HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009-06-17 (2) I I I TOWN OF TRUCKEE TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 17, 2009, 600 P m Town Hall. Administrative Center 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA 6 02 18 PM 1 CALL TO ORDER - Vice Mayor Dee called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m 2 ROLL CALL. Council Members, Green, Anderson, deRyk Jones, and Vice Mayor Dee 6 04 12 PM Absent Mayor Brown Staff Present Chief of Police Sensley, Town Attorney Crabb, Town Planner Hall, Records Technician Kuhlemler, Town Manager Lashbrook, Community Development Director McLaughlin, Associate Planner Nlshlmon, Town Clerk Pnce, Administrative Services Director Szczurek, Assistant Town Manager Terrazas, Senior Engineer Vaughan, Public Works DlrectorlTown Engineer Wilkins, and Assistant Engineer Bucar 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - led by 5th Dlstnct County Supervisor, Ted Owens 4 PUBLIC COMMENT Mala Schneider, Truckee reSident, stated Truckee Day was a huge success Seven hundred volunteers worked Truckee Day In the rain Jamie Bnmer, Truckee reSident, announced . Truckee Sunnse Rotary IS having a fundralser o Place Truckee Donner Regional Park o What Chili cook-off o When Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 11 00 a m Josh Susman, Truckee reSident, announced Tour De Nez will be held Thursday, June 18, 2009 Dennis Dickinson, Truckee reSident, announced the Cannibal Cruise July 10th through the 12th at Truckee Donner Regional Park Alison Schwedner, Director of the Community Collaborative, representing Truckee Health Challenge . Stated her gratitude for Council In placing sidewalks on Donner Pass Road Nikki Riley, Sierra Business CounCil, supports the Truckee Health Challenge 2013 Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town CounCil Meetln9 Page 1 5 I 6 PRESENTATIONS - none 6 07 09 PM CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Anderson, and seconded by Council Member Green, to approve the Consent Calendar as follows 6 1 Approve the Minutes of May 13 and June 4, 2009 6 2 Authorize the Town Manger to execute a contract amendment and new contract with EnvIronmental SCience Associates (ESA) for Phase 3A of the Truckee River Legacy Trail 6 3 Make findings allowing the Town Manager to execute a contract amendment with Lumos & Associates, Inc In the amount of $58,700 for the preparation of final design plans for Phase 3A of the Truckee River Legacy Trail, and authorize a 15% contingency budget for the contract amendment 6 4 Authorize the Public Works DirectorlTown Engineer to file a Notice of Completion with Trout Creek Landscape, Inc for the State Route 89/1nterstate 80 Roundabouts Landscaping Project CIP 60-03-17 for a total construction cost of $171,299 and amend the Fiscal Year 08-09 budget as outlined In the staff report 6 5 Authorize the Town Manager to execute a contract for bond and disclosure counsel, with Orrick, Herrington, and Sutcliffe, LLP In an amount not to exceed $88,000 to prOVide bond and disclosure counsel services for the Town 6 07 50 PM I The Consent Calendar was approved with the follOWing vote Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green, and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent Mayor Brown Abstain None The motion passed 4-0 7 DISCUSSION ITEMS 71 PUBLIC HEARING - Truckee Rallyard Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report Public Hearing (Planning Application 06-070/MP) Recommended Action · Adopt Resolution 2009-32, certifying the Rallyard Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2007-122092) and adopting the Mitigation MOnltonng and Reporting Program In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and based on the recommended findings, and · Adopt Resolution 2009-33, adopting the Rallyard Master Plan and approving a Planned Development for the Master Plan based on the recommended findings, and · Adopt Resolution 2009-34, approving amendments to the Downtown SpeCific Plan based on the recommended findings, and · Waive the first reading and Introduce Ordinance 2009-03, approving amendments to the Town ZOning Map based on the recommended findings, and · Waive the first reading and Introduce Ordinance 2009-04, approving Development Code text amendments based on the recommended findings I Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town CounCil Meeting Page 2 I I I , ,^ Associate Planner Nlshlmorl presented Information from the staff report Town Attorney Crabb updated Council regarding an agreement between Truckee Fire DiStriCt, and the Town . The agreement will Include a "will serve" letter prior to proceeding with construction o Truckee Fire District gave testimony at the Planning Commission (on file with the Town Clerk) given to Council regarding specific testrmony o The DiStriCt, Staff, and Developer are In support of thiS agreement Council DISCUSSion . If Council approves the condition for Truckee Fire Dlstnct, they would approve the resolution tonight and Staff would develop the appropnate language . Section one, Ordinance 2009-03, there WIll be a text change from Downtown Master Plan to Downtown Railroad Master Plan Developer Presentation Rick Holliday, Rallyard Master Plan Developer, presented Information on the project . The Town and Developer have had thirty three (33) meetings In the last year alone for thiS project . Stated he purchased the property because he had been VISiting Truckee for thirty years and loved Truckee . Provided background Information on the project o Implemented the commumty concerns Into the plan · The community . Did not want two Downtowns . Wanted a "walk-able" Downtown . Wanted a movie theatre . Wanted a boutique hotel . Wanted hOUSing . Possibly a Post Office, possibly a Trader Joe's type of grocery store . Wanted ease of flOWing of traffic . The more people Downtown the more lucrative . DiverSify the economy Council DISCUSSion . POinted out thiS plan IS flexible and changeable . The movie theatre should be a smaller scale more Truckee like, a three screen size Will also be manageable Vice Mayor Dee opened the Item for public comment Mala Schneider, Truckee resident . Read a letter from Kathleen Eagan (Truckee's First Mayor) of her support for the project (on file with the Town Clerk) . Representing Nevada County Resource Board and their support for the project . Ms Schneider IS a former Mayor and Council Member of the Truckee Town Council o Spoke In support of the Rallyard project Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 3 Ted Owens, Truckee resident, 5th District Nevada County Supervisor, Former Mayor and I Council Member · Read a letter of support for the Rallyard from John Carey, Truckee reSident (on file with the Town Clerk) · Spoke In support of the project and the process for the Rallyard project o The In-fill development of thiS project IS diversified Art Chapman, Truckee reSident · Provided information and background regarding commercial developments throughout California · Expressed concerns that Truckee could be losing ItS tourism, Vitality, and economics Without the Rallyard Development . Spoke In support of the project Brent Collinson, General Counsel Truckee Fire Protection District o Introduced the Truckee Fire District Board Members and Special Counsel o Affirmed an agreement between the Town, the District, and the applicant that a condition of approval IS to be placed on the Master Plan and future project related approvals that a Will serve letter Will be obtained from the Dlstnct prior to Issuance of Town permits for construction on the project, other than Initial grading and site work o Once the requested condition IS Imposed the Dlstnct Withdraws ItS objection to the project and ItS prior comments on the final Environmental Impact Report on the project I Jody Sweet, Truckee reSident · Handed out pictures, from Southern PaCific Railroad (submitted for the Record, on file With the Town Clerk) o Stated the roundhouse, the bUilding IS a car repair Shop (map 1916) Southern PaCific has the data shOWing the bUildings from 1880 through 1916 · Maps show multiple bUildings o The photograph shows the balloon track and Trout Creek In an original route · Concerned the balloon track and Trout Creek are the same project · Concerned over the historical value of the property · Concerned over the environmental Issues of the property Marty Woods, Truckee reSident and Owner of the Cooks bUilding Downtown · Spoke In support of the project . The architecture compliments the Downtown District · Great opportUnity to enhance Truckee and the economy Cliff Hartwell, Truckee reSident, former Historic Preservation AdVISOry Committee Member, and served on the Downtown SpeCific Plan Committee · Spoke In support of the project . The old mill site was not attractive nor IS thiS bUilding o ThiS could be replaced by a much more attractive and usable bUilding I Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meellng Page 4 I I I Bob Bell, Truckee resident and President of the Truckee Donner Rallyard Society . The Rallyard Society would like to use the bUilding In ItS current location o The Society understands In order to save and restore the bUilding for a public safety standpOint would be too expensive . The bUilding would need to be changed In order make that happen . The Society does accept the proposed deconstruction of the bUilding and the materials used for other public use Don DavIs, Secretary Truckee Donner Rallyard Society . Supports bringing a Rallyard Museum to the Rallyard Project . Supports the project Paul Leyton, Truckee reSident former Planning Commissioner . Received an inVitation from Friends of Truckee to attend tOnight's meeting o Mr Leyton was In the shopping center business for many years and supports Mr Chapman's comments regarding crltrcal mass of retail . The connection between the project and commercial row IS one of the most Important Items for thiS project o The future success of Downtown pertains to thiS connection . Spoke In support of the project . Questioned If Friends of Truckee would assist the developer In moving the maintenance building to a downtown vacant site on Jlbboom Street Homer Gee, Member of East River Home Owner ASSOCiation . Supports the project o Union PaCific land south of the railroad IS In a general state of disrepair, thiS sectron IS a detriment of the project and downtown . Requested the Town enforce the regulations of these areas o Traffic on East River will have traffic Issues, requests the Town to take over the maintenance on East River Street Chelsea Walterscheld, Truckee Donner Historical Society . Read a letter that IS on file With the Town Clerk 7 26 40 PM Craig Threshle, Truckee reSident, former Mayor, Council Member, Planning Commissioner, Member of the Rallyard Site Master Plan Committee, and co-author of the 2005 collaboration With the Sierra Business Council BUilding Vibrancy Communities of Mixed Use Handbook . Passionate With the histOrical areas of Truckee . USing a mixed use space With restore the Vitality In Downtown o The Downtown area will benefit from the Rallyard Master Plan o It IS well knows fact that these types of developments bring local's back downtown . Spoke In support of the Rallyard Master Plan Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 5 Steve Fnsh, Downtown resident and President, Sierra Business Council I . Spoke In support of the Rallyard project o Helped get the grant for the planning portion of the project grant o Supported the restoration of Trout Creek o There are legitimate concerns for the project, but the Town needs to find the strength to overcome those concerns and work together to Invest In our future Josh Susman, Truckee resident, former Mayor and Council Member . Spoke In support of the project . Provided hlstoncal information on this project o Spoke In support of Holliday Development . Stated there have been thirty three (33) meetings this years and gOing on nine years . Stated for the record (7 35 52 PM) "The history of this property and all the Iterations of the draft master plans that have come before It The Downtown Specific Plan and everything else be InclUSive as a discussion of the alternatives discussed for this site" . Stated everyone IS a fnend of Truckee In this room (requested a show of hands of those In support for the Rallyard Master Plan) Jamie Bnmer, Truckee resident · Believes a property owners nght In developing their property, as long as there are gUidelines . A couple of concerns o The re-allgnment could be a deterrent to Downtown o Could pull people away from the Downtown area . Requested Donner Pass Road be left In ItS current configuration Paul Bartolini, Truckee resident . Spoke In favor of the project o Feels the "T" intersection would and could become a "welcome" to downtown Truckee o The uT" intersection gives us a main street and a Town Center o Questioned the accuracy of the newspaper ads placed by the Fnends of Truckee o Gave Council, Staff, Community, and Holliday Development kudos for a great job done I Tom Mann, Full Belly Dell Owner . Spoke In support of the project o Would love to have his business a part of the project Mike Dunsford, Truckee resident . Supports the project and what others have already stated In publiC comment · Feels Holliday Development and this project are gift to the community o Has been In Commercial Development for 40 years and this project IS Impressive · Stated the Fnends of Truckee are not representative to all of the Truckee Community o Disagrees With the pursUit of litigation against the Town and Developer . Will cost taxpayers a lot of money ~ Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town CounCil Meeting Page 6 I I I Nikki Riley, Truckee resident, Former Planning Commissioner . Spoke In support of the project o Had the opportUnity to tour Holliday's projects In Bay Area, they bnng a lot to the table Dennis Dickinson, Truckee resident . Did read all of the publications for the Rallyard Master Plan and Trout Creek Master Plan o Lahontan wrote a letter to the developer regarding the Master Plan Stated they have Issues regarding Trout Creek . Stated the Environmental Impact Report approval IS premature o Stated the Rallyard Master Plan, and the Trout Creek Restoration Plan are Intertwined projects . Requests Council make sure the projects are separate and distinct Slobhan Smart, Truckee resident, President Fnends of Truckee . Placed several ads In the Sierra Sun o Stated the lawsUit will not be at the expense of the tax payer but at the expense of the Developer . There will be an Indemnification agreement between the Town and Developer upon the approval of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certification this evening o Fnends of Truckee have received over 1000 responses . These responses are showing concern for the traffic pattern being suggested o Regarding the last ad, the Fnends of Truckee are concerned about comments In pnvate meetings taking place to put up cement blockades on Church Street and making East Jlbboom Street one way o Pleased to hear that the movie theatre will be a condition of the project o Wants a circle turn for the traffic for the project o Apologize to the e-malls Fnends of Truckee could not answer, pnor to the meeting Tim Taylor, Stoel Rives, Counsel for Fnends of Truckee . Stated there are deficiencies In the CEQA documents . Referred to a letter on file with Town Clerk o There are process deficiencies and errors o As an elected official apologizes for the late delivery of the letter and response to the Council . CEQA does not allow for the combination of the two projects . Rallyard Master Plan and the Trout Creek Restoration o Noted the Inadequacy of alternatives In the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) o Notice of the hazardous matenals on this site, the absence of proper notification the Town should try and correct Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 7 Susan Brandt-Hawley, Counsel for Fnends of Truckee I . Stated her practice focuses on hlstoncal resources and use o The demolition would be a Significant environmental Impact due to the hlstoncal resources of the Union PaCific BUilding o You have an Inadequate analYSIS of alternatives In the EIR o Request the public and Council explore the history and process pnor to a discussion . Filed a letter With the Town Clerk JD Hoss, Truckee reSident, business owner, and Radio host . Spoke In support of the project from a Radio Host standpOint for 101 5 Independent radio station In Truckee o Truckee has been voted the gateway of California · ThiS project IS an ecological disaster, but could a fantastic center pOint for entenng Truckee o ReSidents do not like the look of thiS site . Spoke as a BUSiness Owner of Hoss Hardwood and Carpets o If people make a plan and work hard to make successful bUSiness, the fear of people taking away theirs IS lower . Spoke In support of the project from a Truckee reSident standpOint o Gave a history of being raised In Truckee o Looks forward to raising hiS family In Truckee o Spoke In support of the Rallyard Master Plan as being a hub for local reSidents Janette Conradson, Truckee reSident I . Spoke In support of thiS development . Stated the Fnends of Truckee's ad offended her today o It was hOrrible and not true . The Rallyard plan IS a Truckee plan and an opportUnity · The Rallyard Will complement the downtown 8 08 45 PM Kaltlund Backlund, Mountain Area Preservation Foundation . Stated support for the Rallyard Master Plan o Bnngs Vitality and energy to Downtown o Respects the efforts to restore Trout Creek . The Rallyard and Trout Creek are separate projects o Supports Downtown traffic lights will help faCIlitate the already congested downtown traffic Issues o Downtown already has traffic Issues, thiS Will help . ThiS plan IS pedestnan and bicycle safe Breeze Cross, Truckee reSident, former Mayor and CounCil Member . Stated thiS site IS hlstoncal, It'S been Rallyard site and then a mill site o ThiS site has always been an Industnal site and It can be a community site of 75 acres · Serving on Council dunng the first thoughts of thiS plan, Mr Cross questioned the project, however, o ThiS community embraced thiS project, process, and site for nine years I o ThiS project IS responsive to the community needs . Supports thiS project Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 8 I I I AI Pombo, Truckee resident . Neighbor to Holliday Development (business are next to each other) . Provided anecdotal information on the "old" Truckee . Supports this project Elizabeth Carmel, Downtown property owner and Truckee resident . Spoke In support of the project . Two Issues of concerns oRe-alignment of Donner Pass Road - brought up by Fnends of Truckee . The current swoosh IS extremely dangerous and will become more dangerous If the re-allgnment does not take place o Cntlcal to allow more economic diversity In downtown · Local people can not afford rents downtown o Stated gratitude for Rick Holliday and hiS staff for seeing the process through Jim Simon, Truckee resident and property owner Downtown . Stated this IS an Important vote, the community supports this project o This IS a comprehensive EIR o The amount of support from Truckee residents IS overwhelming and stating for Itself . There are extremely Important features In the project o Quality Developer that has Integnty and Interest In our community . The length of Donner Pass Road will extend the July 4th parade Mark Tanner, Truckee reSident . Stated this has been a long process, the process has done all the due diligence o This IS a community project, this IS Truckee's project . Expressed concerns regarding the amount of people did not take the process senously until now . Stated he IS "A Fnend of Truckee" The group IS not representative of the community . If thiS project goes to litigation, It will cost the taxpayers money o It IS a great project, where Truckee's Vitality IS at stake Enc Sutton, Truckee reSident, . Not against project but wants to comment on the project o There has not been commUnication With the railroad on the zOning change o You are taking out Industnal land and not zoning for Industnal land The opportUnity of Industnalland IS few and costly o Fire Department talked about 10 foot roads, thiS IS gOing to be a nightmare In the Wintertime for snow removal o Stated the Planning Commission IS relaXing the requirement of the Improvement to the Intersections In downtown Dann Dinsmore, Consultant . Spoke In support of the plan . Was fortunate to faCIlitate the process for the Rallyard Master Plan . ThiS was and IS a community based process Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 9 Stefanle Ollvlen, Truckee resident . Spoke In support of the project . Stated a couple concerns o The theater and the hotel are key elements to this project These should be conSidered a necessity to the project Requested It be part of the first phase o Ground floor office recommendation of 50% . This does not seem viable for the ground floor Bill Fitch, Developer of HIli Top and Stonendge . Truckee needs this project, spoke In support of the project . As a fellow developer, support the type of project . Stonendge development would benefit with this project Lisa Wallace, Truckee River Watershed Council . Working on the Trout Creek Restoration Project with the Town for SIX years . The project has grants approved for restoration o The Rallyard Master Plan coordinates appropnately with the restoration . Concerned If there IS a lawsUit If an aspect IS the restoration It could stall the project o The Restoration project will loose the cntlcal funding In place now . We loose the conservation, habitat and flood funding . The phasing of the Restoration Project needs to be approved for the restoration Vice Mayor Dee closed public comment Developer Response To Issues Identified In Public Comment Rick Holliday addressed the audience, Staff, and Council . Humbled by the outcome of the community showing up to support Truckee's Plan . In response to Fnends of Truckee, It was stated earlier that this litigation will not cost the taxpayer, but It will If the Plan IS stalled due to legalities, It will cost the taxpayer stimulus and grant mOnies . Holliday Development has hired extremely good CEQA Attorneys . To all those who showed up to support the plan, Rick and Nancy Holliday thank you o Will bUild the Town the Project the community wants Tina Thomas, Counsel for Holliday Development . Stated the Court system does not require Staff to comment on late comments Ms Thomas would like a couple responses to be put In the record . Staff has responded to letters from Mr Taylor oRe-circulate the EIR because of radon . The Holliday's expert stated radon IS pnmanly In older bUildings Not In new ones . DTFC Issue - Lahontan IS the agency that has junsdlctlon o Susan Brandt-Hawley's letter, wants to have Council redlstnbute the EIR, With no backup or alternatives Vice Mayor Dee called a recess at 8'50 p m Vice Mayor Dee reconvened at 9 01 28 PM Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 10 ~ I ~ I I I Council DIscussion . The office space on the ground floor - language within the Master Plan o The office space will have a five year limited term o The five year limited term IS from the time the bUilding receives ItS certificate of occupancy . It IS Imperative the project has a seamless pedestnan connection to the Downtown o The T -intersection will assist with this o There are safety Issues with the "swoosh" o The T -intersection will provide a dramatic entrance to Downtown Truckee · The visual ability and connect ability IS cntlcal o The placement of the hotel In the Rallyard Master Plan IS In the nght place, however that will require the T-Intersectlon . The value of the Union Pacific Warehouse IS questionable, however, retaining the matenals for future use could be beneficial . Trout Creek Restoration IS separate from the Rallyard Master Plan o From a funding and phasing standpoint they need to remain separate · Both projects can compliment each other . The eastern under crossing for pedestnans, a feasibility study will be required . Clanficatlon on design gUidelines In the Master Plan . There will be review on the traffic Improvements throughout the bUild out . Clanficatlon on zOning on Trout Creek Road . The snow removal Issues with the on street parking are addressed In the Master Plan o The final design of the streets IS subject to approval from the Town . There was a formal process with Lahontan Regional Water Control Board for tOXIC study at the closure of the mill o Mr Holliday preformed studies on the property as part of his due diligence . Council addressed Items In the add ran by Fnends of Truckee In the June 17,2009 Sierra Sun add o Items regarding Bnckelltown . In the current budget and capital plan there IS about 14 million dollars In projects for the streetscape, including Bnckeltown and Downtown areas . The Redevelopment agencies build Intenm Side walks until a more robust project can be completed . Upcoming Council Meeting, Council Will be requested to sign a design contract for the Sidewalks o Cultural Hentage In Truckee · This was directed by community Involvement over the years, as a community benefit to remove the Union Pacific BUilding o Traffic - the blockage of Church Street on weekends to make the T Intersection work . Church Street can be used as an event street the same as Bndge Street IS used for one currently ThiS was outlined In the Master Plan for events o One way on East Jlbboom Street . That was looked at as a traffic solution for Stonendge Development, and pedestnan access ThiS was not related to the Rallyard Project, but was evaluated with the traffic analysIs o Traffic fees are not being forgiven In thiS project o Parking Will be looked at when each project IS submitted to the Town ThiS IS a project level review In the Master Plan there IS suffiCient parking within the area Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 11 o The site has solar access o Will trains have to pay for parking In the Rallyard Development? . Council looked at paid parking within In the development and will be handled by the parking dlstnct ~ Council Direction . Add a condition to require the project receive a will serve letter from the Truckee Fire Protection District The Staff recommendation for Resolution 2009-32, including the direction above was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Council Member deRyk Jones, and carried with the follOWing vote 9 55 11 PM Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green, and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent Mayor Brown Abstain None The motion passed 4-0 95551 PM The Staff recommendation for Resolution 2009-33, including the direction above was moved by Council Member deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Green, and carried with the follOWing vote Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green, and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent Mayor Brown Abstain None The motion passed 4-0 ~ 9 56 34 PM The Staff recommendation for Resolution 2009-34 was moved by Council Member Anderson, seconded by Council Member deRyk Jones, and carried with the follOWing vote Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green, and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent Mayor Brown Abstain None The motion passed 4-0 ~ Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meellng Page 12 I I I 9 57 10 PM The Staff recommendation for Ordinance 2009-03, including the direction above was moved by Council Member Green, seconded by Council Member deRyk Jones, and carried with the follOWing vote Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green, and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent: Mayor Brown Abstain: None The motion passed 4-0 9 57 26 PM The Staff recommendation for Ordinance 2009-04, including the dlrecbon above was moved by Council Member deRyk Jones, seconded by Council Member Anderson, and carried with the follOWing vote Ayes Council Member Anderson, Vice Mayor Dee, Council Member Green. and Council Member deRyk Jones Noes None Absent Mayor Brown Abstain None The mobon passed 4-0 8 COUNCIL REPORTS - None 91 ADJOURNMENT- 95741 PM To the regular meeting of the Truckee Town Council July 2, 2009600 P m at Town Hall, 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA Respectfully submitted, APPROVED Town of Truckee June 17, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting Page 13