HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120503 - Cemetery Commission - Meeting MinutesHOPKINTON CEMETERY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 3, 2012 PRESENT: Lynn Fournier, Chairman; Thomas Pratt, Claire Wright The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. The minutes of the meetings held March 8 and April 5, 2012 were approved. Comey Chapel: Ms. Wright gave an update on the Comey Chapel, its restoration, the May 20th reopening ceremony, and the regulations and methods for its use. She reported that two keys will be held by the Town Clerk, to provide for back up if one is lost or not returned promptly. She said the Town Clerk has agreed to collect a $100 use fee, as well as a $100 key deposit, which will be returned upon return of the key. She said the key can be taken out by a funeral director or private citizens. She reported that the use fee will be recorded by the Clerk on a 53E1/2 form so that the funds are correctly deposited into the Chapel 53E ½ account. Ms. Fournier pointed out the importance of the Cemetery Commissioners knowing where the key is held and others in the Clerk’s office knowing the procedure as well. Ms. Wright said an instruction sheet will be provided to the Clerk’s office, explaining the procedures for use, and will be kept with the key. Ms. Wright mentioned that the Appropriations Committee may be able to identify a way for the 53E ½ funds to keep from reverting to the general fund at the end of the year, so that whatever use funds accumulate will not be lost and can be allowed to build up for future chapel maintenance needs. Ms. Fournier suggested notifying other towns about the upcoming Comey Chapel rededication program on May 20. She said she has notified Mr. Charles Ward, who contributed work to restoring the chapel. Ms. Wright said announcements will be submitted to the local print and online newspapers of surrounding towns. Ms. Fournier said she thinks it is important to somehow identify the Cemetery Commissioners at the ceremony. Nametags were discussed, but lacking consensus, it was agreed to list the names of the Commissioners in the program. The next meeting was scheduled for June 6, 2012. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Claire Wright Approved: 10/9/12