HomeMy Public PortalAboutAudit Report - District- FY73MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS with REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS NOVEMBER 30, 1972 (ORGANIZATION) TO JUNE 30, 1973 Certified Public Accountants MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT EOARD OF DIRECTORS Position President Daniel Wendin Vice -President Nanette Hanko Secretary Daniel Condron Treasurer William Peters Member KAtherine Duffy OTHER General Manager Herbert Grench MIDPENINSUI.A REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Report of Certified Public Accountants Financial statements: Balance sheet -' all funds Statement pf revenue Statement of expenditures Statement of changes in fund balance Statement of changes in general fixed assets Notes to financial statements 2 3 3 4 4 5 Elmer Fox cs Company Certified Public Accountants REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS The Board of Directors Midpeninsula Regional Park District Palo Alto, California We have examined the balance sheet of the Midpeninsula Regional Park District as of June 30, 1973 and the related statements of revenue, expenditures and changes in fund balance for the initial period from November 30, 1972 (oroantzation) to June 30, 1973. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accord- ingly included SUCh tests of the accounting recgrds and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements designated above pre- sent fairly the financial position of the Midpeninsula Park District at June 30, 1973 and the results of its operations and changes in fund balance, for the period from November 30, 1972 (organization) to June 30, 1973, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental entites. rS 4 Cr p Berkeley, California Octpber 3, 1973 MIDPENIN$ULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS June 30, 1973 ASSETS General General Fund fixed assets Cash: $ 8,277 $ Wells Fargo Bank 15,000 Golden West Savings 2,808 - County Account #825 50 Petty cash Prepaid expenses Deposits Equipment LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable Loan payable (Note 2)` Fund balance: Invested in fixed assets Fund balance (deficit) The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 56 239 r 520 $26,430 20 $38,531 37,500 76,031 520 (49,601) $26,430 $520 MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUE For the period from November 30, 1972 (organization) to June 30, 1973 Revenue: Miscellaneous income $ 20 20 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES For the period from November 30, 1972 (organization) to June 30, 1973 Operating expenses: Election expense $34,148 General manager's salary 4,500 Attorney's fees 3,938 DirectprS' fees: 3,150 Extra help 1,533 Duplicating 388 Private vehicle expense 270 Office supplies expense 252 Out-of-town meeting expense 229 Administrative secretary's salary 192 Telephone expense 125 Postage 114 Recruitment expense 108 Health insurance 59 Equipment expense 49 Insurance - general 19 Library expense 9 Entertainment expense - 8 Printing expense 7 Rental expense 3 Total 49,101 Fixed assets: Equipment 520 Total 520 $49,621 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 3 MIDYENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the period from November 30, 1972 (organization) to June 30, 1973 Fund balance, November 30, 1972 (organization) Deduct: Excess of expenditures over revenue Revenue Expenditures Fund balance, June 30, 1973 (deficit $ 20 (49,621) (49,601) $(49,601) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS General fixed assets, November 30, 1972 (organization Equipment purchased 520 General fixed assets, June 30, 1973 $520 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements, MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1973 1. Summary of significant accounting policies The Midpeninsula Regional Park District was formed to acquire and preserve land and open space in the northern and western portions of Santa Clara County. The District came into existence upon certification of the November 7, 1972 election. The first regular meeting of the board of directors was held November 30, 1972, with actual operations commencing thereafter, so the accompanying statements of operations reflect trans- actions for less then twelve months. The District has adopted a fiscal year ending each June 30. The District utilizes the principles of fund accounting normally used by governmental agencies and as prescribed for special districts by the State Controller. The following separate self balancing funds or groups of accounts are included in the financial statements, all reflecting the accrual basis of accounting. General Fund - To account for all income and expenditures not reflected elsewhere. General Fixed Assets - To provide a group of accounts to maintain a continuous, cumulative record of fixed assets owned by the District. All assets are recorded at cost. 2. Loan payable, County of Santa Clara The District has borrowed $37,500 on a $45,000 line of credit from the County of Santa Clara, to enable the District to operate until it receives its first tax revenues about December 1973. The loan bears no interest and is repayable as soon as possible after tax revenues are received. 5 September 21, 1973 Elmer Fox & Company 1930 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA Gentlemen: Z make the following representations at your request in connection with your ecamination of the accounts of the Midpeninsula Regional Park District for the period ended 6/30/73. I do not know of any substantial liabilities as of 6/30/73 which are not recorded in the records of the District or of any contingent assets, liabilities or accountabilities of material amounts except those dis- closed in the financial statements. To the best of my knowledge and belief no events or transactions have occurred since 6/30/73 or are pending or in prospect which would have a material effect upon the financial statements at that date or which are of such significance in relation to the District's affairs as to require mention in notes to the financial statements in order to make them not misleading as to the financial position or operations of the District. Yours very truly, Herbert Grench General Manager HG:chh