HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 07-22 No. 07-22 @rotuunt.e of Hp~ t@orougIr of Qlud~rd1 ~. JJ. ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 254, ARTICLE Ill, "HANDICAPPED PARKING," OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret ("Borough") as follows: Section 1. Chapter 254, Article III, entitled "Handicapped Parking," is hereby amended and supplemented to include the following new section: ~ 254-47. Fees. Every request for a designated handicapped parking stall within the Borough shall require an application fee not to exceed $250.00, as may be permitted by law, with said amount to be set by resolution of the governing body. The applicatioI1- fee shall be for the costs of processing the application, engineering and/or police department review and the installation of any signage and pavement marking of any approved handicapped parking stall. Section 2. All Ordinances and/or provisions thereof inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed as to the extent of ariy such inconsistencies. Section 3. If any section, subsection, p31t, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be declared invalid by judgment of any Court of competent jurisdiction, the section, subsection, part, clause or phrase shall be deemed to be sever able fro111 the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication according to applicable law. DO NOT USE SPACE BELOW THIS LINE COUNCILMAN RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILl\JAN YES NO NY A.B. X X x _ Indicate Vote AB _ Absent NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted on first reading of the Council of the Borough ofCarteret, N.J., on August 23. 2007 Adopted on second readi erh iogon September 20, 2007 . ? ~U'" cM~'4ti // )t=d~ROUG~['KV'r{/C MAYOR ON AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and State and of general circulation in said county. one (1) times, once in each issue as follows: September 5, 2007 r0~O~ Notary Public of New Jersey , LINDA A RIVERA NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2 201' Sworn and subscribed before ,I me this ,)-:.1:./. day of d) 1~'-""1,,,,- I ..;L a,J') . /0/ d- b ,\r':f. +J Affidavit of Publication Publisher's Fee $51.04 Affidavit Charge $25.00 } SS. I, ~tate of New Jersey Middlesex County Personally appeared Manju Gupta Of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in NEPTUNE, in said County and State, and of general circulation in said county, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that the advettisement of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in the said newspaper 1 times. once in each issue as follows: CAil1l:HINE M, WILUAM~ NOTARY pI/RIle OF NEW JERSEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1, 2012 9/05/07 A. D. 2007 " Go' l.> Sworn a d subscrib d before me, this day of September, 2007 fh~~u:u) /11. mLlta~ Notary Public of New Jersey BOROUGH OF CARIERE! (_'{DINANC~Rf~~~lt,1~:g~flTER 254 ARTICLE III, ''HANDICAPPED PARKING,. OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET BE IT ORDAINED by the Ma~r and Councll of the Borouf;h of Carteret r'Borough ) as foHows; ~l'Ctlon 1. Chapter 254, ArtIcle III, entitled "Ha- ndIcapped Parking.' 1s herebyamen- ded and supplemented to Include the follow1ng new seGtlon: 254-47. Fees. Ev~ request for a desIgnated ha- ndicapped parklng stall within the ~~~~:~le~u~l~51ffl~ai; may be permitted by law, with sa- Id amount 10 be set by resolutlon ~~:6~ feeves~7r~.~~~I~f processlng.the appl!cat1orJ.r~ngln- eering and/or polke deparunent revIew and thelnstaHatlon of any slgnage and pavement marking of any approved handicapped park* Ingst:all. Section 2. AI! ordinances and/or provisions ther- eof inconsistent with the provIsion of this OrdInance shall be and are here- by repealed as to the extent of any such !ncons1stencles. Section 3. If any section, subsection, part, clau- se or phrase of thls Ordinance shall be declared lnvalid by ludgment of any Court of competent]urisd!ctlon, the sectlonjsubsectlon, P':Irt, clause or phrase SflaH be deemed to be sev- erable from the remainder of thIs Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publIcation accordIng to applicable law. The ForegoIng Ordinance was Introduced at a meeting of the COuncil of the Borough of carteret held August 23, 2007 when It was adopted on First Reading. The said ordinance \\'111 be further consld- ereel on second Reading for Final Adopting a meet- Ing of said COuncil of the Borough of carteret on September 20, 2007 at approximately 6:00 P.M., Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Garteret, New Jerseli at whfch time and !?Iace all ~~~?S Interested w II be given an opportunity to be KAtHLEEN M. BARNEY, MMC W~lpal Clerk ( )4) 511113 /" 6/ ...';j- 61/rj" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared in the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in. said County and State and of general circulation in said county. one (1) times, once in each issue as follows: September 26, 2007 cJ;z- .1;.".) O. ~--v1!~ Notary Public of New Jersey LINDA A RIVERA NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2, 2011 Sworn and subscribed before me this,;;>C..b<. day of A, ~-i= . I ~~ OJ- e;c,7 ~hJfJJ~~~C7 'Kathleen M. Barney, M~ - Municipal Clerk o ~ ~ o1/~