HomeMy Public PortalAbout08) 7C Amendment to ECS Imaging Inc. to Renew Annual Maintenance Services and Additional User Licenses for WebMANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: April21 ,2015 TO: T he Honorab le City Co uncil FROM: Bryan Cook , City Ma nager By : Peggy Kuo , City Clerk MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM 7.C. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ECS IMAGING , INC. (ECS) TO RENEW THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND RELATED SERVICES AND APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL USER LICENSES FOR THE WEB PORTAL RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to approve an amendment to th e Consultant Services Agreeme nt with ECS Imag ing , Inc. (ECS) (Attach ment "A "), to renew the annua l maintenance a nd re lated services with an option to extend th e annua l maintenance a nd related services for an additional period of three years and approve the purchase of five add iti o na l conc urre nt user licenses for the web porta l for an amount not to exceed $12,124 .55. BACKGROUND: 1. On April 1, 2014, City Council awarded a Consu ltant Services Agreement to ECS Im aging , Inc . (E CS ) for the purchase of Laserfiche software (an electronic content management software -ECMS), two full user licenses , and a web portal with five concurrent web user licenses . City Council also approved an agreement with ECS Im aging , Inc. to i nstall La serfiche , provide annua l service maintenance and related services . 2 . On April 10 , 20 15 , City Clerk's Office received a quote from ECS Imag ing , Inc . (Attachment "B") for the purchase of five additiona l conc urrent user licenses for the web portal and for renewal of the annual service maintena nce a nd related serv ices for Laserfiche . ANALYSIS: In a n effort to imp lement goa ls estab li shed by City Counci l (i.e ., Citizen Education a nd Communication), th e City Clerk's Office began to promote a paperless environment and City Council April21 , 2015 Page 2 of 3 use technology to improve public records access . In April 2014 , the City Counci l approved the purchase of Laserfiche . Laserfiche allows staff to e lectronically store, index , process, and retrieve public records . Examples of electronic images/documents currently stored in the City's repository include City Council and City Commission meeting minutes , resolutions , ordinances , City Council staff reports , and building permits . Use of Laserfiche has substantially reduced the turnaround time for staff to provide public records while simultaneously preserving fragile paper archives . As the City continues to make more public records available on Laserfiche, additional user licenses for the web portal will be needed to allow more concurrent users to access the records. Staff is recommending the purchase of five additional concurrent user licenses for the web portal to allow access to City public records . The cost for the additional user licenses is $7 ,005.00 . Staff is also recommending renewing the Consultant Services Agreement for software maintenance and support with ECS Imaging , Inc . in the amount of $5 ,119.55 per year for a period of three years. ECS Imaging, Inc. has provided satisfactory services and is responsive to staff's needs . ECS Im aging, Inc. has offered the City a 5% discount for renewing the maintenance and support contract for three years (i.e ., approximately $270.00 savings/year). CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to approve an amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with ECS Imaging Inc . to provide software maintenance and support related services for three years and approve the purchase of additional user licenses for the web portal. Additional user licenses will keep up with the public's demand to access City's public records via the web portal and renewal of the Consultant Services Agreement for maintenance and support will ensure that there are no interruptions in software update and staff support. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate fund ing was appropriated in the FY 2014-15 City Budget for the purchase of additional web user licenses and renewal of the maintenance and support agreement. City Council April 21 , 2015 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: A. First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with ECS Imaging , Inc. to renew the maintenance and support services . B. Estimate from ECS Imag ing , Inc . for the purchase of five additional web user licenses . ,-----~ - ATTACHMENT A FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY and ECS Imaging, Inc. Dated April 21, 2015 RI V #4840-1328-2571 vi ,- FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULT ANT SERVICES AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Consultant Service Agreement ("F ir st Amendment"), which is dated for reference as indicated on the cover page, i s hereby entered into by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a Califo rnia charter city ("City"), and ECS Imaging, In c., a Cal iforni a Incorporatio n ("Consultant"), as follows: RECITALS A. City and Co nsultant e nt e red in a Co ns ultant Services Agreement on April 1, 20 14 ("Agreement"). The City purchased a LaserFiche Software Assurance Pl an (LSA P) which included software update , ma intenance, and s upport for 12 months. B. The LSAP will expire on May 1, 2015 . C . Thi s First Amendme nt is to renew the City's LSAP w ith ECS Im agin g, Inc . for three years (i.e., May 1, 2015 -Ma y I , 20 18). OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises mad e and recited he rein , the parties do hereby e nte r into this First Amendment which modifies and amends the Agreement as follows: 1. AMENDMENT. The A gree ment is hereby modified and amended as follows: 1.1 Exhibit "A". Exhibit A to the Agreement (SCO PE OF SERVICES) is hereby renewed for three years fro m May 1, 20 15 to May 1, 20 18. Section 4 of the Agreeme nt is hereby amended as follows: T he third sentence of Section 4, subparagraph (a) of the agreement is amended to read as follows: "The total compensatio n shall not exceed FIFTEEN THOUSAN D THREE HUNDRED FIFTY E IGHT DOLLARS AND SIXTY F IV E CENTS ($15 ,358.6 5), $5 ,11 9.55 paid each year for three years, unless additiona l compensation is approved in writing by the City Council or City M anager." 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 2.1 Remainder Unchanged. Except as spec ifically modified and amended in this Firs t Amendment, th e Agreement remain s in full fo rce and effect and binding upon the parti es. 2 .2 Integration. This F ir st Amendment cons is ts of pages 1 throu g h _ inclu s iv e, which co ns titute the entire und er standing and a greement of th e parties and s upersede s all negotiation s o r previous agreements between the part ies with respect to a ll or an y part of th e tran sac ti on discussed in this First Amendment. RI V #4840 -1328 -2571 v i -2- 2.3 Effective Date. Thi s First Am e ndme nt s ha ll n o t b ecome effecti ve until th e da te it has bee n forma ll y a pp roved b y the C ity Co un c il an d executed by the appr op r ia te author ities of the C ity and Cons ultant. 2.4 Applicable Law . The laws o f the Stat e o f Ca li fo rnia s ha ll govern the inte rpr e ta tion and e nforceme nt of thi s F irst Ame ndment. 2.5 References . A ll re fe re nces to th e Agr eeme nt include all their r espective terms and provi s ion s . All de fin e d te rms utili zed in thi s Fi rs t A m endme nt have the same meaning as prov id e d in the A g reeme nt, unl ess expressly s ta ted to the c ontra ry in thi s Firs t Ame ndment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t he pa rti es he reto have executed thi s First Amendment to the Ag reem ent o n th e date and year fi rst written a bove. A TTEST: Peggy K uo, C ity C le rk D ate : A pri l 2 1, 20 15 C ONSULTANT : By: ____________ _ C IT Y: T HE C ITY OF T E MP LE CITY By: ~--~~~~~~--------------Bry an Cook, C ity Manager APPROVED AS TO FO RM Er ic S. Vail , C ity Attorney By: ____________ _ N ame: __________________________ __ arne : __________________________ _ Titl e: T itl e : --------------------------------------------------------- RIV #4840-!328-2571 vi -3- ATTACHMENT B C'"jCS 0·-v-~ Ecs 1mag1ng Inc Phone 951-787-8768 Q D lrhag. ing I ln\c 5905 Brockton Ave SUite c Fax 951-787-0831 uote · R1vers1de CA. 92506 www ecs1mag1ng com 'four Wutld Cl_.,~ l•\•fftc:h• Prolol'td•r 03 2014 V3 QuoUition For Name: Company: Phone: E-mai: Peggy Kuo City or Temple Ci1y (626) 285-2171 pkuo@templecity.us Produc ts and Services Quote Info Data: 4/14/2015 Quota Number 65129 Valid Through 5/1/2015 Terms: nat 20 Account Manager Debbl BodllWitl Phone· x109 E-mail . ,. SKU Dcaerlptlon Unit Price Quantity Line Total SKU lF Avante Server for SQl Express with Workflow lSAP s LF Avante Named Full User with Snapshot and Ema il lSAP s lF Avante Web Access lSAP s lF Avante Web Portal {Includes 10 Retneval Users) lSAP s Fujitsu fi-7260 1 Year Warranty {5/N: a3rd000558 Expires : 04/11/2016) Annual ECS Priority Support/Consulting Including 10 hours on-site, re m ote, s and phone su pport for installed Laserfiche version during the period of 05/11/2015 through 05/10/2016 up to 1/2 of the hours for install of new version updates. M inimum Ons1te Time Is Calculated at 2 Hours. s •upgrade Weblink from 5 user to 10 use r s Starter public portal s 5% Disco unt on Annual $ {269.45) Contingent on a 3 Year Ag r eement with City and ECS Trad e-I n Cred i t W eblinl S {7,99 5.00) Spec ial Terms Tax Rate No Taxe s 300.00 100.00 20.00 3,000.00 99.00 1,750.00 15,000.00 1 s 300.00 2 s 200.00 2 s 40.00 1 s 3,000.00 1 s 99.00 s 1,750.00 1 s 15,000.00 Subtotal $ 1 2,124.5 5 12,124.55 Subtotal $ Tax S ""':----=== Total $ 12,124.55