HomeMy Public PortalAboutAudit Report - District- FY82Deloitte Haskins+Sells MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1 982 AND AUDITORS' OPINION Deloitte Haskins+Seils Suite 1200 One Almaden Boulevard San Jose, California 95113 (408)998-4000 Cable DEHANDS AUDITORS' OPINION Board of Directors, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District: We have examined the balance sheet of Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District as of June 30, 1982 and the related statement of revenue, expenditures and changes in fund balance - budget and actual of the general fund for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accor- dance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District as of June 30, 1982 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. August 31, 1982 MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1982 ACCOUNT GROUPS General Total General Fixed General (Memorandum Fund Assets Long Term Debt Only) ASSETS AND OTHER DEBIT BALANCES Cash (including interest bearing deposits and short-term investments of $7,207,216) $7,213,764 $7,213,764 Interest and other receivables 178,887 178,887 Prepaid expenditures and deposits 54,210 54,210 Land $31,025,245 31,025,245 Equipment 229,189 229,189. Structures and improvements 211,367 211,367 Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt $8,828,213 8,828,213 TOTAL $7,446,861 $31,465,801 $8,828,213 347,740,875 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Advance from Town of Los Gatos Deposits Notes payable Series A promissory notes Total liabilities Fund Equity: Investment in general fixed assets Fund balances: Designated for debt service and property acquisition Undesignated Total fund equity TOTAL See notes to financial statements. $ 52,084 51,880 821,390 3,805 929,159 $6,068,213 2,760,000 8,828,213 $ 52,084 51,880 821,390 3,805 6,068,213 2,760,000 9,757,372 $31,465,801 31,465,801 53,332 53,332 6,464,370 6,464,370 6,517,702 31,465,801 37,983,503 $7,446,861 $31,465,801 $8,828,213 347.740,875 2 MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1982 REVENUES: General property tax State and Federal grants Other taxes Interest Other Total EXPENDITURES: Salaries and benefits Professional services Auto Rent Site operations Utilities and communication Other Property acquisition Debt service: Principal retirement Repayment of short-term loan Interest Total EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES OTHER FINANCING Proceeds from Proceeds from loan Total Budget Actual $ 4,561,341 $ 4,692,251 1,608,000 670,738 574,000 454,824 750,000 925,835 843_0000 107,067 8,336,341 6,850,715 SOURCES: notes payable short-term EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE, JULY 1, 1981 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30, 1982 $ 2,557,856 $ 6,517,702 $ 3.959,846 630,500 123,600 57,950 29,250 43,100 21,700 76,600 8,427,000 1,190,443 470,730 11,070,873 10,219,585 Variance Favorable (Unfavor- able) $ 130,910 (937,262) (119,176) 175,835 (735,933) (1,485,626) 29,937 15,071 4,505 (2,426) 6,837 (1,957) 12,543 2,298,101 3,041 (1,500,000) (14,364) 851,288 (2,734,532) (3,368,870) (634,338) 600,563 108,529 53,445 31,676 36,263 23,657 64,057 6,128,899 1,187,402 1,500,000 485,094 3,094,184 3,094,184 1,500,000 1,500,000 4,594,184 4,594,184 1,225,314 5,292,388 3,959,846 (2,734,532) 5,292,388 See notes to financial statements. 3 MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Organization - The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District was formed in 1972 to acquire and preserve land and open space in the northern and western portions of Santa Clara County. In June 1976, the southern portion of San Mateo County was annexed to the District. Basis of accountings - The records of the District are maintained on the modified accrual method of account- ing. Under this method, revenues are generally recog- nized in the period they become available and measur- able, and expenditures are recognized generally when the obligation is incurred except for interest on long-term debt which is recognized as an expenditure when due. General fixed assets - General fixed assets purchased are stated at cost in the fixed asset group of accounts. General fixed assets donated to the District are stated at their estimated fair market value as of the date received. Depreciation is not recorded for general fixed assets. General long-term debt - The principal portion of long-term debt is recorded as a liability in the general long-term debt account group. 2. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS The changes in the general fixed assets account group are as follows: Land Equipment Structures and improvements Total Balance July 1, 1981 $24,958,902 224,717 153,283 Additions $6,066,343 4,472 58,084 Balance June 30, 1982 $31,025,245 229,189 211,367 $25,336.902 $6,128,899 $31,465,801 All fixed asset additions were acquired through general fund expenditures. 4 3. GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT Long-term debt issued to acquire land, equipment and structures and improvements is recorded in the general long-term debt account group. The changes in the account group for the year ended June 30, 1982 are as follows: General long-term debt, July 1, 1981 Proceeds from notes payable Principal retirement $ 6,921,431 3,094,184 (1,187,402) General long-term debt, June 30, 1982 $ 8.828,213 Notes payable and Series A promissory notes bear interest at rates from 4.6% to 10%. The weighted average interest rates of long-term debt at June 30, 1982 is 6.75%. The debt matures through the year 2001 as follows: Year Ending June 30: Principal 1983 $1,661,140 1984 1,602,578 1985 1,602,342 1986 1,581,612 1987 1,227,763 Thereafter 1,152,778 Total $8,828,213 Land with a cost of approximately $10,510,000 is pledged as collateral for the notes payable. 4. LEASE OBLIGATIONS Office facilities are leased under an operating lease expiring in fiscal 1985. Minimum annual rentals are as follows: Year Ending June 30: 1983 $27,094 1984 27,094 1985 9,301 Total $63,489 5 5. ADVANCE FROM TOWN OF LOS GATOS In 1982 the District and the Town of Los Gatos entered into a joint powers agreement to pursue the acquisi- tion of a certain property. Under this agreement, Los Gatos advanced $775,000 to the District to cover one-half of the cost of acquiring the property, including legal fees. Under the agreement the District has agreed to match this amount. The proposed acquisition is currently pending the outcome of condemnation proceedings; therefore the amount received by the District from Los Gatos is recorded as a liability. The $775,000 has been reduced by one-half of legal fees incurred to date ($9,798) and has been increased by interest earned ($56,188). 6. RETIREMENT PLAN District employees are covered under the Public Employees Retirement System administered by the State of California. The District manager is also covered by the National Recreation and Park Association Retirement Plan. Contributions to both plans for 1982 totaled $43,067. Pension benefits are funded as accrued. The actuarially computed value of vested benefits and plan assets applicable to District employees is not available. 7. GIFT FUNDS The District receives various contributions designated for restricted uses which are included in the general fund. Amounts received and expended in the current year were as follows: Monte Bello Gift Fund - $10,000 was contributed towards the Monte Bello development project by the Peninsula Open Space Trust. This contribution was used for completion of a parking lot at the Monte Bello Open Space preserve. Green Foothill Skyline Memorial - $6,500 was contributed to be used for property acquisition of skyline foothills; it was spent to acquire property in the Russian Ridge Open Space preserve. Brenner Memorial - $70 was contributed to this fund in 1982; the fund had a begining balance of $2,803. The entire fund was expended in 1982 for construction of the Stevens Creek watershed nature trail in memory of Francis Brenner. Holzhauser Memorial - $75 was contributed to this fund in 1982; the fund now has a total balance of $735. This amount will be used for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space DOCENT program in memory of Elizabeth Holzhauser. 8. LEASE REVENUES The District leases certain land and structures under operating leases with terms varying from one to eighteen years. In addition, in connection with the acquisition of the Skyline Open Space Preserve in fiscal 1982, the District leased back to the sellers for their lifetimes (maximum term of 50 years) the structures comprising the ranch compound. Lease revenue received was approximately $79,000 in 1982. Minimum future lease revenues are not expected to be significant. 7