HomeMy Public PortalAbout05 May 8, 1991 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1991 1:00 P.M. RCTC CONFERENCE ROOM 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100, RIVERSIDE AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 4. T# 1SIT/a MMUR 4 SPEC L A: r :SERVIC ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4A UNtg7 ANSI I DS FINDINGS: ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That, based upon a review of requests for services received through the 'unmet transit needs' hearing process, review of existing services and proposed service changes or new service(s) to be included in the FY 1992-96 Short Range Transit Plan, the Commission should find that there are no unmet transit needs which can be reasonably met in Riverside County and should request that SCAG concur with this finding. 481 tgtiY :WPM. 9EM SPEcIALIZT0 TRANgrt ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEES, AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To approve the Measure A funding request of $16,800 from Menifee Valley Medical Center subject to the conditions of the Measure A Specialized Transit and Commuter Service Program policies. RCTC MINUTES MAY S, 1991 PAGE 2 462 NEWSPAPER >ARTICLES r' FRIENDS OP MORENOVALLEY SENIOR OEN1ER TRANSPORTATION SERVICEAND RIVERSIDE COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To receive and file. 4C CLEANTUELICONVERSIONTUNOINGTORMOBILEICOMMUTERSTORE For discussion and/or action. .... ....................................... .......................... ................................... ......................... 5A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - RAIL`. SSyesJ An oral presentation will be made by the Executive Director at the meeting. 5B INTERIMWINT P9 ERS AUTHOFIWUPDATEt ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file or possible action. 5C IMCOMOTIV FIOCUREMt d'f" OPTIONS For discussion and/or possible action. 6. fit{« ............................................ ............................................ ........................................... .................................... 6A )die OI~ ` 69:'p etr' ` me sTA For discussion and/or action. 6B 0911niAgrAtAPIPMENTAVWFPRAGR $1041;0t;,:VVITRAFIgENERVN4q PREU MINARW:ENGINEERING SERVICES:.FOR HE ROi1TE. 91i'_ MEDIAN MDENING ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEES, AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To approve Contract Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement No. RO-9101 in the amount of $510,000. RCTC MINUTES MAY S, 1991 PAGE 3 7. PUBI»tC HEAR i ... PROPPSED. FY 1- TEASORE NSRFE BUDGET'S: ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEES, AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To approve the FY 1991-92 RCTC/Measure A/SAFE Budgets as proposed. 8. NI LEAD E.;1 imsuI .EmENT1F,C3R II.MIS IONERS. For discussion and action. 9. ppNpENT pA4Eisip1 » Ate. met Cgl't Cale da' wilj bspprav e ecf i a single totlon 1. s a CrnTl pfis; ion rner�ber Fe upts s00*** action an specific Items 9A CONSENTT44,NOAR FfNAN IN l717gMa 9A1 UARTRRLY FIfiiANCIAE ANqCOST<REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE, AND STAFF REPORT Receive and file. 9A2 6MENOmENT TO 8ECHTEL PROGRAM M ANAGEmENT CONTRACT TO COVER ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE, AND STAFF REPORT That the Commission approve the proposed Amendment No. 4 to the Bechtel Contract Amendment for the services outlined in the agenda memorandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. RCTC MINUTES MAY S, 1991 PAGE 4 9B2INVITATION' FOR THE. ExECUTive DIRECTOR:: TO . ;PARTICIPATE IN AN €NTERNATIONAL'SYMPOSIUM ON HIGHWAY CAPACITY: SPONSORED BY THE TRANSPORTATION:. RESEARGN.:SOARD OF. THE.. NATIONAL, . RESNKARPA 9OUN I ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To authorize Jack Reagan to attend the Transportation Research Board Symposium on Highway Capacity on behalf of the Commission and authorize the expenditure of approximately $2,500 for the associated expense. 9B3 APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION'I4XX AND.: AUTHORIZE:TIME EXECUTIVE 17€ OTOR, ,..ATTEND THE ENERGYII�SUES RKSHOP AND . TOUR SPON ?ftgD BY THis SPUTH # CAUFQRNIA EQISON <COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Commission adopt Resolution No. 91-003, A Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Authorizing the Acceptance of the Offer of Southern California Edison Company for Commission Officials to Participate in a Workshopifour of Edison's Big Creek Hydroelectric Facility, and authorize the Executive Director to attend the workshop. 9B4 I991:VREVISIONSTOPitOCAVGUIDELINESMFORAMPLEMENTING:: IHE ge4FORNi EN}IRONNIEN .tQUALITY Ag {CEQA)'AND ADOPTION OF HgmoinN No 914.104:: ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Commission: 1) Receive and File the revised and updated set of 'Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act'; and, 2) Adopt Resolution No. 91-004, A Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission amending and Adopting Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Duality Act. 9C q914P.Pfr9AMIPARMW.KITRANSM 9C1 KtIggirlgig.SHAFIRWif.054!TIN9MROJKT4PHASEE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. 9C2 K>W9OMMUTER STOR OPENING CEREMONIES ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Commission direct staff to prepare a plaque in recognition of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., contributions toward the development and funding of the 'Commuter Exchange'. " RCTC MINUTES MAY 8, 1991 PAGE 5 9C3 ILEA :>ippliliAMpTER����S+/T9 . tpk,p AGFIEEMEN'>" Yt TH ` COM.MUTER TRANSP yN TAT��S��C��wR ICE INCr ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEES, AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Commission authorize the Executive Director to sign the annual 'Commuter Exchange' services and lease agreement with Commuter Transportation Services subject to review and approval by Legal Counsel. 9C4 RC`T'O SUPPORT FOR ��A{ yR��,EGIfl 1L ORIGINJOESTINATION ST� DY .-1NCREASE iN FUNDING ALO+��cAI��iV1" r,.... ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEES, AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the MOU with SCAG, subject to Legal Counsel review, and approve the increase in the Riverside County 'fair share' allocation to $116,000. 9C5 FY19904. VSTATEIRANSIT ASS ANOS.FUND OLAMI aUNPNETRANSir AGEfi��1C��` ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To adopt Resolution No. 91-005, Resolution of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Authorizing Allocation of State Transit Assistance Funds, allocating $870,545 to the SunLine Transit Agency for operating subsidy. 9C6 Willgi'il4MTKSECTIONVANDSECTIONASPROGRAM& ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Commission direct staff to develop the proposed FY 1991-92 UMTA Section 9 and Section 18 Programs for Riverside County and conduct a public hearing on the proposed FY 1991-92 Section 9 Program of Projects. 9D 99NSENT" vM `;.: Kitlwi�F xw :frft Rpppi 9D1 PaVs9F kNcY E ' P'M14i[EPEqc qR R15 Yi.POEPTS: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. RCTC MINUTES MAY 8, 1991 Page 6 9D2 iADOPTlOW0F. OLIOE$ REI:ATINO<T0 0EASURE A LOCAL !'$TREETS AND LOADS MONI ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION To adopt the policies relating to Measure A local streets and roads monies, as noted in the Commission's Management Letter. 9E CONSENT OALENDAR ``SAFE: CAI,.IO3OX SY$TEM .UPDATE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. 10. CLOSED SESSION. 11. ADJOURNMENT.