HomeMy Public PortalAboutWater Commissioners -- 2016-01-12 Minutes Brewster Water Commissioners ' Meeting January 12 , 2016 page 1 of Meeting was called to order at 9 : 10 AM by Susan Brown, Chairman. Those present were : Doug Wilcock, Deane Keuch and William Porter, members and Pamela Springer, Administrative Supervisor , 1 . TOWN / CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None . 2. MINUTES : Sue Brown made a MOTION to table the December 15 , 2015 meeting minutes . Deane Keuch seconded the motion . Passed unanimously . 3 . SUPERINTENDENT ' S REPORT A. Water Quality • All routine samples have come back with acceptable results . • Back to back acceptable results have returned for Brewster Landing at Sachemus Trail . The water main has been put online and two new units have had water meters installed. All the water meters for this new complex will be located inside of the units . B . Operations • The Well#3 access road was not seeded along the sides in time for any vegetation to grow and is now experiencing erosion. Paul is keeping an eye on it, in hopes that it does not get so bad as to undermine the new roadway. The department will have the roadside seeded as soon as possible in the spring . • Maher Services wound up having to complete significant repairs to both the pump and the motor at Well #4 . The actual invoice came in over $ 15 , 000 . 00 . Paul reiterated the need to reduce pumping once the well is back online . He explained the fact that too much draw causes too much iron to be pulled from the groundwater . • Both recent hires, Matthew Silva and Jeffrey Sabatino are excellent employees . The staff are very happy to have them join the department . • Doug asked if the staff was continuing with pit meter changes . Paul replied that we will continue as long as the weather holds . Pam updated the commissioners with the approximate numbers of pit meters remaining within the town ' s condo complexes . After the complexes have been changed, the department will focus on single family homes with pits . • Paul and Pam informed the commissioners that new meter reading software will be required for the next meter reading period . The current software is no longer functioning and is no longer supported . It is at least 15 years old . • Paul updated the commissioners regarding the DEP withdrawal permit situation. Existing permits for all Cape towns have been extended while DEP works on altering regulations . • Pam presented a leak discount case to the water commissioners in which the property had used a leak discount for an unrelated source of leak last year. The commissioners discussed the idea of allowing a second leak discount within a year at the same property and decided to deny the request based on the original intention to allow for a one time leak discount within a 5 year period . Doug Wilcock made a MOTION to have the regular water rates apply to the account for 24 Betty ' s Lane . Sue Brown seconded the motion . Passed unanimously. • The new rate conversion went smoothly after a small glitch with programmed dates . Data West tech support cleared the issue immediately on the morning of January 3rd , when it was discovered . • Registered water increased by over 53 , 000 , 000 gallons when compared to the same reading period of June — December in 2014 . This will result in an increase from last year of over $ 350 , 000 . 00 in revenue from the February water bills . ' I ? DEC20 914801 BREYSTER TOUN CLERK Brewster Water Commissioners ' Meeting January 12, 2016 page 2 of 2 • A portion of the increased registered water came from the water meter change outs within Ocean Edge . Many of the irrigation meters were under estimated during the past 1 '/2 years , so when the old meters were removed this summer and fall , the actual registered water was documented and will be billed. Some unit owners will be affected as well , but everyone had been notified this could be a result of estimating . • Discussion took place regarding the idea of the town dumping excess snow from plowing this winter at the parking lot of The Captain ' s Golf Course . Sodium levels from 2014 testing were introduced to the conversation. All present agreed that snow piling from road plowing within the Zone II area was not a good idea. • Doug presented a series of questions in regard to disaster preparation . He questioned what would happen in the face of a complete electrical failure within the town. Paul responded by assuring the commissioners that Well #6 was equipped with an automatic, propane fueled generator. The other four wells would need to be run manually . Eventually, if weeks were to pass, the propane tanks would run out of gas . Paul would like to investigate the cost associated with extending the natural gas line at the Treatment Plant to Well #4 and install a new natural gas fueled generator there . Paul also informed the water commissioners that if no propane or natural gas were available, Brewster has possible intersystem connections available with Harwich, Dennis and Orleans . 4. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, February 9, 2016 9 : 00 AM Tuesday, March 15 , 2016 9 : 00 AM Susan Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 23 AM . Respectfully submitted, Pamela Springer, Administrative Supervisor.