HomeMy Public PortalAbout12 December 9, 1998 Amended CommissionRIVERS/DE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMM/SS/ON http://www.rctc.org UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CHANCELLOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM 1201 University Avenue, Suite 207, Riverside 92507 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1998 2:00 P.M. AMENDED AGENDA* *Action may be taken on any items listed on the agenda. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 12, 1998. 4. PRESENTATIONS TO RETIRING COMMISSIONERS. 5. PUBLIC HEARING. 5A. FY1999 FTA Section 5309 Program of Projects, San Jacinto Branch Line, and Authorization to File Application. Page 1 10 Minutes Overview The Commission will hold a public hearing and approve the Federal Program of Projects, San Jacinto Branch Line, for FTA Section 5309 funds, and the accompanying Resolution authorizing the filing of an application. 6. FEDERAL LEGISLATION REPORT. Page 7 15 Minutes Overview Cliff Madison, the Commission's federal lobbyist, will report on activities in Washington, D.C. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL ITEMS 7A1. Amendment to the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program and Policy Discussion on Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Funding. Page 8 30 Minutes Overview This item is a continuation of last month's meeting. A memorandum which includes information requested by the Commission at the November 12t" meeting and staff recommendations are included in the agenda packet. RCTC Agenda December 9, 1998 Page 2 7A2. March Joint Powers Authority "JPA" Loan Request. Page 16 10 Minutes Overview It is recommended that the Commission conceptually approve the loan request, but work with member agencies who are recipients of Commission funding to structure an approach consistent with Commission policy and adequately secured. The result of those negotiations and loan documents, if any, will be brought back to the Commission for review of terms and conditions and final approval. 7A3. Cliff Madison Contract. Page 26 5 Minutes Overview This item is to approve a contract for Cliff Madison to provide Federal advocacy services in the amount of $10,800 from January 1, 1999 to March 31, 1999. 7A4. Appointments to Plans/Programs Committee and Budget/Implementation Committee. Page 30 10 Minutes Overview In order to have a smooth transition for the upcoming year to carry out business of the Commission, the Chair will make the appointment of the Commissioners for the Plans/Programs Committee and Budget/Implementation Committee. 7A5. Commissioners/Executive Report. Page 37 5 Minutes Overview This is an opportunity for the Commissioners and the Executive Director to report on transportation related items. 8. TRANSIT/RIDESHARE/BICYCLE. 8A1. Transit Operator Productivity Improvement Program. Page 32 5 Minutes Overview It is recommended that the Commission approve the proposed Transit Operator Productivity Improvement Program as presented. RCTC Agenda December 9, 1998 Page 3 9. HIGHWAYS/LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS. 9A. Improving Circulation on Major Arterials. Page 47 5 Minutes Overview The County of Riverside has requested Commission discussion to consider strategies and possible capital improvements which will improve traffic circulation along the major arterials in the Western County area. Included in the agenda packet is the County of Riverside's memorandum addressing the issue. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters of the Consent Calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commission member requests separate action on specific items. 10A. Consent Calendar - Administrative/Financial Items. 10A1 . RCTC Personnel Policies and Procedures. Page 50 Overview The Commission lacks a complete Personnel Policies and Procedures. In the past, prior to increase of staff, the Commission basically followed the County's Personnel Rules. With the increase of staffing level, the Commission needs to set its own rules. Past Commission actions were incorporated in the policies and procedures and has been reviewed by the Personnel Committee and Legal Counsel. 10A2. Legislative Update. Page 106 Overview This item is for receive and file. 10A3. Smith and Kempton - Sacramento Lobbyist. Page 115 Overview This item is to approve a contract for Smith and Kempton to provide State advocacy services in the amount of $36,625.03 from January 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999. 10A4. Selection of Firm for Project Audits. Page 117 Overview There needs to be an audit of a selection of the Commission's engineering consultants and contractors for the current year. This item will authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract, not to exceed 550,000, with a Big Six accounting firm with strong government practice. RCTC Agenda December 9, 1998 Page 4 10A5. Signature Authorization. Page 123 Overview It is recommended that the Commission authorize Resolution No. 98-013 revising the Single Signature Authority as indicated on the attached resolution. 10A6. Quarterly Financial Reports. Page 126 Overview It is recommended that the Commission receive and file. 10A7. Monthly Cost and Schedule Reports. Page 134 Overview It is recommended that the Commission receive and file. 10A8. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Investment Advisory Services. ADDED ITEM Overview This item is to inform the Commission that an RFP was mailed for investment advisory services. Staff will be requesting the Chair to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to interview those firms that were shortlisted. 108. Highways/Local Streets and Roads. 1061. Remnant Parcel Values - Cathedral City Rte.1 11 Improvement Project. Page 738 Overview The Property Development Committee recommends that the Commission approve the value of the remnant parcels should be based on the appraisal in the after condition ($200,000), and the that the City of Cathedral City should be allowed to purchase the property for that price. 10B2. Amendment to FY 1999-2003 Measure "A" Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan for the County of Riverside. Page 147 Overview This item is for the Commission to approve the amendment to the FY 1999-2003 Measure "A" Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan for the County of Riverside as submitted. RCTC Agenda December 9, 1998 Page 5 10C. Rail. 10C1. Fiber Optic Crossing Agreements. Page 186 Overview The Property Development Committee recommends that the Commission give approval to staff to amend the three existing agreements to include the fiber optic installation. 10C2. Rail Program Update. Page 187 Overview It is recommended that the Commission receive and file the rail program update.. 10C3. FY 1998-99 Local Transportation Funds Allocation for Local Streets and Roads for the Palo Verde Valley Apportionment Area. Page 221 Overview The estimated FY 1998-99 apportionment of Local Transportation Funds (LTF) for the Palo Verde Valley area is $583,440. The Commission has allocated $212,300 to the Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency, leaving a balance of $371,140 available for local streets and roads purposes to be allocated to the City of Blythe and the County. 11. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Riverside County Transportation Commission is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, January 13, 1999, at 2:00 p.m. at UCR Extension, Chancellor's Conference Room, 1201 University Avenue, Suite 1207, Riverside 92507.