HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120117 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes 1 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen January 17, 2012 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Todd Cestari, Michelle Gates, Brian Herr, John Mosher, Ben Palleiko. Officials present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Interim Finance Director Susan Marchand, DPW Director John Westerling CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Cestari called the meeting to order in Room 211 at 6:00 p.m. MOTION to go into Executive Session to approve Executive Session Minutes of 9/20/11, 10/11/11, 10/18/11, 11/1/11, 11/15/11, to discuss contract negotiation, litigation, and real property. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION: Chairman Cestari reopened the Public Session in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM: Residents were invited to share ideas, opinions, or ask questions regarding town government. CONSENT AGENDA: Personnel Committee: The Board considered acceptance of the resignation of Ezat Parnia from the Personnel Committee effective immediately. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. Marathon Fund Request: Hopkinton High School Swim Team requests $1,170 for 30 jackets; Hopkinton High School Relay for Life requests $300 for porta-potties at the Relay for Life American Cancer Society fundraiser scheduled for May 11-12, 2012; Hopkinton High School Post Prom Committee 2012 requests $1,000 for the purpose of entertainment for the 2012 post prom party. The Marathon Fund Committee voted to support the requests at its December 27, 2011 meeting. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. TOWN COMMITTEE INTERVIEW: The Board considered an application to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board from Maryanne Chambers, 60 Walcott Valley Drive, for a two year term to 2013. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. PUBLIC HEARING NEW LICENSE FOR A RETAIL ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE Zio’s Quattro, Inc. South Street, Hopkinton, MA 2 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 MOTION to open the public hearing, SECONDED. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. The town’s Permitting Department, Police Chief Flannery, Fire Chief Clark, Land Use, Planning and Permitting Director Elaine Lazarus, Municipal Building Inspector Chuck Kadlik, and DPW Director John Westerling have reviewed the request and have no issue with the Board Granting the request. There were no abutters present at the hearing. John Winshman, the applicant, addressed the Board and outlined the plans for his new restaurant. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to close the public hearing, SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to approve the All Alcoholic Beverages License, SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. PUBLIC HEARING VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. AND NSTAR ELECTRIC Joint Petition to Relocate Pole Cordaville Road, Hopkinton, MA MOTION by Mr. Mosher to open the public hearing, SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. The town’s Permitting Department, Police Chief Flannery, Fire Chief Clark, Land Use, Planning and Permitting Director Elaine Lazarus, Municipal Building Inspector Chuck Kadlik, and DPW Director John Westerling have reviewed the request and have no issue with the Board Granting the request. Paul Schneider, Verizon Representative, addressed the Board. They are requesting to relocate Pole No. 16 approximately 22 feet south from the centerline of Aiken Road and relocate Pole No. 15 approximately 169 feet south from proposed No. 16, and on the southeasterly sideline place new stub Pole No. 115 approximately 71 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Street. An abutter was present and raised concern about an order of conditions relative to wetlands on her property which abut the proposed pole location. Mr. Khumalo asked the applicant to check with the Conservation Agent relative to these wetlands. An abutter stated that Pole No. 15 currently has a light and asked if that light will remain. Mr. Westerling, DPW Director, advised the Board that they may want to condition the approval so the light is installed on Pole No. 15 at its new location. MOTION by Mr. Herr to close the public hearing, SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to approve the petition to relocate Poles No. 15 and No. 16, and installation of stub Pole No. 115, contingent upon a light being installed on Pole No. 15 in its 3 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 new location, and availing proper notice to the residents affected by services being disrupted, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. 4 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 OPEN MEETING LAW: REMOTE PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC MEETINGS Discussion Continued from January 3, 2012 The Board will consider the recently amended Open Meeting Law, MGL Ch. 30A §13-25, regulations allowing members of public bodies, in limited circumstances, to participate remotely in meetings. Mr. Khumalo stated at the last meeting the Board requested him, along with Town Counsel, to draft language to address the following issues: Use of consistent technology by all town boards and committees; discretion with the use of speaker phones by the remote party; the ability of the remote party to have the same materials before them as the rest of the members; use of remote participation as a last resort option, not a routine manner of conducting town business. He asked that this draft language be reviewed by all town boards and committees for their feedback prior to the Board voting. HOPKINTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce Initiative 2020 Group was present to provide a progress report to the Board. Bob McGuire, President, addressed the Board. He outlined the various meetings the Chamber has held. He stated the Business Guide has been completed. The wastewater treatment plant will have its grand opening in late February. They are looking at opportunities to do more with the marathon. Their web site is almost complete and it will be linked to the town web site. They are working on updating the economic development portion of the Master Plan. The Board members expressed their satisfaction with the progress the 2020 Group has made to date and stated they look forward to the next phase of this project. Mr. Palleiko stated the Chamber of Commerce has accomplished a lot up to this point with no funding, however, as they move forward with the budget he feels the Board will have to consider providing funding to bring this project to the next level. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FY 2013 BUDGET UPDATE This is a joint meeting with the Appropriation Committee. James Gosselin, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Committee, addressed the Board. He stated the Committee has met with many of the town departments since September. They have created a draft ten year capital expenditure plan which he reviewed with the Board and an extensive discussion was held. John Coolidge of the Community Preservation Committee addressed the Board. He stated after the close of last year’s town meeting there was approximately $2 million of CPC money available. They have held several public hearings and have had 12 projects presented to them totalling $5.1 million. Several of the projects presented to them did not fall within the scope of the CPA. The Committee has voted on four of the projects which are currently pending Town Meeting approval. Discussion was held on the shortage of members of the Capital Improvement Committee. They may be losing a member, which would leave them with two members. Mr. Khumalo indicated if this were to happen they would need additional members quickly as they would not have enough members to vote. 5 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 FY 2013 BUDGET UPDATE Mr. Khumalo stated he has been working with the department heads, the Appropriation Committee, and the School Committee to keep the lines of communication open relative to the budget process. The budget message for department heads has been to submit a level funded budget. In instances where they need more than level funding the department must submit an impact statement. He stated the challenge going into Town Meeting is to be mindful of the impact on taxpayers. Susan Marchand, Interim Finance Director, addressed the Board. She stated new money is projected to be $1.1 million, and new growth $700,000, making the total available for budget increases $1.8 million. Preliminary health insurance costs are projected to be $500,000. Capital Improvements requested amount to $2.2 million. The school budget request is not level funded, but a 3.95% increase, or $1.3 million. This brings total budget increase requests to $3.5 million, which is substantially more than the $1.8 million available, creating $1.7 million spending gap. She stated this information is preliminary and there is still a lot of work to be done. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Palleiko asked for an update on the Trails Committee. Mr. Khumalo stated this should be ready for discussion at the Board’s next meeting. Mr. Palleiko also requested an update from the Downtown Initiative Steering Committee. Mrs. Gates asked for an update on the wastewater treatment plant. She recommended having the DPW Director on the Board’s agenda on a monthly basis. She asked for a long range plan regarding the town hall, including work that has already been done and what needs to be done in the future with the expected cost. She would also like to discuss reorganization of the Center School Building Committee. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Khumalo asked to continue the discussion of the financial policy. Discussion was held on the town policy on the Boston Athletic Association Partnership. Dorothy Ferriter-Wallace, Chair of the Hopkinton Marathon Committee joined Mr. Khumalo for an update. Mr. Khumalo stated that he and Ms. Ferriter-Wallace have talked with Guy Morse from the Boston Athletic Association and all are in agreement with the language presented in the policy. Board members recommended a few language changes to the policy. Mr. Cestari stated the policy as written will be the policy for this year, but they will continue to review it and make adjustments as necessary. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to accept the town policy relative to the Boston Marathon, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to accept the 2012 Invitational Application Assignment Process, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Mr. Khumalo presented an update on the ice arena. He stated a week ago the Demons organization presented the draft master plan for the site to the Park and Recreation Commission. The Commission recommended some changes and the Demons organization is currently incorporating those changes into the plan. The Park and Recreation Commission will be conducting a public meeting on January 19, 2012. After that meeting they will vote on the concept plan and offer recommendations to the Board of Selectmen at the February 7, 2012 meeting. 6 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Mr. Khumalo stated he has provided the Board with a Notice of Intent to sell, under MGL Ch. 61, Sec. 8, property located off Lumber Street, West Main Street, and Chamberlain Street, commonly known as the Terry Property. The Director of Land Use, Planning and Permitting will notify the various town departments to see if there is any interest in this property and the Board of Selectmen will then have to decide whether to exercise first right of refusal. Mr. Khumalo stated in the Board’s packet is an Inter-Municipal Agreement with Upton for ALS-P services. This agreement has been reviewed by Town Counsel, Finance, and the Town Manager’s office and they recommend the Board approve this agreement. Ken Clark, Fire Chief, addressed the Board to explain the benefit of this agreement. Mrs. Gates expressed reservation about voting for this as she has not yet read the document. Mr. Cestari recommended postponing this decision until the Board’s next meeting. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to adjourn, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned. 7 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Summarized Transcription by //Patricia McDonnell// Date: May 29, 2012 Patricia McDonnell Certified Transcriber, OfficeSolutionsPlusLLC.com //Elizabeth Tice// Date: May 29, 2012 Elizabeth Tice, President Office.Solutions.PlusLLC.com My commission expires August 26, 2016