." And Policy 5.2 "Explore ways of expanding high speed internet and fiber optic access to public buildings, businesses and residences...." Resolution 18-15, declaring broadband to be an essential service, has been reviewed by the City Attorney. City Attorney Bill Nichols explained the Resolution adoption allows staff to address issues, be able to revisit antiquated code and create standards within community development while leaving the decision -making in the Council's hands. Council Member Giles moved to adopt Resolution 18-15 declaring broadband to be an essential service, providing an effective date; and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Holmes seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Giles, Council Member Holmes, Mayor Aymon, and Council Member Nielsen all voted aye, and the motion carried. Council Member Sowers voted no. AB 18-175 Request for Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with ,the McCall Youth Football Club and the City of McCall Parks & Recreation Department Parks and Recreation Director Kurt Wolf presented the memorandum of understanding with the McCall Youth Football Club and the City of McCall Parks & Recreation Department. The McCall Youth Football Club (MYFC) is a new youth sports organization that will replace the former Optimist Football Program and will offer full -contact football coaching and games for local youth. The club has non-profit status and needs program registration assistance. The MYFC approached the City of McCall Parks and Recreation Department in winter 2018, about partnering with the club to help advertise, and to collect program registrations and monies. The Parks and Recreation Department utilizes Team Sideline for their program registration, advertising, and participant database software. The MYFC has set the program registration fee and will be responsible for purchasing and maintaining safe equipment for the football program and provide their own liability insurance. The Parks and Recreation Department will advertise for the program, collect registration fees and disperse funds to the MYFC. The department is proposed to collect 10% of the total registration fees to cover our expenses. McCall Recreation Youth Scholarships will not be used for the football program. Those needing financial assistance for the program can contact the football club directly to request support. The Memorandum of Understanding has been reviewed by the city attorney. Council Member Holmes moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the McCall Youth Football Club and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documentation. Council Member Sowers seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Holmes, Council Member Sowers, Mayor Aymon, Council Member Giles, and Council Member Nielsen all voted aye and the motion carried. AB 18-174 Request to Approve a 404 Joint Application for an Encroachment Permit (Permitting of dock system North of the Marina) Parks and Recreation Director Kurt Wolf presented the 404 Joint Application for an Encroachment Permit. During the April 17 Council Work Session, the Parks Department presented concepts for lake front improvements North of Mile High Marina. The concepts presented during that work MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 6 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting session represent the dock systems the department would like to apply for encroachment permits with Idaho Department of Lands. This will allow the City to implement the project in phases and seek additional funding sources. Over the past month, staff has been working with Shore Lodge to re -purpose a portion of the docks Shore Lodge recently replaced. These docks would allow the City to implement a portion of the concept immediately while staff seek and identify funding sources for the remainderof the project. In order to install the repurposed docks and open them as a public amenity, the City is required to apply for the joint 404 permits with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Idaho Department of Water Resources, and Idaho Department of Lands (IDL). Once the 404 permit is approved staff can apply for a lake encroachment permit with IDL for each dock system shown in the concept drawing. Staffs goal is to get the dock systems outlined in the concept through the 404-application process so the encroachment permit process with IDL to install the re -purposed sections of dock from Shore•Lodge can begin and to seek and secure additional funding to complete the remaining phases of the project. . Council Member. Holmes moved to approve the Joint Application for a 404 Permit as it relates to the lake front improvement concept and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Nielsen seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Holmes, Council Member Nielsen, Mayor Aymon, Council Member Giles, and Council Member Sowers all voted aye and the motion carried. AB 18-173 Request to Adopt Resolution 18-16 Declaration of Redevelopment Area for Idaho Community Development Block Grant Program Economic Development Planner Delta James presented the Resolution 18-16 Declaration of Redevelopment Area for Idaho Community Development Block Grant Program. The City of McCall intends to apply for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding through the Idaho Department of Commerce for improvements associated with the Downtown Core Reconstruction Project. A resolution defining the Redevelopment Area and the existing conditions of the public infrastructure and properties within the area is a required component of the CDBG application. The proposed Redevelopment Area aligns with the upcoming downtown streets improvement project and includes the parcels on either side of the streets designated for reconstruction (41 parcels). These parcels and the existing public infrastructure were assessed by the City's engineering and building staff and determined to meet the baseline criteria for CDBG eligibility which is further explained in the CDBG Redevelopment Area Overview. The resolution has been reviewed and edited by the City Attorney. She explained the criteria of the grant, and gave the definition of a blighted property. Staff did a walkthrough of the project area of deficient properties coming up with 41 parcels with 18 (or 43%) falling into the criteria of slum and blight which makes the project eligible for the grant funds. She went over what the deficiencies are such as street lighting, sidewalk curb and gutter, and water and fire suppression. MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 7 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting Council Member Giles moved to adopt Resolution 18-16 declaring an area for redevelopment and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Holmes seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Giles, Council Member Holmes, Mayor Aymon, Council Member Nielsen, and Council Member Sowers all voted aye and the motion carried. Upcoming Meetings Schedule Discussion Council discussed upcoming meetings. ADJOURNMENT Without further business, Mayor Aymon adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. )11101. 1' tit c * C.4 j't'#,i ATTEST: = * y C11.7 ckie J. *•. O BessieJo Wa er, City C 2111100 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL Page 8 of 8 July 12, 2018 Regular Meeting