HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120213 - Cemetery Commission - Meeting MinutesCEMETERY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRARY 13, 2012 PRESENT: Lynn Fournier, Chairman; Thomas Pratt, Claire Wright The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. The minutes of the January 26, 2012 meeting were accepted with a correction from Mr. Pratt to change his statement in the “Landscaping Plan” section to read “He said growing is difficult in such conditions …” Lot Sales - Mr. Pratt presented the figures reported by Chuck Moore of the Cemetery Dept. that 51 lots have been sold during 2010 & 2011. Roadways – Ms. Fournier said she did not think the cemetery roadways were in particularly bad condition. Mr. Pratt said some of the road surfaces in Evergreen Cemetery near the Fruit St. entrances are broken apart and are down to bare ground in some places. He noted these roads will continue to deteriorate. He said Mr. Westerling, DPW director, asked for the Commission’s opinion on the condition of the roadways and funding sources. The Commissioners concurred that all of the cemetery roads are deteriorating, need regular upkeep, and will be an ongoing maintenance concern. The members agreed that the two existing cemetery funds are not designated to be used for maintenance expenses, and the general upkeep of the cemeteries and the provision of services is a required municipal function that the town needs to provide. Shed at Mt. Auburn – Ms. Fournier reported that the DPW is willing to demolish the abandoned shed. She said the debris disposal costs are $98/ton if the DPW hauls it to Harvey’s in a DPW truck; $395/2 tons if a Harvey’s dumpster is used instead. A Historical Commission approval is needed for the demolition. Ms. Wright said she will file with the Historical Commission for the demo permit. Funding methods were discussed, and it was decided to take funds from the Sale of Lots Fund, because the development of additional grave space would constitute an expansion of the cemetery, and the money would be earned back with the lot sales. Ms. Wright moved to place an article on the Town Meeting warrant to spend up to $750 from the Sale of Lots Fund for demolition of the shed and debris removal. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pratt and passed unanimously. Drainage Fund Balance – Ms. Wright made a motion to place an article on the Town Meeting warrant to return the unencumbered balance remaining in the Drainage Improvement Fund back to the Sale of Lots Fund. She reported the fund should have a balance of $5,121.81. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pratt and passed unanimously. Perpetual Care Fund Transfer to DPW – The Commissioners discussed the need to make a transfer from the Perpetual Care Fund to the DPW for the annual care of the cemeteries. Although the DPW had not officially made this request yet to the Commission, it was agreed that a transfer should be made. However, with only $31K in Perpetual care, it was felt that the sums of $22K and $18K from previous years were too high, in light of the low balance. Mr. Pratt moved to transfer a sum of $15K to the general operating budget toward the DPW cemetery mowing and maintenance expenses. Ms. Wright seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. The Commissioners noted that the town must factor the cost of cemetery operations into its general budget, recognizing that Perpetual Care cannot cover or even keep up with the costs of providing the required cemetery services. Comey Chapel Fund – Ms. Wright reported that, after consulting with the Town Treasurer, she has been unable to find a way to establish a chapel use fund to hold fees collected beyond one year, thus allowing them to accumulate for later chapel-related needs. She noted putting them in the Trust Fund only allows the interest to be spent, and a 53E ½ revolving fund reverts to the General Fund each year. She was advised by the Treasurer to consult the town attorney. Ms. Wright suggested establishing a 53E ½ fund for the coming year until a better method can be found. She made a motion to add the establishment of a 53E ½ Comey Chapel Use Fund to the annual Town Warrant. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pratt and passed unanimously. Comey Chapel Progress Report - Ms. Wright said she met at the chapel with the Building Inspector, Chuck Kadlik, who only indicated a need for a fire extinguisher and an EXIT sign. She reported she will get these installed and then apply for a certificate of occupancy from the Building Dept. She said Mr. Kadlik will issue an official street address and a maximum occupancy for the building. The next meetings were scheduled for March 8 and April 5, 2012. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, Claire Wright Secretary Approved: 3/8/12