HomeMy Public PortalAbout02 February 14, 1990 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS HEARING 9:00 A.M., FEBRUARY 14, 1990 CONFERENCE ROOM 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, STE. 100 RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 „..**..*************************************************************** AGENDA RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES 2:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 14, 1990 LAKE ELSINORE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM 545 CHANEY STREET LAKE ELSINORE, CALIFORNIA 92330 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of January 10, 1990 minutes. 3. Public Comments. 4. Unmet Transit Needs Hearing. 5. Consent Calendar. - All matters on the consent calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate section on specific items. Page 2 A) Agreement for SLAG to Perform Services for RC71C. Staff Recommendation. Subject to review, approval and/or revision by RCTC Legal Counsel, RCTC should approve the Contract between SCAG and RCTC. B) Amendment to FY 1988-89 and FY 1989-90 UMTA Section 9 Programs of Projects (POP). Staff Recommendation. Approve the proposed amended FY 1988-89 and FY 1989-90 UMTA Section 9 Programs of Projects for the Palm Springs Urbanized Area subject to modification, if required, as a result of the public heart g. C) Sunline Transit Agency FY 1990-94 Short Range Transit P n Amendment. Staff Recommendation. Approve the amendments to the Riverside County Short " ange Transit Plan (SRTP) and Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) f r FY 1990-94 as requested by Sunline Transit Agency. D) FY 1991-95 Combined Road Program. Staff/TAC Recommendation. That the Commission approve the proposed Riverside Road Program for FY 1991-95 for submittal to Caltrans E) Citizens Advisory Committee/Social Service Transportatio Representative Replacements. Staff Recommendation. County Combined Advisory Council That Mr. Gilbert Lopez of the Private Industry Council e appointed to the Citizen Advisory Committee/Social Service Transportation Advisory Committee. j -FT Page 3 F) RCTC Audit. A management letter, concerning the Commission's system of internal accounting control, will be distributed to the Commissioners at the meeting. Staff Recommendation Receive and file. 6. DJ. Smith Monthly Sacramento Report. Receive and file. 7. Senate Bill 1850. SB 1850, introduced by Senators Torres and Presley, with Senators Roberti and Kopp as the principal co-authors, would create the Southern California Metropolitan Transportation Commission within Southern California. The MTC area of authority would consist of the counties of Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura. The Commission should discuss the implications of SB 1850 and its relation with the previously adopted principles to regional planning in the Southern California Region. 8. Rescheduling of RCTClSAFE Meetings. That the Commission discuss and reschedule its meeting dates. 9. Personnel Items. A) Authorization for Additional RCTC Position of Controller. - Personnel and Budget and Finance Committee's Recommendations. Recommendations will be presented at the meeting. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission: 1) Approve the additional position of Controller, including the proposed job description, and 2) Approve a transfer of $22,000 from RCTC Contingencies to Salaries and Benefits for the new position. I _r Page 4 B) Authorization for Additional RCTC Position of Account Clerk/Secretary. Personnel and Budget and Finance Committee's Recommendations. Recommendations will be presented at the meeting. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission: 1) Approve the addition of Account Clerk/Secretary position, 2) Authorize the Executive Director to initiate recruitment and transfer of funds from the Contingencies Account to Salary and Fringe Benefits Accounts, 3) Approve the transfer of $6,727 from RCTC/Measure A Contingencies to Salaries and Benefits for the new position. 10. RTA Request for LTF Funds to Lease Buses. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission allocate $130,000 in LTF funds previously reserved for a reduction in the UMTA Program to the RTA for use to lease buses for operation of inter -county transit services in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties. 11. Appointment of Two Commission Members to the Technical Advisory Committee of the Long Range Corridor Project. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends that the Chairman appoint two members to serve on the Long Range Corridor Project Technical Advisory Committee. 12. Re-Dir+edion of the Social Service Transportation Delivery Study. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission approve the re -direction of the Social Service Transportation Delivery Study in accord with the work program noted above with the understanding that the work will be completed within the existing budget. Page 5 13. Commuter Rail Issues. A) Selection of Consultant for RCTCIATSF Commuter Train Engineering Assessment. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee recommendation will be presented to the Commission during the February 14, 1990 meeting. Staff Recommendation. 1) Approve the selection of Morrison-Knudsen as consultant to perform the study, and authorize staff to work with ATSF to negotiate the final scope of services and contract for a cost not to exceed $500,000 budgeted. 2) Consistent with current RCTC policy, authorize work of up to $50,000 to initiate the work prior to final contract approval. 3) Authorize staff, ATSF, and consultant to confer with LACTC, OCTC, and the LOSSAN Corridor Agency for additional contract work to extend the study from Fullerton to Los Angeles, with the understanding that such work will be paid by others. 4) Authorize the Executive Director to solicit participation of staff from SanBAG, LACTC, OCTC, LOSSAN, and ATSF to serve on a Technical Advisory Committee. 5) RCTC should create a San Bernardino - Fullerton - Los Angeles Commuter Rail Corridor Policy Advisory Committee composed of two Commissioners each appointed by RCTC, SanBAG, LACTC, and OCTC; and one member from the LOSSAN Corridor Agency (other than representatives from Los Angeles and Orange Counties). B) Strategy for East Valley Routing for California Nevada Super -Speed Train. At the request of Commissioner Roy Wilson, this agenda item will provide an opportunity for local agencies within the East Valley portions of the Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to discuss the need for a strategy for locating the proposed super -speed train. Presentations will be made during the Commission meeting. Page 6 C) Institutional Issues Related to Regional Commuter Rail and Transit. Staff Recommendation. RCTC should indicate its interest in investigating the potential for a regional commuter rail and inter -county bus service, including expansion of the LOSSAN Corridor Agency role and membership to meet the need for a region -wide implementation authority. 14. Additional Analysis for Wirthlin Group. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee's recommendation will be presented during the February 14, 1990 meeting. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission: 1. Authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with the Wirthlin Group not to exceed $5,000 to perform the work as proposed. 2. Increase the Measure A consulting budget by $5,000 with a transfer from Measure A Contingencies Account. 15. Riverside County Program for Vehicle Registration Surcharge (SB 2297) funds. Staff Recommendation. To: 1) Request Legal Counsel to review the SCAQMD policies in relation to the requirements of SB 2297. If Counsel determines that the law mandates SCAQMD to spend the $1 fee to reduce pollutants generated in Riverside County, approach the SCAQMD Board for revision to their adopted policies. 2) Submit the SB 2297 Fund Conceptual Proposal for consideration by the SCAQMD Board. Page 7 16. Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). Consent Calendar. - All matters on the consent calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member request separate action on a specific item. FY 1989-90 Safe Budget. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee will review this item prior to the SAFE Board meeting. If there are any changes to the staff recommended action, this item will be pulled from the Consent Calendar and presented. Staff Recommendation. That the Riverside County SAFE Board approve the FY 1989-90 SAFE Budget amendments as noted in the memorandum included in the agenda packet. 17. Measure A Items. A) Consent Items. - All matters on the consent calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 1) MOU to Acquire Sales Tax Data from Riverside County. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission authorize the Chairman and the Executive Director to sign the MOU and direct staff to make the necessary arrangements with the County to transfer the data. 2) Route 86 Environmental Reassessment. Staff Recommendation. Receive and File. 3) Status of Programmed Improvements - Route 91. Staff Recommendation. Receive and file. Page 8 B) Unaudited Measure A Financial Statements. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee recommendation will be presented during the February 14, 1990 meeting. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission accept these unaudited financial reports as presented. C) 1) CaWatts Request for Computer Hardware. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee will review this item prior to the February 14, 1990 meeting and report on their recommendation. Staff Recommendation. That RCTC approve Caltrans request and transfer $55,600 to the computer budget from the Contingencies Budget. 2) RCTC/Measure A Budget Amendments. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee will review prior to the Commission meeting. If they change the staff recommendation this item will be pulled from the Consent Calendar. Staff Recommendation That the Commission approve the transfer of $6,500 from the Contingencies Account to the Specialized Departmental Account and the transfer of $11,800 from the Contingencies Account to the Office Expense Account. Page 9 D) Route 91 Rideshane Marketing Project. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission direct staff to proceed with development of the conceptual rideshare marketing project with RTA, Commuter Computer and Commuter Network, and prepare a final project description for Commission approval. E) Measure A Park N Ride Programs. Staff Recommendation. 1) Direct staff and Legal Counsel to proceed with negotiations with Fleetwood for development and use of a Park N Ride lot on their property near Van Buren Blvd @ Route 91 and bring a proposed agreement back to the Commission for approval at the next possible meeting. 2) Direct staff to bring proposals for a consultant to assist in negotiation for joint use leases of existing parking lots along the Route 91, Route 60 and other major roadways for Park N Ride use. F) Measure A Funds for Social Service Transit Programs. WPAC Recommendation. WPAC Committee meets on Thursday, February 8, 1990; recommendation will be presented at the Commission meeting. Staff Recommendation. That the Commission approve the Measure A funding requests from Meditrans Services and Family Services of Riverside subject to the conditions listed in the report. G) Additional Measure A Loan Funding to County for Galena Interchange Study. Budget and Fiance Committee Recommendation. The Budget and Finance Committee's recommendation will be reported during the February 14, 1990 meeting. Page 10 Staff Recommendation. Approve an increase of $15,000 of Measure A loan funds to Riverside County for the Galena Interchange study. 18. Adjournment. :sc � -rr