HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 367367 Regular meeting September 4 1951 The meeting was called to order at 8:85 P.' . by l: ayor iurtz. Burroughs,Robinson,Schulz,'rhidmaier & Wood present.Burman absent, Minutes of the regular meeting of August 8 were react ana approved as read. The application of Floyd : urch for a 3.25 beer license was read. Wiamaier niovea,Wood seconded:To ,grant Floyd Burch a 3.2© beer license for one year.Lmtion carried. Tidmaier moved,Wood seconded:Tgrant a deed to lot 5,Sec.6,Blk.2 Ault Cemetery to George Laney o ; Greeley.Motion carried. Mrs.E(ouse asked that a light be placea in front of the pool hail. No action was taken. Home Light & Power Co. asked for an easment for constructing a light & power line over the east part or thr cemetery .Robinson moved, Burr.ughs seconded:To grant an easment to the home Light & Power Co. to construct a power line over the ast part of the cemetery. Motion carried upon roll call. The clerk was instructed to write the Greeley Gas Co. about their finding an inspector appliances in town .The Mayor was to talk to them too.After some discussion the Iayor appointed the following as a committee to see about getting gas appliances in the town hall: Robinson,Burroughs & Wood. The finance committee approved these bills: Home Light Co. Telephone Jo. Outwest Printing ao. Town U jerk. lone Light Harvey nelson Graham Road Equipment home Light Tinker Plumbing John yb e lson Ludlow halve Jo. We1l'r Lumber Co. Mrs.r.:3. Smith L.3.Smith Dude Dice Robinson moved,uood seconded:To for the amounts.1\ otion carried. Wood Mcved,hobinson seconde :To Mayor., j a t i� n, c a r° i e ci . 2.85 5.25 8.42 10.79 lis.45 4.59 21.51 109.90 30.46 130.75 9.x;1 8.37 38.50 95.02 41.86 Clerk Robert Dahlgren 1.96 State of Colorado. 63.75 Andrews Oaf e 1.20 Ault rr3gress 16.83 Dillons 14.67 Snows Station 20.50 Ea.: .Smith 95.02 home Light 43.20 mown 0 lerk 23.67 Colo. Toro ;o. 31.98 home Light 7.o0 horse Light 6.65 lasbrouck & Neisler 90.00 Sherman Woods 194.00 Paul Lear 187.60 allow the bills and Craw warrants adjourn subject to t Le cal of the Mayor Regular meetilg October 2 1'51 Mayor Kurtz, asked for roll call at 8:10 P.M. Those present were:Burk an,Burroughs,Robinson,V idmaier & rrood. Schulz absent.Minutes of Sept.read aria approved as read. kletter from the Municipal League asking for a donation to help fight the raise in telephone rates.No action taken. Barnard houtchens had sent a plumbing and an electrical ordinaces which were shorter tnan the last one he wrote but still they were lenghty.So it was left to Wid_maier to investi ;ate. as t,ese ordiaance seera to tie the town up too much. The County Assessor notifiea the b rd that the Tax valuation was 4 528,080 for 1951. Burroughs moved, Wood seconded:That the Board adopt a fiat tax levy of 15 mills for 1951.Motion carried. Widmaier movea,Burroughs seconded:To change the number of the Social Security ordinance from 109 to 110 to correct a mistake. Motion oa. tried. People in the north part of town asked for a light be placed up there as there is so far between street lighti.uvhich cis now in and the north snd of town.This was left to the S.& A..0ommittee. Gless Wood was to get an estimate on the cost of reroofing the back part of tae town hall . The question of street signs was brought up again but nothing none. The finance committee examined and approved Leese bills: 50.00 Tele.Co. 1.50 Town Clerk Barnard houtchens James Ballard Ault Progress Houle Light Nelson Station Dillons Cabins Union Supply Ca. home Light 4.68 1.90 24.10 3.65 4.21 6.85 Wiamai er Appliance Widnai er Chevrolet Cairys Station Home Light Greeley Gas Mrs.H.B.Smith 1.75 4.47 491.96 1491 24.48 115.45 9.24 38.80