HomeMy Public PortalAbout06 June 9, 1993 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1993 2:00 P.M. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3560 UNIVERSITY AVE., STE. 100, RIVERSIDE, CA CONFERENCE ROOM A AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 4. AGENDA ADDITIONS/REVISIONS. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 5A. 1993194 Budget Adoption. Overview The FY 1993-94 budgets for the Riverside County Transportation Commission, Measure A, and Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies are presented to the Commission for approval. 5B. Public Hearing - Development of an Integrated Transit Planning Process for Westem Riverside County. Overview The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) retained Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. to conduct a study to establish a process for development and coordination of transit service in the Western County. The consultants will present their findings and recommendations at the Commission meeting. The public hearing will take place at the June 9, 1993 Commission meeting. Page 2 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 5C. Public Hearing - FY 1993-94 FTA Section 9 Program of Projects. Overview Annually, the Federal Transit Administration distributes federal operating and capital block grant funds to urbanized areas through its Section 9 Program. There are four urbanized areas in Riverside County: Western Riverside County; Hemet; Palm Springs; and Indio. In order for grants from these funds to be approved, the Commission must develop a Program of Projects for each area, hold a public hearing on the programs, and apprr, vg,, yr, the programs. The public hearing will take place at the Commission meeting on Jurre 9 ,1; 1993. 6. SIERRA/CEDAR TRAFFIC REUEF CORRIDOR STUDY. Overview The findings of the study will be presented at the Commission meeting by Michael Conn st JHK & Associates. 7. INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - LOCAL CIRCULATION. Overview The recommendation by the Committee consisting of staff from the County and City of Riverside, Cities of Corona and Moreno Valley and RCTC relating to the Interchange Improvement Program - Local Circulation is submitted to the Commission. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR — All matters of the Consent Calendar will be approved in a sln motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 8A. Consent Calendar - Administrative Items. Legislative Monthly Report. Overview This is a monthly status report of transportation related legislative issues prepared by Will Kempton of D.J. Smith Associates, the Commission's legislative consultant. 8B. Consent Calendar - Transit/Rideshare/Park-n-Ride. 8B1. --FY 1993-94 FTA Section 18 Rural Transportation Program. Overview The Section 18 Rural Transit Assistance Program from the Federal Transit Administration provides federal operating assistance funds for rural transit operators. These funds are administered by Caltrans and the majority of the funds are passed through to counties based on a population formula. The remaining funds are awarded in a statewide discretionary program by Caltrans for capital projects. Page 3 June 9, 1993 ,RCTC Agenda 8B2. FY 1993-94 Local Transportation Fund Allocation for Transit. Overview In order for the public transit operators to claim Local Transportation Fund (LTF) funds for operating and capital purposes, the Commission must allocate funds to support the transit services and capital projects contained in the approved FY 1994-2000 Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP). 8B3. FY 93/94 Measure A Commuter Assistance Program. Overview The Measure A Commuter Assistance Program provides a range of informational and incentive programs which are open to employers and commuters alike. A review of the incentive programs and FY 93/94 funding recommendations are outlined. 8B4. Measure A Commuter Buspool Subsidy Requests. Overview Pursuant to the Measure A commuter buspool subsidy policy, three existing buspools are requesting that the Commission approve the $25 per seat per month subsidy for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994. 8B5. Measure A Funding Request - Family Services Association. Overview Family Services Association of Western Riverside County (Family Services) submitted a request on June 1 to support the continuation and expansion of their transportation program. Due to the length of time needed to evaluate the request, Family Services has asked for consideration of an interim allocation of funds to allow them to continue operation of services while the review is underway. 8B6. SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program - Extension Request from County of Riverside. Overview The County of Riverside was allocated $1000,000 of FY 1992-93 SB 821 funds and allowed to carryover $100,000 of FY 1991-92 SB 821 funds for the construction of the Santa Ana River Bikeway Phase IIIB project. The County is requesting a six month extension to December 31, 1993, to complete the project. Page 4 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 8C. Consent Calendar - H14hways/Local Streets and Roads. 8C1. 1-215 Tler l Cessation. Overview This is a continuation of Item 9B from the May 1993 agenda and 10C from r he March 10, 1993 agenda. Three options concerning proceeding with of tv terminating the Tier I study for the Ultimate 10 lane alternative on 1-215 and the/ 60/91/1-215 Interchange will be discussed with possible action by the Commissi r to terminate further activity on the Tier I environmental process. •on 8C2. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. RO-9308 with Holmes and Narver for Construction Support Services for the Route 91, Magnolia to Mary- Street, HOV Median Widening Measure A Highway Improvement Project. Overview The Route 91, Magnolia to Mary, Measure A HOV Median Widening Project is currently out for bid and is expected to start construction in July of 1993. The Commission is requested to approve an Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. RO- 9308 with Holmes & Narver for Construction Support Services for the Route 91, Magnolia to Mary, HOV Median Widening Measure A Project in the amount of $950,000. 8C3. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. RO-9301 for Right -of -Way Engineering Services for the Route 79, Gilman Springs Road to First Street, Measure A Highway Improvement Project. Overview Right-of-way maps for the Lamb Canyon Project must be modified to include the additional Right -of -Way required for the Grade Separation. The Right -of -Way.. Engineering Services being provided by Greiner is near completion at this time. • The property for the Lamb Canyon Project is currently being acquired by the County. There will most likely be requests from the County that Greiner provide additional services to support acquisition. Commission approval for an additional $25,000 for base work and $25,000 for extra work will be required for total completion of Right -of -Way Engineering Services. 8C4. Measure A Local Streets and Roads Allocations - Palo Verde Valley Area. Overview This item relates to the Measure A Local Streets and Roads funding for the City of Blythe and the County of Riverside. Page 5 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 8D. Consent Calendar - Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). 8D1. Agreement with the State of California, Department of California Highway Patrol for the Implementation and Operation of Call Box Motorist Aid System. Overview The agreement between Riverside County SAFE and the State of Califomia, Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP), provides for the reimbursement to the CHP for all costs associated with the implementation and operation of the call box motorist aid system in Riverside County for a period of three years. 8D2. Authority to Rent Communications Equipment for Freeway Service Patrol Program. Overview The Riverside County Freeway Service Patrol program must provide radio communications equipment and the Califomia Highway Patrol is required to be in constant communications with the program's tow trucks. Representatives from CHP, Caftrans and RCTC met with local communications vendors to review their available products and services. Staff is presenting a proposal for a two year rental agreement for radio communications equipment for the FSP program. 8D3. Monthly Call Box Update. Overview The operational statistics for the Riverside County Motorist Aid Call Box System for the month of April 1993 will be presented to the SAFE Board. 8E. Consent Calendar - Commuter Rail. 8E1. License Agreements for San Jacinto Branch Line. Overview RCTC is requesting that the Executive Director be authorized to enter into 6 license agreements for construction of various public and private projects on RCTC San Jacinto Branch Line property. 8E2. - Contract Amendment No. 1 to Agreement R09309 with Pountney and Associates for Engineering for The Pedley Commuter Rail Station. Overview This agenda item is a request for contract Amendment No. 1 to Agreement R09309 with Pountney and Associates for additional design services for The Pedley Commuter Rail Station. The proposed amendment is a combination of work scope reductions and additions resulting in a net contract increase of $38,458.46. Page 6 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 8E3. Maintenance of Parkway Agreement with Riverside County for The Pedley Commuter Rail Station. Overview This item requests the Commission to authorize the Executive Director to enter into an Agreement for Maintenance of Parkways with Riverside County for the Pedley Commuter Rail Station. 8F. Consent Calendar - Financial Items. 8F1. Five Year Capital improvement Program. Overview A number of jurisdictions have not responded by the June deadline. Staff recommends that this item be deferred to the July 14, 1993 Commission meeting.ar capital improvement program to be included in the June 9 Commission packet. 8F2. Quarterly Financial and Cost & Schedule Reports. Overview Included in the agenda packet are Combining Statements of Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Unaudited) and the Cost & Schedule reports for the Quarter ended March 31, 1993. Also attached are the RCTC Measure A Highway Projects Budget Report for the month ending April 30, 1993 prepared by Bechtel Civil, Inc. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS. 9A. Congestion Pricing Option Research Study. Overview The Commission received the Request for Proposals for Congestion Pricing Option Research Study and will review them on June 3rd. A recommendation will be submitted to the Commission on June 9th. 9B. Policy Related to Directing Proceeds from Property Management and Joint Development to Program Categories. Overview Staff is proposing that the Commission adopt a policy relating to proceeds from property management and joint development. Page 7 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 9C. WRCOG and CVAG Allocations for LTF Funding. Overview This relates to LTF Funding for WRCOG and CVAG related planning activities. 9D. Funding Subregional Planning. Overview This item relates to funding subregional planning to formalize a policy to pass thru LTF planning funds to WRCOG and CVAG, or, establish a process to consider competing requests for such funding to be allocated at its discretion. 9E. Commissioner(s) Reports, if needed. Overview This item is placed on the agenda to provide Commissioners the opportunity to report on various Committees representing the Commission. 9F. Upcoming Conferences Overview A list of upcoming conferences and summaries is submitted to the Commission for consideration of possible Commission attendance. 9G. Additional Office Space. Overview This is a proposal to lease additional office space to resolve space problems. 9H. RCTC Position Plan Revisions - Additional Staff and Reclassification Items. Overview The Executive Director is proposing a revision to RCTC's Position Plan for Commission approval. 10. TRANSIT/RIDESHARE/PARK-N-RIDE. 10A. FY 1994-2000 Short Range Transit Plan. Overview The Riverside County SRTP covers three areas of the county, the Westem County area, the Coachella Valley area, and the Palo Verde Valley area, and is comprised of the plans for the six municipal operators, the Riverside Transit Agency, SunL r e Trans Agency, and Regional Commuter Rail. Page 8 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 10B. Los Angeles County Subsidy - Line 496/110. Overview This item relates to the LAMTA's proposal to discontinue Une 496 and discusses how this service may be continued. 11. HIGHWAYS/LOCAL STREETS do ROADS. 11 A. Surface Transportation Program - Discretionary Program Issues and Projects. Overview At the Commission's May 27th meeting, the Commission discussed three policy issues: use of equity formula, planning fund set aside, and planning project review. A staff report recommendation is included for Commission consideration. 11 B. Financing Guidelines for Measure A Funds Recipients. Overview In response to the Commission's request at the May 27, 1993 special meeting, staff is in the process of formulating policies for Local Streets and Roads financing requests which will be presented at the meeting. 11 C. City of Corona Local Streets and Roads Financing Request Overview In June of 1989, the Commission approved the use of Measure A funds for lengthening and widening of the Smith, Maple, and Uncoln overcrossings in the City of Corona to accommodate future Measure A highway widening projects on Route 91. RCTC agreed to fund a proportionate share of the project costs for the overcrossing lengthening and to loan the City of Corona funding to cover its proportionate share of the project costs for the overcrossing widening pending approval of the Interchange Improvement Program policies and project list. In order to expedite the project, RCTC agreed to a loan from the Measure A Highway program to cover the City of Corona share of the project. This agenda item recommends that RCTC approve the City of Corona's request to arrange for approximately $5.43 million in Local Streets and Roads financing for repayment of its share of the Smith, Maple, and Uncoln Project. 11 D. Possible Lease of Riverside Apartments 1371-1395 on West La Cadena for Right -of -Way Protection. Overview Possible lease of Riverside Apartments 1371-1395 on West La Cadena for Right -of -Way Protection for an estimated amount of $7,000 per month on a six month renewable lease. The authorization for one time expenditure of up to $4,000 to fence the property. Page 9 June 9, 1993 RCTC Agenda 11 E. Bechtel Contract RO9400 for 1993/94 Fiscal Year. Overview RCTC will be asked to consider a contract renewal with Bechtel Corporation for continuing program and project management services to the Measure A highway and commuter rail program. 11 F. Coordination of Environmental Mitigation Plans for Route 79 with County Habitat Plans. Overview Staff will be provide a brief presentation on the use of AB471 grants for Route 79 project mitigation and coordination with the Count Habitat Conservation Plan. 11 G. Status Report on Route 86 Coachella Valley. Overview Staff will report on current .status of technical studies and ongoing negotiations with federal agencies. 12. COMMUTER RAIL 12A. Maintenance Contractor for Commuter Rail Stations. Overview Staff will present a recommendation foi a contractor(s) to provide commuter rail station maintenance qt tha June 9, 1993 Commission meeting. 12B. Presentations and Status on West Corona and Pierce Street Stations. Overview Consultants working on site rims and environmental studies for the West Corona and Riverside -Pierce Street stations will give si tort presentations to the Commission on project status, site plan development and estimated costs. 13. CLOSED SESSION (If necessary). 15. ADJOURNMENT. 7- TE June 9, 1993 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SIGN -IN -SHEET NAME �r o 14 1 \S° N REPRESENTING el (/ COrjOlt Ate> . ems: g g 7- , 7 42 s- ��i f c v4G PHONE 27s=/dv 76 3 - S 2 // i , i 8G I �`ZS G rq 3145" 3790 SCD170300 PUBLIC NOTICE The Commission meeting scheduled for today, June 9, 1993 at 2:00 p.m., has been delayed to 4:00 p.m. to allow Commissioners and staff to attend memorial services for Jean Mansfield which were held today at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will convene at 4:00 p.m. today, and all public hearings and other matters on the posted agenda will be considered at that time. -2- -TE June 9, 1993 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SIGN -IN -SHEET NAME (te _,;41- 11046 f , _ 6/0 0_3 /-/4,e v-crY _ mop Pee \ 4 .e-ZteAt, ./z SY/Ltae._ /x-1/1 ; / , -(-4/ REPRESENTING 6? 2 (/,(-ry .Led.) /7( ;Ir'_ if d 2_ 1s--6 -Z I' )11 c221..a_44_ C Ao cu- /tDd //t)IC 1/9 11,42- 241&-u5 44-c- Pv.(e), — TL11,4 Attamiz-ty, VS-0 We-,-(,e, 3 3 (.0 ( \ C pv krY (7 /Wel",V 12477 .56a / A /7 k ( G cvvvf2._N;i- auet,(41444zo /--f (7 (^/ PHONE r ( 1/4,7 -Zil)_;---./r;z3 A / - Ag.J 6 b7--is - 6v- V- CE7X) Of I 7 1'09 - 7S-1 - (PS fy..)- 6.0 7-- F (6,7:-?/ 7/-517 -9f`7 -7- (70c-2)3e_, - -az 6 :2Z i7y7 6 (0,_L'Fs _65y &(53 (PS-y ga7 4'V -of—c? JUN e9 '93 14:31 RCTC SENT BY; 1 8- 8-03 ;12:13141 s 71453218824 000-757-71414 2 MOTZOM OP avecommmum av imams mum siaripame a. ooencesnggi Rwimithizzamme- JUNI Of Ma Notim lr harsh? given that the aivareiaa sty Transportation rCalliaiiaiOn rogular mooting ichodoiod gar Kean sd:y, Mine a, 22513 at 2100 p.m. will ha *dimmed due to an anticipated 1.0 k of Worm of Oommissioa melba= at that ties. The regular Meeting will he held instead on 1ladnaadry, Jona a, 1993 at 4200 The adjourned meting scheduled feu 4200 p.u6 gill bs a regular mooting for all pUrposs., M1100d0 limOMENI r i .# [8-Jun-93 2:32p SCD170300 PUBLIC NOTICE The Commission meeting scheduled for today, June 9, 1993 at 2:00 p.m., has been delayed to 4:00 p.m. to allow Commissioners and staff to attend memorial services for Jean Mansfield which were held today at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will convene at 4:00 p.m. today, and all public hearings and other matters on the posted agenda will be considered at that time. -2-