HomeMy Public PortalAbout2016-09-13 Former Branch Libraries (3 of 3)FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) DATE: August 9, 2010 PLACE: Lower Hearing Room TIME: 7:00 PM COMMENCED: 7:10 PM PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting PRESENT: Angie Kounelis, Co -Chair; Vincent Piccirilli, Co -Chair; Rena Baskin; Neal Corbett; Maria Papadopolous; Joseph Previtera; Emmett Finocche Paul Rogers, member of the original Library Reuse Committee Steven Magoon, Director DCD&P Steven Magoon, we have not received any proposals for RFPs that were published in July. 2 bidders were interested but did not submit proposals. St James Armenian Church was interested In the East Branch but did not submit due to the time limit in the RFP. TILL (Towards Independent Living & Learning) is interested in using the North Branch Library as educational facility for autistic children, but did not submit their proposal on time. Discussion ensued regarding resubmitting the RFP with some changes. Several changes were proposed. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to republish the RFPs for long term lease of the buildings. Joseph Previtera seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 In favor Vince Piccirilli motioned to review the terms of the RFPs and make minor modifications to make them more attractive to bidders. Angie Kounelis seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 In favor Angle Kounelis motioned to modify the language "term of the lease is anticipated to be 20 to 30 years" to include "however other proposed lease lengths may be considered". Neal Corbett seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 In favor Rena Baskin motioned to publish the revised RFPs after Labor Day for a 30 day period. Angie Kounelis seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 In favor The Committee requested that Steve Magoon confirm with the Town Attorney that there are no limitations under MGL as to the length of lease the Town may consider. Other proposal submittal requirements could be easily met by providing a narrative without requiring any drawings. Steve Magoon was asked to actively encourage prospective bidders to submit proposals and to consider holding a pre -bid conference with Purchasing Agent to help answer questions from prospective bidders. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 PM. Maria Papadopolous seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:02 PM MINUTES APPROVED: For more detail see tapes dated 08/09/2010 available in the DCD&P office. In favor FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) DATE: November 3, 2010 PLACE: Town Council Chamber TIME: 7:00 PM COMMENCED: 7:10 PM PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting PRESENT: Angie Kounelis, Co -Chair; Vincent Piccirilli, Co -Chair; Rena Baskin; Neal Corbett; Joseph Previtera Steven Magoon, Director DCD&P; Ingrid Marchesano, Admin.Asst. Vincent Piccirilli called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to approve the Minutes of August 9, 2010. Neal Corbett seconded the motion. VOTE: 5-0 In favor Vincent Piccirilli, one proposal was received from St. James Church regarding the East Branch Library. Steve Magoon, this proposal did not have the $2,000 security deposit as required by the RFP. That would have assured that it was a serious proposal. We have also received a letter from Till Inc. stating that they are not interested at this time. Angie Kounelis, besides not submitting the security deposit, did the St James proposal meet all the other criteria such a submittal in a sealed envelope? Steve Magoon, the opening was conducted on October 18 and this was the only bid. If we had more than one proposal to evaluate, we would follow to submission rules more carefully. Angie Kounelis, even it being the only proposal, it has to qualify. If the requirements are not met, it should not be accepted. Vincent Piccirilli, on page 4 of the proposal, under the Special Conditions, it states that any real estate lease or purchase by the church will require final approval of the Archbishop and Diocesan Council of the Dioceses of Armenian Church of American -Eastern". That will make this proposal non -responsive. Joseph Previtera, I have volunteered for this Committee to help to find a tenant for the East Branch and North Branch Libraries. St. James Church has submitted a proposal and we should look at it. Rena Baskin, I would like to consider this proposal, if they understand what we want, they might submit new amended proposal. Vincent Piccirilli, even if this bid is considered -non-responsive, we can initiate negotiations, we can instruct the Town Manager to lease the property to St.James. We need to make the determination. Steve Magoon, if the Board finds the proposal non -responsive, it would not be appropriate to advise the Town Manager to negotiate with St. James. I have encouraged St.James and TILL to submit appropriate proposal. The church is asking for 99 years, TILL submitted a letter explaining why it is not feasible for them. 99 year lease would be giving the building away, this proposal does not show commitment to the community. Affordable Housing expressed their interest but did not submit any proposal. TILL purchase another building in East Watertown for different program. Angie Kounelis, we need to request advice from the legal department. When the Coolidge School project was negotiated, there was some pre -approval. St.James Church should have pre -approval from the Archdioceses. Brigham House Is leased for 99 years, Coolidge School for 50 years. The Town is getting revenue from both. We need to contact St.James explaining that this proposal is not acceptable and let them know about the Town arrangement with Brigham House and Coolidge School. FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) November 3, 2010 Page Two Joseph Previtera, how important is it to generate revenue from these properties for the Town? Is retaining the properties more important? We need to be creative, could giving back to the community be renovating the properties? Angie Kounelis, both properties should generate some revenue for the community. The ultimate goal of St.James is the purchase the East Branch Library. Sale is not an option. Steve Magoon, it is important to the community to retain the properties. 99 year lease for $1 per year is the same as selling it. Vincent Piccirilli, we do not have any municipal use for the properties, the structures are small. If we did not have the Senior Center, one of the buildings could be used for that. The Town does not have the funds to restore the buildings. Rena Baskin, there would be some interest but we would have to do fundraising. Angie Kounelis, I would like to see both parcels preserved. The intent for the future of the Town is to retain these parcels no matter how small. Rena Baskin motioned for the Town to retain the ownership of both properties. . Angie Kounelis seconded the motion: 3-2 In favor (Baskin,Kounelis,Previtera) Corbett and Piccirilli would like to retain the properties but felt that it may be unrealistic. Vincent Piccirilli, both properties are very small, should the Town retain both? If we sell one, we can use the funds to renovate the other one. We can try to issue another RFP for lease, or for sale. Neal Corbett, at what point should the Town consider selling the properties? Paul Rogers, former Library Reuse Committee, St. James proposal is unacceptable. We were told in 2007 that this would happen. Steve Magoon, there are limited uses allowed at these buildings, such as 1 or 2 family, non-profit, etc. I have tried to reach out to organizations, East Branch roof is now leaking, North Branch has broken windows and some leakage. Rena Baskin, could a developer convert the structure into apartments? We could approach adult daycare centers, etc. Angie Kounelis, we need to be sensitive to the neighbors, residential properties are right near both sites. TILL is a company that provides such services. St.James is playing games with the Town, this is not a legitimate proposal... Joseph Previtera, there are 2 options -- do we want to retain both properties, or sell one and use the funds to renovate the other? Vincent Piccirilli, renovating municipal buildings, the contractor is bound by Mass laws labor rates. If the property is purchased, it becomes private property and the labor rates do not apply. If a new RFP is issued, what changes should be made to make it more attractive? 25 years @ $I Per year might be more feasible to the Town. Can we invite St. James to the next meeting? The proposal has to be beneficial to the Town. This is not a good time to send out new RFP. FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) November 3, 2010 Page Three Angie Kounelis, can we target specific media for this, such agencies serving the elderly, etc? The Board should see a list of publications where the previous RFP was advertised. St.James should be invited to discuss the project. Joseph Previtera motioned to explore the possibilities of sale and to prepare an RFP for sale. Vincent Piccirilli seconded the motion. VOTE: 3-2 • In favor Angie Kounelis and Rena Baskin against. Vincent Piccirilli, if we invite St. James, we need to have some changes ready. The next option would be the RFP for sale, unless we decide to advertise the RFP for lease for the third time. 50 Years ©$1 would not be acceptable either. The decision will be made at the next meeting. Steve Magoon, since the proposal was non -responsive, we cannot negotiate with St.James. We need to Invite TILL and St.James and would provide guidance for the Board. We should not tell either that we would consider sale. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM. Joseph Previtera seconded the motion. VOTE: 5-0 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:55 PM MINUTES APPROVED: For more detail see tapes dated 11/03/2010 available In the DCD&P office. In favor FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) DATE: December 13, 2010 PLACE: Town Council Chamber TIME: 7:00 PM COMMENCED: 7:05 PM PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting PRESENT: Angie Kounelis, Co -Chair; Vincent Piccirilli, Co -Chair; Joseph Previtera; Neal Corbett; Emmett Finocche; Maria Papadopoulos; Rena Baskin Steven Magoon, Director DCD&P; Ingrid Marchesano, Admin.Asst. Vincent Piccirilli called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to approve the Minutes of November 3, 2010. Neal Corbett seconded the motion. VOTE: 7-0 In favor Vincent Piccirilli, we have been working on this project since March 2010. An RFP for both the East and North Branch Libraries has been issued. Steve Magoon, the Committee requested that the representative of St.James and TILL attend this meeting to discuss the issued REP. Also in attendance Russell Pre-school and Blue Heron Renaissance Choir. This would give us the opportunity to improve the RFP. A legislation to add Section 149A has been filed. Vincent Piccirilli, we have issued 2 RFP's but did not receive any qualified applicants. The third REP will be prepared. We are trying to make it more attractive for potential applicants. Angie Kounelis, St.James Armenian Church submitted a letter of interest. TILL Inc. submitted a letter stating what would be needed to make the buildings more attractive. Christopher Thorpe, Blue Heron Renaissance Choir, the choir is in need of rehearsal space. Quatie Bryan, Russell School, the school is in need of larger space. Space is needed for cultural performances, festivals, intergeneration time. We do not have any parking at the Church Street location, East branch does not have any parking either. Steve Magoon, there are limitations in the use of both buildings, significant renovations are needed. Parking is not provided, but there is potential space for parking in the rear of the North branch building. We have toured both properties, both structures are offered for lease. The renovation cost and bringing up to code for East branch is estimated $1.5 million, North branch $1 million. Angie Kounelis, the estimated cost would be absorbed by the interested party. As a Town we are governed by the RFP. process. Daphne Krouk-Gordon, TILL Inc., we have just started another large project in Town. We wanted to offer wrap around services for transitional students. Another use would be children with autism, inclusive of families and teachers. Both uses would fit into these small buildings. The North branch could have parking in the rear. The renovation cost is prohibitive, but it could be done incollaboration with the Town. The renovation cost would have to he phased into the 30 -year lease. Christopher Thorpe, Blue Heron Choir, Boston has many groups in need of space, this space could be shared by different groups, which would make the renovation cost lower. The East branch is near public transportation which makes the site attractive. We will talk to other organizations and try to find a grant for renovation. Performing Arts organizations can co -work together. FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE December 13, 2010 Page Two Angie Kounelis, as a Town, we are governed by the RFP. The Committee stated that there will be no significant changes to the exterior. Steve Magoon, we have to have bidding process, there has to be a commitment from the applicant. The lease payments would be similar to the open market. Daphna Krouk-Gordon, could the Town do the renovations up front, and then recover the cost over the lease period? Is there an option to expand? Steve Magoon, any exterior changes are subject to the Town Council approval. The Town would like to retain the historic value of the properties. Vince Piccirilli, all changes must be historically appropriate, a rear addition might be possible. The Committee feels very strongly that there is a historic value to both structures. Angie Kounelis, maybe the RFP could be extended to allow for more detailed proposal. We have asked the planning staff to have a pre-RFP meeting with potential applicants. Steve Magoon, the RFP included the request for detailed information. Time period as well as security deposit, were included. Only proposals with a significant traffic impact would require traffic study regarding the affect on the neighborhood. Vincent Piccirilli, we do not expect architectural plans, we are looking for a narrative application at this time. We need to know what type of use is being proposed, how many vehicle trips it generates daily, etc. Both buildings are small, they cannot house large commercial business. We have decided not to say how much is the Town expecting from the lease. A package needs to be prepared by the applicant. The St.James proposal was for 99 years, $1 per year. The Committee is open minded but this proposal was not in the best financial interest of the Town. We do not want to discourage anyone, but it has to be realistic, we cannot give the buildings away for free. Changes can be made to the RFP, the $2000 deposit might be too large for smaller organizations, We would like to make the process easy, the new RFP will be open to any questions. Angie Kounelis, the Coolidge school property has 50 year lease they pay rent and taxes. If this property is leased by a church, they would be tax exempt. Steve Magoon, daycare and nursing home are allowed in the East Branch library, No residential use Is allowed under the OSC district where the North Branch library is located. If there is another proposal, It could be discussed at that time, More discussion followed regarding notification, advertising, etc. The last RFP was legal advertisement, all inquiries were directed to Raeleen Parsons, purchasing agent. It was suggested that the submission deadline would be extended to 60 days. Christopher Thorpe, Blue Heron Choir, there is always uncertainty with the type of renovations needed. Sometimes the cost can only be determined when the walls are opened. Small organizations do not have expertise in such projects and have very limited funds, could the Town be a partner? Angie Kounelis, estimates provided by an Engineer will be available. Neal Corbett, is the size of the buildings an issue? FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE December 13, 2010 Page Three Vincent Piccirilli, East Branch library is located near the public transportation, the North Branch is located in OSC district, zoned differently from the surrounding properties, and it could be rezoned to match with the surrounding properties. Residential reuse would be appropriate for this location and make it more attractive to prospective bidders. Steve Magoon, a zoning change to T is possible, it could be an incentive, and we can look at other options. Angie Kounelis, the Coolidge School property was rezoned after the RFP was issued. Joseph Previtera, we should meet again after the holidays. How much authority do we have regarding the renovations? Vincent Piccirilli, it would be realistic to publish the next RFP in March. We will take the last one and make some changes. The Town does not have the money, there is no municipal reuse identified for either building. We cannot fund a private entity, the Town Is experiencing level budget funding for a third year. Steve Magoon, if the Town borrowed money to renovate the facilities, the risk of the debt would be based on taxes that are predictable. Private entity process Is different. Phyllis Marshall, Town Treasurer, special legislation would give the applicant opportunity to address the renovations at lesser cost than the Town would have. Vincent Piccirilli, neither structure ever had industrial use, no hazardous materials have been used. Vincent Piccirilli adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:55 PM MINUTES APPROVED: For more detail see tapes dated 12/13/2010 available in the DCD8P office. FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) DATE: June 13, 2011 PLACE: Town Council Chamber TIME: 7:00 PM COMMENCED: 7:10 PM PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting PRESENT: Angie Kounelis, Co -Chair; Vincent Piccirilli, Co -Chair; Maria Papadopoulos; Rena Baskin; Joseph Previtera Neal Corbett, Emmett Finocche absent Steven Magoon, Director DCD&P; Ingrid Marchesano, Admin.Asst. Angie Kounelis called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Angle Kounelis, we are here to discuss the two proposals for the former Libraries that were submitted on May 31, 2011. Both proposal submitted are for the former East Branch Library, none were received for the former North Branch Library. A summary of both proposals will be presented by Steve Magoon. Steve Magoon, the Russell Preschool RFP meets the requirements. The bid is for 25 years with possible 10 year extension. It would include the renovations of the structure, bringing it up to code, to be completed by August 2012. The lease amount is $1 per year. The St.James Armenian Apostolic Church also met all the requirements for submission. They are proposing 30 years, with ten 5 -year extensions. The renovations would be completed within 2 years. The structure would be used for church and community use. The Church Is proposing lease of $24,000 per year for 5 years, to be adjusted every 5 years with a minimum increase of 3%, maximum7%. There will be no decrease, any extensions beyond 30 years will be market rate. The proposed use by both applicants is community oriented, and will be beneficial to the neighborhood. Both uses are consistent with the uses permitted by the zoning. Both proposals will maintain the historical facade of the structure. The St.James proposal includes lease payments, the Russell Preschool does not. The only parking is on the street, Russell Preschool is proposing staggered hours, St.James will have minimal impact since the church next door has sufficient parking. Both leases are advantageous, St.James 30 years, Russell Preschool 25 years. Both applicants will complete the renovations in timely fashion. Russell has limited assets, but will seek grants, bank financing and fundraising. St.James is proposing capital campaign, fundraising and bank loans. Russell has limited development experience, developed $70,000 playground. The only project for St.James was the church which was fairly large. Rena Baskin, St.James has large facility nearby; will they have enough parking for both sites? Is the lease money the most important part? Steve Magoon, St.James is very community oriented, this Is an opportunity to involve the community. It would be a positive use of the neighborhood. Vincent Piccirilli, both uses would be desirable, both proposals are worthy. St.James is more beneficial financially. Both blds are qualified, it will be hard to choose. Parking Is a secondary consideration. Steve Magoon, Joseph Previtera is affiliated with the Russell Preschool, he will recue himself from the discussion and decision process. Maria Papadopoulos, my two children attended the Russell Preschool. We have been involved in many functions. Angie Kounelis, Joe Previtera should not participate in any discussions or vote. As a Councilor, I have responsibility to tax payers. Both proposals are beneficial but the financial aspect is important. FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) June 13, 2011 Page Two $24,000 per year is preferable to $1 per year. St.James has many large functions and overcame the parking issues. . Rena Baskin, if we accept St.James, do we have any say in how the money is used? Can we use the money for renovations of the former North Branch library? If the structure is repaired, other entities might be more interested in the lease. That income could be marketed for repairs to both structures. Can St James sublease the property? Vincent Piccirilli, this Committee is still responsible for the former North Branch library, but we cannot appropriate the money, we cannot direct where the revenue goes. We need to vote tonight and decide what would be the next step for the North Branch. Steve Magoon, one of the conditions of St James is that the proposal has to be approved by the Parish Assembly. We need to ask our legal counsel if St.James can sublease the property. There Is no negotiations process after the proposals were accepted. Vincent Piccirilli, under the Mass General Laws, negotiations are not allowed. If the St.James proposal is not submitted by the Town Council, we will proceed to the next bid. The Towns preference is to keep the properties and lease it. This Committee can reject these proposals, but they are both qualified bids. Marla Papadopoulos, our goal was not to sell the property, can that be changed? Steve Magoon, it is not appropriate to accept any proposals to sell at this time. We made it very clear that only lease is acceptable. St.James will be responsible for maintaining that property. Angie Kounelis, St James has been interested since the beginning as they are immediate abutters. I feel comfortable with going forward. The lease terms will be negotiated after. Vince Piccirilii motioned to recommend to the Town Manager to accept the St.James Armenian Apostolic proposal for the former East Branch library. Angie Kounelis seconded the motion. VOTE: 4-0 In favor Vince Piccirilli, legally we might not be able to offer the North Branch library to the Russell School. A new RFP will have to be advertised. We should wait until the St.James lease is executed. We have to see what Is the most advantageous for the Town of Watertown. Steve Magoon, the leadership of Russell Preschool was interested In the North Branch also. We might have to put it out to bid again. Angie Kounelis, we should not do anything until the Town Council accepts the St.James proposal and the full lease is complete. Maria Papadopoulos, the lease for the North Branch could be contingent upon the completion of the East Branch lease. A new RFP should be issued immediately. Steve Magoon, the first step is the Town Manager's decision to see what is the best option for the Town. Next would be presentation to the Town Council for final approval. If the Russell Preschool is interested in the North Branch, the next RFP process will be very quick. The Belmont Cooperative FORMER BRANCH LIBRARIES REUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FBLRAC) June 13, 2011 Page Three Nursery toured the North Branch several times, they could not do it financially. We can communicate to Russell that the Committee would be supportive if they were interested in the North Branch. Angie Kounelis, Beaverbrook Step was very interested, they presented their interest to the Council on Aging. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to wait with the new RFP for the former North Branch Library until the lease for the former East Branch library is fully executed. Angie Kounelis seconded the motion. VOTE: 3-1 In favor Rena Baskin against Joseph Previtera abstained Vince Piccirilli, the Committee is asking Steve Magoon to follow up with other interested parties that are on the list. Vincent Piccirilli motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 PM. Joseph Previtera seconded the motion, VOTE: 5-0 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:20 PM MINUTES APPROVED: In favor Town of Watertown Department of Community Development and Planning Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA02472 (617)972-6417 FAX (617) 972-6484 To: Michael J. Driscoll, Town Manager From: Steve Magoon, DCDP Director Date: June 14, 2011 Subject: Former Branch Library RFP At their last meeting, the FBLRAC considered the two proposals received for the lease of the two former branch library buildings and grounds. Both bids were for the East Branch library, none were received for the North Branch, Bids were received from the Russell Cooperative Preschool and the St. James Armenian Apostolic Church, which are attached. The two bids are also summarized in the attached documents, which also includes a comparison based on the evaluation criteria contained in the REP. After discussion of the two proposals, the Committee voted 4.0 to recommend the selection of the St. James Church proposal for lease of the East Branch building for the lease terms as proposed; therefore I forward the recommendation for your consideration. The FBLRAC also discussed whether to put the North Branch back out to bid, but would like to have a lease agreement executed with the St. James Church prior to entering into an agreement on the North Branch, because if the Church is not able to reach agreement, the School would still be interested. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information. Thanks attachments FBLRAC RFP BID SUMMARY June 13, 2011 Two bids were received for the East Branch Library, and no bids were received for the North Branch Library. A summation of the two bids follows. Russell Preschool The bid Is compliant with the requirements of the RFP, in that it meets the requirements of the Town for submission. The bld Is for a period of 25 years with the potential for a 10 year extension. The proposal Includes renovations of the existing building, bringing It up to code standards, and would be complete by August of 2012. The use of the building would be primarily for the preschool, but also other community events. The proposed lease rate is $1 per year for 25 years. St. James Armenian Apostolic Church The bid is compliant with the requirements of the RFP, In that it meets the requirements of the Town for submission. The bld is for a period of 30 years, with 10, 5 year extensions. The proposal includes renovation of the building, bringing it up to code standards, completion within 2 years. The use of the building would be for church use, and community use. The proposed lease rate is $24,000 per year, or $2,000 per month for 5 years, with adjustments every 5 years to the consumer price index with a minimum Increase of 3% and maximum of 7%, and no decrease. Any extensions beyond 30 years would be at market rent. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION 1) Proposed use of the building: Is the proposed use community oriented, does It Involve or interact in a positive way with members of the community? Russell — yes; St. James - yes Does the proposed use provide a benefit to the surrounding neighborhood? Russell — yes; St. James • yes Is the proposed use consistent with the uses permitted by the zoning of the property, or does it require zoning relief? Russell — yes consistent use; St. James — yes consistent use Does the proposal maintain the historical exterior facade of the building? Russell — yes; St. James - yes Does the project provide for renovation of the building, including all applicable codes and standards? Russell — yes; St. James • yes Does the proposal include lease payments to the Town comparable to rents for use elsewhere? Russell — no; St. James - yes Yes answers to 4 or more of these questions will be considered advantageous, 2 or less are not advantageous. Russell — advantageous; St, James - advantageous 2) Protected Impact of the proposed development: Proposals that minimize impacts to the surrounding neighborhood due to traffic, parking, or other nuisances including environmental impacts (e,g. noise, vibration, smoke, and odor) will be considered most advantageous. Russell — the only parking Is on street, they have proposed staggered hours; St, James — minimal Impact as they have a parking lot 3) The proposed term of the lease: The term of the lease Is expected to be 20 years or more, however other proposed lease lengths may be considered, A proposed term of 10 to 20 years, or more than 30 years will be considered less advantageous, and a term of 20 to 30 years will be considered advantageous. Russell — 25 years, advantageous; St, James — 30 years, advantageous 4) The protected time frame for completion of all renovations: Given the current condition of the East Branch Library, the Town will favor proposals that will complete renovation/improvements to the building as soon as possible, and will rate proposals that take more than 2 years as less desirable. Russell — July 2012, advantageous; St. James — expect to complete within 2 years, advantageous The Prospective lessee's financial position; Does the project proponent posses internal assets sufficient to fully support the construction of improvements or a portion of the Improvements with borrowed funds, Demonstration of assets and borrowing capacity will be considered advantageous. Russell -- grants, bank financing, and fundraising, limited assets; St. James —fundraising, bank loans, capital campaign 6) The Prospective Lessee's Experience: How many projects has the prospective lessee successfully developed of similar scope and value in the past? Experience with two or more successful projects will be considered advantageous. Russell — limited, a $70,000 playground; St. James — only previous capital projects for church but fairly large ST. JAMES ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH UP -..5U41111 SUSUUSULUU33 Ufa-U2GLU'iUt L-4t`LI 5 Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, Pastor Rev. Fr. Arlen Barsarrrian, Associate Pastor Emeritus Proposal to the Town of Watertown for St. James Armenian Apostolic Church to lease the Watertown East Branch Library MISSION: St. James Armenian Apostolic Church wishes to lease the Watertown East Branch Library building and land located at 481 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, MA 02472. We intend to use the property for Church needs while enhancing the neighborhood for residents of Watertown, MA, May 31, 2011 Submitted by: St. James Armenian Apostolic Church Parish Council Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, President Gail Boroyan, Chairperson Thomas Gengozian, Vice Chairperson Carol Babikyan, Secretary Robert Bejoian, Treasurer 465 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, MA 02472 Proposal's Index: Lease proposal narrative - pages 2 to 7 Appendix A — Various Certificates Appendix B — Summary of Proposal Appendix C — Tax Exempt Certificate Submitted to: Town of Watertown Attn: Michael J. Driscoll, Town Manager Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 465 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472 • Oflice: (617) 923.8860 • Fax: (617) 926-5503 • E-mail: info@sthagop,conr • www.slhagop.corn History: St. James Armenian Apostolic Church has been an integral part of the Watertown community for nearly 80 years. We have always been a well -respected organization in Watertown and will continue to serve Watertown for many more years. Our activities include: church services, religious education, Armenian language instruction, church events, community programs, youth programs, cultural events, etc. We currently employ ten individuals and we have a large number of volunteers who help with our many church functions. Our community consists of 650 dues paid members and well over 2,500 families that are affiliated with St. James. We own, free and clear, our church proper, our cultural center, the parking lot across the street from our sanctuary and our parish priest's house. Non -Profit Status: St. James Armenian Apostolic Church is a church and is thereby a tax exempt and non- profit organization. Attached (Appendix C) is our tax exempt certificate. Our charter number with the Commonwealth is 413-550. Introduction: The St. James Armenian Apostolic Church (the "Church") proposes to lease the Watertown East Branch Library building and its land located at 481 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, Massachusetts (the "Property") from the Town of Watertown (the "Town") under the following terms: • Duration of the lease - 30 years • Payment terms - $24,000 per year or $2,000 per month - fixed for first five years, thereafter adjusted every five years to reflect the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the preceding year, with a minimum increase in any adjustment year of 3% and a maximum increase of 7%, with no reductions in lease payments. • Lease extension options — ten five year extensions at the market rent. • As lessee we understand that expenses related to the operation, maintenance and insurance of the property will be our responsibility. • The right of first refusal If the town decides to sell the property with a credit for the unamortized leasehold improvements paid for by the church. A formal lease agreement will be drafted and submitted once these initial terms are agreed to in principle. Our vision for the reuse of the property: We have convened a special committee to study and make recommendations for the best uses of the Property. Our committee consists of parishioners with special talents in architecture, law and finance. This committee Is charged with finding uses for the Property that will comply with zoning limitations placed upon the property while preserving the mutual interest of both parties — the Town and the Church. The Church 2 realizes that a substantial investment in the Property will be required. This fact must be considered in all potential and future uses for the Property. The Property's use will be shared as: • Church use • Community use Our proposed uses will benefit the neighborhood by reviving an aging building and grounds. Furthermore, we expect little or no impact to the traffic pattern in the area. We have off-street parking across from the properly. Renovations for the Property: The building at the Property and the associated grounds are in need of many major improvements and repairs. This can be attested to by several studies conducted by the Town of Watertown. The study prepared for the Town of Watertown by Gale Associates, Inc., in 1999, showed that the East Branch Library building and grounds needed $496,500.00 in repairs and renovations. Additionally, another study conducted by B. Goba and Associates, P.C., in late 2007, showed that the repairs and renovations would cost $1,371,730.00, Yet another estimate conducted by Ken Thompson, the Town's Building Inspector, stated the library would need $1,000,000.00 iri renovations to make it suitable for occupancy, Based on these estimates, our site visits and evident deferred maintenance, we estimate that the building (and associated landscape and hardscape) will need substantial renovations. Our renovations will bring the property in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and rules for our proposed uses. Our renovations include, without implied limitation: • Interior reconfiguration with the addition of walls and partitions • Renovation of all major building systems, including heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing • Making the building handicap accessible • Renovating the bathroom facilities • Removing old carpeting and floor tiles • New flooring, carpeting, lighting fixtures • Installing telecommunications and data cabling • Renovating the exterior windows • Re -pointing of the exterior brick work • Repairing the roof • Painting the interior and exterior trim • Repairing walkways • Landscaping We realize that these repairs and renovations are extensive, but we recently have undertaken several major renovation projects - one in our sanctuary and another in our cultural center. The renovations to our cultural center were managed RDK Engineering 3 Consultants and overseen by our facilities director with the guidance and assistance of several parishioners with substantial property maintenance and construction experience. Time table: We fully expect to start this project within the next 6 to 12 months and hope to complete it within 2 years. Funding for the Property's Renovations: St. James would need to embark upon a medium -term capital campaign to raise the funds necessary to renovate and repair the Property. We are experienced in fundraising efforts and in fact raised a similar amount of money in conjunction with our 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. We would first target our congregation and benefactors in an attempt to raise the necessary capital for this proposal. We are confident that the majority of the funds necessary for this project could be raised in this manner, In the event that more funding would be needed, we would work with local banks, with which we have long-standing relationships, in order to fund the balance of the cost of the project. Funds for Ongoing Operations of the Property: As stated above, our plan is to raise the majority of the funds necessary for the renovations via a medium -term capital campaign;•as a result, we anticipate, we will not have a "mortgage" on the property. Ongoing operational expenses for the property will be added to our operating budget and are estimated as follows: Expense Category Estimate Yearly Expense • Electricity $5,000 • . Heating $12,000 • Water $1,500 • Insurance $4,000 • Snow Removal $4,000 • Landscaping $5,000 • Occasional Maintenance and Repairs $6,000 • Cleaning $10,000 • Lease expense $24,000 • Estimated annual expenses for the property $71,500 We are confident that we will be able to fund these yearly expenditures without over taxing our normal fundraising efforts. Furthermore, we have a maintenance staff that will be able to care for the property. 4 The St. James advantage: As stated above, St. James Armenian Apostolic Church has been an integral part of the Watertown community for 80 years. We have always been a well -respected organization of Watertown and will continue to serve Watertown for many more years. Over the past few years, the St. James Armenian Church has provided space in our Church's cultural center located at the corner of Mt. Auburn and School Streets (on the other side of the church sanctuary) for activities sponsored by the following organizations: - • Watertown Family Network (the "WFN") • The Charles River Early Intervention Group • Early Intervention • United States Census Bureau • American Red Cross We will continue to make space available for community organizations that provide wholesome services to our community at large. We have a vested interest in caring for and preserving our neighborhood. Moreover, we have the maintenance staff available to perform the upkeep necessary to keep the Property looking its very best and enhancing the curb appeal along Mt. Auburn Street. We believe that the Church, with its parishioners, has the ability to raise the funds necessary to renovate the building and the grounds. We have longevity in the community, which will give us the ability to sustain the Property into the future. We have ample off-street parking, directly across the street from the Property; this offers greater flexibility for the uses of the Property. We have existing relationships with many community organizations that will benefit from an expanded campus. In totality, there is no better occupant for this property. The advantages for the Town of Watertown to select St. James as the future tenant of the Property: We are not a developer seeking to develop the site solely for private and pecuniary interests. Our plan is to use the Property to serve our Church and the Watertown community. We have a vested interest In keeping the Property and its grounds neat and dean. St. James has the ability to raise the monies necessary to renovate the property while keeping it a place that benefits the community without much cost to the Town of Watertown. 5 Special Conditions: This proposal has been approved by our Parish Council. As required by our Church's by-laws, any lease or purchase of real property rights by the Church requires the approval of our Parish Assembly, which will be convened once we have a definitive agreement with the Town regarding the lease of the Property. In addition, any real property lease or purchase by the Church will require final approval of the Diocesan Council and the Diocesan Board of Trustees of the Diocese of Armenian Church of America — Eastern, Additional Alternative: Ideally, St. James would prefer to purchase the East Branch Library for up to $1,000,000 from the town. The reason is that it would allow us to expand our sanctuary without encroaching upon the leased abutting property. The Parish Council has approved this alternative, subject to the same special conditions as stated above. 6 Summary: St. James Armenian Apostolic Church is highly regarded and respected in the community and would be the best and most logical choice to become the new lessee or owner of the Property. We intend to use the Property to benefit both our church and the community. We have the resources and the ability and our proposed uses of the Property are aligned with the needs of the community, making the Church a natural fit. We hope that you will look favorably upon our proposal. We look forward to working with the town to lease or purchase the East Branch Library. Respectfully Submitted, Rov. Fr. Arakel FtfJalien, President ail Boroyan, C Irperson Thomas D. Gengozian, Vice Chairperson 7 Appendix A OERTIPICATE OP NON.COLLUSION The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury That This bld or proposal has been made and submitted In good faith and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used In this certification, the word "person' shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee club, or otherorganlzatton, entity, or group or Individuals, 81 James Armenian Apostolic Church Name of person signing bld or proposal or Business CERTIPiOATN OP COMPLIANCE WITH STATE TAX LAWS AND UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION CONTRIBUTION REDUIREMENTS - Pursuant to MA,L. Chapter 02C, Seo. 49A, and MALI o, 151A, Section 19A,1 Gail Boroyan authorized signatory for sr. James Armenian Apostolic Church whose principal place of business Is at 465 Mount Auburn St. Watertown, MA 02472 do horeby certify under penalties of perjury that has filed all state lax returns and paid ell taxes as required by law and has complied with all state laws pertaining to contributions to the unemployment compensation fund end to payments in Ilou of contributions. The Business Organization Social Security Number or Federal identification Number Is: Signed under the penal) , e of perjury the 160 Ih day of 2011, s A snI n Apostolic Church CERTIFICATE OP CORPORATE VOTE If proposer Is a corporation, complete below and submit with the proposal a notarized copy of vote of the Board of Direotors authorizirfg the signatory to submit the proposal and to enter into a lease If an award le made by the Town, If the attesting olork is the samo as the individual signing the proposal, the signature shall be notarized below, At a duly authorized mooting of the Board of Directors of the SL James Armenian Apostouo Church (Name of corporation) held on May 4, 2011 (Date) at which all the Directors were present or waived notice, It was VOTED Thal, St. 'FMB ArM n'anApostooChuah (Name)Gal9ootanasChahparsm,ParrshCon°1(Cfficer)ofIhisCompany bo and hereby Is authorized to execute °entreat° and bonds In the namo and behalf of said company, and affix Re corporate seal (hereto, and such execution of any contract or obligation In this Company's name on Its behalf by stroll Gall Boroyan as (Officer) of the Company shall be valld and . binding upon this Company, Chairperson, Parish Council 1 hereby ootlly That I am the Clerk of the SLJamesNmenlanAposta0Clurtl, (Name of Corporation) That Galaoroyan Is the duly ele0tedchakperson.Parish Counol (Officer) of meld company, and that the above vote has not been amended or rescinded In full force end elect as of the date of this contract. A iruo copy, n ATTEST ( 1 tit , 42 R ,(Clerk) Place of Business 45 Mt. Auburn St.WatMarm, WA 07472 Corporato Seal SWORN TOAND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 2011 NOTARY PUBLIC noquosl For Proposals For Tho Loose of Iho Former Easl stanch Llbrary auilding Pogo 6 of 10 Appendix B - Summary of Proposal TOWN OF WATERTOWN PROPOSAL FORM FORMER EAST BRANCH LIr3RARY pals: May 11, 2011 Name and address If indlviftual, Corporation or other Entity submitting this proposal: St James Armenian Apostolic Church 465 Mount Auburn St. Watertown, MA 02472 The following information shell be provided on this form or on such additional sheets as shall be required. - 1 1 4 The Individual, Corporatton or other entity submitting this proposal operates on a for-profit , not-. for-profit x basis, Evidence of not -for-profit status Is attached to Ihls proposal form, x Yes No Provide a brief history pf tho entity submitting this proposal, Including length of Irma In existence,. name and address of officers or trustees, ourrent location, description of current operations, Including number of employees, students, patients, clients, visitors, eta. prior leased properties and name and ' address of landlord In each Instance. xYes No • 1 State the Proposed .term sought by the Leases, (20 to 30 years preferred) Including any options to renew or extend, 30 Years State the proposed annual rent and payment schedule, Ilia the Intent of tho Town that rental payments shall commence upon exeoutlon of the'lease, regardless of the filming of construction of renovations or occupancy of the leased premises, $24,000 annually or $2,000 per month • The Prospective Lessee agrees to execute a Lease Agreement In substantially the form included In the Request for Proposals within fifteen (115) days of delivery of such tease by the Town, .— YOB No Propos9YsubmItte (Signaldre'` Chairperson - Parish Council (Title) Tills proposal has been approved by our Parish Council on May 4, 2011. As required by our Church's by-laws any lease or purchase of real property rights by the Church requires the approval of our Parish Assembly, which win be convened onco we have a definitive agreement with the Town regarding the lease of the Property. In addition, any real property lease or purchase by the Church will require final approval of the Diocesan Council and the Diocesan Board of Trestees of the Dlocess of Armenian Church of America - Eastern. Roque 6lPOrPrOpolels For Tho Luaso of Iho rennin :fast Branch Llbrer, Pullin Pogo0 0170 Appendix C 1111111 111111111111111111111111M11111111 •MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF REVENUE PO Box 7010 Chelsea, MA 021507010 111111110:11i 1111 101 ALAN LeBOVIDGE, COMMISSIONER LAURIE MCGRATH, ACTING DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ST JAMES ARMENIAN CHURCH 465 MT AUBURN ST WATERTOWN, MA 02472 Dear Taxpayer, 870 Notice 30048 Exemption Number 042 152 676 Date 12/07/04 Bureau TSD MGT SERV Phone (617) 887-6367 A review of our records indicates that the Massachusetts sales/use tax exemption for ST JAMES ARMENIAN CHURCH , a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization, will expire on 01/02/05, The Department of Revenue is issuing this notice in lieu of a new Form St -2, 'Certificate of Exemption". The notice verifies that the Massachusetts Department of•Revenue has renewed the sales/use tax exemption for ST JAMES ARMENIAN CHURCH subject to the conditions stated in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 64H, sections 6(d) or (e), as applicable, The organization remains responsible for maintaining its exempt status and for reporting any loss or change of ifs status to the Department of Revenue. Absent the Department of Revenue's receipt of information from the taxpayer by the expiration date of the current certificate that the entity no longer holds exempt status under the above provisions, the taxpayer's certificate is renewed. This renewal will expire on 01/02/15. The taxpayer's existing Form ST -2, in combination with this renewal notice may be presented as evidence of the entity's continuing exempt status. Provided that this requirement Is met, all purchases of tangible personal properly by the taxpayer are exempt from sales/use taxation under Chapter 64H or I respectively, to the extent that such property Is used in the conduct of the purchaser's business. Any abuse or misuse of this notice by any tax-exempt organization or any unauthorized use by any Individual constitutes a serious violation and will lead to revocation. Willful misuse of this notice is subject to criminal sanctions of up to one year in prison and $10,000 in fines ($50,000 for corporations). This notice may be reproduced. Sincerely, Alan LeBovldge Commissioner of Revenue Appendix C Form_ ST -2 Certificate of Exemption Massachusetts Department of Revenue Cerllficatlon Is hereby made that the organization herein named Is an oxompt purchaser under General Laws, Chapter 64H, sections 6(d) and,(e), All purchases of tangible personal property by this organization are exempt from taxation under sold chap- ter to the extent that such property Is used In the conduct of the business of the purchaser. Any abuse or misuse of this certificate by any tax-exempt organization or any unauthorized use of this certificate by any individual constitutes a serious violation and will load to revocation. Willful misuse of this Certificate of Exemption Is subject to criminal sanctions of up to one year In prison and S10,000 ($50,000 for corporations) In fines. (See reverse side.) ST°JAMES ARMENIAN CHURCH 465 M7?AUBURN ST WATERTOWN 02472 MA EXEMPTION NUMBER E 042152-676 ISSUE DATE 01/02/DO CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 01102/0S NOT ASSIGNABLE OR TRANSFERABLE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE FREDERICK Aa LASKEY Russell Preschool 36 Church Street Watertown Ma 02472 ruesollpreeohool.org 817-928.0611 Ruasollpresohool.oxg Proposal for bid to lease East ranch Library Prepared for: Library Reuse committee Prepared by: Quatie Bryan, Executive director Russell. Preschool May 8, 2011 . Our Proposed Use for East Branch Library: Russell school is a co-operative nonprofit institution, our alm is to support young children and their families by providing play -based schooling. For 35 years Russell has served Watertown children and their families. Parents work in our school, creating an extended community of adults for our school children. Each year, we have more applicants than our space allows us to admit. Each year teachers and parents want to add more to our nursery program: a day care for infants; a toddler aged class, a pre -kindergarten room, an after school care/activity center for alder children, and, an after hours meeting room for community gatherings or adult classes, if we receive -the lease of East Branch Library, we could expand our school to include more children, and new services for infants through age 7. Our current staff consists of 3 teachers, 1 director and we have 28 families currently enrolled. If we move our program to the East Branch we could eventually In- crease our enrollment to 50 families, 2 full time teachers and 1 assistant. This would be a total of 7 paid staff serving 50 families. Increased traffic would occur only during our pick up and drop off periods of the day. We expect several families to utilize the bus stop In front of the building as well. Our proposed use of this building will help families in Watertown by providing high quality, well established care for children. fn addition to wholesome schooling, Russell.promotes school volunteerism. While parents help at Russell, they also work with each other on committees within the school. These relationships often form the basis for lasting friendships, and these friendships reduce the stress and isolation many young fami- lies experience. This.nelghborhood of Russell families fosters strong, diverse, and healthy communities in Watertown. We see the energetic, pa! oriented volunteerism parents give while at Russell continue Into their child's elementary school years. This positive school involvement can support public classrooms our nursery children will attend in the future. • Russell school supports other nen-profit efforts. When asked by other non -profits for help, we have offered to share fundraising efforts.and our rented space, Our current space Is limited and not ours to use freely. If 36 0buroh Street Watertovni Ma 02472 runsellpresohool.org Russell Preschool 617-926-0611 - H,ussellpresohool.org we receive the lease for our new school, we can open a multi -purpose community room for use by others, We will welcome the neighborhood within the school. Currently Russell hosts seasonal festivals open to the public and with our own highly visible space we will be able to increase these events. We hope to offer Sat- urday morning/Sunday afternoon family centered puppet performances, story telling, music, and festivals. Improvements Our proposed improvements include slate roof repair, window replacement, replacement of oil burner with gas forced hot air and AC ducts and updated electrical system. On the garden level, we will create a multi- purpose community room and install a full kitchen, as well as convert the back storage areas to office/ storage space and a parent/staff room. The original layouf of the library nearly meets our needs as a school. Interior space on the first floor will have halt walls installed to separate classes. Small room's on the first floor will be converted to an office and infant nursery. The beautiful oak shelving will be refreshed and used for books, toys, and art. Accessible bathrooms will be located on both floors. Outside, we will install access ramps to garden level and to the flrst,floor, erect a 4-11 picket and bamboo fence, remove ivy from exterior walls, and install play equipment in the back yard. We believe our costs to roughly $750,000. Our schedule for completion would be July 2012 or sooner. Traffic impact Our school will have? staggeredmorning drop off (7:30 - 7:45 a.m., 8 - 8:15 a.m. and 8:30 8:45 a.m.) Families will park on the street for drop off and pick up of their children. Pick up from school will also be staggered (11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.) Many of our current families live within walking dis- tance of the East Branch Library or will utilize tho bus line to got to and from school. If we receive this lease, we would offer the church a fee in exchange for use of their large lot to provide additional parking. At our current location (35 Church St) we do not have parking for parents. • Planning board appeals/zoning Our school complies with Watertown zoning for this site. We would ask for a reserved area In front of the building on Mt. Auburn Street which would be marked and kept open allowing safer access to the school. We anticipate no other appeals. 1 • 33 Church Street Watertown Ma 02472 russellpresohool.org Russell Preschool 617.928.0811 Russellpresohool.org Financial/developer information . Our estimated cost of improvements Is $750,000 (see attached spread sheet.) We plan to meet It ex- pense through a combination of grants, bank financing, and fundraising; We are. currently working with Cam- bridge Trust to secure a commercial Joan (amount is yet to be determined) In addition, we will apply for a state community service loan from the Mass. Development Fund; as well as any local assistance avallable, Once approved, we will launch a capital campaign within our school community.. Our Watertown nursery school has a long history with many families providing continued financial support to Russell School. We are confident our capital campaign will be successful. We plan to 'barn raise' some of the improvements for the library building. Several of our families work In building trades and will work together with licensed builders in an effort to reduce our costs of construction. Russell School currently has a large 'rainy day' fund. We are also fully enrolled and collecting revenue for the 2011-12 school year. Our Increased revenue from additional families and programs will cover the operating expenses in the new building; Development timetable I. We will execute the lease immediately following the town council actions and pending financing 2. Financing will be in place 6 weeks after grant of the lease 3. As of yet, we have not outlined detailed phases of development. However, all improvements will occur in one period of construction 4. We will begin repair of the rboe immediately and follow withlnterior Improvements this summer 5. We will finish construction no later than June of 2012. 6. We will occupy building by August of 2012. 35 ohuroh Street Watertown Ma 02472 russellpresohool.org Russell Preschool 617-9280811 Puss ellprosohool,org Lessee information - 1. The lessee wilt be the Russell Cooperative Preschool at 35 Church Street in Watertown, MA 2. The architect is Martin Dermady AIA LEED AP Dermady Architects P.O. Box 581 Lincoln, MA 01773 T:781.257.5018 M: 781.307.5050 At this point we do not have a contractor. 3. We will bo 'self managing this project. • 4. Our principals are members of the executive school board: Executive Director, Quatie Bryan (Concord;) , President, Danielle Shields (Watertown;). Secretary, Emily Hart -Gorman (Watertown;) Vice President, Jae Previtera (Watertown) and Treasurer, Nina Coslov (Cambridge.) 5. Our legal organization is The Russell Cooperative Preschool. We are a non-profit corporation with officers: Danielle Shields, President; Emily Hart -Gorman, Secretary; Joe Previtera, Vice President and Nina Coslov, Treasurer. Russell School was established 35 years ago (1976) by Watertown families, 6. Cur legal representative is Margaret P. Franklin Attorney at Law. 73 Junction Square Drive, Concord MA 01742 - . 7. Our organization has not taken on a project of such scope before. The largest endeavor Russell School has accomplished.was a $70,000 capital campaign for playground improvement. Our legal,consultant was.the project manager for the Lexington Waldorf School's purchase of a town building for school ex- pansion, which was a 2 million dollar project. History of Russell Cooperative Preschool/current operations/landlords/officers' addresses Russell Cooperative Preschool was started 35 years ago by Watertown parents. The. nursery school met in a home on Russell Street, and -then became a tenant of the First Parish Church of Watertown at 35 Church Street. Currently we have a nursery school with —28 children aged 3 to 6 years old. Children usually attend Russell for two to three years. We are play based and strive to keep simplicity and joy in our work with our students. We are a parent cooperative. Parents help the school by volunteering.to work in the classroom, serving on the school board, fundraising and assisting with admission processes. Russell school employees consist of four full time staff. Our number of children attending each year is between.28 to a maximum of 30 students. Cur clientsare our children and our customers are our parents. • We have leased property in one site, our current one. The landlord is First Parish Church of Watertown at 3 Church Street Watertown. • Our current board officers are: President Dahielle Shields 59 Commonwealth.Road, Watertown VP Joe Previtera 119 Spruce Street, Watertown Secretary Emily Hart -Gorman #1 17 Paul Street, Watertown Treasurer Nina Coslov 28 Meadow Way, Cambridge thata:May 36 .2-0 1 Homo and address If Individual, Corporation ar other Entity submitting this proposal: 'I OWN OF W/Vi' T OWPI PRopoTALFORM FORMER FAST BRANCH LIBRARY Prebc\A°0' 5 yr n eA' \A 2}AtikvA Mc, l he following information shall be provided on this form of c)11:01011 additional shoots as shall tae roqulrod. • The Individual, Corporation or oilier entity submitting this proposal oporatos 011 a for-profit , not- for-•prolil ,! balls. ▪ I'-vidonco of notdor-profit status Is attached to this proposal form. ✓ Yes No • Provide a brief history of the entity submitting this proposal, including length of time in existence, nano; and address of oflleors or trustees, currant location, description of currant operations, Including nu mhor of omployoes, students, patients, clients, visitors, olc. prior leased proportlos and name and address of landlord in each instance, ✓ Yes No ti State tho Proposed term sought by the t.nssen, (20 to 30 years prolorrod) Including any options to renew or extend, c5 Years W6-`\ A,a-ueus tr 10 1b CUA. �s -1 2 • Stato the proposed annual rent and payment schedule, It is Mu intent of tho Town that rental payments shall commence upon execution of tiro loose, rogaaUoss of the tuning of construction of renovations or occupancy of the loaned pro misos, pb e Cyes.^(_-ctg • • The Prospective Lessen agreos to execute a Lea:so Agreoment In substantially tho 'form included In the Request for Proposals within fifteen ('15) days of delivery of such lease by the Town. _ A/, Yos Proposal Submitted By; bt ,ail;mature) _ ._..-. e ('f flier) Roquool For Proposals For 'rho Looso of Uw Fornor Fast naumh Library 1§aildfoo Pogo 10 of 11 1 MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF REVENUE PO Box 7010. Chelsea, MA 02150-7010 NAVJEET I<. BAL, COMMISSIONER TERESA O'BRIEN-HORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 870C RUSSELL COOPERATIVE PRESCHOOL Notice 30048 INC. 36 CHURCH ST WATERTOWN MA 02472-3846 Exemption Number 042 552 176 Date 12/01/08 Bureau TSD MGT SERV Phone (617) 887-6367 Dear Taxpayer, A review of our records indicates that the Massachusetts sales/use tax exemption for RUSSELL COOPERATIVE PRESCHOOL INC„ a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) organization, will expire on 01/04/09. • The Department of Revenue is issuing this notice In lieu of a new Form St -2, "Certificate of Exemption". The notice verifies that the Massachusetts Department of Revenue has renewed the sales/use tax exemption for RUSSELL COOPERATIVE PRESCHOOL INC. subject to the conditions stated in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 64H, sections 6(d) or (e), as applicable, The organization remains responsible for maintaining its exempt status and for reporting any loss or change of its status to the Department of Revenue. Absent the Department of Revenue's receipt of lnforrnatlon from the taxpayer by the expiration date of the current certificate that the entity no longer holds exempt status under the above provisions, the taxpayer's 'certificate is renewed. This renewal will expire on 01/04/19. The taxpayer's existing Form ST -2, in combination with this renewal notice may be presented as evidence of the entity's continuing exempt status. Provided that this requirement is met, all purchases of' tangible personal property by the taxpayer are exempt From sales/use taxation under Chapter 64H or I respectively, to the extent that suchproperty is used hi the conduct of the purchaser's business. Any abuse or misuse of this notice by any tax-exempt organization or any unauthorized use by any individual constitutes a serious violation and will lead to revocation. Willful misuse of this notice is subject to criminal sanctions of up to ono year in prison and $10,000 in fines ($50,000 for corporations). This notice may be reproduced. Sincerely, Navjeet K. Bal Commissioner of Revenue, CfiRTI It ICATF,%f)I_-NON_;C,QI;1,1151(QN tho undorsIgnod certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid ot proposal has boon made and submitted In good faith and submitted In good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in Ibis certification, the wend "person" shall moan any natural person, business, partnership, corporalhin, wtfon, oomrnitleo olub, er other organization, entity, or group or Individuals. tuning bid or proposal o(Business CERTIFICATIi. OF COMPLIANCE WITH STATE TAXLAW') AND HNEIVIPL0YNiENT ( OMPCi�l�A I I(iP1 t.QN t ftit3t11'IC?N ICI (�Ulit MIN • Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter (32G, Sac. 49A, and Rat.. t.. c. I81A 8001101)19A, I ( 1,tt,,2 UM7w01'" dhnnrod &wintery for ' _ttaii,\\ (�11 ^Q.Q ___. sthoae principal place 0 business <J at .5_(a.V It \ . 1. •rte$ tN tit do hereby certify corder penalties of parity (halms Moo all state tax Willing and paid nil taxes as required by law and has complied with all slate - laws pertaining to contributions to the unemployment compensation fund and to payments in lieu of contributions. Tho 13uslnass Organization Social Security Number- or .Federal Identification Numbor Q X532 1'710 Signed under the ponaltios of perjury the ---_ -_stay of 2011. Signature: thatZd '=''Q' -4.0414' Name and Otto: vg, : -trr,,jicaos!( a,_.A1t'g c Ysr .QA> A (I I.alFICAit OF GORPQI ^i[ VOl,1,: If proposer i, a c oiporation complete below and submit with the proposal a notarfrad copy of vote of the Board of Directors authorizing the signatory to submit tho proposal and to railer into o loose if an award is made by the Town. If the altoslin° clerk Is the 98010 as the; individual signing (he proposal, the signature 911811 be notarizod below. Al a duly atilhorizod mooting ot rho Hoard of Directors of the MiAy 16ICA%_--__- (Nano o �r'eSc60 Corporation) hold on g//oj / f _ (Date) et which all tho L)Irc c tors,were present or waived notice, it was VC/MD f I.) -fhat/�(> q, grAb BW g-(; _ (Mama) 'Cxec, cilye- &.lit (Officer) of liars; Company be and heroby (s nullioiIQ ;d to execute contracts and bonds an the name and behalf of said company, and affix Its corporate seal thereto, and suet execution of any contract or obligation in this Company's name on its behalf by such ,G ttj f. '3rt)w.,53. (Officer) of We Company shall be valid and binding upon this Company. . 1 horoby !ratify Mal I am the Clock of t m aeg [ I . op --_,— . (Nnnicr of Corporation) that Qvn-h'2 _Zo rct,JSK.r is tiro duly elected cK!'t i /rt'L%Obicor) of sold company, any, and that the above vote has not boon amended or rescinded in full force and elect as of Iho . date; of this contract, Alruacopy, , //<z F7 —1 Place of Villainous 2,)/5.5e II (trop I'OSc.IAGvl., Corporate Seal SWORN '10AND SUBSCRIBED tlf',FORtifv1t5THIS -0/-�,_ DAY or NOTARY P1)13I.IC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 10, 2016 Roquool Itt ( Propoxelo Fin The loaso or tho Foonor East 1hnn h Library aoil(IOsfl P000 0 of 11 Excerpt from August 9, 2011 Town Council Minutes Informational Presentation by St. James Armenian Apostolic Church on their thoughts regarding the reuse of the former East Branch Library in advance of the full Council's consideration of how to proceed with the East Branch Lease. The Town Manager provided a brief overview of the matter. The Chair recognized Mr. James McDermott who indicated that the Church's Architect has noted the nearly $2 million in structural improvements needed to the building. Mr. McDermott stated that given the extensive damage, the Church cannot consider a lease as the economics will not work under the current proposal. Mr. McDermott state that the Church may come back when final figures are available and asked that the Town reconsider their plans for a lease and selling the property instead. There being no questions or comments, the Chair thanked Mr. McDermott for the presentation Michael J. Driscoll Town Manager TOWN or WATERTOWN Office of the Town Manager Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 Phone: 617-972-6465 Fax: 617-972-6404 www.watertown-ma, gov tomingr@watertown-ma.gov To: Honorable Town Council From: Michael J. Driscoll, Town Manager Date:. January 24, 2012 (2) RE: Miscellaneous Items Agendas/Minutes/Departmental Postings As a follow up to one of the items at the August 1, 2006 Town Council Work Session, attached please find Agendas/Minutes/Departmental Postings from various Departments, Boards, Commissions and Agencies received this week. Town Council Renuest for Information -.Former East Branch Library Status As a follow up to Council's request for information, attached please find an email regarding the subject, As further developments occur, I will keep you advised, update on Town Council signal issues Attached please find an email regarding the subject. RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER ORDINANCE Attached please find an email and attachment regarding the subject. ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE Coolidge School Apartments & Related Matters Attached please find an email and attachment regarding the subject. As further developments occur, I will keep you advised, ATTACH) ➢ CORRESPONDENCE --TRAFFIC SIGNALS P. INTERSECTION 01? MT. AUBURN STREET & ARLINGTON STREET Attached please find an email and attachment regarding the subject. As further developments occur, I will keep you advised. Whom. should I contact about -a wheelchair accessible apartment in Watertown? Attached please find an email regarding the subject, Harvard University— Payment in Lieu of' Taxes (PILOT) for the Arsenal on the Charles Attached please find subject correspondence for a PILOT payment, Hand, JoAnna From: Driscoll, Michael Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:28 PM To: Hand, JoAnne; Osmond, Marsha Cc: Magoon, Steven; Tracy, Thomas; Marshall, Phyllis; Golden, Francis Subject: FW: Former East Branch Library Status Please include in this afternoon's Misc Items to Council as a follow up to Council's request for information. From: Magoon, Steven Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:52 PM To: Driscoll, Michael Cc: Marchesano, Ingrid Subject: Former East Branch Library Status In response to recent Inquiries, I reached out to the St. James representatives again for an update on their lease proposal for the former East Branch Library property. Previously, I have been in contact with both representatives of the church and their architect, Gary Wolfe. I have provided plans for the original structure, which the church had digitized and provided the Town with both digital and printed copies, I have also opened the building on several occasions to allow for investigation by their consultants, Today I spoke with Tom Gengozlan, and he indicated that they have a meeting scheduled for next Monday, the 30th, to get plan options and cost information from the architect, He expects that St. James will then be able to respond more definitively to the Town within a couple weeks of that meeting, So in summary, the Church has been actively pursuing the improvement of the building to serve their needs, including expenditure of funds, and should be able to finalize their proposal to the Town in the coming weeks, Please let me know if you have further questions. Thanks Steve Magoon, Director Community Development and Planning Town of Watertown 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 972-6417 (617) 972-6484 fax (617) 987-1136 cell smagoon0,wa tertown-ma.gov 1 Michael.). Driscoll Town Manager TOWN OF WA.TERTOWN Office of the Town Manager Administration Building 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 Phone, 617.972-6465 Pax: 617.9726404 www.watcrtowroma.gov tot mgr�varenownma To: Honorable Town Council From: Michael J. Driscoll, Town Manager Date: October 16, 2012 RE: Miscellaneous Items Agendas/Minutes/Departmental Postings As a follow up to one of the items at the August 1, 2006 Town Council Work Session, attached please find Agendas/Minutes/Departmental Postings from various Departments, Boards, Commissions and Agencies received this week. Town Council Request for Information. 10-9-12 Attached please find an update email regarding the subject, Vire ULP Attached please find an email and attachment regarding the subject. Commonwealth Security Trust Fund Appointment — Chief Mario Orangio Attached please find an email and attachment regarding the subject, Boards and Commissions V Planning Board Attached please find the following reappointment letters: John B. Hawes and Jeffrey W, Brown ✓ Zoning Board of Appeals Attached please find the following appointment and reappointment Letters: John Gannon, Christopher Heep and Deborah Elliott Articles American City and County: States' economies show modest growth Arlington Advocate: Goals ahead; Town to look ahead Belmont Citizen -Herald: Grant for new library; Developers present economic impact study Hand, JoAnne From: - Driscoll, Michael Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 133 PM To: Osmond, Marsha; Hand, JoAnne Cc: Magoon, Steven; Marshall, Phyllis; Tracy, Thomas; Golden, Francis; Parsons, Raeleen Subject: Council Request for Information 10-9-12 Please include in today's Misc Items to Council, thanks. From: Magoon, Steven Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 1:01 PM To: Driscoll, Michael .Cc: Hand, JoAnne; Osmond, Marsha Subject: Council Request for Information 10-9-12 At the Council meeting there was a request for information regarding the status of the Old Police Station, and the former East Branch Library. In response, I would offer the following. The Town has hired MDS Architects to perform on call architecture service, The contract was recently completed, and staff met with MDS on October 4, 2012, to outline the various projects. They are putting together a scope of work and price proposal for the various projects which we need to have done, This week they also toured parts of Town Hall and the Old Police Station, in addition they visited the Skating Rink last week. Once we have negotiated a price and scope of the project, it will be presented to Council for funding and work can begin. Regarding the East Branch Library, the preferred bidder continues to evaluate whether they can perform under the terms of their original bid proposal. If It Is determined that they cannot, then we will need to reengage the Council on what our next step will be, as any option other than the existing bid will need to go through an additional RFP. Steve Magoon, Director Community Development and Planning Town of Watertown 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 972-6417 (617) 972-6484 fax (617) 987-1136 cell - smagoon(tdwa te•tow n-ma.gov 1 Holland & Knight . 10 St. James Avenuo !Boston, MA 02116 1 T 617.523.27001 F 617.523.6850 Holland & Knlght LLP 1 cnnr.hklaw.com James E. McDermott (617) 5735848 James.mcdermott@hklaw.com February 1, 2013 Via First Class Mail Mike Driscoll, Town Manager Town ofWatettown 149 Main Street - Watertown, MA 02472 Re; East Branch Library Dear Mike and Steve: Steve Magoon, Planning Director Town of Watertown 149 Main Street Watertown, MA 02472 As you know, we represent St. James Armenian Apostolic Church in connection with its response to the Town's Request for Proposal ("RFP") relating to the former East Branch Library, St. James previously submitted a response to the Town's RFP (the "Initial Response"). Subsequent to the submission of the Initial Response, St, James engaged the architectural firm of Gary Wolfe & Associates ("Wolfe") to prepare feasibility studies and preliminary cost estimates for the renovation and reuse of the Library Building. Wolfe explored a number of potential options for the Building: A renovation and reuse of the Building within its existing footprint; e A renovation of the building with a small addition at either the rear or the side of the building; • A renovation of the building with an addition connecting it to the Church. Wolfe then obtained preliminary cost estimates for each of the proposed renovations. Those cost estimates ranged from $1.8M to $2,8M for renovations alone, not including any payment to the Town. - The Parish Council reviewed each of these options and determined that based on the preliminary costs estimates and the significant investment that would be required, it might not be possible to proceed under the Initial Response. The Parish Council submitted a number of questions to you, which are set forth below, After consulting with the Town Attorney, your response to our questions are also set forth below. If I incorrectly state your position on any issue, please let me know. 611742311_0 1. Many of the preferred uses of the Library may involve building up to or across the lot line. If the Church is only the lessee of the property, is this feasible and how would it work? Town Response: Under the Current RFP, twe Library site must be leased, so that an addition which violated set backs or crossed the lot line probably would not be allowed. 2. If we are to pursue the lease option, it is essential that we have a long term lease. You have pointed out that the lease is essentially for an 80 year term, including the extensions. The proposal as it currently exists calls for a 30 year term and 8 - 5 year extensions "at market rent." If the Church is using the property for its own purposes, 1 do not know how it will be possible to determine "market rent." We would need to define the concept of market rent in the lease so that the Church knows what it is getting into for the fill 80 years. Our preference would be to agree that as long as the Church is using the property for church purposes that the "market rent" would be zero. To the extent there is any commercial use of the property (i.e. renting out a function facility if that is what is done with the building) there could be some payment made to the Town. In addition, the Church has always been and remains willing to provide other community benefits (i.e. the free use of the space for Town or non-profit uses). Town Response: The discussion on -"market rent" is being deferred until St. James determines whether or not it can proceed corder a lease structure. 3. Do you believe it is possible to grant an option to the Church to purchase the property at the end of the lease term, preferably for a nominal amount. I do a lot of transactions with municipalities and housing authorities where the lessee is given the option to purchase the property at the end of the lease term for $1.00, If this feature could be included in the Lease it would make the Church much more comfortable. Do you think this is something that could be done? Town Response: Under the Current RFP, an option to purchase at the end of the lease term is not allowed 4. As we have mentioned from time to time, one of the long term desires of the Church would be to build a new church. This would most likely require the removal of the library building. Therefore, the church would not want to be obligated to maintain the existing building forever. We could build in restrictions (such as no removal for 10 years, no removal unless it was for the specific purpose of building a new church, etc.) if that is something the town would want. Totten Response: Under the Current RFP, the existing building must be maintained for the duration of the Lease. 5. There are some people who think that the Church should not be making the sizable investment into the Library building given the significant structural problems with the building and the limited potential re -uses of it given the physical layout of the building and the site. They would prefer to have the option to replace the building with something that would be more cost effective and conducive to the Church's needs. Is removing the restriction on demolishing the building feasible? 2 M174231121 Town Response: Under the Current RFP, the existing building must be maintained Jim the duration of the Lease. 6. Finally, the proposed $25,000 annual rent may need to be discussed in light of the significant financial commitment (which is much more than they originally contemplated) which will be required to make the building useable. Town Response: The discussion on rent is being deferred until St. James determines whether or not it can proceed under a lease structure. As a result of the significant investment which will be required to acquire the Library Building, there are three issues which are of significant concern to St. James: First, St. James is going to make a $2.3M investment in the Building. It prefers to purchase rather than Lease. Second, many of the most attractive potential reuses involve an addition which would cross the lot line. The inability do so limits the number of options. Third, one of' the Church's long term goals would be to build a new Church. building. This would require both ownership of the site and the ability to remove the existing building. While this may not be a viable option in the next 5-10 years, one of the reasons St. James is interested in acquiring the Library Site is to keep this option open. For the reasons stated above, St, James is unable to proceed under the terms of the Current RFP. If the Town is willing and able to put out a modified request for proposal for the Library which has the flexibility to address some of these concerns (purchase rather than lease, more flexibility with maintaining the building, etc.), St. James will response to such a new RFP. St. James remains very interested in acquiring the Library site, but must be able to do so in a way that makes economic sense for the Church and for the Town. We are happy to meet with you, the Town Council or the Library Re -Use Committee at any time to discuss this further. Sincerely yours, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP JEM:pls 3 1/11742311_0 QmcOo James E. McDermott