HomeMy Public PortalAbout12 December 8, 1993 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1993 ...` }<P ........................... ............................. .............................. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE ROOM A AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 4. AGENDA ADDITIONS/REVISIONS. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Adoption of Resolution No. 93-018, "A Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Declaring that the Acauisition of Fee Interests in Certain Real Property by Eminent Domain is Necessary for the Widening and Realignment of State Highway 79, also Known as Lamb Canyon Road" to Acauire Property Needed for the Route 79, Gilman Springs Road to First Street in the City of Beaumont, Measure A Highway Improvement Proiect. Overview Following the public hearing, it is recommended that the Commission make the necessary findings as stated above and adopt Resolution No. 93-018, "A Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Declaring that the Acquisition of Fee Interests in Certain Real Property by Eminent Domain is Necessary for the Widening and Realignment of State Highway 79, also Known as Lamb Canyon Road." 6. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS. 6A. Measure A Vision and Strategy Paper. Overview This is continued discussion on the Measure A Vision and Strategy Paper. The Commission will be requested to consider some policy issues. 6B. 1993 Congestion Management Program Update. Overview The 1993 Congestion Management Program Update is scheduled for adoption at the December 8 Commission meeting. The draft document has undergone the annual review process outlined in Chapter 11 of the CMP, CMP Update Process, as required. No substantive changes have been made to the document. However, new TIA Guidelines were developed based upon the existing guidelines, which some local jurisdictions have expressed concern regarding the adopted land use program. Page 2 December 8, 1993 6C. Proposed Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Between the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the City of Riverside. Overview This item relates to creation of a joint powers of agency to facilitate development of RCTC property at the northwest quadrant of the Routes 91/60/1-215 Interchange. 6D. Study on High Occupancv/Toll Lanes: Phasing in Congestion Pricing a Lane at a Time. Overview This is a study sponsored by the Reason Foundation which addresses a mechanism to handle freeway congestion in Southern California. 6E. Proposed Staffing to Proceed with Proiects in Riverside County. Overview The ruling on Caltans contracting out for services has affected the ability to proceed with Riverside County's highway improvement projects. Staff will be making a proposal to solve this problem. 6F. Upcoming Conferences. Overview Upcoming conferences are presented to the Commission to determine whether Commissioners should participate: 1) International Conference on Fuel Cells - February 23-25; 2) Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) America 1994 Meeting - April 17- 20; and, 3) 46th University of California Transportation Symposium "Reinventing Transportation in California - May 11-13. 6G. CommissionerIs) Reports, if Needed. Overview This item is placed on the agenda to provide Commissioners the opportunity to report on various Committees representing the Commission. 7. Sale of the 1993 Interest Rate Swap. Overview Staff and Goldman Sachs will make a presentation discussion the sale of the Commission's swap for $600,000 and the overall impact of the Commission's swap program on our cost of debt at the December 8 Commission meeting. Page 3 December 8, 1993 8. Acquisition Settlements for the Route 79, Gilman Springs Road to First Street in the City of Beaumont, Measure A Highway Improvement Project. Overview This item is for the Commission to grant the Executive Director the authority to approve the settlement for property acquisition for parcels noted in the staff report. 9. SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES (SAFE). Loss Recovery Services for Riverside County SAFE Motorist Aid Call Box System. Overview Riverside County SAFE has received a proposal from Recovery Management Services for loss recovery service associated with the motorist aid call box system. The proposal would allow Riverside County to recover 60% to 67% of damages to the call box system. RC SAFE would not bear any costs should the contractor not be able to generate any revenues for the program. 10. TRANSIT/RIDESHARE/PARK-N-RIDE. 10A. Inland Empire Connection Routes 1 10/496. Overview On November 17, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Board of Directors voted to direct staff to send written notice to Riverside Transit Agency, Omnitrans, and representatives of the SB 1402 and AB 1246 Committees of MTA's intent not to exercise their option to be a partner in the Inland Empire Connection Routes 110 and 496 after June 30, 1994. The issue of regional transit service and coordinated planning is once again before the Commission for discussion and staff direction. 10B. Draft Social Service Transportation Action Plan and Inventory Report. Overview County transportation commissions and transportation planning agencies are required to prepare a bi-annual action plan update in response to AB 120, the Social Services Transportation Improvement Act. The Action Plan includes a description of the Commission's social service transportation policies and its efforts to coordinate service among the County's transportation providers. The inventory portion of the report provides a listing of the public and private non-profit specialized transportation service providers within the County. Page 4 December 8, 1993 11. COMMUTER RAIL. 11A. City of Perris RCTC Property - Conceptual Site Plan and Specific Plan Amendment. Overview The conceptual site plan for the Commission property in the City of Perris is presented for their approval. 11B. Proposed Parking Agreement Between City of Perris and RCTC for RCTC Property. Overview Staff is currently negotiating this agreement with the City of Perris. It involves parking use of RCTC property by the City. 11C. Contract with Bove Engineering Corporation for the San Jacinto Branchline Rail Corridor Study. Overview RCTC approval of contract with Boyle Engineering to perform the San Jacinto Branch Line Rail Corridor Study for an amount less than $250,000 (final price to be determined after Staff negotiations are complete) with 15% contingency. 11D. Ninyo & Moore - Completion of Phase 2 Preliminary Site Investigations on the San Jacinto Branch Line (RCTC Agreement No. 93-191. Overview Ninyo & Moore has completed the Phase 2 Preliminary Site Investigations on the San Jacinto Branch Line. Essentially, of the 32 sites evaluated, 27 can be considered to have no extraordinary problems associated with them above and beyond any other parcels previously obtained in easement or by fee title acquisition from AT&SF. However, five sites are of special concern and may require further assessment and/or remediation from (clean-up) before RCTC should consider any further action in relation to them. Other parties (AT&SF, March Air Force Base and Southern California Gas) should be required to complete any necessary additional studies or clean-ups. 12. CONSENT CALENDAR -- All matters of the Consent Calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 12A. Consent Calendar - Administrative Items. 12A1 . Sacramento Monthly Report. Overview A report on legislation, proposed, and passed, from DJ Smith/Will Kempton, will be included in the Commission's December 8th meeting. Page 5 December 8, 1993 12A2. Proposed 1994 RCTC Meeting Schedule. Overview The Commission, on an annual basis, approves its calendar for the year. Staff is presenting the proposed 1994 RCTC Meeting Schedule for approval. 12A3. Amendment of D.J.Smith and Associates Contract. Overview This is to continue the contract of D.J. Smith and Associates as the Riverside County Transportation Commission's Legislative Advocate for another year. 12A4. Resolution of CVAG Supporting the RCTC's Challenge to Calexico East Border Crossing and New State Route 7 Proiect Overview This item is the Coachella Valley Association of Governments' (CVAGs') resolution supporting RCTC's complaint concerning the proposed Calexico east border crossing and new State Route 7 projects in Imperial County. 12A5. Adoption of "Inland Area Air Quality Agenda" Overview This item is the result of a proposed "common agenda" to promote the air quality and mobility goals of RCTC, SANBAG, WRCOG, and CVAG. 12B. Consent Calendar - Transit/Rideshare/Park-n-Ride. 12B1. FY 1993-94 Unmet Transit Needs Hearings. Overview Annually, the Riverside County Transportation Commission is required to hold at least one public hearing for the purpose of receiving public testimony on unmet transit needs. Staff recommends that the Commission hold unmet transit needs hearings in Riverside on January 12, in Blythe on January 20, and in Palm Desert on February 9, 1994. 12B2. Resolution 93-017: "Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Adopting a Finding that there are no Unmet Transit Needs that are Reasonable to meet in the Palo Verde Valley Area." Overview In May 1993, the Commission made a finding that there are no unmet transit needs which are reasonable to meet in the Palo Verde Valley Area. We have been informed by Caltrans that the finding must be adopted by resolution. This agenda item is a resolution to comply with this requirement. Page 6 December 8, 1993 12B3. Reouest for Additional Allocation of Local Transportation Funds from the Riverside Transit Agency. Overview This item is a request from the Riverside Transit Agency for an increase of $35,592 in local transportation funds to cover the unanticipated increase in expenses to operate the Inland Empire Connection Routes 1 10/496. 12B4. ClubRide Merchant Discount Catalog Program Agreement. Overview The development of a Merchant Discount Catalog Program is underway and will be used to replace the discount coupon book distributed as a benefit to membership in Club Ride during its's first year. Approval of an agreement between the Commission and participating program merchants is required to delineate responsibilities of the parties. 1265. Measure A Park-n-Ride Lease Program Update. Overview In October 1990, the Commission authorized the Executive Director to execute park-n-ride lease agreements meeting a maximum cost per space criteria. As a matter of routine, the Commission is being requested to review and renew that authorization. In addition, the existing consultant agreement with Inland Transportation Services is proposed to be amended through December 31, 1994, at established labor rates. 12B6. San Bernardino Associated Governments' Option Rideshare Program. Overview Pursuant to an RCTC/SANBAG agreement, Commission and consultant staff have completed development of a commuter incentive program for San Bernardino County. Introduced November 1st, Option Rideshare, has generated strong interest among employers and commuters. 1 2C. Consent Calendar - Highways/Local Streets & Roads. 12C1. Reimbursement of Out -of -Pocket Pre -Development Expenses for Spruce Industrial Park Property Located at Spruce Street and Route 91 Freeway. Overview Authorize expenditure of $11,302.43 to reimburse Spruce Industrial Park Limited Partnership for their approved out-of-pocket pre -development expenses related to the sale of their property to RCTC in August of 1992. Page 7 December 8, 1993 12C2. Comprehensive Interchange List. Overview Staff has been working with Western County Cities and the County of Riverside in assembling a list of interchanges in Western County which will require improvements. A partial list is presented, with some jurisdictions still providing data. 12C3. Measure A Capital Improvement Program and Surface Transportation Program Amendment Reauest for the City of Blythe. Overview This item relates to amendment to the CIP/STP for the City of Blythe. 12D. Consent Calendar - Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). 12D1. Cooperative Agreement Between Riverside County SAFE and Caltrans District 11 for Installation of Motorist Aid Call Boxes in Riverside County. Overview In order for the Riverside County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (RC SAFE) to install additional call boxes on State highways, it must receive permission from the appropriate Caltrans District through an encroachment permit. However, RC SAFE must first execute a Cooperative Agreement with the Caltrans District before an encroachment permit will be issued. RC SAFE's previous cooperative agreement with Caltrans District 11 has expired.- 12D2. Riverside County SAFE "Cellular 911 Only" Telephone Program Update. Overview At the November 10, 1993 Board meeting, staff was directed to proceed with developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for "Cellular 91 1 Only" telephones to provide telecommunications capability to the motoring public with disabilities in Riverside County. Portable telephones will be issued to county residents who drive and cannot use the roadside call box due to a mobility impairment. A Request for Proposal is being developed by staff and Legal Counsel and program guidelines will be drafted for future Board consideration. 12D3. Monthly Call Box Update. Overview The operational statistics for the Riverside County Motorist Aid Call Box System for the month of October, 1993, are presented to the SAFE Board. Page 8 December 8, 1993 12E. Consent Calendar - Financial Items. 12E1. Draft of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Overview Our auditors, Ernst & Young, have completed the draft of the financial statements and related disclosure information. 12E2. Quarterly Financial Reports. Overview The data depicts the Combining Statements of Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances and the Cost & Schedule reports for the Quarter Ended September 30, 1993. Also enclosed are the RCTC Measure A Highway Projects Budget Report by Route, Contract Commitment and Amendments Report for the month ending October 31, 1993. 12F. Consent Calendar - Commuter Rail. Fiscal Impact of the Delay in Start -Up of the Metrolink Orange County Line. Overview Staff has prepared a memorandum regarding the rescheduling of Orange County's commuter rail service and how it affects services in other counties. 13. CLOSED SESSION. 14. ADJOURNMENT. = - _-= \ -" - V` RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMIVIISSION December 8, 1993 TO: Riverside County Transportation Commission FROM: Naty Kopenhaver, Clerk of the Commission SUBJECT: LETTERS RECEIVED RELATING ROUTE 79 PUBLIC HEARING The following letters were received by staff concerning the public hearing scheduled for the Commission's December 8, 1993 meeting. Summary of the letters are as follows: WILLIAM E. AND MARY A. DANIEL, 14250 S. BEAUMONT AVENUE Their concerns relates to: 1) the proposed right of way is twice the ultimate width proposed in July 1992 and more more than twice the right-of-way directly north of their property; 2) access and egress to their driveway is not addressed; and, 3) address replacement/relocation of fencing. 2. LEILA MAY DANIEL, 170 LAMB CANYON ROAD Same comments as above. She will be represented by William E. Daniel at the meeting. 3. MARJORIE BAKER, 40166 GRAND AVENUE Letter is to notify the Commission of intent to be at the meeting. 4. MR. & MRS. DAVID KWON, PARCEL NOS. 421-17-025, 026, 035, 036 Will be represented by Gordon Thomson at the meeting. nk Attachments November 26, 1993 Jack Reagan, Executive Director Riverside County Transportation Commission 3560 University Avenue Riverside, Calif 92501 Re: Widening and Realignment of Highway 79 Dear Mr. Reagan: We are in receipt of your notice of a hearing on the commencement of eminant domain proceedings against us regarding the acquisition of our property for the widening and realignment of State Highway 79. We have some serious reservations concerning this project: 1) Excessive width of the proposed Right of Way which is more than twice the "ultimate" width proposed at the meeting held in July 1992 and more than twice the Right of Way on the property directly north of ours. 2) Access and egress to our driveway is not addressed at all on any maps or in written communication we have received from your department. (Currently, we are the only property owners who actually live on property affected by this project and whose only access is to Highway 79). We are concerned about the safety of leaving and entering a major highway from our driveway. 3) The replacement or relocation of our existing fence to ensure the containment of our livestock and protection of our property and other animals is not addressed or even mentioned. We will certainly be at the hearing on December 8 to voice these concerns and others. We are not opposed to widening Highway 79 (in fact we think it is long overdue). We are also willing to sell our fair share of property needed for this very necessary project, however, we are not willing to sell more property than is realistically necessary or have our other concerns ignored. in erely yours, /4 i -4, - - - - - -- > _ - , . C../ -_-_-_____-- -� William E. Daniel Mary A. Daniel Property Owners: 14250 S. Beaumont Av November 26, 1993 Jack Reagan, Executive Director Riverside County Transportation Commission 3560 University Avenue Riverside, Calif 92501 Re: Widening and Realignment of Highway 79 Dear Mr. Reagan: I am in receipt of your notice of a hearing on the commencement of eminant domain proceedings against me regarding the acquisition of my property for the widening and realignment of State Highway 79. I am concerned about the excessive width of the proposed Right of Way which is more than twice the "ultimate" width proposed at the meeting held in July 1992. Access to the driveway at 170 Lamb Canyon Road which crosses Highway 79 is not addressed at all on any maps or In written communication I have received from your department. I am concerned about the safety of leaving and entering a major highway from my driveway. I would also like to know about the rplacement or relocation of my existing fence. My interests will be represented at the hearing by my son William E. Daniel. He will voice these concerns and others. I am not opposed to widening Highway 79 (in fact I think it is long overdue). Sincerely yours, Leila May Daniel ..'? Property Owner: 170 Lamb Canyon Rd "v� r /7 4: a -e---Pra, TR;`iSt }} fib , 2172.2&2 i J GORDON THOMSON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT or - Jack Reagan Executive Director Riverside County Transportation Commission 3560 University Avenue Riverside, Ca. 92501 Dear Mr.Reagan, As the representative of Mr.& Mrs David Kwon I will be attending the hearing on December 8th to address their concerns regarding the proposed acquisition of their property assessor parcel nos.421-17-025,026,035 & 036. Sincerely Gordon Thomson Te1:909 674 7403 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Date: Dec 93 Local Agency: MEMORANDUM (Government Code Section 54956.9) This local agency may meet in closed session to confer with or receive advice from legal counsel regarding pending litigation when discussion in open session would prejudice the agency's position in the litigation. Litigation is pending when any of the following exists: "(a) An adjudicatory proceeding before a court, administrative body exercising its adjudicatory authority, hearing officer, or arbitrator, to which the local agency is a party, has been initiated formally. (b) (1) A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the legislative body of the local agency on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the local agency; or (2) Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency is meeting only to decide whether a closed session is authorized pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subdivision. (c) Based on existing facts and circumstances, the legislative body of the local agency has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation." DH73387 This agency should meet in closed session as follows: I. Pursuant to subsection (a) above; the title of the litigation is (ZC`l-c v , ( Q S +-5NL;� II. Pursuant to subsection (b)(1) above, the agency bears a significant exposure to litigation because of these facts and circumstances LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIEGER III. Pursuant to subsection (b)(2) above; the agency is meeting to decide whether a (b) (1) closed session is authorized. IV. Pursuant to subsection (c) above; the agency is deciding whether to initiate litigation, based on these existing facts and circumstances: * Prior to holding this closed session the agency identified the litigation to be discussed, or Prior to holding this closed session, the agency stated that identifying the litigation to be discussed would jeopardize ability to serve process or existing settlement negotiations. Submitted by Best, Best & Krieger ( D !-� ) DH73387 CZ City Attorneys Agency Counsel Special Counsel DATE December 8, 1993 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SIGN -IN -SHEET NAME -/--/-.2(;/- .1 /72 ck,(:..e 'ILivt) (v'v " Ar\.; 1 ‹, 4.1 1°"'C' ,i' !i1,4-:.,- ,V, , (.° r`j 171-LtekL,- ;1/4) I, 1,0 5CA-U. iek../LO (11 REPRESENTING PHONE L, /:\ Ow; t:c?, V" „ 3 t 9 z ' DATE December 8, 1993 (L RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SIGN -IN -SHEET c 16;4) r A t-t, A-% 40 �s r(4.17itylr j,)/C 67:7'62) REPRE ENTING PHONE 77 i 7/ die -/ 7 • A/Vyi j , < 7, Rub 7 (g -- 2 2. 1/4/)-- �3-;z3 j� 'j3 —� BB.- k - Cor. miss! aN CDON:fL 6P61y.9) (%C: (Gt/lc� y `� /i,f)47 ftcr- cw