HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 3/6/19501.1arch 6 1950 Rey ular meetin:- of the T-),-,n Council;, :.:�.yor lla:hlsin, presiding; ar(' councilmen-,Dic'l.. D Huir,nan, C H Ku -per - John T Ri ekenp e nc Jerry Sni e'tier -,re sent- ::a.,�ute , o" Fe,�r :eetir�g were rep, c and', or.. notion by Riel.en« second by Spi e'_Ler _-. -,proved' as read- c rri ec . It ,,,;, s ;Hover by Hui sma.n secorr'. by Kuper t'-la.t the f ol'o^ i..,[, price, be paid,. for rer..ovir�; snow, For Tractor & scoop 0?. `15 -:-)er '-oiir For Truc'�infr snoT�r- 2.50 ner 1-.i.o,,a.r, motion carried. T'-e fol' m-AnFr na-r.:er' .,!ere an-, ointe(' Judr-es a.nC Cler'-.s of Election, For Ju('r es- snie'Ler- Nuisma.n ar_c' Kuper For Cler'_- Cr riles and .Vo^dro,.. Ln. 'rt „ s move(-, and' seconded t'..-t t1,e E ect� ^r ',e 1^elr it r1..^ Lbtr' m Hall - The fo' l^T,'inrr bills were ore^ent( -, seco�'(by Nuisman ordered naie_ :not' crr- iec'. , - Cen' ra'_ States Elect Co- S}r� Lt- _ Poi;per Fre(_ Potter- G F ire^rr'As Posh^e C 77 Ros - Snow Plo- 7 rl-ey Freese- used Oil Stove 1Ve71 sr'ur,° Herald. Printin,m We'_I sour. - '.:otnr S-, LP- Renai.rs,F True'- n n . ifPi c',--izn etropol.itan S�z n�.y- El_ rti �r sung' ie s. H L Lu,,,re, A-�e­T. Ins on Fire Truc'.s Pol_ L^.rson Scnoning snoir Don' Ross- Rurnir.r IlhintF.irer '-farm Peters- Scooping snow F 8-* H Service- Gas & Oil Jake '-1i. ,pen- Removinf^ snot,.-( Sc-^op) C(5.25) mote. n., ��tr SoiP,_er 24.1v 172.31 1. 03 35.00 75.00 17. ?3 20.75 I'.'7 z.26 62..00 .00 15.00 14.00 7,96 Truck 2.50) 74.75 Johi Rust Sco -)n) 42.?5 H Linda: -an 8- Sons if Truck 3'�.50 ::a.yo Tj aden " Truck 32.50 Henry II° open- '� Truck 'r2 50 G D- Jansser- " Truck 27.50 There beir',­ no _ iirt'-.er Ousir_e ", -.o,z,-c;, , nti�i:)y Spie''-Ier adj o„rre,',. c.=LL - ie -- - - C 1 e rk ..arch 14 1^50. Snecial ]leeting nre „1 C . r—, an(' c^i,., ci ► ��r , J Sni e'er, Kuper- '` p. P.n,-'_ J T Rie',=,— nresent- r. ! tl-.,n t U.r En ,..rear be e?noloye, to 1..,.,. 'l,nr' r'7 iY.es o:' t' Di snosal_ Plant site, a ,C t'- ._t irnr stez.lCes .)e T)'!-ce(' on e^cl� corner t�,ereof, -n(' that a f enca I erecter o,- the lines so est-gblis'�eC', as soon as «,,eat' er i?rr^Zits, seco­(ed r.y Kuner- motion cprriec. T'.-ere l:;ei_ - nn -", rt?�er busi.ne, it -as mover to adjourn. C1erl- _ r