HomeMy Public PortalAboutResolution 01:33001 330 ,r r 0CTnRF 18, 2001 AITTII()P, IZING A PI~,OI:I{SSIONAI~ SI']R\](~ I{S CONTI~,ACT \\1'1tl SPAI)ORO & IIILSON CAI~,TICI~,E'I' V. CONRAII~ \\III':I~,E.\S, the borou,,h oC Carterct is in need of specialized legal serxiccs in connection k,, ifil tile Ill[ltlCl' ol'Ctir[crct v. Cot/r&il2 Zllld \\ III{RI.LkS, thc laxx firm et' SpadOl'O & Hilson. ]las been retained ~o tx'oxide said le.~al serx ices: and \VIIICP, E.\S, lhcrc cxists anccd to incrcasc tile authorixation previously pro', ided to Spadoro & I lilson Ibr said legal scr~. ices: and \\ltl'RI{kS, the Chicl' Financial Oi'Iiccr has ccrtilicd that lhnds arc a\'ailablo said lXU'pOSC. NO\V, TIIEP, EFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED by thc Ma}or and Council el'the Borough ofCartcrcl, Comqty el Middlesex. Slate o 'Ncxx lc-st_'y as lbllov, s: Tile Laxx Firm ofSpadoro & Hilson is hereby retained tis special counsel in thc aboxe l'elk'rcnccd mailer at mi hourh' rate of $125.00 per hour no/ti) exceed ti maximum cost o1'$2.500.00 NO\\, I'III'2RI'.'FOI{I{ BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that this ax~ard is made as a ix'olL'ssional scrsiccs contract pm'suant to N..I.S.A. 40A:I 1-5(1la. A notice of This axxard shall be advcrLiscd as required b} law Adopted lllis 18~:: da} of Oclober, 201)1 and ccrtilicd as at true cop? of lbo original on October 10'", 2o0 I. K.ATIII.EI{N 51. BAI~,NI{Y I'L 1(-/(31£ Murdcipal Clerk COUNCILMAN FAZEKAS QUINONES REIMAN X - Indicate Vote RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE i I x R .OS X AB - Absent NV- Not Voting X SANTORO x I SOHAYDA j X i ]ABLED 50k"'~at a n/=eting of the bhmicipal Council OFFICE OF [{LEEN bi. BARNI-]Y, RMC/CM(' MUNICIPAL CLERK MIOBLESEX OOUNTY TEl. ('/3~ 541 3800 FAX (732/ /541-8925 61 (!OOI(E AVENUE (?AI{TEI~.L'T, NI]\V JI'iR,qF.Y 07008 Date: OCtOBEr 18, 2001 TO: Patrick J. DeBlasio, 'l'FeastlFer Borough o£ Carteret REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATION Ol A~, AILABIA,. FUNDS: For: SPADOR0 & HILSON / CARTEREI VS CONRAIL Name of Acconnt: AMOUNT TO BE EN(?UMBERI:.D: NO] 10 EXCEED $ 2,500.00 KATHLEEN M BARNtiY, c Municipal Clerk CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABILlrp¢ OF FUNDS I, Treasurer of the Borough of Carteret, do hereby ce~lify that there are sufticient funds available in lhe current budget Io enable the Municipal Council to authorize the entering imo a contract between the Borough of Carleret and: The funds available for this contract are in the Budget, in the account of: ill lhe aIl~OLlIlt Of: By this certification, I have hereby encun~bered the above named account for the amount of the contract PATI~CK J. DeBLASIO, Treasurer Date: KMB/