HomeMy Public PortalAboutRenewable Energy Minutes 2013-09-26 • „,*AASS4e I ° Orleans Renewable Energy Committee 9A�'41EU MpQ. Sept 26, 2013 '13 DEC 30 l:2pM Minutes CJRLEfiUSS TOli)( CLERK Chair Jim Htmgerford called the meeting of the Orleans Renewable Energy Committee to order at 5:09 in.the'Skaket Meeting Room.at.the Orleans.Town Hall:- Present: Victor Noerdlinger,Jim Hungerford, Paul Cass, Chris Galazzi Liaison-Representatives:Jon Fuller BOS,Paul Rooker Finance Absent: Dick Philbrick;Dave Hubbard;.David Abet; Chair opened the meeting and mentioned that our letter has been sent to Paul Dudley of the DEP,. concerning the Zone 1 issue in the watershed..There has been no response from DEP as.of 10/4/13. Chair mentioned that there has been no-update from CVEC or Broadway Electric orr the schedule for the Landfill Solar Project.Jim will contact Ron Collins to see if any progress has been made. Jon Fuller has mentioned the"proposed visit by the BOS"to the Iron and Manganese Plant to view the site for the"proposed"solar project.: OREC.will.contact Todd Bimzick and propose a date-for the visit We will then inform the BUS to see who is interested in attending,We may want to combine this visit with a visit to the Brewster Solar Garden. Jim will contact Richard Wolfe of the Brewster Energy Committee.These visits-will-probably happen in Nov 2013. OREC is in the process of drafting an"RFI",Request for Information document This document will be sent to a small number of Solar Installers;with a description of our Watershed Solar PV proposed project. Since-the SREC market has recovered and owners can now sell theircertifmcates:at reasonable prices,we expect to see more interest,by installers;,in our project..We need.to have a better understanding,of the types of financing.available from the installers. The film"Switch"(about all renewable energy)-was again discussed.OREC has obtained a copy for our viewing.The Orleans library may also acquire a copy for showing to the town.In the meantime,the film. is being circulated among the OREC committee members.. The viewing of this film will require a certain amount of"publicizing"by OREC: The Skaket Room now has a white board that can be used by OREC,and other committees who use the room.. We discussed changing our meeting frequency to once per month and decided to keep-our present schedule of twice per month.. Notantems listed may in fact be discussedand a her items not listed-may also be brought up for discussion ta the extent petm tied"by Wt. (p):Materials distributed with meeting padcet. (m):Materials distributed at meeting. Jim mentioned that he will be in Europe beginning on 10/10 and returning on 10/24. Chris Galazzi volunteered to host the meeting on 10/10.Another decision.will need to be made regarding the meeting scheduled for 10/24. All committee chair persons and new committee members are required to attend the Conflict of Interest Annual.Informational Session.on Mon 10/7.at 7:00PM._The meeting will he held;intthe Nausea Room. A motion was made by VN and a second by CG to approve the minutes from Sept 12. The minutes were approved.. 3 0 1... A motion to adjourn was made by VN with a second by PC. The vote was 41 0 0 to adjourn at 5:58PM... Respectfully submitted by Jim Hungerford (actin._ secy)