HomeMy Public PortalAbout06 June 14, 1995 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1995 2:00 P.M. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 4. PRESENTATION. Overview File This agenda item is to acknowledge Ken Steele for his efforts and dedication towards partnership, as a member of the Commission and the District Director for Caltrans District 8. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 5A. Riverside County Transportation Commission Proposed FY 95-96 Budget. Overview The Proposed FY 1995-96 Budget is presented to the Commission. To comply with State regulations, a public hearing must be held and the Commission budget must be adopted by June 15. Staff is recommending adoption of the proposed FY 1995-96 Riverside County Transportation Commission budget. 5B. FY 1995-96 FTA Section 9 Program of Proiects. Overview Annually, the Federal Transit Administration distributes federal operating and capital block grant funds to urbanized areas through its Section 9 Program. In order for grants from these funds to be approved, the Commission must develop a Program of Projects for each area, hold a public hearing on the programs, and approve the programs. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS/FINANCIAL ITEMS. 6A. Legislative Report. Overview Report and oral presentation will be made by staff at the Commission meeting. Commission action is requested for the adoption of legislative positions. 6B. Presentation on RCTC Mav 19-20 Special Meeting Issues and Recommendation. Overview A presentation will be made by Dr. Daniel lacofano on the special meeting held by the Commission on May 19-20 on funding and priorities. Page 2 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 6C. Investment Policies. Overview This is a follow-up to a Commission action to develop a more definite Investment Policy Statements and Guidelines for RCTC. 6D. Commissioners/Executive Director Report. Overview This item is placed on the agenda to provide Commissioners/Executive Director the opportunity to report on activities representing the Commission. 7. TRANSIT/RIDESHARE/PARK-N-RIDE/BICYCLE. 7A. Transit Integration Plan for Commuter Rail Service to Orange County. Overview At last month's meeting the Transit Integration Plan for Commuter Rail Service to Orange County was presented to the Commission for their review. At the meeting the Commission directed staff to further investigate feeder service options between the West Corona Metrolink station and the Temecula/Murrieta area. The additional review has been completed and is now presented to the Commission for consideration. 7B. Telecommuting WorkCenter of Riverside County. Overview A cost/benefit analysis of the Telecommuting WorkCenter of Riverside County is provided to the Commission along with a discussion of the demonstration program's history, funding to date and future expectations. Based on multiple factors, staff recommends that the Commission consider termination of the WorkCenter as a continuing demonstration project. 8. CONGESTION MITIGATION AIR QUALITY 8A. FY 1995-96 and 1996-97 Discretionary Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Project Recommendations. Overview The CMAQ/STP Policy Committee recommends the Commission review the recommendations and approve the lists of projects for programming the remaining balance of STP and CMAQ funds. Page 3 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 8B. Review of Congestion Pricing Policy of February 1993. Overview This item is provided as a review of the Congestion Pricing Policy adopted at the February 1993 RCTC meeting in Perris, California. A recommendation for possible amendments to the "Perris Policy" or Congestion Pricing Policy will be forwarded for consideration from the Legislative Committee. Discussion relating to amending the policy is focused upon the use of public rights -of -way for toll facilities developed by private sector interests. Staff is recommending that the Commission adopt the recommended amendments. 9. COMMUTER RAIL. 9A. Progress Report by Orange Empire Railway Museum. Overview Tom Jacobsen, President of the Orange Empire Railway Museum, has requested the opportunity to make a brief presentation to the Commission on its progress and plans for the future. The Commission has attempted to support the OERM programs, particularly in relation to multi -use objectives for our San Jacinto rail line. 98. FY 1995-96 Metrolink Preliminary Budget. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission adopt the SCRRA FY 1995/96 Budget and authorize RCTC's participating contribution to SCRRA in an amount up to $3,850,250. 9C. Continued Discussion with SCRRA and OCTA Regarding Mutually Acceptable Agreements Regarding Service Enhancements. Overview This item is a follow-up to Commission action last month for conceptual approval of SCRRA and OCTA's desired service enhancements. 9D. RCTC Participation in Colton Railroad Grade Crossing Engineering. Overview = . Santa Fe is soliciting RCTC to financially participate in a engineering design contract for a grade separation at Colton. The total cost is $285,000 and the requested participation is 25% or $72,500. Page 4 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 9E. Response to Request from CTC to Clarify Timing for Remaining Rail Fundin_v for San Jacinto Line. Overview An immediate request has been received from CTC staff to clarify when the $25 million currently programmed in the STIP for rail improvements is needed. The description for the funds in the 1994 adopted STIP is San Bernardino/Riverside/Orange Commuter Rail Reserve, Construct on R/W & Related Improvements, Purchase Rolling Stock. The source of these funds were originally intended to be Proposition 108 bonds, or additional 51 billion each bonds which were subsequently rejected by statewide voters. CTC has continued STIP commitments for these projects as local priorities, but the source of funding is State Highway Account under the Flexible Congestion Relief program. Given the significant STIP shortfall, and the fact that all rail funding would require state cash in an environment where CTC is attempting to make as much of the STIP eligible for federal funding, timing of rail funding needs becomes important for anticipating funding requirements for the 1996 STIP update. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters of the Consent Calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 10A. Consent Calendar - Administrative/Financial Items. 10A 1. California Transportation Commission ICTC J Report Overview This item is provided as information on actions taken by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) at its meeting on June 6-7, 1995. This report is provided as a regular update on CTC issues and actions in order to inform RCTC of the votes taken related to projects and issues of interest to Riverside County. 10A2. Sacramento Report Overview This item is a report from DJ Smith/will Kempton regarding activities in Sacramento. This is a receive and file item. 10A3. Ado tion of Resolution No. 95-006 "Seismic Retrofit of California Toll Bridges ". Overview Resolution No. 95-006 "Seismic Retrofit of California Toll Bridges" is presented for adoption to address seismic retrofit funding for toll bridges in California. The current policy is for funding of seismic retrofit to come from the State Highway Account. This proposal would state that RCTC adopts a resolution calling for a change in the State Budget requiring that toll bridge revenues to be used for all seismic retrofit of toll bridges in California. Page 5 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 10A4. Regional Transportation P/anninQ Agencies (RTAC) Report. Overview This item is provided as a review of the Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTAC) meeting of May 26, 1995, and is recommended for receive and file. 10A5. Coachella Valley Association of Governments Financial and Proiect P/anninQ Assessment (May 1995). Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission: 1) Endorse the May 22nd letter to CVAG regarding the "Assessment"; and, 2) Authorize staff to follow up with CVAG to address the highlighted concerns. 10A6. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-007 "Refunding of 1991 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds". Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission approve Resolution No. 95-007 authorizing the refunding of the 1991 Sales Tax Revenue (Limited Tax) Bonds. 10A7. Recurring Contracts. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission approve the attached Schedule of Recurring Contracts/Contributions and authorize the Executive Director to execute contracts as needed subject to legal counsel review. 10A8. Quarterly Financial and Cost and Schedule Reports. Overview Included in the agenda packet are Combining Statements of Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Unaudited) and the Highway and Rail Projects Quarterly Budget Report for the quarter ending March 31, 1995. Also attached is the cost and schedule status of the Measure A contracts. The contracts are segregated by Measure A Plan Category and includes highway, rail and other plans and programs. The cost information includes Commission authorized funds to date, contractual commitments to date, current monthly expenditures, and total expenditures to date. The cost and schedule reports are through the month ending April 30, 1995, prepared by Bechtel Civil, Inc. This item is for receive and file. Page 6 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 10B. Consent Calendar - Hiohways/Local Streets and Roads. 10B1. Authorization to Use Savings Anticipated on the Sunrise Wav/East Palm Cannon Drive Project in Palm Springs to Accelerate Two Other Route 111 Projects in Palm Springs and Indian Wells. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission: 1) Approve the acceleration and funding of the design of the Route 111/Gene Autry Trail project and construction of the Route 111/Cook Street project as described above. The recommended FY 95-96 funding for these projects is $50,000 and $220,000 respectively and is shown in the proposed budget; and, 2) Direct Staff to move forward with Cooperative Agreements with the City of Palm Springs and with the City of Indian Wells for the projects described above. 10C. Consent Calendar - Transit/Rideshare/Park-N-Ride/Bicycle. 10C 1. FY 1996 FTA Section 18 Rural Transportation Program. Overview The Section 18 Rural Transit Assistance Program from the Federal Transit Administration provides federal operating assistance funds for rural transit operators. In order for grants to be approved, the Commission must develop and approve a Program of Projects. 10C2. Allocation of State Transit Assistance Funds. Overview All public transit operators were contacted to solicit a list of projects that could be funded with State Transit Assistance funds. We received responses from the City of Corona, Riverside Transit Agency and SunLine Transit Agency and the City of Banning totaling $ 1,543,000 in requested capital projects. 10C3. FY 1996 Allocation of Measure A Specialized Transit Funds. Overview Staff is requesting the Commission allocate a total of $189,055 in Western County Measure A Specialized Transit Funds in FY 1996 to fund transit projects provided by Care -A -Van Transit System, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and the Volunteer Center. Page 7 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 10C4. FY 1996 Short Range Transit Plan. Overview The FY 1996 Short Range Transit Plans for the eight county operators are presented for the Commission's review and approval. Staff has reviewed the plans of the operators for compliance with the unmet transit needs responses, reasonableness of estimated cost and ridership increases, compliance with fare revenue to operating cost ratio requirements, and justification for capital projects. 1005. Minimum Fare Revenue Ratio for the Riverside Transit Agency and SunLine Transit Agency. Overview The Riverside Transit Agency and the SunLine Transit Agency serve both urbanized and non -urbanized areas of Riverside County. Therefore, their minimum required fare revenue to operating expense ratio required by State Law falls somewhere between the 10% requirement for non -urbanized area service and the 20% requirement for urbanized area services. The Commission is responsible for calculating the intermediate ratio. 1006. Senior & Disabled Citizens Coalition —Additional Allocation of Western County Measure A Specialized Transit Funds for FY 1995. Overview The Senior & Disabled Citizens Coalition administers the Transportation Reimbursement and Information Project (TRIP). This service has been well received by the public, so much so that the funding for FY 1995 has been completely allocated. Staff recommends an additional allocation of $ 12,000 in Measure A Specialized Transit funds available in the Western County, preventing a lapse in mileage reimbursement funding to seniors and persons with disabilities in the Western Riverside County. 1007. Transit Operators Responses to the Triennial Performance Audit Recommendations. Overview The Transit Operator responses to the recommendations made in their Triennial Performance Audits are presented to the Commission for review and action. 1008. Resolution No. 95-005, "Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Establishing Guidelines for the Administration=of its Measure A Commuter Assistance Program'. Overview To document various administrative changes in the FY 95/96 Measure A Commuter Assistance Program, staff recommends the adoption of Resolution No. 95-005 which amends Resolution No. 94-014. Page 8 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 1 0C9. Twenty-five Percent Discretionary Transportation Demand Management Funds Proiect Proposal. Overview Twenty-five percent of the State transportation demand management funds apportioned to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region must be allocated to projects beyond the defined "core" rideshare services. While equity distribution of these funds is not guaranteed, Riverside County's share is estimated at $199,500*. Staff seeks Commission authorization to develop and submit a destination based rideshare demonstration project to support the October opening of the Riverside to Orange County Metrolink line. If a balance remains from Riverside County's equity share estimate, staff further recommends that the Commission support SCAG's proposal for the development of a traveler information system. 10C1 O. FY 1995/96 Measure A Commuter Buspool Subsidv Requests. Overview Staff presents funding continuation requests from representatives of the Commission's Measure A Commuter Assistance supported buspools. A critical buspool ridership level is identified. Staff will be directed to inform the Commission of buspools with riderships at or below this critical level. The support of up to four new buspools is proposed. A waiver from the critical ridership level for start-up buspools during their first three months of operation is recommended. It is further recommended that all Commission Measure A Commuter Assistance supported buspools continue to be required to submit monthly ridership documentation and semi-annual status reports to the Commission. 10C11. San Bernardino Associated Governments FY 95/96 Commuter Assistance Program Contract Amendment. Overview Under contract to the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), the Commission has managed and implemented a commuter incentive program, Option Rideshare, for the past two years. SANBAG and RCTC staff have developed a FY 95/96 budget for continuation of the program. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 94-021 is recommend by staff. 10C 12. Use of Friis Buildin for Commission's Commuter Assistance Pro ram Office Overview Various changes relating to the provision of regional employer rideshare services and Commission funded commuter assistance programs will require changes in two existing office rental arrangements. Given the vacant status of the Commission owned Friis building, staff recommends that the Commission consider renting a portion of the building to house its own Commuter Assistance Program Office and related functions. Page 9 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 10C13. Quarterly Transit Operators Report. Overview This report presents County -wide public transportation ridership, operating, and financial information for the third quarter of fiscal year 1995 (January 1 - March 31, 1995). The report is a receive and file item. 10C 14. SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program - Extension Request from the City of Riverside. Overview The City of Riverside was allocated $70,000 in FY 94/95 SB 821 funds for the construction of a bicycle facility along Jackson Street between California Avenue and Victoria Avenue. The City is requesting a twelve (12) month extension to June 30, 1996, to complete the project. 10C 15. SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program - Extension Request from the County of Riverside. Overview The County of Riverside was allocated $110,000 in FY 94/95 SB 821 funds for the construction of a sidewalk and bikeway along 42nd Avenue in the Bermuda Dunes area. The County is requesting a six (6) month extension to December 31, 1995, to complete the project. 10C16. Award of Contract for Production of an Educational Transit Training Video. Overview At the February meeting, the Commission approved the use of $20,000 in Measure A Specialized Transit Funds available in the Western County for the production of an educational transit usage video. Staff recommends that the Commission award a contract for the production of the video to Baldwin Productions with a cost not to exceed $19,400 and direct the Executive Director to execute the contract. 10D. Consent Calendar - Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). 10D1. Monthly Callbox Update. Overview The operational statistics for the Riverside County Motorist Aid Call Box System for the month of April, 1995 will be presented to the SAFE Board. Page 10 RCTC Meeting June 14, 1995 10E. Consent Calendar - Commuter Rail. 10E1. Approval of La Sierra Metrolink Rail Station Bid Evaluation and Contract Award. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission award the contract for the construction of the La Sierra Metrolink Rail Station to the lowest responsive bidder which staff will present at the June 12 meeting. Funds for construction will be from CMAQITSM. 10E2. Riverside-LaSierra Metrolink Commuter Rail Station - Possibility of Obtaining Fill Dirt from the Riverside Community Colle_ve (RCC1. Overview Fill dirt is needed for the Riverside-LaSierra Commuter Rail Station and RCC has dirt available. Staff is recommending that staff explore the possibility of using the RCC fill material with some conditions. 10E3. Authorization to Advertise for Construction the Expansion of the Riverside - Downtown Commuter Rail Station Parking Lot. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission authorize staff to advertise for receipt of construction bids the temporary expansion of the Riverside.. Downtown parking lot. The funds will come from State Transit Capital Improvement grants and the estimated construction cost is $433,500. 10E4. Metrolink Ridership and Revenue Reports Overview Metrolink Performance Summaries for April and the first three weeks of May, and the FY 1994-95 Year -to -Date Revenue and Ridership Reports are provided for information. This is a receive and file item. 11. CLOSED SESSION. 11 A. Performance Evaluation of the Executive Director. ADJOURNMENT. ATTENDANCE ROSTER NAME Z.-1*1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Wednesday, June 14, 1995 •fit-T REPRESENTING S e4 rc 'reQ Q TI C t rl Ci 5/if r 14//2cDC- 72. A Sacciani e c: /iv? : Vilt.t.ty Ass<< . TELEPHONE t1/4 —1 l\{S. c�l� �60s<<71 3 27 •• 7 - z t.� _ Z3 6- (`l 5" it) o9 PPy .2i7/ sir ' Y its jv ' `f G 1TYrivs.._ J LJ11 "�i S-r4D C 1 -'� —� �-� - 76,E 3 71 Z. 709 - ,l fe - 7o s� f�— ((a(a 5440—001