HomeMy Public PortalAbout20110614 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen MINUTES OF MEETING June 14, 2011 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Todd Cestari, Ben Palleiko, John Mosher, and Brian Herr. Michelle Gates was absent. Officials present; Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Geri Holland, Human Resources Director Maryrose DeGroot and Finance Director Heidi ICriger. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order in Room 211 at 6:15PM. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations, litigation and real property; and to allow Mr. Khumalo and Mrs. Holland to participate SECONDED by Mr. Herr. ROLL CALL• Mr. Cestari— Yes, Mr. Palleiko—Yes, Mr. Mosher -Yes, Mr. Herr —Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. RE -OPEN PUBLIC SESSION: The Public Session was re -opened in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:45PM. PUBLIC FORUM: Mrs. Mary Pratt of 102 Fruit Street advised that the Town proceed with the design phase of the reconstruction of Main Street in order to get state funding through the Boston MPO. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Mr. Mosher read the following announcements: Youth Services Librarian Denise Kofron was honored by the HPTA on March 31, 2011 as a Hopkinton Hero after being nominated by a student. The Fire Department secured a safety equipment grant to replace a self contained breathing apparatus and enhance firefighter safety. Deputy Assessor Jonathan Steinberg has successfully completed Course 101: Assessment Administration: Law -Procedures -Valuation which was presented by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. CONSENT AGENDA: Items contained in the Consent Agenda included a) approval of May 10 and May 31, 2011 Regular Session Minutes; b) acceptance of gifts to the Ambulance Gift Account in memory of Mr. Leslie Clark as follows: $50.00 from Sybil Long of 26 Ash Street, $50.00 from Shirley Saunders of 65 Governors Circle, Groton, CT and $100.00 from the employees at Hopkinton Town Hall; c) acceptance of the resignations of Roger Mezitt from the Hopkinton Historic Commission and Nadine Butler Stewart from the 300th Anniversary Celebration committee, both effective immediately d) the appointment of Michael Peirce of 12 Wildlife Drive to the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term to 2015 and Frank D'Urso of 173 Saddle Hill Road to the Regional Vocational School Committee to complete an unexpired three-year term to 2012; e) to approve a parade permit for the Horribles Parade on July 4. DISCUSSION: Mr. Mosher requested that he be allowed to abstain from voting on the May 31 minutes and Mr. Herr requested clarification on the two appointments. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to approve 1 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 items b), c) and e) of the Consent Agenda SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to approve the May 10, 2011 minutes SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. MOTION by Mr. Herr to approve the May 31, 2011 minutes SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -3, No -0, Absent -1, Abstained -1. Mr. Khumalo explained that each town that sends students to Keefe Tech is allowed to have two members on the Keefe Tech School Committee. Mrs. Holland confirmed that Board of Appeals Chairman Rory Warren has endorsed the appointment of Michael Peirce, who currently serves as an associate member, to full membership on the Board. MOTION by Brian Herr to approve the appointment of Frank D'Urso to the Regional Vocational School Committee SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to approve the appointment of Michael Peirce to the Board of Appeals SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ► Mr. Palleiko requested that completed or resolved items be removed from the Future Agenda Item list. ►Mr. Mosher proposed that the Board of Selectmen send a brief email to the chairs of Town boards and committees soliciting their feedback on their various charges and tasks, then craft a proposal based on the response. He said the chairs should be made aware of the resources available to them. ► Chairman Cestari suggested web -based training for chairs and vice chairs on Massachusetts open meeting regulations. LIAISON REPORTS: 10 -Mr. Herr said he attended the Marathon "wrap up" meeting at the Laborer's Training Facility. He announced that the Boy Scouts had raised a record amount of money at an event the previous week. ► Mr. Mosher reported that the Open Space Committee is working on updating its website. He announced that the 495 Partnership is meeting on June 15 at Westboro High School at 7:OOPM. Mr. Mosher noted the need to improve volunteer recruitment efforts. LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS: Tabled until the full Board is present. SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE: Tabled until the full Board is present. TOWN BOARD AND COMMITTEE REAPPOINTMENTS: Mrs. Holland confirmed that the chairs of the boards and committees had been contacted regarding the proposed reappointments. Mr. Palleiko requested that the Historic District Commission appointments be set aside for discussion. MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board vote to reappoint the individuals named on the handout except for the Historic District Commission (see attachment). SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Mr. Palleiko said he wanted to revisit the issue between the Historic District Commission and the Library Board of Trustees regarding the proposed expansion of the Library. He requested that the appointments be made when HDC members are present. HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT REFUNDING REQUEST: Mr. Khumalo said the Town can realize significant savings ($774,000.00) if the Board approves the Town Treasurer 2 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 and Collector's recommendation to refund the HHS project bond. The savings would revert to Free Cash. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that in order to reduce interest costs, the Treasurer is authorized to provide for the sale and reissuance of funding bonds under MGL Chapter 44, Section 21A to refund all or any portion of the remaining principal redemption, premium interest. SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. FINANCIAL REPORT: Town Accountant Heidi Kriger reviewed the Town's financials for Fiscal Year 2011 through March 31, saying that revenues are tracking well. Local receipts are up by $100,000.00 due to the increase in building permits for roofing. A $185,000.00 court settlement will go into Free Cash. Hopkinton will have a strong Free Cash position by the end of the Fiscal Year. Debt service is down by $893,000.00 and employee benefits are up by $527,000.00 due to health insurance costs. Overall, revenues are up by about $631,000.00. 98 HAYDEN ROWE ROAD LEASE: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: The Board considered approving a request for proposals (RFP) for the lease of Town -owned property located at 98 Hayden Rowe Street for a tenn not to exceed 20 years. Mr. Khumalo confirmed that Town Counsel has reviewed a draft of the RFP and that the Cultural Arts Alliance is willing to abdicate its current lease. With Board approval, the RFP could be issued on June 15. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to authorize the Town Manager to issue an RFP for the lease of Town owned property located at 98 Hayden Rowe Street SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT: West Main and School Street Intersection; Notice to Proceed: Mr. Khumalo received a recommendation from DPW Director John Westerling that the Town enter into a contract with World Tech Engineering, Inc. Up to $30,000.00 was appropriated at Annual Town Meeting for this purpose. According to Mr. Khumalo, the study could be completed in 30 -days. There is support for this project from Town staff and residents. This contractor will communicate directly with the state Highway Department. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to accept the recommendation of DPW Director John Westerling to enter into a contract with World Tech Engineering, Inc. for the evaluation of the intersection of West Main Street and School Street for $19,850.00 SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. HOCKEY RINK PRESENTATION: Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Ken Driscoll and Demons Hockey Director Jack Bloomer requested the Board's authorization to move forward with Legacy Farms on the construction of a hockey rink at no cost to the Town. Under current conditions, Hopkinton is not a major tenant at any of the skating facilities in the area and must compete with 25 to 35 other teams for ice time. There is no time to implement a figure skating program or recreational skating. The league spends up to $100,000.00 yearly to rent ice time in other towns. A rink in Hopkinton would keep hockey affordable and possibly be a revenue generator. The Demons will oversee fundraising and financing and will help Parks and Recreation and Legacy Farm in project oversight. Mr. Driscoll envisions a multi -purpose recreational facility, with hockey being the primary activity. Concept plans by Legacy Farms have a facility that fits in with the 3 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 character of the Town (a structure similar to the farm stand being built on Hayden Rowe). Mr. Palleiko said he approves of the concept and the financial model. He advised that the project be vetted to attain widespread support. Mr. Driscoll said a survey will be conducted to assess the quality of current programs and need. He said a framework exists following the Fruit Street Athletic Field project, adding that he's confident the project will be net positive. Mr. Bloomer said there is enormous interest from Holliston and Ashland in this project in terms of their high school and middle school hockey programs. Steven Zeiff of Legacy Farms confirmed that his company is very enthusiastic about the proposal. MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board of Selectmen authorize the Town Manager and Town Counsel to engage with the Parks and Recreation Commission in accessing and developing a Town hockey rink and other athletic recreation venues on Legacy Farms land currently assigned to the OSMUD for recreational use SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION; Resignation of Patrick Mahon: Mr. Driscoll said Mr. Mahon has taken a job which requires him to travel out of state often. Mr. Mahon has served on the Commission for over seven years. Chairman Cestari said it's a shame to lose Mr. Mahon and thanked him for his service. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen accept the resignation of Patrick Mahon effective May 25, 2011 SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy Announcement: MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen approve the posting of a Parks and Recreation Commission vacancy for a term to the May 21, 2012 Town Election SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen hold a joint -committee meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission on June 28, 2011 SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. HOPKINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSSEES APPOINTMENTS: Trustees Marie Eldridge and John Belger were present. Mrs. Holland confirmed that June Harris had applied to serve one year of a three-year term until the next election. Mrs. Eldridge said Ms. Harris has demonstrated her commitment to the Library and has invested much time, energy and expertise. Mr. Miyares reviewed the circumstances surrounding the election, the tie for the second three-year term and the subsequent failure -to -elect declaration. He said he had presented Mr. Ken Weismantle's suggestion that one of the two people who were tied be allowed to assume the three-year term to the State Elections Division, which rebuffed the proposal. At the next election, one three-year term with two years remaining, one two-year term with one year remaining and one one-year term will be on the ballot. Individuals seeking one of these seats must specify which term they seek Mr. Herr noted that several winning candidates were sworn in by the Town Clerk on election night, including Mrs. Leda Arakelian who had tied with Ms. Harris for the second three-year term, and asked if this creates a conflict. Mr. Miyares answered in the negative, saying that office is conferred by the election, not by the swearing -in, although swearing -in is a requirement. Mr. Mosher said he is pleased about Ms. Harris' interest in the seat, but not pleased about the process and suggested that measures be taken to avoid such a situation in the future. Chairman Cestari thanked Town Clerk Ann Click and Ms. Harris 4 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 and expressed regret that the position lost the interest of another very qualified candidate. MOTION by Mrs. Eldridge that the Board of Selectmen and Library Board of Trustees vote to appoint June Harris of 185 Saddle Hill Road for a three-year term on the Library Board of Trustees until the May 21, 2012 Town Election SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. MOTION by Mrs. Eldridge that the Board of Selectmen and Library Board of Trustees vote to appoint Stan Pulnik of 11 Downey Street for a two-year seat on the Library Board of Trustees until the May 21, 2012 Town Election SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. OLD TOWN ROAD LOT (MAP L36, BLOCK 177, LOT 0): Mr. Khumalo said Article 52 at the Annual Town Meeting authorized the Board to sell or otherwise dispose of this parcel. He said the Board could determine a price in Executive Session. Mr. Palleiko said he would not support future proposals of this kind unless they include maps and more detail from Land Use, Planning and Permitting. Mr. Herr and Mr. Mosher concurred. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen declare that real property located on Old Town Road and shown on Assessors' Map L36, Block 177, Lot 0 is available for disposition SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Continued: Veteran's Services: Mr. Khumalo said the Veteran's Agent, Anthony Mastroianni, is retiring as of June 30. It has been agreed that a replacement could serve Hopkinton, Ashland, Holliston and Medway. Under current regulations, towns with populations lower than 14,000 people are required to have a part- time agent. Mr. Khumalo said that, based on caseloads, Hopkinton's needs and those of other towns, having a Veteran's Services District is more efficient. He proposed hiring a full-time Veteran's Agent who can utilize existing staff at Town Hall. A combined budget of $200,000.00 can fund the Agent's $80,000.00 salary and can allow for expansion if individual needs are identified. Mr. Khumalo agreed to reach out to local veterans organizations and seek input for Senator Karen Spilka and Representative Carolyn Dykema. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen approve the submission by the Town Manager of the Veteran's Services District proposal with the towns of Hopkinton, Ashland, Holliston and Medway to the State Department of Veteran's Services SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Town Manager's Re -appointments: MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board of Selectmen support the Town Manager's recommendation to appoint for a one-year term William Proctor as the Animal Control Officer, Sidney Proctor as the back-up Animal Control Officer, and retain the legal services of Miyares & Harrington for one year SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Wastewater Treatment Facility: Operation and Maintenance Contract: Mr. Khumalo said DPW Director John Westerling recommends that the Town negotiate a contract with Whitewater, Inc. for a one-year contract with the option of two one-year extensions for operation, management and maintenance of the wastewater treatment facility on Fruit Street. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen authorize the Town Manager to enter into contract negotiations with Whitewater, Inc. for a one-year contract 5 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 with the option of two one-year extensions for operations, management and maintenance of the Fruit Street Wastewater Treatment Facility SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Lift Hiring Freeze: Assistant Town Clerk: MOTION Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen authorize the lifting of the hiring freeze so the Town Clerk can hire an assistant SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Herr to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes -4, No -0, Absent -1. Meeting adjourned at 9:45PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian Recording Secretary Date Approved 6-29-2011 6 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 14, 2011 BOS RE -APPOINTMENTS: COMMITTEE ADA OVERSIGHT COMM BOARD OF APPEALS BD OF APPEALS-ASSOC.MEMBER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMM. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMM. CONSERVATION COMMISSION COUNCIL ON AGING COA -ASSOCIATE MEMBERS DOWNTOWN REVITAL.COMM. HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION (TABLED) HISTORICAL COMMISSION HOPKINTON CULTURAL COUNCIL HOPKINTON TAX RELIEF COMM. MARATHON COMMITTEE MARATHON FUND COMMITTEE PERMANENT BUILDING COMM. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE NAME Mike DiMascio Michael DiMascio June Correia Clark John J. Barris Henry R. Kunicki Marcus Waldron Jeffrey S. Barnes ID David W. Holly onna J. Deneen Kathleen Kearns Pasquale (Pat) Baratta Pat Mangiacotti-Prucher Susan Marshall Austin Spang Michael D. Girardi Nancy Stevenson William S. Shaw Laure Warren Tom Phelan Anne Pouch Nancy Haines Robert A. Levenson Carole Nathan Colleen D. Charleston Michael Dawley Ezat Parnia _ Thomas A. Sheridan, Jr. TERM 3 Yr Term until 2014 5 Yr Term until 2016 5 Yr Term until 2016 5 Yr Term until 2016 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 1 Yr Term until 2012 1YrTerm until2012 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 2 Yr Term until 2013 2 Yr Term until 2013 2 Yr Term until 2013 1 Yr Term until 2012 3 Yr Term until 2014 1 Yr Term until 2012 1YrTerm until2012 1 Yr Term until 2012 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 COMMITTEE NAME REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Antoinette Kunicki SMOC REPRESENTATIVE SPECIAL CONSTABLES SUSTAINABLE GREEN COMM. SGC AT LARGE MEMBERS SGC ASSOCIATE MEMBERS VETERANS CELEBRATION COMMITTEE YOUTH COMMISSION 1 f Paul D. Prior William E. Pickett, Jr. Andy Boyce Laura Connolly Aubrey Doyle Frank D'Urso John Keane Nancy Dourney Ria McNamara 3 Yr Term until 2014 1 Yr Term until 2012 3 Yr Term until 2014 2 Yr Term until 2013 2 Yr Term until 2013 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 3 Yr Term until 2014 1 Yr Term until 2012 2 Yr Term until 2013 John Carroll 1 Yr Term until 2012 Gretchen A. Govoni 1 Yr Term until 2012 Christiane Y. Perrin 1 Yr Term until 2012 Scott Richardson 1 Yr Term until 2012 Gino Spinelli 1 Yr Term until 2012 Michael Whalen 3 Yr Term until 2014 Nancy Drawe 3 Yr Term until 2014 Linda M. Katz 3 Yr Term until 2014 Margie Wiggins 3 Yr Term until 2014 Mark Kosa 3 Yr Term until 2014 Sue Hadley 3 Yr Term until 2014