HomeMy Public PortalAbout20110816 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes August 16, 2011 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen MINUTES OF MEETING August 16, 2011 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, August 16 2011 at The Hopkinton Senior Center, 28 Mayhew Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Todd Cestari, Michelle Gates, Ben Palleiko, John Mosher and Brian Herr. Officials present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Geri Holland, Human Resources Director Maryrose DeGroot and other Department Heads. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:30PM. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to go into Executive Session for the purpose of approving Executive Session minutes from 7/12/11 and 7/21/11; and discussing contract negotiations, litigation and real property; and to allow Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Town Counsel Ray Miyares, School Superintendent Jonathan Landman; School Committee members Jean Bertschmann, Rebecca Robak, Scott Aghababian, Troy Mick, Nancy Burdick; Kim Pulnik, Human Resource Director for the School Department, School Department Counsels, Operations Assistant Geri Holland, Human Resource Director Maryrose DeGroot to participate. SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. ROLL CALL: Mr. Cestari– Yes, Mrs. Gates- Yes, Mr. Palleiko–Yes, Mr. Mosher-Yes, Mr. Herr-Yes. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. RE-OPEN PUBLIC SESSION: The Public Session was re-opened at 6:30PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Cestari reviewed earlier proceedings. PUBLIC FORUM: Mrs. Mary Pratt suggested that the Board sign a Metropolitan Planning Organization agreement. She said federal funds may be available through the MPO for the repair of the Maspenock Dam. CONSENT AGENDA: Items contained in the Consent Agenda included: a) approval of the 6/28/11 and 7/12/11 Public Session minutes; b) accepting gifts for the Historical Commission Treasures in the amounts of $75.00 from Line Dittman and $75.00 from William Shaw; c) The appointment of Robin Fay to the Historic District Commission as the Greater Boston Real Estate representative for a three-year term to June 30, 2013 and the appointment of Dan McIntyre to the Permanent Building Committee for a one-year term to June 20, 2013. MOTION by Mr. Herr to approve the Consent Agenda SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. DISCUSSION: Mr. Palleiko asked that item c) be held for review. VOTE to APPROVE items a) and b) of the Consent Agenda: Unanimous. Mr. Palleiko asked that Ms. Fay’s appointment to the Historic District Commission be held until she can be interviewed by the Board. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen approve the appointment of Mr. McIntyre to the Permanent Building Committee SECONDED by Mr. Herr. DISCUSSION: Mr. Mosher and Mr. Herr suggested that a consistent policy should be in place with regard to the appointments of volunteers. VOTE to Approve the Appointment of Dan McIntyre to the Permanent Building Committee: Unanimous. Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes August 16, 2011 2 MARATHON FUND REQUEST: Enter Stage Left has requested $4,639.30 from the Marathon Fund to purchase a portable stage. The Marathon Fund Committee has approved the request. Mr. Palleiko confirmed with the Town Manager that the stage would be under the custody and control of the Town through the Parks & Recreation Department. Mrs. Gates noted that the decision making process on distributions from the Fund has not been examined yet. MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board of Selectmen approve the Marathon Fund request from Enter Stage Left with the understanding that the Town, through Parks & Recreation, will retain management of the stage with guidance and maintenance being provided by Enter Stage Left SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. DISCUSSION: Kelly Grill of ESL said that these terms were not consistent with an earlier agreement. Mr. Khumalo said that Town Counsel advised that it is the Board’s decision as to how the money is allocated. Ms. Grill said ESL will be incurring a liability in assuming maintenance of the staging. The motion was amended to stipulate that Parks & Recreation will be authorized by the Board of Selectmen to purchase the staging and maintain it and ELS will house the staging and be in charge of scheduling its use. VOTE to Approve as Amended: Yes-4, No-1 (Mrs. Gates). MOTION by Mr. Herr to recess the public meeting to conduct an Appropriation Appointing Committee meeting SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. The Board of Selectmen meeting recessed at 7:00PM to conduct an Appropriation Appointing Committee meeting. ALL HANDS MEETING: The meeting re-opened at 7:15PM and an “All Hands” meeting was conducted. Meeting Facilitator Marc Wey reviewed the Town’s goals as preserving fiscal health, resolving the needs of the Center School, development of an asset management plan, the strengthening of civic engagement, enhanced communications with the community and public employee training, wellness and development. The group included elected and appointed officials, volunteers and citizens. Teams of five were formed and directed to address the goals within a limited time and present the proposals to the entire group. Suggestions included broadening the tax base, better maintenance management and communications, and continuing to modify a long-range plan for the Town. CONTINUATION OF REGULAR SELECTMEN MEETING. The regular meeting continued at 9:15 PM. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Lift Hiring Freeze - Mr. Khumalo requested that the hiring freeze be lifted to post the Assistant Town Accountant position. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to lift the hiring freeze to advertise for the position of Assistant Town Accountant SECONDED by Mr. Herr. DISCUSSION: Mrs. Gates suggested that the hiring process for this position should include the new Town Accountant who can identify the needs of the position. Mr. Khumalo responded that the general job description would not substantially change, no matter who eventually is selected to be the Town Accountant. Chairman Cestari expressed concern about delaying the current Assistant Town Accountant in her transition to the Assistant Town Clerk position. He also said he doesn’t think the Town should employ long-term consultants, adding that the Town Accountant Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes August 16, 2011 3 position is important and the selection process should not be rushed. Mrs. Gates suggested that a discussion of the hiring freeze be placed on a future agenda. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Municipal Elections to the Boston Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Mrs. Pratt reported that the MPO voted to allow Hopkinton to continue its representation on the sub-regional panel and that DPW Director John Westerling has agreed to be the Town’s delegate, with Mrs. Pratt as an alternate. MOTION by Mrs. Gates that the Town of Hopkinton seek one of the named seats on the Southwest Advisory Planning Committee SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER APPOINTMENTS: Police Chief Richard Flannery requested the appointments of two special police officers for one year terms from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to appoint HPD Dispatchers Michael Goodwin and John Corrigan as special police officers for the term described SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Mrs. Gates left the meeting at 9:45PM. HPD LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Police Chief Flannery requested that the Board grant a 90- day leave of absence to Officer Peter Booth. Officer Booth has been offered a better paying position in Maynard, but wants to return to the Hopkinton Police Department if the new position doesn’t work out. Chairman Cestari confirmed that such action is allowed under the union contract. Mr. Palleiko said the Town should be cautious about setting such a precedent and said the Town should hire a qualified applicant if one is found within the 90 days. Chief Flannery confirmed that his department is down two positions. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen approve Chief Flannery’s request, subject to the hiring of a qualified candidate in the interim SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. ELM STREET SIGN: Mr. Khumalo said the No Parking sign is adjacent to the Mobile Gas Station on Elm Street and reported that businesses and residents in the area do not object to the action. There are no public safety concerns regarding the sign’s removal. MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board of Selectmen approve the request to remove the No Parking sign on Elm Street SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. OLD TOWN ROAD: Mr. Khumalo explained that the execution of a deed of the surplus property located on Old Town Road is the final phase of an action begun months ago and approved at Town Meeting. The parcel will be conveyed to Robert and Sharon Fontaine of 85 Hayward Street for $2,500.00. The proceeds will go into the Town’s Free Cash account. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen approve the execution of the deed of the surplus property located on Old Town Road, Assessors Map L36, Block 177, Lot 0 and the conveyance of the land to Robert and Sharon Fontaine for $2,500.00 SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes August 16, 2011 4 TOWN MANAGER’S GOALS FOR FY2012: Mr. Mosher noted the absence of developing a capital asset management plan from Mr. Khumalo’s goals. Mr. Khumalo said it would not be accomplishable given his current schedule, adding that Town Engineer and Facilities Coordinator Dave Daltorio will work on it. Mr. Palleiko advised that team building should be the first rather than the third priority. He also requested more detail on helping department heads and committee chairs get through the budget process and encouraging civic engagement. He noted that Hopkinton is on a positive path and should build morale as a leadership team is developed. Mr. Mosher suggested that the percentage spent on training is relatively small and might be increased. He added that the Town needs an outlet for respectful civic engagement with a high level of participation. Chairman Cestari said the Board will vote on the Town Manager’s goals when more detail is available. EXECUTIVE SESSION CONTINUED: MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board of Selectmen go into Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to allow Mr. Khumalo, Mrs. Holland and Mrs. DeGroot to participate SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. The Public Session was not re-opened. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mosher-Yes, Mr. Palleiko- Yes, Mr. Herr-Yes, Chairman Cestari-Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 11:50PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian Recording Secretary App’d by BOS 9-20-11 jd