HomeMy Public PortalAbout14) 9B Nominating Elected Official for East City Cluster if Metro SGV Service Council( MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : Apri l 2 1, 20 15 TO: T he Hon orable City Cou nc il FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manage r By: Giselle Corella , Exec uti ve Assistant to the City Manager AGENDA ITEM 9.8. SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON NOMINATING AN ELECTED OFFICIAL FROM THE EAST CITY CLUSTER OF THE METRO SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SERVICE COUNCIL TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY AND THE CITIES OF ARCADIA AND EL MONTE RECOMMENDATION: The City Co un ci l is requested by the East City Cluster (i.e., cities of Arcadia , El Monte an d Temple City) of the Metro San Gabrie l Valley Service Council to: a) Nominate an elected officia l from the East City Cluster to represent the City of Temple City and other cities in the East City Cluster of the Metro San Gabriel V alley Serv ice Council ; and b) Direct the City Manag e r to coo rdin at e with the cities of Arcadia and El Monte to submit a lette r nomin ating the elected officia l to be the representative for the East Ci ty Cluster of the Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council. BACKGROUND : 1. In 2002 t he Metro San Gabrie l V a ll ey Service Council (MSGV SC) was formed and co mprised of five e lected officia ls and four non-e lected officials nomin ated by Los Angeles Cou nty Supervisors , the San Gabrie l Vall ey Council of Governments (COG) and c ity clu sters in the San Gabriel Valley . 2 . On June 28 , 2 01 2, Counci lm e mber Juven ito Gomez of the City of El Monte was appo inted to rep resent the c ities of Arcadia , El Monte, and Temple City in the East City Cluster of Sa n Gabrie l Vall e y for the MSGVSC . 3. On Ju ly 1 , 2012 , Councilmem ber Gomez's term as a representative for the East City Coun cil April 21 , 2015 Page 2 of 3 City Cluster of MSGVSC began . Councilmember Gomez's term will end June 30 , 2015 . 4 . On March 6, 2015 , Mayor Ca rl Blum and City Man age r Bryan Cook , received a letter from Metro inform ing them of th e an nua l appointments to the Metro San Gabriel Valley Servi ce Counc il. 5. On April 7 , 2015, at the Regular City Council Meeting , the City Counc i l discussed Councilmember Ju ve nito Go mez of the City of El Monte seeking reappo intment to the Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council. The City Council continued the item to give an opportunity for the other elected officials of the cities of Arcad ia and El Monte to send letters of interest seeking nomination (s taff report from April 7 , 2015 is i nclu ded as Attachment "B"). 6. On April 10 , 2015 , Mayor Tom Chavez , received a lette r from Councilmember Roger Chandler of the City of Arcadia informing them of the ann ua l appointments to the Metro San Gabriel Valley Servi ce Council. ANALYSIS: At the Regular City Council Meeti ng on A pri l 7 , 2015 , the City Council discussed giving other elected offici als in the cities of Templ e City , Arcadia and El Monte the opportunity to seek nomination to serve as the repre sentative of the East City Cluster for MSGVSC . Since th e regular City Council Meeting , Councilmember Roger Chandler of the City of Arcadia ha s s hown interest in representing the East C ity Cluster for the MSGVSC . Th e nomination process is the first step in appointing an ind ividua l to serve on the Metro Service Council. City clusters may place their nomination by submitt ing a joint letter to be received by Metro befo re Apri l 30 , 20 15 . Metro officers will then prepare a re port requ est ing that th e Metro Board of Directors approve the Ea st City Cl uster nominee at their June meetin g . CONCLUSION: The City Council is req uested to no minate an elected official to represent the City of Temple City and the oth e r cities of the East City Cluste r of the Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council. Upon nomination by th e City Co uncil, the City Manager on behalf of Temple City wi ll work with the cit ie s of Arcad ia and El Monte to submit a joint nomination letter to Metro officers . City Coun ci l April 21 , 2015 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the current Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Letter of interest for nomination to the Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council B . April 7, 2015 Staff Report .----~---------. ·- City of Arcadia Office of the City Council Jo hn Wu o Mnyot· Gary A. Kovacic Mnyor PtYJ Tem Tom Beck Cou 11ciJ Membet· Roge r C handl er Council Member Sho Tay Council AUmber 240 Wes t Huntington Drive Post Office Box 6002 1 Are1dia, C A 9 1066-602 1 (626) 574-5403 City H all (626) 446-5729 Fax ww"~ArcadinCA .gov April10 , 2015 Mayor Tom Chavez City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City , CA 91780 ATTACHMENT "A" Re : Appointment to Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council Dear Mayor Chavez , I would li ke to express my interest in the serving on Metro's East San Gabrie l Valley Service Council during the upcoming July 1, 2015-June 30 , 2018 term . The East San Gabriel Valley Service Council represents a three-city cluster of Arcadia , El Monte, and Temple City. I previously served on the Service Coun cil from July 1, 2006 to Apri130, 2012 . Should you have any questions , please contact my office at 626- 574-5403. Sincerely, /?~~ Roger Chandler Arcad ia C ity Council Member CC : Brian Cook, City Manager of Temple City Raul Godinez II , City Manager, El Monte Andre Quintero , Mayor, City of El Monte ATTACHMENT "8" MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : April ?, 2015 TO : The Hon orable City Council FROM: Bryan Coo k, City Manage r By : Giselle Co re ll a , Executive Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON NOMINATING COUNCILMEMBER JUVENTINO GOMEZ OF THE CITY OF EL MONTE TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY AND OTHER CITIES IN THE EAST CITY CLUSTER OF THE METRO SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SERVICE COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The City Cou nci l is requ ested by t he East City Cluster (i.e., cities of Arcadia , El Monte and Temple City) of th e Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council to : a) Nom inate Councilmember Juvenito Gomez of the City of El Monte to represent th e City of Temple City and other c iti es in the East City Cluster of the Metro San Gab ri e l Valley Service Counc il ; and b) D irect the City Man ager to coord in ate with the cities of Arcadia and El Monte to submit a lette r nom inating Co un c ilm ember Juvenito Gomez as the representative for the East City Cluster of the Metro San Gabrie l Valley Service Council. BACKGROUND: 1. In 2002 the Metro San Gabriel Vall ey Service Council (MSGVSC) was formed and comprised of fiv e e lected officials and four non-elected officials nominated by Los Angeles County Supervisors , th e San Gabrie l V a l ley Counci l of Governments (COG) and city clusters in the San Gabriel Valley . 2. On Jun e 28, 2 01 2, Counci lmember Juvenito Gomez of the City of El Monte was appointed to repre sent the cit ies of Arcadia , El Monte, and Temple City in the East City Cl uster of San Gabriel Valley fo r the MSGVSC. 3. On Ju ly 1, 2012 , Co uncilmembe r Gomez's term as a representa tive for the East City Council April 7, 2015 Page 2 of 3 City Cluster of MSGVSC began. Councilmember Gomez's term will end June 30 , 2015 . 4 . On March 6 , 2015 , Mayor Carl Blu m a nd City Manager Bryan Cook , re ce ived a letter from Metro informing them of the annua l appointm e nts to the Metro San Gab ri e l Valley Service Counci l. ANALYSIS: The Metro Service Council was established to advise on the plann ing and implementation of service within the differen t regio ns of Los Angeles Cou nty (i.e ., Gateway Ci ti es , San Fernando Vall ey, San Gabriel Valley , South Bay and Westside/Central); call and cond uct public hearings ; evaluate Metro bus p rograms related to the se rvi ce area ; rev iew proposed service changes ; ma ke policy recommendations to the Metro Board ; and participate in quarterly meetings w ith the Metro Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Deputy CEO and management staff. Temple City is one of 27 cities represented by MSGVSC and one of the thre e cities represented by the San Gab rie l Valley East City Cluster (i.e ., Arcadia , El Monte and Temple City). Having served on MSGVSC since 2012 , Councilmember Gomez is seeking reappointment. The nominatio n process is the first step in appointing an individual to serve on the Metro Service Co uncil. Citi es may place th eir nomination by submitti ng a lette r to be received by Metro before Apri l 30 , 2015 . Metro officers will then prepare a report req ue sting that the Metro Board of Directo rs approve th e East City Cluster nom i nee at their June meeting. CONCLUSION : The City Counci l is requ ested by th e East City Cluster of the Metro Sa n Gabriel Valley Service Council to nomin ate Counci lm ember Juvenito Gomez of the City of El Monte to represent the City of T emple City and other cities in th e East City Cluster of the Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council. Upon nomination by the City Coun ci l , the City Manager on be half of Temple City will wo rk with the cities of Arcadia and El Monte to submit a joint nom ination lett er to Metro officers . FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impa ct to the curre nt Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 City Budget. City Council Apri l 7, 2015 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT: A. Letter from Metro o n the Annua l Appointments to Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council Los Angeles County One Gateway Plaza 2 13-92 2 .2000 Tel Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angel es , CA 9001 2-2952 metro. net Metro March 6, 201 S Byran Cook City Manager, City ofTemple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City , CA 91780 ATTACHMENT "A" Re: Annual Appointments to Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Council Dear Mr. Cook: Metro's Service Councils are charged with ma king decisions about bus routes and schedules for Metro bus lines operating in their region. As such, Service Council Bylaws requ ire that nominees live , work, or represent in the region they would represent and that they ride public transit at least on a monthly basis . The San Gabriel Valley Service Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 5:00p.m. at Metro Division 9 build ing in El Monte . The terms ofthree ofthe nine pos itions on each of Metro's Serv ice Councils expire on June 30 of each year in accordance with Service Council Bylaws. Service Council Members may serve more than one three-year term . The term of San Gabriel Valley East City Cluster appointee and El Monte City Council member, the Honorable Juventino Gomez will exp ire on June 30 of this year . Counc ilmember Gomez has proved to be an exceptional council member to wor k with and has represented the East City Cluster of San Gabriel Valley with distinction. We respectfully request that the East City Cluster of San Gabriel Valley (Arcadia, El Monte , and Temple City) coordinate with each other and submit a letter nominating either Council member Gomez or another nominee to serve during the upcoming July 1, 2015-June 30, 2018 term to my office by April 30, 201 5. We will then prepare the report requesting that the Metro Board of Directors approve the East City Cluster nominee at their June meeting. We are confident that the East City Cluster of San Gabriel Valley will nominate a highly qualified and dedicated candidate to serve on Metro's San Gabriel Valley Service Council. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact me at hillmerj@metro.net or 213.922.6972. Sincere~ ~~er Executive Director , Service Planning, Scheduling and Analysis cc : The Honorable Carl Blum, Mayor, City ofTemple City Raul Godinez II, City Manager, City of El Monte Dominic Lazzaretto, City Manager, City of Arcadia Arthur T. Leahy, Chief Execut ive Officer The Honorable Andre Quintero, Mayor, City of El Monte The Honorable John Wuo, Mayor, City of Arcadia l<imberly Yu, Deputy Chief Operations Officer