HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120125 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING January 25, 2012 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, January 25, 2012 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, John Coolidge, Jeff Doherty, Al Rogers, Ken Weismantel and Chris Waldron. Bill Shaw and Ken Driscoll were absent. The Affordable Housing Committee seat remains vacant. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM in Room 211. Chairman Kunicki reopened the public hearing to consider applications for CPA funding. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CPA FUNDING REQUESTS Open Space Acquisitions – Hayden Rowe Street: Mr. Doherty reported that the multiple owners of the Hughes property off of Hayden Rowe are ready to sell the entire property. The property includes about 20 acres and a house that would need to be torn down. Mr. Doherty said the current owners offer this in part as a memorial to the former owner. Appraisal of the property has been received and will be used to negotiate the final price. The land locked Colella property is also for sale. Open Space Acquisitions – Cameron Woods): Mr. Doherty reported that appraisals for the property off Whisper Way were received. This would be a new access way to the Cameron Woods land. The committee discussed the pros and cons of purchasing the entire parcel or a smaller portion of it. The committee decided that the larger parcel would provide better access and significant savings would not be realized by taking a smaller part as it would be difficult to preserve a future building lot for the owner. When asked about acquisition priorities of the Open Space Committee, Mr. Doherty responded that: 1 Hughes 2 Elmwood Farm (Ash Street) and 3 Whisper Way. Chairman Kunicki stated that purchase and sales agreements need to be finalized in the next 30 days. MOTION by Mr. Doherty to allow an additional thirty days to negotiate the Purchase and Sale agreement for the Hughes property. SECONDED by Mr. Waldron. VOTE to Approve: 6-0. Open Space Acquisitions – Ash Street: Mr. Weismantel stepped off the Committee for this discussion. Mr. Chris LaPointe of the Trust for Public Land presented an update of the proposal that the town acquire Elmwood Farm in Hopkinton. There is an agreement between the TPL and the owner of the Ash Street land to purchase the 80 acre property for 1 $1.8 Million. TPL received a $75,000 grant that would be applied to the capital cost of the land purchase. They are applying for more grants in the $10,000 to $25,000 range. The house and 5 to 7 acres might be sold off for $400,000 according to TPL estimates although they are using $300,000 for budget purposes. The house and lot would be subject to restrictions. Therefore the amount requested from the town is $1,425,000. There is a state land grant for as much as $500,000 that TPL would help the town apply for in July with an award in November or December 2012. Mr. Lapointe stated that the town should not count on receiving this grant. TPL would investigate the possibility of other grants. Chairman Kunicki suggested a town meeting vote with the purchase being contingent on the town receiving the $500,000 grant. He stated that he would be comfortable spending up to $1 million due to amount available in CPC funds. We have limited available funds and some upcoming opportunities. Mr. Lapointe stated that TPL would not be happy with a contingent vote by Town Meeting. TPL suggests the town bond for this purchase if needed. MOTION by Mr. Waldron for the Open Space Committee to continue with negotiations for 30-days on the Elmwood farm property. SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1 (Mr. Weismantel). Mr. Weismantel returned to the Committee at this point. The benefits of Whisper Way land purchase to provide a better trailhead and safe access to Cameron Woods was discussed. The CPC would need the Open Space Committee recommendation and a final Purchase and Sale Agreement. MOTION by Mr. Rogers to extend the time by 30 days for the Open Space Preservation Committee recommendation and to negotiate a price for the land off Whisper Way. SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6 No-0. The Colella land off Hayden Rowe was discussed. This property is part of the Center Trail extension to connect to Milford and is of long term interest to the committee. However since the land is mostly wet and is landlocked the timing is not as urgent. MOTION by Mr. Doherty to extend the time by 30 days for the Open Space Preservation Committee recommendation and to negotiate a price for the Colella land off Hayden Rowe. SECONDED by Mr. Waldron. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6 No-0. HEARING CONTINUED: MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to continue the public hearing to February 16 at 7:00PM SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. 2 NEW BUSINESS: Fruit Street Open Space Boundaries: Mr. Coolidge stated that $3,000 was needed survey the area adjacent to the town wells and place markers. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to spend up to $3,000 from the Administration account for the survey and markers. SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. CP Coalition Dues: Mr. Coolidge stated that $2,500 was needed for our dues. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to spend up to $2,500 from the Administration account for CP Coalition dues. SECONDED by Mr. Waldron. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Center Trail Work Plan: Mr. David Goldman asked when the CPC would have a Center Trail work plan. Answer: in process. EMC House: Mr. Rogers asked what is happening at the EMC house as it appears to be cleaned out. No one knows what is happening. This concluded all business for the open session. The committee will meet in Executive Session for the discussion of appraisals and negotiation strategy on pending land purchases. ADJOURN to Executive Session and not return to open session: MOTION by Mr. Dougherty to adjourn and meet in Executive Session for the propose of: to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate. SECONDED by Mr. Rogers. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:30PM. Respectfully Submitted, Ken Weismantel Temporary Scribe Documents Used: 1.CPC Meeting Agenda 3