HomeMy Public PortalAbout03 March 10, 1992 TC MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 10 MARCH 1992 4030 95TH AVE. N.E. 7:30 P.M. The following is a condensation of the proceedings, and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape: recorded and the tapes are public record. ROLL CALL COUNCIL AND STAFF PRESENT Lloyd E. Cooney, Mayor Dennis Buchanan, Council Member Mark Casey, Council Member Melvin Freeman, Council Member Arlys Gale, Council Member Richard Gates, Council Member Annabelle Simon, Clerk Dorothea Elwell, Treasurer CALL TO ORDER COUNCIL ABSENT The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. • ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Mayor. Lloyd Cooney added an executive session to discuss a potential lawsuit and a computer purchase proposal under the Mayor's report. Councilmember Freeman moved for the approval of said additions and Councilmember Gates seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE PRESENTED TO FORMER MAYOR ALBERT W. ERICKSON Dr. Freeman presented a certification ❑f service to former Mayor Albert W. Erickson. Dr. Freeman extended the Council's appreciation for the Mayor's services and told Mr. Erickson that the Council would still like to seek his advice on Town matters in the future. Mr. Erickson expressed his regrets in having to step down. He stressed the point that the Town could not afford to be parochial in handling Town matters. It was important that the Town look at the neighboring communities approach when dealing with important community issues. 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no corrections to the minutes of February 11, 1992. Councilmember Casey moved for the approval of the minutes of February 11, 1992. Councilmember Freeman seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT Mayor Lloyd Cooney pointed out that he had persuaded Mr. W-C. Harvey to stay on the growth management committee. Mrs. Claire Fell stated that the growth management committee should seek the advice of a professional. consultant. Mrs. Fell stated that the Town has passed their critical area interim regulation as required by the Growth Management Act. She also stated that the Town needs information on its water table. Mayor Cooney stated that Mr. Harvey recommended that the Town "hitchhike" on groundwork that consultants have done for the neighboring communities. Discussion followed on how growth management funds should be used. Councilmember Gale suggested that she realized that there is a learning curve for those who participate in meeting the requirements of the growth management act; however, the goals must be defined as to what the Town wants to accomplish for the good of the community i.e trail walkways in complying with the growth management act, instead of spending the growth management funds needlessly on studies and seminars. Mayor Lloyd Cooney concurred with Councilmember Gales suggestion and recommended that the Council at their next study session define such goals. Mr. Dennis Buchanan suggested that the Town should get some University graduate students to help the Town with the Growth Management Act. Mr. Dickinson stated that he would go to the Department of Community Development and research the expenditure of growth management funds. He also stated that there was no need to advertise the part time position for growth management work as proposed by the Growth Management Committee. Mayor Cooney also suggested that at the next study session, Council should consider whether the Town would need an employee if a professional consultant was hired. Mr. Jack Gale pointed out that Kirkland suggested the major costs for annexation of lots on 95th Ave. N.E. could fall under growth management funds. This could also be reviewed at the Study session. 40 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was no oral or written communications from the audience. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Mr. Jack Gale stated that the Planning commission met with the i Edwardsens at the last Planning commission meeting to discuss the status of their properties. The Planning Commission felt that it was not within their purview to make a status determination of the Edwardsen's properties. The Edwardsens were concerned on haw 366 and 386 affected their properties. Mr. Jack Gale stated that each Planning Commission member publicly stated for the record: The portions of ordinance 366/386 in which the Edwardsens expressed an interest were written and intended solely as clerical clarification of previously existing Town ordinances and did not affect or change the pre-existing status of any Yarrow Point properties including the Edwardsens. Additionally, the Planning Commission requested that Mr. Gale contact the Mayor to hold a workshop retreat with the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission, and Park Hoard to discuss any "change of direction (policy of Ordinance ##366/386) for the Town. Councilmember Arlys Gale suggested that the Town engineer and attorney attend this meeting. Councilmember Buchanan recommended that only the attorney attend the retreat workshop. Mr. Dickinson suggested that the Town engineer should attend the workshop retreat meeting. 0 ANNEXATION OF LOTS ON 95TH AVE. N.E. i Councilmember Gale moved for initiating a process whereby a portion of the City of Kirkland, (legal description of area attached and labeled Exhibit A) , may be annexed to the Town of Yarrow Point. The Town of Yarrow Point would notify the King County Review Hoard of said initiation. Councilmember Casey seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. POLICE Lt. Archer gave the police activity report. BUILDING OFFICIAL STREET SHOULDER POLICY Mr. Erik Lund and Councilmember Gates suggested that there should be no clear cut way to maintain the street shoulders; for example, the street shoulders should not be maintained to have no room for a pedestrian walkway nor should it be landscaped to the edge of the pavement. There is currently no ordinance an the maintenance of the Town's street shoulders. Councilmember Arlys Gale suggested that the Town should consider whether a pedestrian walkway could be designed through growth management before a street shoulder policy is defined. Mr. Newbill stated that he studied the rights -of -way and was in the process of finishing his drawings. Mr. Buchanan recommended that the park Board be brought into the process of developing the Town's street policy. MAYOR'S REPORT Fire Services Contract Mayor Cooney explained to Council that a one year extension on the Town's fire contract had been negotiated through 1992. The Town's fire year contract expired in 1991. The Mayor recommended that the Town ask the Fire Department (at a meeting) for regular surveys, more fire hydrants and specialized services for narrow lanes, and a break -down of the costs of services. �J RECYCLING PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE The Mayor stated that Hunts Point will not sign the recycling procurement ordinance. MiLFOIL Mayor Cooney suggested that the Town of Yarrow Point should coordinate their treatment of milfoil with the Town of Hunts Point. LIBRARY UPDATE Mayor Cooney reported that the three measures (an elected library board, individual library cards and interlibrary loans) did not come out of the committee. The reason that these measures did not pass was that there was no common interest in approving the measures. Mayor Cooney reminded the Council that the Town is not required to give library service. Individuals could find means of obtaining service from Bellevue Christian School. Mayor Cooney stated that 40 I* rI the only way to pay for the increased library fees would be to pass a special levy. The three possible ways the Town could have library services would be the following: 1) Pay increase of library services through a special levy, 2) use library services at Bellevue Christian School, or 3) use Seattle Public library. Seattle Public library would consider providing individual cards upon request. STREET SIGNS Mr. Newbill pointed out that the aluminum street signs are cheaper than the wooden signs. The Council reviewed the bid sheets for the street sign. Ms. Simon suggested that the Town could use the material centra for its street signs. Centra has all the appearances of wood and does not require as much maintenance as wooden signs. Councilmember Buchanan moved for the approval of purchasing wooden street signs from the least expensive bid as submitted my the Clerk. Councilmember Casey seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Computer and printer Mr. Buchanan wanted to review the information that staff- had gathered on a new computer the printer. The decision to obtain the new computer and/or printer was tabled to a future date. 0 BUDGET Mrs. Elwell pointed out that there were errors in the budget. To correct the errors, she would have to ask the Council for a budget amendment. KING COUNTY MARINE PATROL The fee in the King County Marine Patrol contract was $3,369.00 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE I* Mrs. Elwell gave a summary of what the Washington Energy Code grant covered. Dr. Freeman requested that Mrs. Elwell obtain a summary of allowable grant uses from the Washington Energy Program. COPY MACHINE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Mr. 'Buchanan suggested that staff should compare our present maintenance service agreement with other competitive copy machine maintenance agreements. APPROVAL OF VOUCHER LIST i Item #6705, #6706, #1080, and #1081 were deleted from the voucher list. Councilmember Buchanan moved to the passage of the voucher i list with the former items deleted. Councilmember Casey seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. i The Council moved to executive session at 9:35 p.m. 0 EXHIBIT A hat nor t ion of the NE 1 /4 Sect an of Sect ion 19. 7cwnsh:t 25 'forth. Range 5 East. Q. M. as recorded in Kina Cvsn:tv and dascr:bed as fol:ows: Mainnina at the intersection of the easterly ri ht o_ way line cf 95th Ave NE and the ?northerly Section Line of Section 19, Township 25, Range 5; :.hence North 88-17-23 West a distance of 5 feet; thence Sout6h 3-01-23 East a distance of 5 feet to a oc.nt on the common boundary line between the Cities of Kirkland and Yarrow Point, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 03-01-23 East alon said boundary line to the easterly extension of the centerline of the CIE 38th St Might of Way; thence South 89-51-57 East a distance of lo7.71 feet; thence North 41-29-18 East a distance of 230 feet; thence North 88-3042 West a distance of 150 feet; thence North 01-29-18 East to the intersection with the common boundary line between the Cities of Kirkland and Yarrow Point; thence North 88-19-23 West along said boundary line to the true point of beginning. • 0