HomeMy Public PortalAbout1976-01-27 MeetingDecember 19, 1975 The Council of Ba1 Harbour Villee hr_ met: in Sper_fai Session, Friday, December 19, 1975 for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of Village Attorney. Present-: Mesur.s, Beatty, Davis, Logan, Pr.tntup and Taplin Also ;.rc:,ent were Fred W. :letterer., Village Clerk. Maley, Village Manager; and Mary T. Presentations were made and interviews held with Messrs. Karl Hart, Plan Cold, and John Farrell. After discussion it was the concensus of opinion that the Council would withhold their decision until the January meeting. Mr. Maley ::aid he had selected the firm of. Severud.Knigh4Boerema. Buff as architects for the renovations of. the Village Hall. It was mavea by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin, and voted that the firm be retained for a fen not to exceed S1.5,000.00. On n4)rirn of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A.M. ATTRST: Village Clerk December 19, 1975 Mayor January 27, 1.976 The Council of Sal Harbour Village met. Tuesday, January 270976 at. 9:30 A.M. in the Village Hall. Present: Messrs Beatty, Davis, ingan, Print_up and Taplin Also present_ were Fred Mrtley, Village Manager; Mary T. :letterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas H. ..'enderson, Village ,`+t:tnrk•.v. :r motton of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin and voted the minutes of the previous meetings of December 9th r,nel December 19th, 1975 we^e, api:r*.ve,t as submitted. Mr. Jack .Tones and Mrs. Esther Schwartz, Hal Harbour representatives on the Surf-Bal-Bay Library Board, together with Mr, Jordan Davidson, Chairman of the Board, notified the Council. that they are considering erecting a library building inasmuch as Surfside will need the space the library occupies in the future. They said they would come* back to the municipalities at a late;- \.'.ate ehan they had more definite plans, Mr. Anderson told the Council that the City of 'Miami Retch Is going before the Circuit Court today to ask that rate proceedings before the t'ater and Sewer hoard be thrown out. Mr. Anderson reported that he and Mr. Maley had met with Mr. Loeb' and Mr. Venahles, Attorney and TLanager. for Surfside, regarding the water and sewer line franchise which will expire this August. He said that they hoped the matter could he disposed of without arbitration, hut in order to comply with the previsions of the expiring franchise, the Council should appoint an arbitrator for Pal Harbour today. After discussion on the advisability of having an engineer or an attorney represent Ba1 Harbour, it was the Council's opinion that we appoint a registered engineer from the firm of ?atrweile- ohittaker, Inc. The Village Clem: read nl:SOT OTToM No. 236 .appointing R. Duane Monica', P.S., arbitrator for Pal Harbour in the water and sewer line negotiations with Surfside. on motion of Mr. Taplin, seconded by Mr. Peatty and voted the Resolution was adopted. Mr. Maley said that Stirfside has requested an engineering st^tdy of the existing water and sewer lines to determine future requirements and it was moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin and voted thnt flal Harbour have the study made. Mr. Fraser Knight showed the Council the proposed renovation plan for the Village Hall. After discussion on motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin and voted the plans were accepted. Mr. Rrrnl Adele of Angetos C. Demetriou discussed the present ocean- front zoning provisions and asked for the Councilmen's opinions on the new structures. After discussion he said that the ftnn would like four to five weeks for a proper study and recommendations. On motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 'scatty and voted the study in deeper scope than the proposal accepted 12/9/75 was authorized with the cost being taken from the Construction Account. Mr. Taplin was absent during this vote. Messrs. Henry von Oesen, George Whittaker, and James Reeves reviewed the status of the beach restoration project and the balance of work to he completed. lie asked that due to the length of the project and additional work from various circumstances thnt the engineering fees be based on actual project costs rather than maximum estimated costs. He also asked that Bat Harbour have survey sections taken each year to determine sand loss. The Council said they would discuss the proposal and suggestions with Mr. Riley. Mayor Printup said that all the members hnd received copies of the operating statements for the first quarter of fiscal year 1976, As there were no questions or commcnt4 on motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Logan and vnted the statements were filed for audit. The Council reviewed the qualifications of the three attorneys who hnd been interviewed in December for the poeltion of Village Attorney. It wan moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin end voted that: Mr.., Alan Gold he appointed Village Attorney. Tt was the Council.'s decision that any further litagation with the City of Miaml 'leech and North Miami Reach and the new water and sewer line franchise with Surfside be handled by Mr. Cold. °lso, that Shutts and Bowen would be retained to continue in the Great. Takes 'Dredge and Dock Company dispute, but. that: ?IT, Cold should famtli rl:rn himself with the details of the threatened litagation. Mr. Maley said the lights spotlighting the trees on Collins ?venue were not holding up and needed to he replaced. Be said he had .3 hid from Astor ':lectric, the firm that installed the original lights. The Council instructed him to get two other bids. The Manager reported that the lights in the parking lot under Baker's Haulover Bridge are still not hooked up, as the State has not r:;• wired the lights on the bridge. Tt war moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Logan and voted that we should gn ahem and pull in our awn power and hook up the lights. There being no further business no motion of Mr. Tapliu,seconcbd by Mr. Logan the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 P.M. • Mayor ATT%ST: 9 Village Clerk January 27, 1976 February 24, 1976 The Council of '.dal Harbour Village met Tuesday, February 24, 197( at 9:30 A.M. in the Village Hall. Present: Messrs. Beatty, Davis, Logan, Printup and Taplin Also present were Fred W. Maley, Village Manager; Mary T. Wert.erc:i, Village Clerk; and Alan S. Cold, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taplin, and voted, the minutes of the previous meeting of ,January 27, 1976 were approved as submitted. The Council discussed the invoices rendered by Zurwell>'.4iitraker,In.', and Henry von Oesen for extra engineering services and out of pocket expenses interred during the beach restoration work, which are provided for under the contract, in the amount of $56,198.73 less the two payments already made. Also discussed was the engineers' request for an additional $26,475.77 based on 5.257, of total construction costs instead of the $4,500,000 ceding, 414: re t!;r, delay in !he ,_,•,oplatien of the project Tt was the Counci.l's decision to withhold payment of the $56,198.73 until the .ddttionat costs due to the time delay, can be documented. Tt was moved by Mr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Davis :::id voted that Mr. Gold check the additional suers requested against the terns of the contract and report back at the next. meeting.