HomeMy Public PortalAbout08) 7E Completion of Longden Avenue Sewer Replacement ocrCity Council December 16, 2014 Page 2 of 4 4 . In May 2013, the Project was approved in the City of Temple City Annual Budget for Fiscal Years 2013-2015 in the amount of $594,000.00 including $194,000.00 in EPA funds. 5. In July 2013, EPA reviewed the Project Plans and Specifications prepared by Transtech and notified Transtech to fina l ize Project Design. 6. In August 2013 , the City Council reviewed and accepted the Plans and Specifications for the Project and authorized staff to advertise the Project for Construction Bids. 7. In September 2013, the bid package was submitted to EPA for approval. 8. On October 14, 2013, EPA informed the City that the bid package was approved. 9. On November 1 and November 7, 2013, the Bid Notice was published in the Temple City Tribune. The Bid Notice was also published on the City's website and in various contractor trade publications. The deadline for receiving bids was December 4, 2013 . 10. On December 4, 2013, the City Clerk conducted the bid opening for the project. The bid from PALP , Inc. dba Exce l Paving Company for $407 ,771.00 was found to be the lowest responsive bid from a total of eight bids received . 11. On January 7 , 2014, the City Council awarded the construction contract to PALP, Inc. dba Excel Paving Company for $407,771 .00 based on the results of a bid analysis and contractor's license check conducted by the staff. 12. On March 4 , 2014, Excel Paving Company began construction of the project per plans , specifications , and bid documents per contract with the City. Transtech was directed to provide construction management, supervision , material testing , and labor compliance services. 13. On May 13, 2014 , the construction was completed by Excel Paving Company, except a few minor corrective items for which a punch list was developed by the construction management team following the project inspector's report. 14. On July 21, 2014, the project construction management team reviewed the project with the construction contractor after completion of most of the punch list items, and determined that Exce l Paving Company substantially completed the construction to staff's satisfaction. During the construction management team's review of the project, it was determined that specific street resurfacing items cou ld also be completed by the contractor, which were not originally in the plans to be completed under contract. The resurfacing would repair any wear and tear of t he streets due to City Council December 16, 2014 Page 3 of 4 construction as well as the existing cracks on the street segment outside the construction trench area. 15. In August 2014, the contractor provided alternative costs for completion of these additional items wh ic h included options ranging from cold milling and repaving to slurry sealing of various types . Consequently, the price of the bids varied. 16. In August 2014 , the City began its Safe Routes to School (SR2S) project that included items for slurry sealing of various streets , including portions of Longden Avenue. The construction management team explored the opportunity to include Longden Avenue slurry sealing work in the SR2S project using Pavement Management Program (PMP) funds. The price offered by the SR2S project contractor was lower than what was offered by the contractor of the Project. 17 . In September 2014, negotiation began with the SR2S project contractor to complete the additional work on Longden Avenue, and the final invoice from the Project contractor was adjusted accordingly. 18. In October 2014, the City received final completed project review of t he Project from EPA. The EPA requested the City to submit a re imbursement request for the Project for EPA funds of $194,000.00. ANALYSIS: The Project was intended to help protect public health by replacing aging infrastructure and help prevent groundwater contamination. The Project also implemented the Sewer Master Plan by taking advantage of an opportunity to upgrade the previous 12-inch sewer line to a 15-inch line as recommended by the plan. Due to the use of EPA funds, the project plans have been processed through EPA for their review and approval. The City's CIP-programmed budget is $594,000.00 of which $194,000.00 is available through funding from EPA. Excel Paving Company's final invoice total is $427,451.06 (including all change orders and credits). This amount exceeds the construction contract amount of $407,771 .00 by $19 ,680.06. The additional cost is related to trench and pavement repair and rehab that was necessary due to field conditions, and to prepare the roadway surface for the slurry overlay, which was completed under the SR2S/PMP project. The City has made a payment of $406,078.51 to the contractor, and the remain ing $21,372.55 (i.e., five percent of total invoiced amount) has been retained by the City , which is payable upon acceptance of the project by the City Council. City Council December 16, 2014 Page 4 of 4 CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to approve the final construction cost in the amount of $427,451.06, which includes the additional work, and accept the Project as completed by PALP, Inc., dba Excel Paving Company. It is also requested that the City Council authorize the City Manager to file a notice of completion with the County Recorder and release the retention amount of $21,372.55 to the contractor 35 days after the recordation of the notice with the County Recorder. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for the Project are available from the EPA grants program and the City's General Fund in the amounts of $194,000.00 and $400,000.00, respectively, for Fiscal Years 2013-2015. The total budgeted amount is $594,000.00. Approximately $91 ,000.00 was spent on design, engineering, geotechnical services, and other soft costs prior to construction. The total project expenditures are below the approved budget by approximately $75,000.00. All EPA funding has been utilized so the budget surplus applies to City funds only. ATTACHMENT: A. Contractor's Final Invoice ATTACHMENT A CONTRACTOR'S FINAL INVOICE Invoice No.: 3-22884 Invoice Period: from 5/1(2014 to Sf31f2014 CONTRACTOR'S Invoice Date: 5/31/2014 Lo ngden A venue Sewer Replacement Project Proj ect: PAY REQUEST Net Pay Amount: $58,628.53 Bid No.: P08.Q7 ; Dated December 4, 2013 ; City Project No. P08 - 07; EPA Grant 10 No. XP·OOT60601-0 Contractor. I Excel Paving Company !Add ress: P .O . Box 16405,Long Beach, CA 90806 I Contractor Project No.: I 5103 Base Coo tract Amount $407.771.00 Change Orders to Date $19.680.06! Tot al Contract Amountto Date S427.4S'I.06 Amount In voiced to Date $427,451 .06 Amount Invoi ced Previously $365.736.80 Current Invoice Amount $61 .71 4.26 Less Reten tion 5 .00%1 $3,085.711 Net Amount to be Paid for this Invoice Peri od (see bel ow for any adjustments} I $58,628.53 Les& am oun t 1'itl1held fo; S:o;> Notices fil ed for II'•$ No. Date of Notioo Amount Withheld wf 1..25% period (1.25% x stop notice am0\J11ts-Stop Notices so.oo so .oo Attach~) f so.oo ?IllS amount of previous SlOP NoUces br which monies No. Date of Re lea se Am oun t W ithheld wfl Z!i% waJo wittJhe ld but cleared l:>y Contractor for this period so.oo SO.OO (Cleared Stop Notices attached ) so.oo NET PAY AMOUNT TO BE ISSUED TO CO NTRACTOR FOR TH IS PAY PERIOD $58,628.53 Quantities and Amounts agreed an accepted by Contractor (Excel Paving . Company) The Contra c tor certifies that the work covered by this Appl ica tion for P ayment h as been co mp leted in accordance with the Nam e: Ken s;orry, Project Manager/"\ / Contract documents. th at all amounts have been paid by the Contractor fer work f or which prev ious Certificates fo r Payment Signatu re: /~ (-'o;.-./ were issued and payments received f rom the O.vner, and th at cu rrent payment shown herein Is now due. Date: ~/4/~ /) , I Project Insp ector Review and Approval Project Engineer Review and Approval City Approval Quantities checf(ed and verified Reviewed and approved "" ', h ,p~artm~t Dir¥t~ J. ... A l t" I ? Name: M~agt ioc~(Tr~ Engineer, Inc .) Na me: NOT APPLICABLE Name: "'" ·"'- Signat\ ... re: / .IJ.-4? (_/PI Signature: NOT APPLICABLE Si gnature: 7./Y~///U. Date: ,. ctii..I()-J Date: NOT APPLICABLE Date: 9/f/1 '1 Federal Complla4ce Review and Appro val Resident Engineer Recommendation Cily Approval Compliance reviewed and approved Payment recommended Department Oi~ctor Name: I fvlj.ke S chnepf (Transtech Engineers. Inc.) Name: Yunus Rahi , ?.E (Transtech Engineers. Inc.) Name: Tra cey Hause. Finance Director I S9na t ur~ ~A'---~ Signature: I a= ~ Signature: I I -I Date: '1./~!tl..f -Date: C?lt&tllt Date: J -~~-~·---- Invo i ce No.: 3 -2288 4 Invoice Perio d : from 5/1120 14 to 5131 /2014 CONTRACT O R'S Invo i ce Date: 5/31 /2014 Longden Avenue Sewer Replacem ent Project Pr oje c t : PAY RE QUE ST Net Pay Am o unt: $3,08 5.71 B id No .: P08·0 7; Da ted December 4, 2013; City Proj~ N o . P08- 07; EPA G r ant 10 N o . XP-OOT60G0 1-0 C ontract o r : I Excel Paving Company !Addr ess: P.O . B ox 16405, L ong Beac h, CA 9080 6 I Cont r ac tor P roject N o.: I 51 03 Base Contract A mount S40 7.n 1.o o Change Orders to Date $19,680.06 T ota l C o ntract A mount to D ate $.4.27,4 51.06 A mo unt I nvoiced to Date $427.451.06 Am o un llnvoic...<>d Previously $365.736 .60 Curre nt I nvoice A m ount I $61.7 14 .26 Less Re tentio n 5.00% $3,085.71 Net Amo u nt t o b e Pa i d f o r this Invo i ce Pe riod (see b e lo w f o r a ny adjust ment s ) $58,626.53 Less amount withhel d for S top Nctlces fil ed for this No. Date or NoUce Amount With h&.d w/1.25% period (1.25% x sto p notice amounts -S top Nolice s $0.00 so.oo Arulche<J ) l $0.00 Pl us a:nount of previous StoJ> Nol'ce$' for w hich mcoic s No. Dille of Re lea~e Amount Withheld w/1.25% were w i1hheld bu t de11 red by Con lr2ctor for this pe riod $0.00 so _oo {Oea red Step Notices ~h ed} $0.00 NET PAY A M O UNT T O BE ISSUED T O R ET ENTIO N A CCOUNT FO R THIS PAY PER IOD $3,085.7 1 Q uantities and Amo unts agreed a n acc epted b y Cont r ac tor (Exc el Pav ing Co mpan y) The Co ntractor c ertifies that the work c-overed by this Application for Paymen t hes been completed in accorda nce w ith the Name: Ken C<l rry, Project Manager ,.... / / Contrac t do cuments , that all amounts hav e been pa cd by the Con tra<:to r fo r 11'/0 rK for wh ich p r evi ous Certificates fo r Paym ent Si gnature: V/.Atnvv-.l~ ( _, ,..._..,_ _/ w~e issued and paymen ts received fr om the Own e r, and that cu rre nt payment Shown herein is now due . D a te · ~/~/~ /) Project In s pector Review a nd Appr o val Project E n gineer R.eview and Approval C ity App r oval Q uantities checked and verifie d Revi~d and approved .tYl , , i.. Dc;J?artwen !Jl l~or tl l I' 0 Name: M)1io Ma~l)etti (Transtech E ngineer . Inc.) N a me: NOT APP LICA BLE Nam e: ,.1\;;,',,., r;;,"'F.,. '15'! .. ~.--=-:;~.<l. ~,.f,.h, u-.~~, Sig n a ture: /f'...,n / /), iw[/) Sig narure: Signatu re: ~~~ Date: q Jt)/ 'v D ate : Date: 9LP/it Federal ~ympll~f11ce Rev i ew and Approval Resi dent Engineer R ecommendation City A ppr oval Co mptia nce reviewed and appr o ved Paymen t recommended D ep artment Director Name : .Mil<e Sch nepf (Tra ns tech Eng ineers , Inc.) Name: Y u nus Ra hi, P .E (Transtech Engineers , Inc .) N ame: T racey Hause, F inance D irector Sig naUJre : :;:1'V"' ~ 1--S ignature: I " -~1--'-"'. ' Si gnature: ~ - Date : q (~__L f yV' - ----- Dat e: <r ~~ r' v Da te: