HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130410 - Appropriations Committee - Meeting MinutesTown of Hopkinton Appropriation Committee (AC) Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Room 211, Town Hall, Hopkinton, MA In attendance: Mike Manning pam Waxlax Wayne Pacheco Ron Eldridge (participating remotely) Chris Ketchen Norman Khumalo Ralph Dumas Jon Graziano Chairman Manning called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM when a quorum was physically present. Mike announced that Ron Eldridge would be participating remotely in the meeting due to significant geographic distance. (No vote to allow remote participation of an individual by the physically present members is needed to recognize a remote member under 940 CMR 29.10.). Norman presented information relating to an article about the proposed town parking lot. The Town is , currently negotiating with Bill's, Middlesex Savings Bank, the Mason's Lodge and the Korean Church for either an easement or a 20 year lease. Phase 1 of this project is $130k for fixing the current lot. Phase 2 would be for expansion. Bill's is willing to sell the rear parcel of their land for the expansion of parking to the Town. (See 2 attachments with proposed spaces, including expansion, and lot sizes.) Norman believes this will help get the parking needed for the library grant. The estimated cost has increased from last year as they are no longer patching but effectively replacing the paving and adding lighting and drainage. The expanded lot would have 95 spaces. Ralph and Jon presented the School Committee (SC) capital articles. Two of the articles on the attached list are not capital. Article 1 is the Operational Budget for the schools which will be presented with the Town Budget. The other non-capital article, #8, allows the SC to award a bus contract for more than 3 years. Currently they only allow 3 year contracts. The new contract is for 3 years plus 2 one year optional extensions. This article can also be used for Food Services contract which expires soon, allowing the schools to negotiate for more than 3 years on that contract. Article 2 -Elementary School Feasibility Study There was some talk that this may be delayed but response from conversation with MSBA may move it forward. A second conversation with an independent architect also indicates this should move forward. That second meeting related that cost is expected to be $550-650k. In 2008 ATM $385k was approved and the total associated with that feasibility study was $450k. Ron suggested the more you can tie down the increase to the MSBA, the better. One of the first things the feasibility study does is to evaluate the school so that decisions can start to be made. Statements of Interest went in today to MSBA and no words were used about districting. None of the costs with this feasibility study are reimbursable. Article 3 Joint Information Technology was presented by Chris McClure and Kathy Dooley at our meeting on April 3, 2013. Please refer to those minutes for information. Article 4 -Emergency Generator -Hopkins School This is a top priority of the SC as it falls under life/safety issue. Currently when Hopkins loses power, the water pump doesn't work and they can't get water. Both the high school and middle school have generators. A generator would allow Hopkins to be used as an emergency shelter. Article 5 -Building & Grounds Equipment -Tractor Mower They have spent $10k on repairs since last ATM but the price has gone up due to higher emission standards. The mower was purchased in 2005 and has the equivalent of 200k miles. This is the SC's second priority. Article 6 -Middle School Auditorium Upgrades This request is mainly housekeeping things. There was discussion of the Capital Asset Management Plan and how to keep this kind of thing out of articles and into operational budget. Article 7 Loop Road Repair This relates to the stretch of road from Hayden Rowe to the fork leading off to Hopkins School. The road is still in the same condition as last year. The road requires reconstruction, not just repaving. SC did ask many times why this can't become a public road. This has a higher priority than the MS auditorium. Chris presented the 4/10 financial model (attached.) Legislators came to the last BoS meeting and said to expect level funding. Chris went through the changes on the 3rd to last page from the previous financial model. The following was noted: • Parks & Rec Enterprise Fund still needs support at the same level as last year • Chris, Elaine Lazarus, Bob Bushway and Maureen Dwinnell met about new growth numbers. Town may expect this number to be higher but it's just not coming in. • State -Chapter 90, preliminarily certified at $973K, a 50% increase over the FY13 amount. A recommendation was made to look at keeping the town portion of the pavement management plan what was presented earlier as we are behind on town paving. Additionally, we don't know if the money from the state will really come in as this level. • Town is close to finalizing health insurance number and is should be lower. For every % they can shave off, costs will go down $50k. • Chapter 70 up $86k, General Government up $17k. • The BoS want the 2.67% tax impact to be 2.1%, a decrease in the tax levy of $200k. • Chris will look at the Building Revolving Fund for next time for additional funds. • Town Manager recommends the same amount that the SC asked for in its budget. Discussion on the excess levy capacity and town perception followed. Ron made a suggestion to break down excess levy capacity between operating and debt exclusions. (Take the debt exclusions out of the maximum allowable levy and actual levy.) Debt Exclusions are going up because of the timing issues related to the reimbursement from MSBA versus the life of the loan. (MSBA reimbursement was taken for a period of 2 fewer years than the life of the loan, causing shortfall in FY14 and FY15.) We're not using additional taxpayer money to fund this shortfall but cutting expenses in other areas, pushing it out to FY15 and beyond in terms of borrowing now and paying back over 5 years. We will resume the regular schedule of how capital articles are paid for in FY15. The Town can borrow and stay within the lending limits through prior use of Pay As You Go funding. Chris will draft the presentation for our public hearing using last year as a starting point and update for current numbers. CIC has voted to recommend all the capital articles they are required to vote on. Discussion on the Fruit Street Solar Farm noted that they need to clean up any questions we raised at prior meetings relating to this subject on 12/12/12 and 1/30/13. The other Town proposed capital article is for an integrated Financial Management System by MUNIS. This system would be used by both the Town and Schools and replaces a patchwork of systems used by both. The $300k request includes $136k in annual fees which would be ongoing and $165k in implementation costs. The Town's auditors have written up the current system the last two years in their management letter, with this past year emphasizing greater importance to replace it. Currently we're spending a combined $70k annually on current packages that run like silos. Auditor fees are $10k higher than would be under a better system. The Town has been with the current vendor for 27 years and the company has been upgrading the services over the years. It was developed as an offshoot to the iPass system and Hopkinton is the only town running it in MA. The new vendor supports 150 communities in MA. There is a new chart of accounts in line with MA requirements and new procedures. It would be a full integration -accounting, payroll, HR, Taxes that both the Town and the Schools would use. The individual areas would "talk" to one another without having to convert data and re-enter it. This would be paid by borrowing for implementation and the first year's fees. Subsequent years' annual fees would be included in the operating budget. Basically there will be a $50k increase in the operating budget related to the new system. They would start running MUNIS July 1 with a period of redundancy with the old systems. Wayne moved and Pam seconded a motion to approve the minutes of our 4/1/2013 meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. Wayne moved and Pam seconded a motion to approve the minutes of our 4/3/2013 meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. At 8:40 PM Pam moved and Wayne seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously, 4­ O. IG I I \ I ,,,,,,~......,...........,,,,~------. o TIle datJI allOwn on thll Ue are pt'OVkIed far iIIformiItIoniIland planning PW,KIIIe. only. The Town and itI consultant. are nol re.ponlIible for the mlaUlie or milreprenntatlon of the datil. ".'f -; Interstate fj.,¥J US Hlgh""'Y Slate Highway B.lilding Footprints II1II Parcels w/Aenals Town of Hopkinton GIS150 300ft Printed on 0410812013 at 04: 04 PM O"i\ [IS 't/IZ:tCL lot­ School Committee Articles -Submitted 317/13 Annual Town Meeting May 2013 Article One (Operational Budget) To hear and act on reports and recommendations of the Appropriation Committee and the School Committee and to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money for the operation of the School Depatiment during the ensuing fiscal year; said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Two (Elementary School Feasibility Study) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $600,000 for the purpose of obtaining soil borings, topographical studies, land surveys, wetlands surveys, preliminary site development plans, schematic designs, architectural and engineering designs, cost estimates, bid documents, and construction alternatives for the renovation or replacement of the Center Elementary School located at 11 Ash Street in Hopkinton, Massachusetts; said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Three _ f'YeSen;red IT\'\ 4/S/rP (Joint Information Technology) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $80,000 to provide for the acquisition of all equipment, materials, labor and services necessary or appropriate to upgrade the telephone system of the Middle School and Central Administration office. and replace obsolete/unsafe wiring for the Town Departments; said sum to be spent jointly under the direction of the School Committee and the Town Manager. Article Four (Emergency Generator -Hopkins School) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $205,000 to provide for the acquisition of all equipment, materials, labor and services necessary or appropriate to install an emergency generator at the Hopkins Elementary School; said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Five (Buildings & Grounds Equipment -Tractor-Mower) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $80,000 for the purpose of purchasing a new 12-foot wide tractor-mower for maintaining athletic fields: and further, to authorize the disposition of any equipment presently being used by the School Maintenance Department by trade-in or otherwise; said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Six (Middle School Auditorium Upgrades) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $32,000 for the purpose of acquiring materials, supplies, and labor to re-carpet the floor and painting the walls, ceiling, and stage floor at the Middle School Auditorium~ said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Seven (Loop Road Repair) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum of $96,000 for the design, repair, maintenance, renovation and improvement of the main entrance of the High School loop road; said sum to be spent under the direction of the School Committee. Article Eight (Transportation Contract) To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to enter into a Pupil TranspOltation contract of five (5) years, including any renewals, extensions, or options, as allowed under MGL Chapter 30B, Section 12(b). enter School Feasibili • A new MSBA Statement of Interest has been subnlitted for a solution to the Center School. If the MSBA selects Hopkinton for another round of Center School construction funding, an updated Feasibility Study, Thru Schematic Design (FS/SD) will be required. • The MSBA has informed us that it will not participate in the funding of an updated FS/SD for determining a solution to the Center School because they've already provided funding for one study. • The entire cost of the original FS/SD was approximately $451K was based on the cost of the last. We been advised that Design Partnership (DPC) likely provided their services at a loss. • Part of the expense associated with a FS/SD is the cost of an Owner's Project Manager (OPM), the cost of which is expected to be between $100 -$150K. • Indications are that, depending upon the nature of the next FS/SD, it is likely that relatively little of the work done in the last FS/SD will be re-usable in the next FS/SD. • Based upon a review of all elementary school FS/SD conducted since the MSBA was established, an average of 1.93% of total project costs has been spent on FS/SD costs. On a $30 million project, that would come to $579K. In survey of recent elementary projects in the state, given the range of FS/SD costs in various projects, a $600K figure seems reasonable. ~oint Information Technolog~ Schools -Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephone System • The Middle School telephone system is over ten years old and experiences frequent malfunctions. When the system fails, repairs are very costly and are done using refurbished parts as new parts are no longer being made for the system. • Middle School classrooms have no telephones . • This is the same system used at Town offices and operates over the town-owned fiber network, thus providing better connectivity between the School & Town departments. • The proposed new phone system will cover the Middle School and Central Office this year. VoIP win expand to ~ all scbool buildings in future years. , Town -Wiring Update • Wiring in Town buildings is obsolete and needs replacement. Connections drop frequently and it is difficult and costly to track because drops are not correctly labeled. The combined total of this request is $80,000. !Emergency Generator -Hopkins! • When the Hopkins School was constructed an emergency generator was not funded due to budget constraints. This creates problems beyond a lack of lighting and electricity. Due to the distance between the school and the water tower near the White House, water is pumped into the Hopkins. Without power, there is no water in the bUilding. More significantly, toilets have to be flushed manually; i.e. by staff pouring buckets of water into them. This is not a sanitary practice. • The solution to this problem is the installation of an emergency generator. • The requested amount to do this work is $205,000. /Mower for Buildings & Grounds Departmen~ • Existing mower has been in use since 2005. • Vehicle is used to mow 20 acres of athletic fields 2-3 times weekly. • Vehicle has been used for 1,985 hours, which is the equivalent of 200,000 miles on a motor vehicle. • In the past year $10,591 has been spent to repair the unit. • Cost to replace with a new vehicle is approximately $80K. !Auditorium Upgrades -Middle Schoo~ • The Middle School Auditorium now serves as the major production center for the Middle and High School drama performances, concerts, musicals, and assemblies. The Auditorium is also used throughout the year for town meetings, community productions, and other community events. The result of this varied level of activity is that the facility requires occasional upkeep. This project will provide funding to paint the walls, ceiling and stage floor, as well as to re-carpet the floor. • The requested amount to do this work is $32,000. /Hopkins Loop Road Repair~ • Existing section of road (1,100 feet) leading from Hayden Rowe toward the Hopkins School is nearly 15 years old and is in very poor condition. • Road is used by approximately 670 cars, trucks, and buses every day that school is in session. Data is from traffic study conducted by the engineering firm of Fay, Spofford & Thorndike (FST) in FY08, and does not include exiting High School traffic. • In the spring of 2012, the Hopkinton DPW was consulted and provided equipment & labor to assess the road and its underlying problems. • Engineer (FST) has conducted subsurface soil tests, which provided an estimate of $116K which includes the $20K carried over from the FY10 Loop Road article. The net request at this time is, therefore, $96K. f' f' ft1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON FINANCIAL MODEL FINAL FINAL FINAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ _______ FISCAL 2011 ASCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 FISCAL 2015 FISCAL 2016 FISCAL 2017 FISCAL 2018 I-'OP=ii:RA=c::n::.:'Nc::G:.::BU=:=DG:==ET=Sc:U:::MMA=.:.:.R:.:~.:..: -+___-,,::-:,----+-----+-----+------41------+-----1 --­_________ GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCAnON-HOPKINTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCAnON-REGIONAL TECHVOCH SCHOOL PUBLIC WORKS HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CULlURE AND RECREA nON DEBT SERVICE CURRENTlExcludes CPFdlEnblrprise Debt) DEBT SERVICE (PrIor v ..... BAN Paydowns) DEBT SERVICE AUTHORIZEDINOT ISSUED DEBT SERVICE PROJECTED (estimated for C8p1bll) EMPLOVEE BENEFITS, INSURANCE & MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNITY PRESERVAnON FUND SeweR ENTERPRISE FUND (Includes Capital Equipment) WATER ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREAnON ENTERPRISE FUND Toml Operating Budget 2,002,275.69 2,052,007.33 2,403,477.50 4,068,276.81 4,107,180.84 4,313,243.09 32,317,998.00 32,957,721.00 34,085,238.00 446,820.00 501,253.00 514,510.00 3,292,662.68 3,534,718.20 3,919,969.09 339,661.20 340,078.00 384,854.03 349,385.55 345,152.00 351,551.41 6,233,411.00 6,012,203.75 5,183,087.00 8,090,186.00 8,372,638.00 8,602,447.00 • 162,820.00 2,541,051.96 ___ 2,~~2,683.99 2,719,922.00 1,673,456,28 --------",674,669.&6 1,368,549.00 46,346.00; 513.604.00 422,331.&6 61,401,531.17 62,643,909.97 64,440,000.00 2,684,520.49 2,748,410.90 2,803,379.12 __4,404,818.88 4,492,915.28 4,582,T73.56 35,585,384.00 36,652,945.52 37,752,533.89 535,546.00 551,715.38 559,991.11 3,1;68,822.16 3,742,198.60 3,817,042.58 425,370.86 433,878.28 442,555.84 373,104.T7 380,568.87 388,178.20 5,511,169.00 5,027,m.00 4,088,880.00 249,334.00 154,000.00 149,600.00 733,500.00 733,500.00 8,936,804.79 9,115,540.89 9,297,851.70 326,910.00 328,910.00 325,910.00 2,928,089.00 ~_2,1I86,650.78 3,048,383.90 1,571,447.00 1,602,875.94 1,634,933.46 581,770.21 593,405.61 605.273.73 67,793,191.16 69.543,191.02 70,229,7&6.98 2,859,446.70 4,674,429.03 38,885,109.90 568,390.98 ~,893,383.43 451,406.96 395,841.T7 3,750,845.00 145,200.00 733,500.00 9,483,808.74 326,910.00 3,107,311.47 1,667,632.13 617,379.20 71,580.695.30 ___ 2,916,635.63 4,767,917.61 40,051,683.20 576,916.84 3,971,251.10 490,435.10 403,880.60 3,44~,427.00 ______ 140,800.00 733,500.00 9,673,484.91 326,910.00 3,169,457.70 1,700.984.77 629,726.79 72,964,971.28 Capital Plan Community Pr&fSetvation Projecta/ResetVatJons Misce/ianeoll$ ArtIcles Enterprise Articles from Free Cash OTHER AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED: 2,426,191.70 670,071.00 703,520.00 ----­. 1,2a4,800.00· -----1,439,600.00 721,750.00 253,000.00 -800,000.00 800,000.00 1,284,800.00 -1,284,800.00 1,284,800.00 700,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 253,000.00 253,000.00 253,000.00 __ 800,000.00 1,264,800.00 200,000.00 253,000.00 800,000.00 1,284,800_00 200,000.00 253,ooo~oo Amounts CertIfied Tax TItle Purposes ~_9,051.00 19,051.00 18,989.50 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Unprovided Debt & Interest Charges Allow Abate & Exemp Dellcits-Pr Yr _ Cherry Sheet OffselS-Res Dir Exp 24,662.00 ~6.6~r-28,953.00 25,023.00 26,700.00 26,700.00 _26~l-_ 26.700.00 Revenue Oeflclt-Prior Vear Authorized deferral of teachers' pay Snow & Ice Deficit-PriorV..r 382,777.14 584,000.00 193,128.82 500,000.00 5OO,OOO'~t-_ 500,000.00 500,000.00 Severe Siorm Deficit· Prior Year liren. FY12; Sandy FY13).__ 89,725.38 41,755.00 _____ Olher(Utilities in_I) 56,961.96 Total OtIIerAmounts to be Raised 426,490.14 629,745.00. 328,796.70 143,739.96 546,700.00 546,700.00 546,700.00 546,700.00 I Smte" County Charg8Si(incl Tuition Assessments) 620,824.00 638,458.00 i 579,&65.00 547,9711-00 640,000.00 840,000.00__640,_°00.00 ~ r--------------------------------------T---.-----~--------cc---:~,__,__~~. ~ce Abablments " Exemptions (Overlay) __404~ 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.0( TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED 65,279,048.68 66,316,983.97 68,916,531.70 71,172,707.12 73,717,691.02 74,404,286.98 75,7:l~,195.30 77,139,471.21 4/10/20135:38 PM S:\Fy14\Rnancial Model\Financial Model FY14 v.2?) ' -- ___~&~_"""'''''''"___~''___'''F~'''---~-~-~'~~'-Y'----'--~'~-~W~.~~''"''"'"''"'''''''"'"~________.,_____. ---"'-""'--'-----"""',.,-.-~..-,."''''-----...-....--~-'''"~.-~""--....--'--'"~.~--~-,~ n e n TOWN OF HOPKINTON FINANCIAL MODEL FINAL FINAL FINAL PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 FISCAL 2015 FISCAL 2016 FISCAL 2017 FISCAL 2018 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED 65,279,048.68 86,316,983.97 68,916,531.70 71,112,707.12 73,717,691.02 74,404,286.98 75,735,195.30 T7,-139,471.26 LESS REVENUE/AVAILABLE FUNDS: Tax Revenue See Below SeeSelow See Below Sae below See below Saebelow See below See below Local Revenue 3,175,000.00 3,728,450.84 2,823,559.49 3,107,092.00 3,107 ,092.00 3,107,092.00 3,107,092.00 3,107,092.00 State Aid 6,636,936.00 6,524,846.00 6,784,204.00 8,784,204.00 6,784,204.00 6.784,204.00 6,784,204.00 6,784,204.00 MSSA School Constnlclion Reimbursement 2.285,903.00 2,285,903.00 2,077,694.00 1,487,086.00 1,487,086.00 1,487,086.00 1,487,086.00 1,4117,08/1.00 Free Cash-Appropriation. from 595,592.00 369,176.00 1,321,520.00 949,334.00 1,200,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 Free Cash-Oft'SeI Tax Rete Community Praeervatlon Fda DebtJProjectslReservationa Incl below 1,614,900.00 1,602,420.00 1,611,710.00 1,611,710.00 1,611,710.00 1,611,710.00 1,611,710.00 Available Funds 3,144,741.86 913,655.55 429,8.14.65 3511,~71.91 168,568.51 ' 180,894.90 1T7,74O.60 175,359.73 Enterprise Revenue/Enterprise Free Cash 3,820,150.00 3,845,995.85 5,209,867.00 5,806,791.72 6,028,417.84 6,132,076.49 6,237,808.31 6,345,684.77 TOTAL REVENUE/AVAILABLE FDS 19,658,322.88 19.283,027.24 20,248,879.14 20,104,789.63 20,407,078.35 19,903,063.39 20,005,840.91 20,111,106.50 VARlANCfilTAX LEVY (45,620,725.80 (47,033,956.73 148,867,652.56 151,067,917.49 (53,310,612.67 .184,501,223.591 155,729,554.39 ·\57,028,364.76 -.~-.........---..-.--­ 4/10/2013 5:38 PM S:\Fy14\Financial Model\Financial Model FY14 v.2?) ------- --- --- ----- I f' e e TOWN OF HOPKINTON FORMAT OF APPROPRIA1l0N COMMITTEE REPORT ASCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIAll0N APPROPRlA1l0N APPROPRlA11ON TOWN MANAGER $Changa % Change FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 ASCAL2014 2013·2014 2013·2014'-----'------­ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ~ SELECTMEN 0002 IWagas and Salaries 0003 Expenses TOTAL 122.sELECTMEN I 129 TOWN MANAGER--­ 0177 Wages and Salaries 1272 IExpens. TOTAL 129-TOWN MANAGER - 0.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 226,809.00 8,300.00 235,109.00 0.00 4,400.00 4.400.00 228,129.00 6,165.00 234,294.00 -~-- 0.00 . f--­0.00 0.0% 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 0.00 0.0% --­ 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.0% ---­...~ 260,921.99 272,000.00 11,078,01 ____ 4.2% 16,400.00 16,400.00 0.00 0.0% i­ 277,321.99 299.400.00 11,078.01 4.0% ,-f-­ 131 APPROPRlA1l0N COMMITTEE 0019 Expan_Appropriation Committee 0115 Reserve Fund TOTAL 131-APPROPRIAll0N COMMITTEE 500.00 75,000.00 75,500.00 500.00 ----­ 75,000.00 75,500.00 ---­ 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.0% 2iiU%32,111.91 125,000.00 92,888.09 ----­- 32,611.91 125,500.00 92,888.09 284.8% 135 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING 0179 Wages and Salaries I­... ~~ Expenses TOTAL 135·ACCOUNTING I 141 ASSESSOR 0181 IWages and Salarias 0044 jExpen_ 0127 Appralsal Services TOTAL 141-ASSESSOR 142,865.00 ----­ 3,165.00 146,030.00 163,986.00 --­ 7,000.00 3,500.00 174.486.00 142,865.00 7,943.00 150,806.00 163,141.00 6.933.00 3.500.00 173.574.00 I-­ 212,308.40 209,458.50 12,849.90 -1.3% 38,100.00 36,940.73 11,159.27) -3.0% 250,408.40 246,399.23 (4,009.17 -1.6% --­---------­ ----­ 172,217.90 170.385.58 11,832.32) ·1.1% 5,041.00 5.041.00 0.00 0.0% 37,700.00 8.700.00 (29.000.00 -76.9% ----­ 214.958.90 184,1~.58 -~~32 ·14.3% ~45 TREASURE~OLLECTOR 0191 Wagee and Salaries 0031 Expenses TOTAL 145-TREASURER/COLLECTOR 134,278.00 57,384.00 191,662.00 123,92$.00 57,066.00 180,992.00 --­ 139,579.85 140.097.90 518.05 0.4% 46,651.00 46,651.00 0.00 0.0% --1------­ 1f1!,230.85 ----­188.748.90 -~ 0.3% ------­~ 151 LEGAL 0010 Legal Counsel 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 250,000.00 100,000.00 66.7% TOTAL 151·LEGAL 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,001).00 250,000.00 100,000.00 _.~i ~HUMAN RESOURCES 0905 jWagea. Sa/aries & Compensation Reserve 148,159.12 130,103.82 80,618.00 117.296.19 36,618.19 45.4% Compensation Rell8fYe 0.00 0.00 13,736.10 90,000.00 ~619~1----555.2% 0017 lexpenses .__4.1,425.00 59,321.90 23,500.00 24,550.00 1,050.00 4.5% ,---­ TOTAL 152·HUMAN RESOURCes 189,584.72 189,425.72 117,914.10 231,848.19 113,932.09 96.6% 155 MANAGEMENT INFORMA11ON SYSTEMS 1310 Wages and Salarias 95,750.00 96,922.00 108,120.00 108,535.81 415.81 0.4% 1311 IExpenses 163,118.00 ____201.686.00 _____ 196,870.00 209,106.31 12,236.31 6.2% ---­ TOTAL 1S5·MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 258,868.00 298,608.00 304,990.00 317,642.12 12,652.12 4.1% I ---- -- --- -- --- ----- e e" I APPROPfUATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWIll MANAGER $ Change % Change I FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 161 TOWN CLERK 0193 Wages and Salaries 108,664.00 114,201.87 127,547.81 1~28,375.46 827.65 0.6% 0024 Expenses 9,499.78 9,309.78 9,310.00 9,310.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 161-TOWN CLERK 118,163.78 123,511.65 136,857.81 137,685.46 827.65 0.6% -ru-'ELECTION & REGISTRATION 0292 Wages and Salar1.. 7,501.00 12,401.00 17,401.00 8,301.00 (9,100.00 -52.3% -~--- 0027 Expenses 19,050.00 24,880.00 28,080.00 19,100.00 (8,880.00 -32.0% TOTAL 162·ELECTION & REGISTRATION 26,551.00 37,281.00 45,481.00 27,401.00 (18,080.00 -39.8% -~-----f­ 170 LAND USE .-­ 1312 Wages and Salaries 367,697.19 373,930.96 388,816.54 411,785.01 22,968.47 5.9% 1313 IExpenses 9,004.00 6,962.00 5,666.00 20,866.00 15,000.00 264.7% TOTAL 17o.LAND USE 376,701.19 380,892.96 394,482.54 432,451.01 37,968.47 9.6% 177 GREEN COMMITTEE 1314 Expenses 300.00 300.00 25,300.00 300.00 (25,000.00 ·98.8% TOTAL 177-GREEN COMMITTEE 300.00 300.00 25,300.00 300.00 (25,000.00 -98.8% I 179 OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE .-­ 0380 IExpenses 9SO.00 9SO.00 I ----950.00 9SO.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 179-OPEN SPACE COMMITTEE 9SO.00 9SO.00 950.00 9SO.00 0.00 0.0% _.. I 112 TOWN HALL 0302 Wages end Salaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0004 Expenses 20,270.00 20,270.00 --- 8,270.00 8,270.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 192·TOWN HALL 20,270.00 20,270.00 8,270.00 8,270.00 0.00 O.O"A. 194 CABLE COMMITTEE 1014 Expenses 500.00 500.00 --500.00 500.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 1M-CABLE COMMITTEE 500.00 500.00 SOO.OO 500.00 0.00 0.0% NEW UPPER CHARLES RIVER TRAIL NEW Expens.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.0% TOTAL NEW-UPPER CHARLES RIVER TRAIL COMMITTEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.0% r-=­ 199 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT -~ -~-~- 0009 Town Reports 5,000.00 3,500.00 3,500,-00-,-. 3,SOO.00 0.00 -.~ 0387 Audit 22,000.00 22,500.00 23,000.00 ~~ 23,000.00 0.00 0.0% Hydrant Rental 0.00 0.00 224,000.00 224,000.00 0.00 0.0% -0791 Leadership Academy 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 -(1,200.00 -100.0% 0485 Prof.ulanel ServIces and Training 5,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 199-OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 33,200.00 3O,~700.00 255,200.00 254,ClQO,00 11,200.00 .0.5% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,002,275.69 2,052,007.33 2,403,477.SO 2,694,520.49 291,042.99 12.1% I &tJ$$A($X.'W gg" A4!E~A,4'i4MMM;MA;Zc{k.J«,t".4H)!1 t..,P.s<hiAC$ i\A"4%!;;;p;squ¥,;44.4R¥tJ!lP,,,.J,Yr"%,'1QQ 3I.h,J'fi,OXW t" # A4\ ,Zf'J4I!!"I"'IWi#~ ------ -- -- ------- ~"",.J,;1 ~ A.• e APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change-'-1--1 FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 , PUSUC SAFETY I 210 POLICE 0275 Wages and Salaries 1.933.114.16 1,956,168.68 2.027.964.33 2,120,647.88 92,683.55 4.6% - 0077 Expenses 209,029.49 211.551.00 178,743.00 158,508.00 (20,235.00 -11.3% 0016 Auxiliary Police Expanses 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0686 Capital Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 210·POUCE 2,145,143.65 2,170,719.68 2,209,707.33 2,282,155.88 72,448.55· 3.3% 220 FIRE ~ages and Salaries 1,108,084.77 1,731,912.77 1,885.399.76 1,899.456.00 14,056.24 0.7%'----~ .. ­ 0083 Expanses 142,760.00 130,260.00 134,689.00 139.449.00 -4.780.00 3.5% .-­ 0872 Capital Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%- TOTAL 220-ARE 1,848,844.77 1,862,172.17 2,020,088.78 2,038,905.00 18.816.24 0.9% -.-­ 244 SEALER OF WEIGHTS & MEASURES -Q.ii%r-­ 0056 Wag•• and Salaries 2,978.00 2,918.00 3,036.00 3,036.00 -- ---.~-- 0051 Expenses 953.00 953.00 953.00 953.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 244-SEALER OF WEIGHTS & MEASURES 3,931.00 3,931.00 3,989.00 3,989.00 0.00 0.0% ----.-'-------­ 292 DOG OFFICER 0063 Wages and Salaries 21,881.00 21,881.00 21,881.00 -- 21,881.00 0.00 0.0% 0064 Expenses 5,356.00. 5,356.00 5,356.00 5,356.00 0.00 0.0% 0874 CapItal Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 292·DOG OFFICER 27,237.00 27,237.00 27,237.00 27,237.00 0.00 -~-'-­r-­- I - 293 TRAFAC CONTROL 0088 Traffic Lights 10,200.00 10,200.00 19,300.00 19,300.00 0.00 0.0% r!QTAl~3-TRAFAC CONTROL 10,200.00 10,200.00 19,300.00 19,300.00 0.00 0.0% '--­ -~TREE WARDEN 0360 IWages and Salaries I 14,072.46 14,072.46 14,073.00 14,354.00 281.00 2.0% f---___ .0085 IExpanse.. 18,847.93 18,847.93 18,848.00 18,878.00 30.00 0.2% 32,920.39 32,920.39 32,921.00 33,232.00 311.00 0.9% __ .. --tTOTAL 294-TREE WARDEN ---­ TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 4,088,276.81 4,107,160.84 4,313,243.09 4,404,818.88 I 91,575.79 2.1% I I I L_ --I - ----- f'f" ft APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change I FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 2013·2014 EDUCATION - 300 HOPKINTON PUBUC SCHOOLS f--­ 0116 ILOCAL SCHOOLS 32.317.998.00 32.957.721.00 35.585.384.00 1.500.148.00 4.4% TOTAL 3oo·HOPKlNTON PUBUC SCHOOLS 32.317.1198.00 32,957.721.00 34,085.238.00 35.585.384.00 1,500.148.00 4.4% ----f---- ----I 800 REGIONAL TECH. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 0135 REGIONAL TECH. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 448.820.00 501.253.00 514.510.00 535.846.00 21.136.00 4.1% TOTAL 8OO-REGIONAL TECH. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 446.820.00 501.253.00 514.510.00 535.648.00 21.136.00 4.1% TOTAL EDUCATION 32,764,818.00 33.458.974.00 34.5l1li.748.00 36.121,030.00 1.521.~00 4.4% - I I --.......-­ -- --------------- ----- --------------------------- -------- -------- --- ------ --------------- -------------- ~f' e ,",",1 I APPROPRIAnON APPROPRIAnON APPROPRlAnON TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change I FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013·2014 2013·2014 PUBIJC WORKS 411 FACIUnES 0899 Wages and Salaries 169,270.00 174,580.20 163.506.31 163,747.00 240.69 0.1% 1015 Expenses 181,124.00 _3.~U75.00 532.957.00 590,522.00 57,565.00 10.8%I­TOTAL 411·FACIUnES 350,394.00 496,455.20 696,463.31 754,269.00 57,805.69 8.3% 421 HIGHWAY 0361 IWages and Salaries 680,086.36 i 690,070.00 679,439,00 688,511.80 9,072.80 1.3% 0107 IExpenses 203,350.00 173,850.00 201,680.00 193,430.00 (8,250.00 -4.1% SUB-TOTAL 421-HWY SALARIES & EXPENSES 883,436.36 863,920.00 881,119.00 881,941.80 822.80 0.1·" 0108 Road Maintenance 129,375.00 129,375.00 153,175.00 i 167,175.00 14,000.00 9.1% 1368 Stormwater System Improvements 0.00 116,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0676 Pavement Management 290,000.00 290,000.00 430,000.00 . (430,000.00 ·100.0% NEW Lu~rSbeetPa~ng 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 100.0% TOTAL 421·HIGHWAY 1,302,811.~6 1,399,29/1,00 1,614,2lI4'00 1,249,116.80 (365,177.20 ·22.6% ,423 SNOW & ICE CONTROL 067i--rilrt_ & Ice Control 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 423-SNOW & Ice CONTROL 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.0% I ---­ 424 STREET UGHTS 0065 Street Lights 53,796.00 53,796.00 53,796.00 53,796.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 424-STREETUGHTS 53,796.00 53,796.00 53,796.00 53,796.00 0.00 0.0% I OTHER STORM CONTROL~ ---------­~~--. 0674 Other Storm Control 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 425.QTHER STORM CONTROL 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.0% 433 WASTE COLLECnON AND DISPOSAL 752 Recycling Salar1e. 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0090 Rubbish ColiectionIDIsposal 443,000.00 443.000.00 392,357.00 425,000.00 32,643.00 8.3% 1074 Rubbish Disposal 313,000.00 321,100.00 366,740.00 373,000.00 6,260.00 1.7% 0093 Recycling Expense 4,100~00 4,100.00 10,000.00 __'0,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0752 Recycling and Leaf DIsposal Attendant 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0457 Recycling CoIlectIonIDlsposal 240,840.00 237,840.00 184,639.00 200,000.00 15,361.00 8.3% f­ 0926 Household Hazardous Waste Collection 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 (1.0% TOTAL 433·WASTE COLLECnON AND DISPOSAL 1,012,940.00 1,018,040.00 973,736.00 1,028,000.00 54,264.00 5.6% I 491 CEMETERY COMMISSION 0109 Wages and Salaries 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 491-CEMETERY COMMISSION 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.0% 499 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 0990 Wages and Salaries 362,521.32 356,932.00 371,479.78 373,440.36 1,960.58 O.S·A. TOTAL 499-0EPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS 362,521.32 356,932.00 371,479.78 373,440.36_ 1,960.58 0.5% i TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS AND FACIUTIES 3,292,662.68 3.534.718.20 3,919,969.09 3,668,822.16 1251 ,146.9;1 -11.4% ~_I _._,,~,~_._"~~_~ .,.....-."'.~"-'--.--~,,~'-'-~~---~-~'~~,_,, "_~ .~ 1IIlI -..c """"".,._~._.~. ....... " ~~_ --- -- -- ----- __._,______ ________ _______ _____ __,_'__ _____ ____. ____ __ ._­ f' e f' APPROPRIAnON APPROPRIAnON ! APPROPRIAnON TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change~~+.. -+--~-FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 HEAL TH & HUMAN SERVICES - SiD BOARI::I~HEALTH .0438 Wages and Salaries 82,629.20 78,863.42 82,183.29 83,215.05 231.76 0.3% I 0091 Expenses 6,700.00 10,570.78 10,571.00 19,126.00 8,555.00 80.9% 0877 Capitaillems 188.00 188.00 188.00 188.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 510-B0ARD OF HEALTH 89,517.20 89,622.20 93,742.29 102,529.05 8,786.76 9.4% i 540 SENIOR CENTER I 0118 IWag•• and Salaries 176,395.00 177,448.80 184,028.39 195,882.10 11,853.71 6.4% 0020 Expenses 31,680.00 30,607.00 23,660.00 24,221.22 567.22 2.4% 0878 Capital Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 540-SENIOR CENTER 208,055.00 208,055.80 201,688.39 220,109.32 12,420.93 6.0% ~ --- .. 542 YOUTH SERVICES ,----­... ~-- 1315 Wages and Salaries 26,000.00 26,000.00 31,018.28 40,472.49 9,316.23 30.2% 1118 Expenses 3,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.0% - TOTAL 542·YOUTH SERVICES 29,000.00 32,000.00 37,018.26 46,472.49 9,376.23 25.3% I 543 VETERANS SERVICES 0080 _ IVeteran. Agant Salary 6,000.00 4,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0061 Veterans Agent Expenses(Reg Assessl 1,600.00 1,500.00 21,939.00 21,939.00 0.00 0.0% 0125 I Vetsrans ServIce Benefits 5,569.00 4,000.00 34,388.09 34,321.00 (67.09) ..0·2%1 TOTAL 543·VETERANS SERVICES 13,089.00 -- 10,400.00 66,327.09 56.280.00 (67.091 ..0.1% I TOTAL HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 339,661.20 340,078.00 394,854.03 425,370.86 30,516.83 7.7% 1 _I ---- --- --- n f' f' I I APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER ~ $ Change % Change I I FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013·2014 2013·2014 ~-~ CULTURE & RECREATION I 610 LIBRARY ~-~ 0058 IWages and Salarl.., 301,058.00 306,500.00 316,439.41 322,992.77 _ 6,553.36 2.1% --~- f-----~~ 0059 IExpenses 44,777.55 35.102.00 31,562.00 31,562.00 0.00 O.O"'{' 0880 I Capital Items 0.00 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 610-L1BRARY 345,835.55 341,602.00 348,001.41 354,554.77 6,553.36 _-".9%i- I -~ --~ --~~- ~1_~()RIC COMMISSION I0022 [HilStoi~ COmt'l'llsslon Expense ~~~ 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 691-HISTORIC COMMISSION 1,000.00 1,000.00 I 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.0% --~ -~ I --~ ~---- 692 CELEBRATIONS 0011 IM~alDay 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 692-CELEBRATIONS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.0% -~~ ~I --­ 693 HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 1316 I Historic Distric Commission Expenses 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 61l-HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 0.00 0.0% I NEW :SOOTH ANNIVERSARY NEW IJOOTH ANNIVERSARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 100.0% TOTAL INEW.JOOTH ANNIVERSARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.000.00 15,000.00 100.0% I TOTAL CUL TORE & RECREATION 349,385.55 345,152.00 351,551.41 373,104.77 21,553.36 M~ I i ~~~~ aaOA; HZ; UQ,JifmiliiA\:;:;,A-G, PM '. k@#j4:;;;;p;:;;:;;tp1i'\14iQi4,}1Q,4ft p. ,1,444Jk,%44 _ *~ 4,M4..i;:n;stM44i4fA.M';4?9:;tP!A ANffl"¥Pik6.(J'E ','mJ~"'r.ffivn","\i';·'17'c'<"rl~' -- ef' f' APPROPRIATlON APPROPRIATlON APPROPRIATlON TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 RSCAL2013 FISCAL 2014 2013·2014 2013·2014 !------­ D~8!..S~V1I;E 710 DEBT AND INTEREST - 0071 Retirement of Debt 4,424,749.00 4,391,114.56 4,136,592.00 4,530,492.00 393,900.00 9.5% 0072 Long Tenn Int......t 1,768,662.00 1,611,089.19 1,031,495.00 959,119.00 -(72,376.00 ·7.0% r­ 10159 Short Tenn Interest 40,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 21,558.00 6,558.00 43.7% TOTAL 710-DEBT SERVICE 6,233,411.00 6,012,203.75 5,183,087.00 5,511,169.00 328,082.00 6.3% I TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 6,233,411.00 6,012,203.75 5,183,087.00 5,511,169.00 328,082.00 6.3% I i ----~~ -- -- f"J f' " I . ~APPROPRlAnON I APPROPRIAnON APPROPRIAnON TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change ­ FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013·2014 2013·2014 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, GENERAL INSURANCE & MISCELLANEOUS 910 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INSURANCE & MISCELLANEOUS 0094 Unemployment 100,000.00 115,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00 0.0%I---~~~ -~ ~- 0070 FICA·Town Share 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 0.00 0.0% --~ 0069 Ufe Insurance Premiums 14,150.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.0% . 00fl8 Health Insurance PremIum 5,713,293.00 5,813,293.00 5,9G3,293.00 6,142,191.79 178,898.79 3.0% 0185 Middlesex County Assessment 1,331,543.00 1,503,345.00 1,558,154.00 1,705,613.00 147,459.00 9.5% 0489 Employee AssIstancs Program 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0521 Drug and Alcohol Testing 1,200.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0067 Blanket Insurance Premiums 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 . 408,000.00 8,000.00 2.0% -~ - ~~-r-I---~~~-c--­ TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, GENERAL INSURANCE & MISC 8,090,186.00 8,372,638.00 8,602,447.00 8,936,804.79 334,357.79 3.9% - TOTAL GeNeRAL FUND 57,140,676.93 58.222,952.12 r--~ 59.768.317.12 62.135,640.95 2,367.263.83 4.0% 1 I _____ -------- -------- n f' e APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 ~tERVA110HFUHD ! 860 CPA ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES IW;.g.~ and Salaries 0.00 0.00 10,000.00f----­ !ExpenSM 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 'TOTAL CPA ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 I .!1S CP~"OTrSERVICE Rellrwnent of Debt 114,800.00 !Lon9 Tenn Int.no.t 8,020.00 TOTAL CPA DEBT 0.00 0.00 122,820.00 I TOTAL COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND 0.00 0.00 162,820.00 1 TOWN MANAGER SChange FISCAL 2014 2013·2014 10,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 --0.00­ 40,000.00 0.001-­ 237,000.00 122,200.00 49,910.00 41,890.00 286,910.00 164,090.00 326,910.00 164,090.00 % Change 2013·2014c_f----­ 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 106.4%r-­ 522.3'.4 133.8% 100.8% iIIIIt!lOllW._ flllIl! .~ Hillllb.J. ,4Bt. AbQ t1 c"m HI!!' r,>.,±i¥\!.t, ; ~ tlti .• "-11._ " M .p, XJAM4iSJ\h $" 6414t!¥. JR,; 3, j,4:¥t 51.i@N 44. QIi#-, "'",;;ilj"'~ "-~''''''':''''~'"''''''''''''''' ---- -- ------ -- ------ ... n'-J'A ...., '",' I APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change FISCAL 2011 ASCAL2012 FISCAL 2013 ASCAL2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 ~EW£RENTERPRISE FUND 440 SEWER OPERATING BUDGET Wages and Salaries 137,802.00 137,802.00 142,724.00 144,823.00 2,099.00 1.5%1----~ -­ 0775 Expenses 671,450.00 666,550.00 1,047,550.00 1,044,550.00 13,000.00 -0.3% 0882 Capitaillema 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0'.4 Transfer to General Fund-DirecUindirect Costs 213,438.96 233,868.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0'.4 TOTAL SEWER OPERATING BUDGET 1,022,690.96 1,038,220.49 1,190,274.00 1,189,373.00 (901.00) ·0.1'.4 --f--L­ 440 SEWER DEBT 0399 Interest on Short Term Debt 7,000.00 7,000.00 17,000.00 -(17,000.00 -100.0% 0358 Interest on Long Term Debt 172,500.00 298,780.32 470,833.00 416,573.00 (54,260.00 -11.5% 0346 Sewer Maturing Principal 1,130,811.00 881,483.18 1,033,815.00 1,314,143.00 280,328.00 27.1'.4 0346 Repayment to General Fund 140,000.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 ' 0.0'.4 0487 Administrative eoats 68,050.00 7,200.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 O.~o I 0.0'.4 f-- ----­ TOTAL SEWER DEBT 1,518,361.00 1,114,483.50 1,529,848.00 1,738,716.00 209,088.00 13.7'.4 SUB-TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,541,051.96 2,232,683.99 2,719,922.00 2,928,089.00 208,1&7.00 7.7% ----1-------,­ Indirect costs appropriated In tile General Fund and allocated to the Sewer Enterprise Fund 239,117.00 250,450.51 11,333.511 4.7% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,541,051.96 2,232,683.99 2,959,039.00 3,178,539.51 219,500.51 7.4'.4 I I =1 J ".t gif;:;:;.i:h.MR -4hU\i8!"".,~"Jt.,.,:;; '''M~' .,.,Pt4",~!i,,,,h4(',:t,Ai '.21 • .J\IJ.%4'ts;P%5M4}44' ,( J3¥}ijIjji;»4 1:;\ _,~f;_~1'n' n e e APPROPRIA TION ~PI'lQPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER $ Change % Change .._­~------~¥- FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 ~-!~ WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 450 WATER OPERATING BUDGET Wages and Salaries 299,082.00 293,392.00 302,259.00 303,865.00 1,606.00 0.5% t---~ ~ .~-~~.. -~- 0822 Expenses 554,047.48 571,547.48 577,500.00 623,500.00 46,000.00 8.0% 0820 Water Meters 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% ­ 0883 Capital Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Transfer to General Fund-Oirectllndlrect Costs 284,327.80 299,499.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAl45O-WATER OPERATING BUDGET 1.137.457.28 1,170,439.18 879.759.00 ~927,365.00 47,606.00 5.4% - 450 WATER DEBT 0780 Interest on Short Term Debt 23.800.00 10,000.00 10.000.00 -(10,000.00 -100.0% f--­ 0719 Interest on Long Term Debt 126,323.00 125.327.22 114.679.00 117,949.00 3,210.00 2.9% c- .~- - 0718 Water Maturing Principal 292,276.00 295,303.46 288,511.00 454,533.00 166,022.00 57.5% 1071 AdmlnistraUve Coste 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 0.0% 0728 Ashland Obligation 92,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 70,000.00 (2,000.00 -2.8% TOTAL 450·WA TER DEBT 535,999.00 504,230.68 466,790.00 544,082.00 157,292.00 32.3% - SUB-TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,673,456.28 1,674,669.86 1,366,549.00 1,571,447.00 204,898.00 15.0% 1----~- Indl"",t costs appropriated In the General Fund and ~--~ allocated to the Water Enterprise Fund 310,679.00 ~14,415.00 3,736.00 1.2% ­ TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,673,456.28 1,674,669.86 1,671,228.00 1,885,862.00 208,634.00 12.4% I ,tUG ex ;11444. ('tn e I APPROPRIAnON APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER SChange % Change I FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014' 2013-2014+­ PARKS &RECREA nON ENTERPRISE FUND 630 PARKS & RECREATION OPERATING BUDGET 0113 IWages and Salaries 31,501.00 91,355.00 95,792.88 i 179,210.21 83,417.33 87.1%- 0114 IExpen$tI$ 14,845.00 391,313.00 326,539.00 355,800.00 29,261.0~ 9.0% I------~ ITraMfer to General Fund-Dlrectllndlrect Com 0.00 I 30,936.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.0% TOTAL 630-PARKS & RECREATION 46,346.00 513,604.00 422,331.88 535,010.21 112,678.33 26.7%1 , , 630 PARKS & RECREATION DEBT SERVICE Interest on Short Tann Debt 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Intere5t on Long Term Debt 0.00, 0.00 I 0.00 9,760.00 9,760.00 100.0% 1-_ Parks & Recreation Matunng Principal 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 37,000.00 37,000.00 100.0% TOTAL 630-PARKS & RECREATION DEBT 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,760.00 46,760.00 100.0%I-­ ~-~~~ -~~ ~~ SUB-TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND 46,346.00 513,604.00 422,331.88 ~1,770.21 , 159,436.33 37.8% Indirect coste appropriated in the General Fund and Iallocated to the Parks & Recreation Enterprise Fund 27,620.00 27,620.00 0.00 0.0% -~ TOTAL PARKS & /RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND 46,346.00 513,604.00 449,951.88 609,390.21 159,438.33 35.4% I _______~_ ». u, Q 04".$ h, 1002.(.:;;'% WJ~!!lIk,I~IJ,< k W>VJjfA fA 4!Ji Wr4J))¥f;;W","A).¥$.j; ;,i Q# EM Lii-f(!}4,''Jil N,,,,,#f""',~ ------ ------- -- I '"-"'-'"--''"~~'---,------~~--., ..........,. ,;¥f't e APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION TOWN MANAGER ___ $ Change- FISCAL 2011 FISCAL 2012 FISCAL 2013 FISCAL 2014 2013-2014 ~R9~T/~UMMARY -----f--------1---­ GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,002,275.69 2,052,007.33 2,403,477.50 2,694,520.49 291,042.99 PU BllC SAFETY __ 4,.068,276.81 4,101,180.84 4,313,243.09 4,404,818.88 91,515.79 EDUCATION-HOPKINTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 32,317,998.00 ' 32,957,721.00 34,085,238.00 35,585,384.00 1.500,146.00 EDUCATION·REGIONAL TECH VOCH SCHOOL 446,820.00 501,253.00 514,510.00 535,646.00 21,136.00_.r---­ PUBLIC WORKS 3,292,662.68 3,534,718.20 3,919,969.09 3,668,822.16 (251,146.93.-­ HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 339,861.20 340,078.00 394,854.03 __425,370.86 30,516.83-i----­ CULTURE & RECREATlON 349,385.55 345,152.00 351,551.41 373,104.77 21,553.36 DEBT SERVICE 6,233,411.00 6,012,203.75 5,183,087.00 5.511,169.00 328,082.00I-----f-----­ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INSURANCE & MISCELLANEOUS 8,090,186.00 8,372,638.00 8,602,447.00 8,936,804.79 334,357.79-.---­ COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND 0.00 0.00 162,820.00 326,910.00 164,090.00 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,541,051.96 2,232,863.99 2,719,922.00 2,928,089.00 208,167.00 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,673,456.28 1,674,869.86 1,366,549.00 1,571,441.00 204,898.00---I----­ PARKS & RECREATlON ENTERPRISE FUND 46,346.00 513,604.00 422,331.88 581,770.21 159,438.33.­ - TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET , __ 61.40...!,531.1,/, _~643,909.97 64,440,000.00 67,543,857.16. 3,103,857.16 % Change 2013·2014 - 12.1% 2.1% 4.4% 4.1'" -6.4% 7.7'''. 6.1% 6.3% 3.9'" 100.8% 7.7% 15.0% 37.8'" ----~-- - 4.8% ,11',-*47,.,4,:&*74 4Y.tJ&,$i' UkAJM!M@"U) ,t ji~';;II!!,M4t.> L JLiRW;;:;;;: iilUXWfuiiJI JAGiif\\\IIIliat.!Weiii¥M,."_clitM,~--·-,-=-"""" ~ Town of Hopldnton Track Bud,et Chances 2/21/Z013 3/Z/Z013 3/4/2013 4n.t2013 4/10/Z013 Financial Model Section v.19(TMRI v.ZO y.n y.26 v.Z1 1 All Starting Point Iv.19 re-bulld perTM Rec) t:4ll9,44tn Z Model Summary Eliminate Snow/Ice Deficit (Fe In FYlll 500.000.00 3 Capital PaV-as-you-JO Ellmlnlte All PAYG Capital In FY14 452.000.00 4 Model Sum miry Reduce Use of Free Cash (452.000.001 5 Model Summary New Debt Service Proj to cover 1/2 V ••, Interest (49,500.001 I6 Budpt Detail .. Model Sum mary Reduce Short·Tetm Interest In Debt budget 30.000.00 1 Artk:Ies Add Snow/Ice and Incr .... Free Cash on Sum mary I I I8 llud&et Detail .. Model Summary Reconfigure Debt Budget Oetall for Proposed debl and premium Ta. Levy Worksheet Reduce Debt Exdu,lon per re-Ii (38,972.00) 10 Av;ollable funds Exduded prem lum on re-fl 30,126.42 11 Budget Detail .. Model Sum mary lfI. year Police 0 ffieer (25.000.001 12 Budget Detail. Model Sum mary Add $SOk to Pavemenl Managemenl for Luber Street (50,000.001 , 13 Budget Detail. Model Sum miry Fix Error· Sealer budgel (58.001 I 14 Budget DetaIl. Model Sum mary Addition 10 leg.1 budget (opposillon 10 Milford Ca,lnol (100,000.001 IS Budget Detal. Model Sum mary Heartstone/Carrllge Hili Bounds 10 DPW (14,000.00) 16 Model Summary Chan,e formal 10 show FYl3 BAN paVdown. raised In FY14 1 11 Bud..1 Detad. Model Sum miry Middlesex County Retirem ent Assessment over estlm ilte (100,114.38) I,18 Model Summary Level Fund State Aid (eJim inate Governo1tslncrease) (132,138.00\ 19 Model SUm mary Subsidize PIR Budget (110,000.001 20 Budget Detail. Model Sum mary Move Pavine of lurn ber Street (line 12) to NEW Iccount Z1 TaxlevyWorksheel Increase New Growth to $1.1 m !Ilion 150,000.00 I 22 Budpt OeIlIIi. Model Sum mIry Remove Town Appropriation for Pavem ent Met (Use Chapter 901 ZOO,ooo.OO I 23 24 I25 26 I21 28 I 29 ~ I30 31 32 I 33 ! 34 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Revised Excess levy Capaei'" 1,499,446.12 1,919,946.12 1,971,101.14 1,429,792.16 1,869,192.16 ElC Tax levy Work she.t Control (0.001 3 4/10/2013 5:39 PM S:\Fy14\Finan<ial Mod.I\Financial Model FV14 v.27 -- -- -- r ~ " •TOWN OF HOPKINTON BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS FOR DISCUss/ON PURPOSES ONLY FISCAL 2014 FISCAL 2015 FISCAL 2016 FISCAL 2017 FISCAL 2018 PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ 1 Operating Budget-Non-Enterprlse-Wages & Salaries & Exp TM Proposal 2",1, 2% 2% 2% 2 HPSlKeete Tech SC and RVD ProposalI 3% 3% 3% 3% 3 HRiCompensation Reserve 90,000 Level level level level 4 Unemployment Insurance 0% 2% 2",1, 2·/0 2% FICA-Town Share 0% 2% 2% 2% 2%~ 6 Life Insurance Premiums 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7 Health Insurance P",mium 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 8 Middlesex County A.sessment 9.5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9 Drug and Alcohol Testing 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 10 Blanket Insurance Premiums 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 11 Debt Service Current perTreas per Treas perTreas per Treas perT.... 12 Debt Service Projected 13 Capital Plan pay-as-you-go per CIC -. 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 ,...,4 Community Pres Fd Appropriations ProjeetslReservation pending rae pending me pendlng rae pending me pending ret 11~Other amounts to be raised 661,417 500,000 500,000 500,000 ! 500,0001 16 State &County Charg..(Governor's Budget 1123113) 547,976 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 17 Allowance for Abatements & Exemptlons(+$50K) 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000! 18 New.Growth per BOA vote 950,000 950,000 950,000 900,000 900,000 !<>ca' Revenue 3,107,092 3,107,092 3,107,092 3,107,092 3,107,092~ 20 State Aid (Govemor'. Budget 1123113) Level Level Level Level Level 21 MSBA School Con.wctlon Reimbursement Per TIC Per TIC Per TIC Per TIC Per TIC 22 F",e cash-Approprlallons from (Est pending COR Certlflcallon) 949,334 1,200,000 &00.000 600,000 600,000 23 Available Funds 358,572 188,569 180,895 - 1T7,741 175,360 24 Community Pres Fund Revenue/Undos Fd Balance(plaeeholder) 1,611,710 1,611,710 1,611,710 .. 1,611,710 1,611,710 25 enterprise RevenuelEnterpriae F",e C"ah TM Proposal Level Level Level Level 26 Dlrectllndirecl Costs TM PropOSai Projected +2% Projected +2% Projected +2'l4i Projected +2"iI Debt Service authorized but unissued, currently bond anticipation notes, penn anent ftnanclng not projected In model, most Is debt pending-c:urrently pending-pending-pending-pending­ 27 excluded or water and sewer which has no bottom line Impact BANs currently BANs currently BANs currently BANs currently BANs !Debt exclUSions passea ATM 01)/12 Pa.l notappropnatea InImodel.Treas goal Is to time the bond Issues for the Bond repay In 28 FY14 pending pending pending pending .Jpendln1L.__ S:\Fy14\Financial Model\Financial Model FY14 v.274/10/2013 5:40 PM MflJ",AMS:. W$~P,.W-i&j$h* fA "'~---.-~-~ _, __ ._"' ...... "*"""'~ ___ , ____ " ....... ____ " ___ ... " ___ .""""'''_,,.v-________ • ___ . ___ .~"J __ """"" .. ".,~'-'--,.".....,.,...-----' .. ---.. -.-- -- -- -- t' t' ~ ,TOWN OF HOPKINTON TAX LEVY WORKSHEET ---.~. , FINAL FIN/,L FISCAL :,~ 14 I FISCAL 2015 FISCAL 2016 FISCAL 2017 FISCAL 2018 ----._._---._---.--­ FISCAL 2012 i FY2013 I I PROJ r--PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ . .-_.--_. --­ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAX LEVY CALCULATION: BasEl 43,527,577 45,309,403 47,401,641 49,686,682 51,878,849 54,125,821 ' 56,378,966 Maximum allowable tax levy Increase (2 1/2%) 1,088,189 1,132,735 1,185,041 1,242,167 1,296,971 1,353,146 1,409,474 ~Growth 693,637 I 959,503 1,100,000 950,000 950,000 900,000 900,000 Overrides ._. Capital Outlay Exclusions , 50,000 -_. ,-~.. Debt Exclusions Current _ .. 2,840,368 2,487,560 3,251.028 2,588,566 1,968,162 1,804,746 1,528,422 Debt Exclusions Authorized/Unissued 154,000 149,600 145,200 140,800 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TAX LEVY 48,149,771 49,939,201 52,937,710 54,621,415 56,243,583 58,328,912 60,357,662 ._. . ­ ACTUAL LEVY 47,033,957 48,667,653 51,0~7,917 53,310,613 54,501,224 55,729,554 _ 5~,028,36S'--_. - EXCESS LEVY CAPACITY 1,115,814 1,271,549 1,869,793 1,310,803 1,742,359 2,599,358 3,329,297 f.---. -­ Tax Levy % Increase 3.10%L _ 3.47% 4.93% 4.39% 2.23%1 2.25% 2.33% Tax Levy(net of new growth) 46,340,320 I 47,708,150 ._. 49.967,917 .- 52,360,613 53,551,224 54,829,554\_. 56,128,365 Tax Impact (net of new growth) 1.S8%J .-1.43% --2.67% 2.53% 0.45% 0.60%. 0.72·" .~ J1!W!I~.I!I"(. 1 elM. A;YIn.Un MAl NW, UG49i~4@&_N!lg!t!!kA;;;A4i4ps';;:;q;:;&& _, H.Ikli.l%Jit@\H""'s?flIHf!II, ; e _J.if+IM*t\i!!!";;,IIII~M;4 ~L_ .iQ)fiiIt$P AA.QAI I!4NSW,Nlli'.,iiI J#4i"'MI%',UJ!iWi1hlfll\