HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 401Regular Meeting ( Continued ) October 5, 1954 401 Home Light & Power Ault Electric Rockwell Mfg. Co Pail Lear Weller Lumber Ault Electric Ault Standard Service Blake Armstrong W dmaier Chevrolet PAul 'Fear Dude. Rice Ault Say Gas Mist, Greeley as Co, John Nelson Ault Fire Dept. G.A. Brayton Clary moved: Burman seconded: Co, $160.4.0 3.00 150.76 128.25 4.24 6.00 17.33 231.1. 39.80 128.26 83.30 2'.00 4.43 1.8.50 55.00 37.50 To allow bills and draw warrants for the amounts. Motion Carried. Coon moved: Clary seconded: To adjorn subject to the call of the Motion Carried. tom' Clerk L0/777? Special Meeting Home Light & Power Co. she Ford Meter Co. Tinker Plmb. & Heating Thompson Pipe & Steel Co. Petty ,Cash C Home Light & Power or Armco Drainage & Metal Products George Fathergill Sam McClre & Son's Sherman oods Dude Rice Mrs. E.B. Smith Home ight & Power Home Light & Power Coon Hardware "O. Co, Mayor October 12, 1954 $ 15.00 8.42 WO, 88,56 17.14 117.20 167.90 10)4.48 1.50 196,00 15.68 49.00 5.93 4.87 3.45 Mayor. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Mayor Widmaier. Members present were: Clary, Coon, and Schulz. Burman, Mason & Wykert were absent. The nurnose of this meeting was to adopt an nronosed budget and to set a tax levy, for the year 1955. Mr. Mss Thomte, Town Auditor was °resent to discuss the nronosed budget with, +:he Town oard. Clary moved: Coon seconded: To adopt nronosed budget ad set mill levy at 10.80 mills for the year 1955, provided there was no protests by the next reg- ular meeting; of November 2, 195.. Schulz moved: Clary seconded: To adjorn subject to the cal of the j ayor. Motion Carried aet4A-4. #)42-4 -0 Regular Meeting Clerk error November 2, 1954 Regular meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Widmaier. 'T.embers present were: Clary, Coon, Mason, Schulz and Wykert. Burman was absent. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 1954 and Soecial Meeting of October 12, 1954 were read by the Clerk, and a proved as read. Receinta of the Town for the month of October was read by the Clerk. Two safe water sample renorts was received from the Weld County Health Department, for the month of October 195., for the Town of Ault. As November 2, 1954 was the date set for the hearing of any protests sent in, on the 1955 Budget for the Town of Ault, it was further discussed, and because of no protests, oon moved: Mason seconded: To adopt the Proposed Appropriation Res- ulution, for the 1955 Budget, for the Town of Ault. Motion Carried. Applications were sent in by Edwin Clauson, George Simpson, and August Sothman, for a 1955 Liquor License. Coon moved: Clary seconded: To grant Edwin Clauson, George Simpson and August Sothman, each, a Liquor License for the year 1955, Motion Carried. An annlication was sent in by Carl Archer for a 3.2% Beer License for one year. Clary moved: Wykert seconded: To grant Carl Archer a 3.2% beer license for one year. Motion Carried. The Street and Alley Committee gave a renort on the installing of about 27-30 more street lights, because of the many dark alley's and streets in town. The Home Light & Power Co. was to be contacted to see how much more it would cost the town per month to have these installed. The Mayor gave a renort on the setting un of a Civil Defense Director of this Community. Harry Kurtz had been annointedaat a previous meeting, as this Community Director, There was some discussion on the sellinr`of house numbers to the neope in the Town of Ault. It was deceided there would be no regulation kind or size to purchase. A niece was to published in the Ault Progress stating that the neonie could find out what there house number was by asking at the Town Hall. There was a little discussion on the parallel narking situation of the Town of Ault. The Highway Dept. was to mark off the Parking Zones in the near future. The -Finance Oommittee examined these bills: Sherman Woods 15.00 yidrnaier Appliance g122,34 TheAult Progress 64.43 Petty Cash 10.32 Ault Sanitation Dist. 2.00 Greeley Gas ('a. 7.21 Out West Printing & Stat. 7.87 Home Light & Power Co. 4.30 Mtn., States Tele, & Tele. 4.20 LS.Darley & CO, 103.30 Bethke Truck Lines 16.96 Blake Armstrong 231.1. Widmaier Lhevrolet 8.36 Ault Standard Service 16,63 (Continued)