HomeMy Public PortalAbout11 November 8, 1989 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AGENDA RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES 2:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1989 RCTC BOARD ROOM 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Public Comments. 4. Consent Calendar - All matters on the consent calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member request separate action on specific items. A. General RCTC Consent Itaps 1) D.J. Smith Monthly Sacramento Report. Receive and file. 2) LTF Streets and Roads. Approve the Local Transportation Fund (LTF) allocations for street and road purposes in the Western County and Palo Verde Valley areas as shown on Tables I and II. 3) Possible Revision to LTF Area Apportionment Formula. That the approach to obtaining comments from local elected officials in the Western County area regarding the proposed revision to the LTF Apportionment Formula should be a presentation at the Commission workshop in December. 4) FAU Trade Funds Poliqv - Santa Clara} Trade. Approve the policies proposed by the Commission's Technical Advisory Committee/Combined Road Plan Committee for the use of funds received from a trade of FAU funds with Santa Clara County. Page 2 5) contract with Riverside County for RIVSAN Work. Approve the draft contract as prepared and request approval by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. 6) Measure A Focal Streets and_Rds Program - City of Hemet. Approve the FY 1990-94 Measure A Local Streets and Roads Program for the city of Hemet. 5. SAFE Items A. Request for Proposal for Cellular Radiotelephone Service. To approve the release of the Request for Proposal for cellular Radiotelephone Service for Motorist Aid Systems in Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties. B. Report on Proposals Received for Purchase, Installation and Malntenar}Fe of the Motorist Aid (Callbox) System. Hideo Sugita will present an oral report at the meeting. 6. Transportation Corridors in Riverside County. A. ProgreuReport on Caialco Corridor Study. A status report will be presented by Riverside County Road Department staff on the Cajalco Corridor Study. B. New Transportation Corridors. Ken Steele, Caltrans District 8, will give an oral presentation at the meeting. 7. Proposed Ernst & Young Contract tevisions. Budget and Finance Committee Recommends ion. A recommendation will be presented at the meeting. Staff Recommendation. Subject to further consultation and negotiations with CVAG and Ernst & Young, approve the above -cited recommendations. Page 3 8. Proposed FY 1989-90 Services from Commuter Transportation Services, Inc. Approve the attached Commuter Computer FY 1989-90 work program and budget with the understanding that staff will continue its detailed evaluation of Commuter Computer's performance and investigation of alternatives for delivery of County rideshare services in FY 1990-91. 9. MaurMeaxpre A Items A. Measure A Consent Zlems - A11 items on the consent calendar will be approved by a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 1) Report on List of Firms to be Selected for Preliminary Engineerina and Proiect_ Report and Environmental Services (Category 2) Highway Proiect Development Work. Receive and file. 2) Overview of Programmed Improvement Projects - Route Receive and file. 3) Progress Report on Candidate Interchange Projects. Approve the list of candidate projects to be included in the scoping and costing study. B. Draft Agreement between Caltrans and RCTC for Joint Implernention of Measure A Higgiwav Impprovement Program. Approve the draft Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for implementation of the Measure A projects subject to final review and approval by Legal Counsel and Caltrans. C. Route 91 Ramp Metering Proiect. Budget and Finance Committee Recommendation. The Committee will meet prior to the meeting and will report their recommendations at the meeting. Page 4 Staff Recommendations. That the Commission: 1) Approve, in concept, early implementation of ramp meters and ramp meter bypass lanes on Route 91; 2) Approve, in concept, addition of ramp meters and ramp meter bypass lanes at Green River, Route 71, La Sierra, Van Buren, and Tyler with the Route 91 project with the provision that implementation details be worked out with the City and County of Riverside; and, 3) $125,000 in additional Route 91 funds be programmed for the design of additional ramp meters and ramp meter bypass lanes at Green River, Route 71, La Sierra, Tyler, and Van Buren with the Route 91 project. Staff recommends that the additional design scope be negotiated and added to the NBS/Lowry contract. D. State Transportation Management Funding Grant: 4uxilian4 Lanes and Ramp Meters on Route 91. Authorize the Executive Director to apply for TSM Program funds for the construction of auxiliary lanes and ramp meters on Route 91. E. Measure A Fund Trade for FAU Funds. Approve the policies recommended by the Commission's Technical Advisory Committee for potential trades of Measure A State Highway Funds from the Commission to the local agencies in Riverside County for FAU funds, and in addition, to reserve the option for the Commission to trade Measure A Highway Funds to other agencies if a more advantageous exchange rate can be negotiated. F. PotAptial Measure A Transportation Irn rovement Plan Amendment to Maintain schedule for 1988 State Transportation Improvement Program._ That: 1) The item be scheduled for consideration as soon as possible by CVAG and the Measure A Western County Policy Advisory Committee; and, 2) Authorize staff to work with Caltrans and Financial Advisors to expedite actions to provide Measure A funding to retain the schedules for 1988 STIP projects in the event such a Plan amendment is approved. 10. Potential Impact of San Francisco Earthquake on Statewide Highway Funding. Ken Steele will make an oral presentation at the meeting. Page 5 11. Japan's Urban MagLev Train System - HSST. Mr. Hayashi of HSST MagLev Train System will be present at the meeting will give a presentation on the system and potential application along the Route 91 corridor. 12. closed Session - Instruct Negotiators Regarding Acauisition of Property. 13. Adjournment. r .. 1