HomeMy Public PortalAbout08 August 2, 1989 CommissionRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING OF THE RIVESIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION/ SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES 1:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 1989 CONFERENCE ROOM RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OFFICES 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100 RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Public Comments. 4. Consent Calendar. - (All matters on the consent calendar will be apprved in a single motion unless a Commission/SAFE member requests separate action on specific items.) A. D.J. Smith Monthly Sacramento Report. Receive and file. B. SB 821 Program - Time Extension Request from Desert Hot Springs. That the Commission approve the City of Desert Hot Springs request for a time extension to October 31, 1989 to award the contracts for the Class II bikeway and sidewalk projects approved in the Commission's FY 1988/89 SB 821 Program. C. Support Landscaping of I-15 Interchange. That the Commission support local efforts to urge CTC to fund landscaping of the I-15 interchange. D. Department of Water and Power Petition to SCAQMD on Rule 1135. — That the Commission follow LACTC's lead by supporting DWP's petition on Rule 1135, subject to the condition that utilities' provided funds for transportation NOx offsets be programmed to projects through the county transportation commissions. Page 2 E. Inclusion of Additional SAFEs in the Request for Proposal for Motorist Aid Callboxes. To allow additional County SAFES to be included in the Bi-County Riverside/San Bernardino RFP for the acquisition of motorist aid callboxes with the understanding that priority will be given to the delivery of Riverside/San Bernardino callboxes. F. Patent Infringement Review of the Bi-County SAFE Request for Proposal. To approve the incorporation of changes to the Bi- County SAFE Request for Proposal per the review and recommendations of Patent Counsel. G. Approval for Riverside County SAFE to Amend the SAFE Contract with Techplan and Participate in a Consultant Contract to Provide a Report on Handicapped Access. To: 1) Allow the Riverside County SAFE to amend the current contract with Techplan to conduct a study on handicapped motorist assistance needs; and, 2) Approve the participation of the Riverside County SAFE in the study on handicapped motorist assistance needs for an amount not to exceed $2,000. 5. SunLine Transit Agency FY 1990-94 Short Range Transit Plan. That the Commission approve the SunLine FY 1990-94 SRTP, subject to the following conditions: 1) That the SunLine SRTP include a funding commitment to the Intervalley Service provided to the Foundation For the Retarded of the Desert; 2) That the SunLine SRTP, subject to the recommendations of the Social Service Transportation Delivery Study, commits to providing accessible elderly and handicapped services and accessible back-up vehicles for these services; and, 3) That SunLine provide an acceptable cost/benefit analysis on the Loran vehicle tracking system, which demonstrates operational cost savings and operational efficiencies prior to releasing LTF funds for the project. 6. Minimum Fare Revenue Ratio for the SunLine Transit Agency FY 1989-90. To approve the FY 1989-90 minimum required fare revenue to operating expense ratio of 16.1% for the SunLine Transi Agency, and request SCAG concurrence. Page 3 7. Allocation of Local Transportation Funds to the SunLine Transit Agency for FY 1989/90. That the Commission allocate $4,726,304 in LTF funds to the SunLine Transit Agency for FY 1989/90 and direct staff to continue work with SunLine staff to finalize a Measure A Transit Program for the Coachella Valley for presentation and approval by the Commission. 8. Performance Audit Contract Amendment - Booz-Allen & Hamilton. That the Commission authorize the Executive Director to modify the contract with Booz-Allen & Hamilton for Phase II of the Commission's Performance Audit to include the development of route level performance criteria as described in this report at a cost not to exceed $7,327. 9. Approval to Release the Bi-County SAFE for the Purchase, Installation, and Maintenance of a Cellular Motorist Aid System. To approve the release of the Riverside/San Bernardino Counties' Request for Proposal for the purchase, installation and ten-year maintenance of a Motorist Aid (Callbox) System. 10. Follow -Up on Western County Policy Advisory Committee. To: 1) Consider membership of the Western County Policy Advisory Committee. In particular, should the number of RCTC members or alternates who participate be limited; 2) Defer any decision on the role of the Committee until after the proposed workshop. In the meantime, staff would limit the items brought to the Committee for consideration for recommendation to those directly related to Measure A, or those which are specifically referred to the Committee by formal action of RCTC; 3) Meet with the Technical Advisory Committee to develop at least an interim process for technical participation in intergovernmental transportation planning issues; and, 4) Prepare a draft issues listing to be reviewed with those Committee members present during the July 13th meeting. The revised listing would then be sent to local agencies for review and comment, and serve as the basis for setting future workshop agenda. 11. FY 1989-90 CVAG Overall Work Program in Relation to RCTC Budget. To: 1) Select Alternative 1 in the staff report to reduce the transportation planning budget to CVAG to $48,275; 2) Approve CVAG's OWP as submitted and authorize the Executive Director to work with CVAG to define the financial detail; Page 4 and, 3) Amend the budget to reflect the changes discussed on the staff report. 12. Measure A Items. A. Proposed Revision to Memorandum of Understanding Between RCTC and OCTC Regarding Route 91. To: 1) Approve the revised MOU as proposed by OCTC; and, 2) Revise the FY 1989-90 budget as described in the staff report. B. Measure A Maintenance of Effort Guidelines. To: 1) Approve the draft Measure A Maintenance of Effort guidelines subject to opinion of Legal Counsel regarding the ability of the Commission to revise Paragraph III, Page. 4; and, 2) Require that the guidelines be reviewed in the future, but not more than three years from the date of approval, and modified as may be determined necessary following their review. C. Consultant Selection for Measure A Projects. To endorse the outlined process and direct staff to proceed with the selection of consultants with the understanding that a cooperative agreement with Caltrans will be presented to the Commission for consideration prior to negotiation of contracts for project development work. D. Ernst & Young Accounting System for RCTC. Receive and file. E. Measure A Cooperation with the City of Corona on the Promenade Overcrossing and McKinley Interchange Projects on Route 91. To approve, in concept, the expenditure of Route 91 Measure A funds to revise the Promenade and McKinley projects to accommodate future Measure A plans on Route 91. The funds for this will be broken out as such in our Route 91 project design contract with NBS/Lowry. A cooperative agreement with the City of Corona will be developed and presented to the Commission. F. Route 86 Environmental Reevaluation. Mark Massman, Commission's Measure A Projects Consultant, will make an oral presentation at the meeting. Page 5 G. Framework for Negotiations Related to Acquisition of Portions of Ferguson Properties for Right -of Way Protection for 91/60/I-215 Interchange. To: 1) Endorse the suggested framework and authorize staff to participate with Ferguson Partners and the City of Riverside on a three -party agreement. 13. RCTC FY 1989-90 Budget Amendment. The Budget and Finance Committee will present a report on RCTC's FY 1989-90 budget amendment relating to the purchase of a mail machine. 14. RCTC/SAFE Meeting Schedule. 15. Closed Session - Personnel Items. 16. Adjournment.