HomeMy Public PortalAbout10) 7F Adopt Reso 15 5085 Intention to Levy Collect Lighting Maintenance District Assessments------ AGENDA ITEM 7.F. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 19 ,2015 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By : Tracey L. Hause , Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 15-5085, DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2015-16 AND ESTABLISHING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to : a) Accept the Enginee r's Report for the Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District (District ) for FY 2015-16 (Attachment "A "); and b) Adopt Resolution No . 15-508 5 (Attachment "B"). BACKGROUND: 1. On June 19 , 1979 , the City Council of Temple City adopted Resolution No. 79-1825 fo rm ing the Temple City Citywide Light ing and Maintenance Distr ict and confirmed assessments for the first FY 1979-80 . 2 . On April 23 , 1995, after giving direction to staff to analyze the assessment methodology, the City Council received an Executive Summary that e xplained the recommended methodology changes and provided examples of the effects of the diffe re nt alternatives . The City Council directed staff to make the approved changes to the District for the FY 1995-96. Notices were mailed to all property owners outlining the changes to the methodology and stating the assessment amount proposed for each property and that a Consumer Price Index (CPI) escalator was included in the District. The changes were approved after a formal public hearing . 3 . On November 5, 1996, California voters approved Proposition 218 , also known as City Council May 19 , 20 15 Page 2 of 5 'The Right to Vote on Taxes Act". The City was able to continue to levy assessments at the current rate for the Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District since Proposition 218 allowed certain exemptions for existing assessments . However, any increase in the assessment , including the addition of a CPI escalator, would require a ballot be mailed to each property owner subject to the assessment, and that a majority of property owners returning their ballot must approve of the increase assessment. Further, Proposition 218 required that the local agency distinguish between general and direct benefit and shall only assess for di re ct benefit. At that time , the parks assessment was considered to be a general benefit. 4. On July 1, 1997, the City discontinued assessments for park maintenance operations . The park maintenance program is currently funded through the General Fund . 5 . On February 3, 2015 , the City Council adopted Resolution No. 15-5059 ordering the engineering firm of Harris & Asso ci ates to prepare the required Engineer's Report for FY 2015-16 , pursuant to the 1972 State Lighting and Landscape Act. The engineer's report identifies eligible program expenditures , establishes the District's operating budget, updates individual property assessments, and documents the City 's compliance with all applicable laws . ANALYSIS: Annually , the City Council determines the Lighting and Maintenance District assessment rates , which prov ide funding for citywide street l ighting , tree maintenance , and traffic signal maintenance programs . The process requires the City Council to adopt resolutions ordering the engineer's report, establishing the actual assessment rates , and authorizing the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office to levy and collect the assessments . Harris & Associates , as authorized by the City Council on February 3 , 2015 , has prepared the required engineer's report for the District for FY 2015-16 . The purpose of the Engineer's Report is to set forth findings and engineering analysis for the City's Lighting and Maintenance District for the FY 2015-16. A copy of the report is attached for City Council 's review and consideration . The Engineer's Report contains an annual program cost summary which includes the estimated cost of the construction , operation , servicing and maintenance of the street lights, traffic signals, and parkway landscaping for FY 2015-16 . The report also i ncludes the method of apportionment for the assessments . These two items are summarized in Attachment "C". City Council May 19 , 2015 Page 3 of 5 Assessment Rate Formulas All parcels in Temple City derive special benefit from the street l ig hting and traffic signal system , general landscape maintenance in and along the streets and sidewal ks , and arterial highway median/parkway maintenance. The Engineer's Report establishes a methodo logy that fairly distributes the cost in relation to the special benefits re ce ived . The Equi va le nt Dwelling Unit method has be en established as the means of assessm e nt for the City's Lighting and Maintenance District. The single-family parcel ha s been selecte d as the basic unit of calculation of assessments and is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Un it (EDU ). A methodology has been developed to cal culate th e EDUs fo r other residentia l uses a nd for non -reside ntial parcels , as describ e d below. • Residential: All residential uses are assessed one EDU per dwelling unit. • Commercial/Industrial: Commercial , Industri al and Institutional parcels are converted to EDUs base d on the lot size of each parcel of land . In converting these properties to EDUs , the factor used is the City of Temple City's average single family residential lot size of 7 ,200 square feet , which are approx im ately six lots per acre . Therefore , co mmercial/industrial parcels are assessed s ix EDUs per acre . • Churches: The City Counci l has ordered that church -owned properties receive a 25 percent reduction to the assessment rate . Therefore , c hurch properties with resident ial uses are assessed 0 .75 EDUs per dwelling un it. All other church prop erties are assessed 75 percent of the commercial/industrial rate , which calculates to 4.5 EDUs per acre . Special benefits that are received by all pa rcels in the City are c onsidere d Citywide benefits , and the associated costs of these benefits are spread equally , based on the EDU to all parcels within the District. Special benefits that are co ns idered lo c al benefits correspond to higher levels of improvements to parcels in the immediate a re a . The associated costs of these benefits are spread equally over the loca l area, based on the EDU . A system of zones has been developed to identify the speci fic benefit each parcel receives . The zones are as follows : • Zone A -This zone includes all properties receiving a lo cal lighting benefit. They are assessed for local lighting, as well as the Citywide Benefits ; • Zone B -This zone includes all properties that receive only Citywide Be nefits ; • Zone C -Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive Median Landscaping . This City Council May 19 , 2015 Page 4 of 5 zone includes all commercial parcels abutting the Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive medians. They are assessed the Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive Median Local Benefit , as well as the Citywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit; and • Zone D -City Center Parkway Improvements . This zone includes commercial parcels abutting the City Center Parkway Improvements. They are assessed the City Center Parkway Improvement Local Benefit (i .e ., trees and planted materials on Las Tunas Drive and parking areas), as well as the Citywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit. The follow i ng table shows the summary of the annual assessment for each Zone . SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS PER EDU Benefit Benefit Be nefit Benefit Ca tegory of Benefit Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Citywid e land scap ing, traffic X X X X sign al, medi ans, a nd parkway Citywi de Street Lighting X X X X Direct Street Li ghting X X X Rosemead/Las Tunas Medi a ns X City Ce nter Parkways X Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 2015-16 $25.03 $25 .03 $45.51 $79.82 Total A smt ($/EDU ) FY 2014 -15 $2 5 .03 $25 .03 $4 5.51 $7 9.82 An "X" in the table above indicates the category of benefit included in each Zone . The total assessment per zone is the sum of the assessments for each categ ory of benefit. Asmt Ra te ($/EDU) $25.03 $0.00 $0.00 $20 .4 8 $54 .79 Acceptance of the Engineer's Report and adoption of Resolut ion No . 15-5058 will the City to move forward declaring the City's intention to levy and collect Lighting and Maintenance District assessments for FY 2015 -16. CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to accept the Engineer's Report for the District for FY 2015 -16 prepared by Harris & Associates ; adopt Resolution No . 15-5058 declaring the City's intention to levy and collect Lighting and Maintenance District assessments for FY 2015-16 ; and set the public hearing for June 16 , 2015 . .-------- City Council May 19, 2015 Page 5 of 5 FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this agenda item will al low the City to continue the process to set the assessment rates for the FY 201 4-15 Lighting and Maintenance District and generate an estimated $330 ,000 in assessment revenues . Gas T ax Funds w i ll supplement the remaining costs of approximately $123 ,970 , providing fu nding for the citywide street lighting , tree mainte nance , and traffic signa l maintenance programs . ATTACHMENTS: A. Engineer's Report for Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District - FY 2015-16 B . Resolution No . 15-5058 C. Annual Progra m Cost Summary ENGINEER'S REPORT for TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Fisca l Year 2015-16 for the City of Temple City Los Angeles County, California May 4, 2015 B Harris & Associates . ATTACHMENT A City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT May 4 , 2015 Page i T h e u ndersig n ed respec tfully submits t he e n c losed report as d irect ed by t he City Co un ci l. DATED : May 4, 2015 e:ltemple chyl fy15-161rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may15 r2 .d ocx H I Harri s & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 TABLE OF CONTENTS May 4 , 2015 Page ii Submittal a nd Ac kn ow ledgmen t s ................................................................................... i Intr oduct ion .................................................................................................................. iii Report ........................................................................................................................... 1 Pa rt A -Pl an s a nd Speci f ications ............................................................................ 3 Pa rt B-Es t i mate o f Cost ......................................................................................... 5 Pa r t C-Ass e ss m e nt Ro ll ......................................................................................... 6 Par t D -Method of A p portionm e nt of Assessmen t ................................................ 7 Par t E -Pr operty Ow ne r Li st ................................................................................. 13 Par t F-Assess m en t Dis t rict Diagra m ................................................................... 14 e:ltemple c~ylfy15-16\rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may 15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District INTRODUCTION May 4, 2015 Page iii The purpose of this report is to set forth findings and engineering analysis for the Temple City Citywide Ligh ti ng and Maintenance District for the 2015-16 fiscal year. This District, utilizing direct benefit assessmen t s, (1) supp le men t s revenue generated by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Municipal lighting District to finance the cost of providing maintenance and operation of a str eet lighti ng system and covers the costs of providing maintenance and operation of the traffic signa ls in the City, and (2) cove r s the costs of maint ai n ing t he median an d p arkway landscaping in the City ofTemple City . The City Council of Te mple City adopted Reso lution No. 79-1825 on June 19, 1979, which formed the Temple City Citywide Lig hting and Maintenance District and confirmed assessments for the first fiscal year, 1979-80. Following the comp letion of the District proceedings for FY 1994-95, the City Council directed staff to analyze the assessme nt methodology. The purpose of the study was to verify that properties were be in g assessed in proportio n to the benefi t rece ived. An Executive Summary explaining t he f indings , detai ling recommended methodology changes, and providing exampl es of th e effects of the different alternatives was completed and submitted to t he City Council. On Apri l 23 , 1995, th e City Council receive d th e Executive Sum mary, approved the r ecommended changes , and directed staff to make the approved changes to the District for FY 1995 -96. Notices were mai led to all property owners outlining the changes to the method ology, and stati ng the assessment amount proposed for eac h property and that a CPI escalator was included in the District. The changes were ap p roved af ter a for mal public hea r ing. Fo ll owing the passage of Proposition 218 in November, 1996, the City has been able to continu e to levy assessmen t at the cu r re nt r ate since Proposi t ion 218 allowed certa i n exemptions for exist ing assessments. However, any increase in the assessment, including t he addit ion of a CPI escalator, w i ll requ ire that a ballot be ma il ed to each property owner subject to the assessment, and that a majority of property owners (weighted by assessment amo unt) returning thei r ballot must approve of the i ncrease in the assessment. In add ition, any othe r changes nee d ed to comply with the requirements of Pr oposition 218 would have to be made at that t ime. This report reflects those changes and covers the levy of annual assessme nts for the 2015 -16 fiscal yea r. e \temple cityl fy15·16\rpl ·lc llmd fy1 5-16 4 ma y15 r2 docx H I Har ri s & Associate s. City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 22500 THROUGH 22679 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 May 4, 2015 Page 1 Pursuant to Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and in accordance with the Resolution of Initiation, adopted by the City Council of the City of Temple City, State of California, in co nne ct ion with the proceedings fo r : CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT hereinafter referred to as th e "Assessme nt District" or "District", I, K. Dennis Klinge lhofer, P.E., the authori zed representative of Harris & Associa t es, the duly appo in ted ENG IN EER OF WORK , subm i t herewith the "Repo rt" co n sisting of six (6) parts as fol lows : PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specifica ti ons for the improvemen t s are as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk an d are incorporated here in by reference . PARTS ESTIMATE OF COST An es tima te of the cos t s of the proposed improvements, includ ing incidenta l costs and expense s in connection therewith, is as se t forth on th e li sts ther eo f, attached hereto, and are on f il e in the Office of the City Clerk and inco r porated herein by referen ce. e:l temp le crtylfy15-16\rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4 may15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance Di strict PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL May 4, 2015 Page 2 An assessment of the es tim ated cost of the improvements on ea ch benefited lot or parcel of l and within the Assessment Dist rict. PARTD METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The method of apportionment of assessme nts, indicat ing the proposed assessme nt of the net amo unt of the costs and expenses of the improvements t o be assessed upon the severa l lots and parce ls of land within the Assessment District, in proportion to the estimated special benefits to be rece ived by such lots and parcels . The Assessment Roll is filed in th e Office of the City Clerk and by reference is made a part hereof. PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST A list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property within this Assessment District, as show n on the last eq ualized rol l of the Assesso r of the County of Los Angeles . The li st is keyed to t he records of the Assessor o f the County of Los Ange les, which are incorporated herein by reference . PART F ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM The Diagram of the Assessment Dist ri ct Bound aries showing the exterior boundaries of t he Assessment District, the boundaries of any zones within the Assessment District and the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land with in the Assessment District are on fi l e in the Office of the City Clerk and incorporated herein by refe rence. e :\temple cityl fy15-16\rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may 15 r2 .docx II I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS May 4 , 2015 Page 3 The installation of planting, landscaping, irrigation systems, light i ng and the construction of appurtenant facilities to be operated , serviced and maintained within the City of Temp le City, is gene r all y described as fol lows : DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 The facilities to be constru cted , maintained and serviced are the st reets and sidewa l ks within the District, including street li ghting, traffic signals, street trees, med ian and parkway, landscaping and hardscaping. The District will supp lement revenue genera t ed by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Municipal Ligh t ing District, and will f und costs in con nection with the Dis t r ict maintenance and servicing inc lud ing, but not limi t ed t o, personnel, elec trica l energy, water, materials, contract ing services, and other expenses necessary for the satisfactory operation of these facilities. Reference is made to Part "D" of this r epo rt fo r a discussion of t he Zones of Benefit and the facilities associated with them which are serviced an d maintained . The i mprovements are desc r ibed as foll ows : landscaping and Appurtenant Facilities Facilities include but are not limited to: Landscaping, plan ti ng, shrubbery, trees, irrigation systems , hardscapes, fi xtures , sidewa l k ma i ntenance result i ng from landscape growth and appurtenant faci lities, in public st r eet and sidewa l k rig h ts-of-way, medians, parkways and dedicated easements within the boundaries of said Assessmen t Di strict. lighting, T raffic Signals and Appurtenant Facilities Faci li ties include b ut ar e not l imited t o : Poles , f ixtures, bulbs, co nduits, conductors, equipment i nc lud ing guys, anchors, posts and pedes t als, me t ering devices and appu r t en ant facilities as required to provide l igh t ing and traffic signals in public street and sidewalk rights -of-way and dedicated easements within the bounda r ies of said Assessmen t Di strict . e.ltemple Clt ylfytS-16\rpHc llmd fy15-16 4may15 r 2 docx II / Ha rris & Associ ates - City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District May 4, 2015 Page 4 The public lighting system shall be maintained to p r ovide adequate illumination . The traffic signal system sha ll be maintained based o n th e City spec ifications and current industr y standards. Electricity f or stree t lights an d traffic signals shall be furnished , and it sha ll be adequate for the intended purpose. Rates for power sha ll be those authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission . Maint enance means the furni shing of services and materials for the ord i nary and usual operation, mai ntenance and se rv icing of th e landscaping, public lighting facilities and appurtenant facil ities, in cl udin g repair, remova l o r replacement of all or part of any of the landscaping, public lighting f ac iliti es or appu rtena nt f aci lities; provid in g for the l ife, growth, hea lth and beauty of the landscap i ng, including cu ltivation, irrigation , trimming, spraying, fertil izing and treating for d isease or injury; th e removal of t rimm ings, rubbis h, debris and othe r sol id waste; and the cleaning, sandblasting and paintin g of wal ls and o ther improvements to remove or cover graffit i. Servicing means the furnishin g of water for the irrigation of the landscaping and the maintenance of any of the public lighti ng facilitie s or appurtenan t facil ities and the furn ishing of electric energy for the public lighting facilities, land sca pin g or appurtenant fa ci liti es. The plans and speci fication s for the improvements, showing the general nature, location , and ex t ent of the imp r ove ments, are on file in th e offi ce of the City Cler k and are by referen ce here i n made a part of thi s repo rt. e \temple citylfy15-161tpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may1 5 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates. City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance Dist rict PART B ESTIMATE OF COST May4, 2015 Page 5 The estimated cost o f th e construction, opera ti on, serv i cing an d maintenance of the street and sidewa l k improvemen t s fo r f iscal year 2015-16, as described in Pa rt A, are summarize d herein and desc r i bed below. Al l cos t s in cl ude administ ra t ion and utilities w he re applicable . ITEM BUDGET DETAIL I. ANNUAL COSTS STREET LIGHTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREET LI GHTS $381,234 TRAF FI C SIG NALS AND SAFETY LI GH TI NG $130,691 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $511,925 COLLECTIONS/( CREDITS) APPLIED TO LEVY 1919 ACT AD-VALOREM REVENUE ($901,500) RESERVE COLLECTION/(TRANSFER) $389,575 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($511,925) BALANCE TO LEVY FOR LIGHTIN G $0 II. LANDSCAPING IM PROVEMENTS LANDSCAP ING Citywide Trees and Medians $504,438 Rosemead/Las Tunas Median Maintena nce $10,040 Rosemead Bou levard $49,960 City Center Parkways $5,002 TOTAL LAN DSCAPING $569,440 CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 VEH ICLES AND EQUIPMENT $0 TOTA L EXPENDITURES $569,440 COLLECTIONS/( CREDITS ) APPLIED TO LEVY RESERVE COLLECTION /(TRANSFER) CON T RIB UTION FROM GENERAL FUND ($250,777) TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($250,777 ) BALANCE TO LEVY FOR LANDSCAPING $318 ,663 Ill. TOTAl TO BE ASSESSED COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE $7,000 APPLIED CHARGES TO lEVY $325 ,663 IV FUND BALANCE INFORMATION FUND BALANCE 7/1 $1,216,990 I NTEREST $12,170 TRANSFER FROM 1919 ACT REVENUE $389,575 PROJECTE D YEAR END FUND BALANCE 6/30 $1 ,618,735 e:ltemple Cltylfy15-161rpt-tc llmd fy15·16 4may1 5 r2 docx HI Harris & Associates ~ City of Temple Ci ty Citywide lighti ng and Maintenance District May 4, 2015 Page 6 The 1972 Act requires t ha t a special fund be setup for the revenues and expenditures of the District. Funds raised by assessment shall be used on ly for the purpose as stated herein . A contribution to the District by the City may be made to reduce assessments , as the City Council deems appropriate. Any ba lance or deficit remaining on Jul y 1 must be carried over to t he next fisca l year. e:\temple city\fy15-16\rpt -tc llmd fy15-16 4may15 r2 .doc x HI Harri s & Associ ates - City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL May 4, 2015 Page 7 The p r opose d asses sment and the amount of assessment for Fiscal Year 20 15-16 apportioned to each lot or parce l, as shown on t he latest roll at th e Assessor's Offi ce are contained in the Assessment Roll on file in the office of the City Cl erk of the City of Temple City , which is incorporated herein by reference. The descripti o n of eac h lot or parce l is part of the records of the Assessor of the County of Los A ngeles and these records a re, by re f erence, made part of th is Report. e:ltemple c~y\fy 15-16\rpH c llmd fy 15-16 4may15 r2.docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTD METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT GENERAL May 4, 2015 Page 8 Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code , the Landscaping and Ligh t ing Act of 1972, permits the es tablishment of assessment distr ict s by cit ies for the purpose of providing ce r tain public impr ove ments which include the construction , maintena nce and servicing of street lights, traffic signals, landscapi ng and park and recreational fa cili t ies . Sec tion 22573, Land sca ping and Lighting Ac t of 1972 requires that maintenance assess men t s be levied acco r d in g to benefit rat her than acco rdin g to assesse d value . This section states: "The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessme nt district ma y be apportioned by any formul a or method which fairl y distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to th e estimated benefits t o be received by each such lot or parcel from th e improve ments ." Beca use assessment s are levied on t h e basis of be nefit, t hey are not a t ax , and , th erefore, are not governed by Article X lil A of t h e Californ ia Constitution . The Act perm it s the designation of zo ne s of b enefit within any in di vidual assessme nt district if "by reason of va r iations in the nature, loca tion , and extent o f the im provements, t he vari ou s areas will receive differ ent degrees of benefit from t he improve m en t s." (Sec . 22574 ). Thus, t he 1972 Act re quires the le vy of a true "benefit assess ment" rath er than a "s pecia l t ax ." The Act al so permits certain parcel s to be exempt from ass ess ment. Excepted from these assessment s are a reas of all publicly owned property such as: publ ic streets, pu blic avenues, public lanes, public roa ds, pub lic drives, publ ic cou rts , publi c alleys, all public easeme nts and rights-of-way, all pub lic parks , gr een be lts and parkways, and all public property being use d for pub lic purposes , as well as utili ty ow ned property. Also excep t ed from these assessments are common areas in mu ltiple lo t /unit deve lopments ; undeve loped lots and parce ls that are o f such size and/or con figuratio n a nd location t hat the City 's current zo ning and subdivision laws prohibit benefi cia l developmen t and usag e. PARCEL CLASSIFICATION All parcels in the City of Temple City de ri ve spe cia l bene f it from th e st r ee t ligh ting and t r affic signal system, genera l land sc ape maintenance in th e streets and sidewalks, arterial h ig hwa y median maintenance on San ta An ita Boul eva rd , Ba ldwin Avenue, Rosemead Boul evard and Las Tun as Dri ve, and arterial pa rkway maintenance on Las Tunas Drive (City Center Pa rk way Improveme nts ). The intent of this rep ort is to es tablish a m ethodo logy that fairl y distri butes the cost in relation to the spe cia l benefits rece ived. e:l temple city\fy15-1 6\rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates - City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District May4, 2015 Page 9 Although frontage is an es tabl is hed means of assessment, the Equi valen t Dwelling Unit me thod is usually see n as more appropriate and equitab le for land scape and lighting districts, as the benefit to each parce l from the improvements being maintain ed extends beyond t he front of their property; therefore, assessments are apportioned as a function of land -use type and size. Th is may be more clear ly shown by taking an example of a commercial pro perty on a "flag lot." Two parcels may be esse ntially the same size, but unde r a fro ntage method of assessment, one parce l wou ld be assessed more than the other. This provid es an assessment spread to t he two commercial properti es wh ich is not commen surate with the benefit eac h of them re ceives. The sing le-family parcel has been se lecte d as th e basi c unit of ca lculation of assessments and is defined as one Equivalent Dwell ing Unit (EDU). A methodology has been develope d to calculate the EDUs for o ther r esi dential us es and for non -residen tial parce ls, as described below. • Residential . All resident ial uses are assessed 1 EDU per dwe lling un it. • Commercial/Industrial. Comm ercial, Industrial and In sti tutional parcels are convert ed to EDUs ba se d on the lot size of each parcel of land . In converting these properties to EDUs , the factor use d is the City of Temple City's average single family re si dential lot size of 7,20 0 squa re feet, which is approx imately 6 lots per acre. Therefore, commerc ia l/industrial parce ls are assessed six (6) EDUs per ac r e. • Churches. The City Coun ci l has order ed that church-owned properties receive a 25 percent r edu ction to the assessment ra t e . Therefore, church properties with residential uses are assessed 0 .75 EDUs pe r dwelling un it. All other chu r ch properties ar e assessed 75 percent of th e commercial/industri al rate, which ca lculates t o 4.5 EDUs per acre . Th e land use classification for each parcel ha s bee n based on the los Angeles County Assessor 's Roll. SPECIAL BENEFIT DETERMINATION Property va lu es in a co mmunity are ind ivid ually in crea sed when public infrastru cture such as street lights and traffic sig nal s, and land sca ping faciliti es are in pla ce, i mproved , operable, safe , clean and maintained. Street lighting and Traffic Signals Th e pro per f un ct ioning of st reet lighting and traffic sig nal s is imperative for th e welfare and safety of the pub li c and property throughout the City. Proper mai ntenance and servicing of the street lighting system benefits properties within th e Di strict b y providing proper illumination for ingress and egress and safe tra ve ling at night. Properties with in th e District also benefit from the prope r functio ning of the Distri ct's traffic signal system . Proper o pe rati on of th e street light and traffic signal syste m s is imperative to public conven ience , orderly t raffi c flow, enhanced conges t ion management and sa fety. Improved secu rity, fu el co nserva tion, protect ion of property from crime e ·l temple citylfy 15-161rpt-tc llmd fy 15-16 4may 15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District May 4, 2015 Page 10 and vandalism, and reduct ion of traffic accidents, are special and d irect benefi t s to all properties wi th in the City; lighti ng benefit s are directly related to public safety and property protection and t he refore increase property values. Street Landscaping The City maintains trees and miscellaneous shrubbery throughout the City. The trees and shrubbery are loca ted within the public r ight-of-way . These t rees and shrubbery pr ovide an aesthetically pleasing environment, shade, beautification, and according to some authorities, air purification and sou nd attenuation . These positive attributes increase the value of all properties througho ut the City. There are two t ypes of specia l benefits : Citywide Benefits and Lo cal Benefits. CITYWIDE BENEFITS Spec ial benefits that are received by all parcels in the City are conside r ed Citywide Benefits, and the associated costs of these benefits are sprea d equally, ba sed on Equi valent Dwelling Units, to all parcels within the District. City-wide Benefit s that e nh ance the va lu e of all properties within the Distric t include landscape maintena nce throughout th e City, the operation and maintenance of t raffi c signa ls, and street ligh ting and median main t enance on the major thoroughfares, w hich are the main travel ways of th e Ci t y. LOCAL BENEFITS Special benefits that are considered loca l benefits co rresp ond to h ig her levels of improvemen ts to parce ls in the immediate ar ea . The associated cos ts of these be nefits are spread equally over the loca l ar ea, based on Equ iva lent Dwelling Units. • Local Lighting St r eetlights adjace nt to or near a parcel of land provide a special and direct Local Benefit to that pa r cel. The added secur ity, reduct io n in traffic accidents a nd inc r eased aesthetics benefit the sur rounding parcels and th ereby enhance th e va lue of the parce ls. All parcels with st ree tlig hts in their vici nity re ce ive a Local Bene fit . • Rosemead Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive Medians These improvements are located a long Rosemead Bou levard, from Broadway to Hermosa, and La s Tunas Drive, from Musca tel to Su ltana, and consist of median improvement s including la nd sca ping , irrigati on and ha rdsca pe . The improvements are l ocated on major arte r ia ls , and the r efore provide benefit to all parcels e :l temple ettylfy15-161rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4may1 5 r2 docx Il l Harris & Associates - City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District May 4, 2015 Page 11 within the City . However, the comme rcial properties directly adjacent to these imp rovemen ts receive a direct Loc al Ben efit in additio n to th e Citywide Benefit, due to econo mic enhancement relating to parkway beaut ification and increased desirability of the surround ings which provides additional increases in property val ue . Becau se the improve ments provi de a Citywide Benefit and a Local Benefit, it is proposed that the cos t s f o r maintain in g and se rv icing t he se improveme nts be divi d ed so that ha lf of the cost is sp read Citywide an d half of the cost is sp read to the local area of benefit. • City Center Parkway Improvements Th ese improvements a r e l oca t ed along La s Tun as Drive, from Cl overly to Kauffman, and consist of parkway improve ments including raised planters, automatic irrigation , street trees , decorative lig hti ng f ixtures, tree g r ates, benches, and hardscape . The improvem ents are located on major arteria ls, and therefo re p rovide benefit to a ll parcels w ithin the City. Howeve r , the com mercial prope rt ies directly adjacent to thes e improv ements recei ve a direct Local Benefi t in additio n to the Citywide Be nefit, due t o econom ic e nh ancement re l ating t o parkway beautifi catio n and in creased d es irability of th e surroundings w hich provides additional increases in property value. Becau se the improve ments provide a Citywide Benefit and a Loca l Benefit, it is proposed that the cost s for maintain ing and servicing these improveme nts be d ivided so that half of the cost is sp r ead Citywide an d ha lf of th e cos t is spread t o th e loca l area of benefi t. ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS A sys tem of zones ha s been de velope d to identify the specific benefit each parce l r ecei ves. The zones are as follows: Zone A -This zone i nclude s all properties receivin g a lo ca l li ght ing benefit. They are assessed for loca l li ght ing, as wel l as the Cit ywide Benefits. Zone B -Th is zone inc ludes all properties that re ceive only Cit ywide Ben efits. Zone C -Rosemead Boulevard/las Tunas Drive Median landscaping . This zo ne includes all co mmercial parce ls ab utting the Rosemead Boul evard/Las Tunas Drive med i ans. The y are ass esse d the Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tuna s Dri ve Median Loca l Benefit, as well as the Cityw ide Benefits and Direct Li ghting Bene fit. ZoneD -City Center Parkway Improvements . Thi s zone includes commerc ial pa rce ls abutting the e:ltemple c~ylfy15-16\rpt -tc llmd fy 15-16 4may15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District May4, 2015 Page 12 City Center Parkway Improvements. They are assessed t h e City Ce nter Parkway Improvement Local Benefit, as we ll as the Citywid e Benefits and Direct Li ghting Benefit. INVENTORY OF PARCELS The foll owing information w as obtained from the Los Ange les Co un ty Assessor's Ro ll and the City of Temp le City. Dwelling Land Use Parce l s Un i ts Acres EDU Exempt 180 n/a n/a Single Fami ly Res idential (SFR) Parce ls 8,585 8,585 n/a 8,585.00 Multi-Family Resi d ential (MFR) Pa rce ls 914 3,05 1 n/a 3,051.00 Commercial/I ndus trial 403 n/a 154.90 929.43 Churches 42 11 30.38 144.97 TOTA L: 10,124 11 ,647 185.28 12,7 10.40 The d is tribution of EDUs per Zone is as follows : Zo ne EDU A 9,5 14.34 B 2,9 05 .25 c 245.16 D 45.65 Total 12,7 10.40 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY The foll owing table shows the summary of the annual assessmen t s for each Zone of Be n efi t. I Benefit Bene f it Benefit Benefit A smt Rate Category of Benefit Zone A Zone B Zone C ZoneD ($/EDU) Cityw id e landscapi ng, traffic X X X X $25.03 signal, medians, and parkway Citywide Street Lighting X X X X $0 .00 Direct Street Lighting X X X $0.00 Ro se mead /Las Tu nas M edia n s X $20.48 City Cente r Parkways X $54.79 Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 15-16 $25 .03 $25.03 $45.51 $79.82 To t al Asmt ($/EDU) FY 14-15 $25.03 $25.03 $45.5 1 $79.82 An "X" in the table above indicates the category of benefit included in each Zone. The total assessment per zone is the sum of t h e assessments for each category of benefit. e:ltemple c itylly15-161rpt-tc llmd fy15-16 4 may15 r2 docx H I Harris & Asso ci ates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District May4, 2015 Page 13 Because the 1919 Act Lighting Maintenance District revenue covers the enti re FY 2015-16 street lightin g and traffic sig nal budgets, there are no street lighting assessments . The ba se assessment rate which may be levied for each EDU may be increase d by the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Con su mers (CPI) for the Lo s Angeles -Riverside -Orange Counties i n any fiscal year by City Co uncil approval each year. The ba se assessment rate wi l l be that rate as app r oved and noticed for Fi sca l Year 2015-16. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS Samp le calculations for various land u se types in Zones A and Bare provided i n the tabl e below. Total Land -Use EDU Calculatton ED Us FY 2015-16 Asmt SFR 1 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 1.00 $25.03 Condominium 1 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 1.00 $25 .03 3-Unit Apartment 3 DU x 1 ED U/DU = 3.00 $75 .09 10-Unit Apartment 10 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 10 .00 $250.30 X ac r e Church X ac x 4.5 EDU/ac = 1.13 $28 .16 1 acre Chu rc h 1 ac x 4 .5 EDU/ac = 4 .50 $112 .64 1/8 ac r e Com/l nd 1/8 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 0.75 $18.77 X acre Com/lnd X ac x 6 EDU/ac = 1.50 $37.55 Yz acre Com/ln d Yz ac x 6 EDU/ac = 3.00 $75 .09 1 ac r e Co m /lnd 1 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 6.00 $150.18 5 ac r e Co m /lnd 5 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 30.00 $750 .90 e:\temple cijy\fy15-161rpt-tc ltmd fy1 5-16 4may15 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST May4, 2015 Page 14 A list of names and add re sses of the owners of all parce ls within this District is shown on the last e qualized Property Tax Ro ll of the Assessor of the County of Los Ang eles , which by r efer ence is hereby made a part of this report. Th is l ist is keyed to the Assessor's Pa rce l N umbers as shown on the Assessment Roll on fi le in th e Office of the Clerk of the City of Temple City. e:l temple citylfy15-1 6\rpt-tc llmd fy15 -16 4may1 5 r2 docx H I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Ci t ywide Lighting and Mainte nan ce Dist ric t PART F ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM M ay 4, 201 5 Page 15 The boundaries of the District are coterminous with the boundaries of the City of Temple City. A d iagram showing the ex t erior boundaries of the District, the boundaries of any zones within the Assessment District, and t h e lines and dimens ions of each lot or parce l of land withi n the Dis tri ct i s on file in the Office of the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. The lines and dimensio ns of each lot or parcel within the District are those lines and dimensi ons shown on the maps of t he Assessor of the County of Los Angeles for the fiscal year to wh ich this report applie s. The Assessor's maps and records are incorporated by reference herein and made part of thi s report. e:l temple cot ylfy1 5-161rpt-tc llmd fy 15-16 4 may1 5 r2.d ocx H I Harris & Associates . ATTACHMENT 8 RESOLUTION NO. 15-5085 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2015-16 WITHIN THE C ITYWIDE LI GHTING AND MAIN TE NA NCE DISTR ICT , PURSUANT TO THE LAN DSCAPING AND LI G HTIN G ACT OF 1972 AND ESTABLISH ING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS WHEREAS, the Ci ty Council of the City of Temple City he reby declares its intention to levy and collect assessments for FY 2015-16 in the exist ing Ci tywide Lighting and Ma intenance District pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 , being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cal ifornia . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ci ty of Temple C it y does hereby reso lve as follows : DESCRIPTION OF WORK SECTION 1. The City Council has determined the public in terest and convenience requ ires that certa in work be performed and improvements made within the Lighting and Ma intenance District for which assessments shall be levied and collected for FY 2015-16 , to inc lude street lighting, tree maintenance, traffic signals, and capital improvements. LOCATION OF WORK SECTION 2. The aforementioned work and improvements are to be performed and located within the streets, easements , and public rights-of-way , with in the incorporated area of the City of Temple City as indicated on a map filed in the City Cle rk 's office entitled "Lighting and Ma intenance District Assessment Diagram ." The Lighting and Maintenance District boundaries shall be the same as the incorporated City bounda r ies . DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTR ICT SECTION 3. The City Counci l has determined the work and improvements to be performed are a direct benefit to the City of T emple City and hereby c ha rges the expenses of sa id work and improvements upon a district for which assessments shall be levied and collected and such district is defined as the total territory existing within the incorporated area of the City of Temple City , exclusive of all publ ic streets and ri ghts-of-way. ENGINEER 'S REPORT SECTION 4. The City Council hereby approves the engineer's report that indicates the amount of the proposed assessment rates , the district boundaries , assessment zones , detailed description of improvements, and the method of assessment. The report titled "En gine er's Report for T emple C ity Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District, Fiscal Year 2015-16 " is on file in the office of the City Clerk and reference to said report is hereby made for all particu lars . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 5 . Notice is hereby give n tha t the City Council of the City of Temple City will hold a public hearing June 16 , 2015, 7:30p.m . in the City Council Chambers located in the Civ ic Center faci lity at 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue, Temple City , California , and all persons hav ing a ny objections regard ing the proposed work, im prove ments, or intent of the assessment d istrict, may appear and demonstrate cause why sa id work or improvements should not be performed or carried ou t in accordance wi th th is resolution of in tention . The City Council will consider a ll verba l and written protests. LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 6 . All work and improvements herein prop ose d s hall be performed in accordance with the La ndscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Di vi sion 15 of the Streets and H ighways Code of the State of California . PROPOSITION 218 SECTION 7. On November 5, 1996 , California voters approved Proposition 218 , also known as "The Right to Vote on Taxes Act ," which prohibits the levy of any new assessments or increase in existing assessment rates without property owner approval. T he local agency must disting uis h between genera l and direct benefit and shall only assess for direct benefit. It is the local agency's responsib ility to p rov ide evidence substantiating t he assessment is proportional to benefit. Parks are considered to be a general benefit. T herefore , effective Ju ly 1, 1997 , the City may not co ntinue to assess for park ma intenance operations . The park ma in te nance program w ill be ut ilizin g general fund monies. SECTION 8 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution . PASSED, AP PROVED , A ND ADOPTED on t his 19th day of Ma y , 2015 . MAYOR ATTEST: City C lerk ---------~ ATTACHMENT C Annual Program Cost Summary IT EM BU DGET DETAI L NE TTO ASMT I. ST REET LIG HTI NG A ND TRAFFIC SIG NALS $0 A. STREET LI GHT S $381 ,23 4 B . TRAFFIC SIG NA L S A N D SAFETY LI G HTING $130,691 C. 1 919 ACT LI G HTIN G MA INTENA NCE DI STRI CT 2014 -15 Ad-Valore m Taxes $ 901 ,500 20 13-14 Rese rv e Fund Balance (as of6/30) $2 ,012 ,081 D. CAPITAL IMPROV EM E NTS $0 E. LIG HTI NG R ESERVES $2 ,532 ,4 22 II. LA NDSCAPING IMP ROVEMENTS A . LANDSCAP ING $569 ,440 C it ywide T ree s and Medians $504 ,438 Rosemead/Las Tun as Median Mai nte na nce $10 ,040 Rosemead Boulevard $49 ,960 City Cent er Parkways $5 ,002 Ill. CAP ITAL IM PROV E MENTS $0 IV. VE H ICLES A ND EQ U IPME NT $0 V . COUNTY ADMINI STRATIVE CHARGE $7,000 V I. RESERVES $0 VI I. CITY CONTRIBUTION (Gas Tax) ($123 ,970) VIII. 2013-14 FUND BA LAN CE (as of 6 /30) (posit ive fund ba lance ) $0 TOTAL TO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $452 ,470 ATTACHMENT C Annual Program Cost Summary ITEM BUDGET DETAIL NET TOASMT I. STREET LIGH TING AND TRAFFIC SIG NALS $0 A . STREET LIGHTS $381 ,234 B. T RAFFIC SIG NALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING $130,691 C. 1919 ACT LIGHTING MAI NTENAN CE DISTRICT 2014-15 Ad-Valorem Taxes $ 901 ,500 2013-1 4 Reserve Fund Balance (as of 6/30) $2 ,012 ,081 D. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 E . LI G HTING RESERVES $2,532,422 II. LANDSCAPI NG IMPROVEMENTS A. LANDSCAP ING $569 ,440 Ci tywide Trees and Med ians $504,438 Rosemead/Las Tuna s Median Maintenance $60,000 City Center Parkways $5 ,002 Ill. CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 IV . VEHICLES AND EQ UI PMENT $0 v . COUNTY ADMINIS TR ATIVE CHARGE $7 ,000 V I. RESERVES $0 VII. CITY CONTR IBUTION (Gas Tax) ($123 ,970) VIII. 2013-14 FUND BALANCE (as of 6/30) (positive fund balance ) so TOTAL TO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $452 ,470 -~-------------- ATTACHME NT C Annual Program Cost Summary ITEM BUDGET DETAIL NETTOASMT I. STREET LIGHTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS $0 A . STREET LIGHTS $381 ,234 B . TRAFFIC SIGNA L S A ND SAFETY LI G HTING $130,691 C. 1919 ACT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DI STRICT 2014-15 Ad-Valorem Taxes $ 901 ,500 2013-14 Reserve Fund Balance (as of6/30) $2 ,012 ,081 D . CAPITAL IM P ROVEMENTS $0 E. LIGHTING RESERVES $2 ,532,422 II. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS A. LANDSCAPI NG $569 ,440 Citywide Trees and Medians $504 ,438 Rosemead/Las Tunas Median Maintenance $10,040 Rosemead Boulevard $49 ,960 City Center Parkways $5,002 Ill. CAPITAL IMPROVEM ENTS $0 IV. VEH ICLES AND EQ UIPMENT $0 V. COUNTY ADMI NISTRATIVE CHARGE $7 ,000 VI. RESERVES $0 V II. CITY CONTRIB UTIO N (G as Tax) ($123 ,970) VIII. 2013-1 4 FU ND BALANCE (as of 6 /30) (pos itive fund balance ) $0 T OTAL TO ASS ESSM ENT DISTRIC T $452,470