HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 08:150 ~czorutiou of fqc f!!lorougq of QIcrdcrcf1 ~L W ~ , No. 08-19) Date of AdoptiorL-JUne )9,2008 APPROVING CHANGE ORDER # 5 & PAYMENT CERTIFICATE # 8 FOR THE CARTERET PARK POND RESTORATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Carteret has previously awarded a contract to V & K Construction for the Carteret Pond Restoration Project; and WHEREAS, the Borough's Consulting Engineer for the project has advised the Governing Body that a modification of the contract is reasonable and necessary and has recommended that the aforesaid contract be modified in accordance with Contract Change Order #5 (see attached); aud 'VHEREAS, Change Order #5 results in an increase in the contract price, in the amount of$44,600.00 as set forth therein; and WHEREAS, the Borough's Consulting Engineer has advised that the above described changes and/or modifications to the project were unforeseen at the time of the award of the original contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough ofCarteret as follows: 1. That the above-described Contract Change Order #5, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, resulting in a revised contract price of $895,221.00, including any modIfications to the original contract price in accordance with any and all previously approved change orders, is hereby approved. 2. That the appropriate Borough Officials are hereby authorized to execute Contract Change Order #5 based upon the reconunendation of the Borough's Consulting Engineer. 3. That the Borough Purchasing Department is hereby authorized to issue payment pursuant to the above-described Change Order and corresponding Payment Certification #8. Adopted this' 19th day of June, 2008 arid certified as a true copy of the original on June 20, 2008. KA'llIl.,EJiN M. BARNEY, H'lC Municipal Clerk COUNCILl\IAN BELLIOO . aJI1lN DIAZ RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN' X X X YES NO NV A.B. X X X x - Indicate Vote All - Absent NY - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council E LEV E [~ 1 Il\i U i:." L L !~ 0 [., D i\~ i D D L E 1 U VI,I f'! :fpr$ ~I fJ~tf?' N J O/" j ~ P, I ~! ,:' (7~-)?,1 (-if' 1.fi/100 ' fa;, {7:l~') h71. 7:{6,"1 ' 'NV,r\'/ UlncnlaSS()C;dll:-'~; (,un: !-\SSDCIATES PHyment Certiticate No. S May 23. 2008 CART 01222 Mayor & Borough Council Rorough of Carteret 20 Cooke ;\ venue Carteret, NJ 07008 He: Cartcrct Park Pond Rcstoration Dear Mayor and Borough Council: This is to certify that V&K Construction, 37 Bartha A venue, Edison, New Jerscy, OSS 17, Contractor li)r the above referenced project, has completed the work shown on the attached Paymcnt Cct1i ficate No.8 for work completed through Iday 23, 2CIOS, and is cntitled to payment for same. The costs dctailed on Payment Certiticate No, 8 arc summarized below: TOTAl> AMOUNT OF WORl( COivlPLETED TO DATE LESS TWO PERCENT ( 2 % ) RETAINAGE SUBTOTAL LESS PREVIOUS PA YMENTS TOTAL A~MOUNT m:E THIS CERTIFICATE NO, 8 $889,554,00 517,791.08 5871,762.92 5770.244.72 $101,518.20 ST < '"1'1 T. MIlOS, .E. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DIVISION ADr:~& DONALD J. NORBUT:P.E. CARTERET BOROUGH ENGIf'!EER CEHTIFICATION OF CONTR4.CTOR: I hereby certify that all items, units, quantities .\Od pdces of work and matenal showll on !he attached progress t'stilllate ale correct: that all \\'ork has bL:l'n perrnnned and materials supplied and completely paid for in full accordance with the tellllS oftht' cOlltlact dOl'tlllK'llts involved; that the foregoing is a true <-Ind correct statement or the contract accollnt up to and including tht" la$l day or the pCJlod cO\'t'reu by this estimate; ;mu that no paJi of the "Amount Due This CC111ficatc" has [W('ll receiwd: /-7 ~ // J'___ /. .-' A-..-.ff.....~"'--- ~-~ ~' ~, .~ii\:LEh'~, ;=':_;:\in\En:~) ~.-~i~U~-;C.';P~4;::~;; I:T::,:;:: ' E>h'I;-:~,~):,:I./:=:<;-L,~_ Li'. iel a~q-O~ tdf1f .~... fii=~"~' '."'i.,~ .". . -." "-', , " " - ~-- , ' - --- ';;..29 - 06' DATE .f}:t'5IcJ((.'/1 TITLE V&K Construction Co, D.lN:STA:ps Attachment as Noted c:c:: Patrick DeBlasio. Chief Financial Omcer Kathleen M. Barney, Borough Clerk V&K Construction Co. ~: T ,~~! _I ir -,il,Y:::i.] :;-I,',i.,(,;, 'i..1il"Yif'i.L' ',; -! 'i\~':-I '''.'! ~~!/~~I-': A,1.,tl. ,_:::: ',<.' I;,; I-I:':~:~:I '-!. w '" <: Q. ~, ~ ~ N ~; N > " ~~ ~ ,- a , .0 ~ ~ - ~~':I -'......' '-'I _ '-' ~ _L ~.,l ~ l~i~II!'f -;,;~.~I :...: z ~:;.. ''-'J ~ /. f- ,.. ~ t.,;:: ~ ~_ .::: Z Z _ ~ s, ~~~ ,:,.,f-- .." z- 5 ~82 -< -< :t"J;"" -f- r-~ Z -< g. ,. t: ~~!- '.r..'Y f: ~:-L _~3 <"",0 ~ e::: Z. '-' ~ g~o _ 2 < ,., \.,;tu "'_ z.: -.-~~ " - ~ :- t". ~~:s ~:J zoo - ~'I ,.... ~ ~ 000 000 .000 'hv,o q " ~ ~~ ~ .-:. " 0,. f- Z -< 0-00 ~ ~ ~,'=" "-'j :> Co 0 0 000 ado VI 'J'l 0 o c; 'A f- Z " co 0- -" e:::< !:" I g~. "'! N _ (~ 0: .- - ~ - V', ~ 3 :;-: >.0 -~ <A v' 'r, '" .z, z o r: <. "' ~ '/J 0; ~ ~ ,.::; ~ q~~ ~ 2 ~ 'f. 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SH,GUn.OO XX.'\XXXXXXXX ----- .- ------- TOTALS TillS C.O, $.H,6UO.tJlI 50,00 _._-- -_......~- ,\'ET CHANGE nlls CI1.--\ i'i(;E OIWEH 5~-4,UOO.UU . I'HE\'I011S ('BAi\'(a: -----.- OHHERS S3X5,OJU,OO S4tJ6,9U4.UU TOTAL CHA.\'(;E ORDERS TO HATE $421),630.00 S~I)(i.90~.OO NET CIIANCF. Ii\' CONTRACI S6!Bi:QQ_ -.--- ---- ..\< '('LI'IED: /-7 . ,;/cY.4--v/ CO\TRA('TOR: T""- \'.'\:I\("omtrudirlll('O. OW:-"'FH'S ,\I'PHO\'AI_S; !'i0'11-:: ..\11 wurk tn he dlllll' an'lIrdiul-,\ tu Clflltl':tl'l Spl'l.:ifh:aliolt\. ORI(;Ii\'AL CONTHACT IIJI) I'IU('E ~Y61.4~;:tJl'l ~$(i7,274Jiul CHANCE OIWEHS TO 1M TE S!\l}5.22J~ HEnSEn ('O;\ITJL\CI PHICE tl E " I' , r 1 " i\' ..\. T<rrAL REDUCTIONS {-: , 1 tl .\ tl. I OlAL EXTH.,\ S-L\ Silt' Work S-j.J Signagl' S S-15 OllHlIlwnlaJ Fl'Ul'(' t' S-16 Brkk "linn; I' S-17 Flngpolrs I' S-IS Lamlwaplllg t F ,\, E t\' r " tl Y <. TOTAL SliPI'LDIE,\'TAHY L__ ~ $U,OO 5U,OO $0.00 I LS I I.S I I.S 1 LS 1 LS I I.S S.',2IJO.OO $12,OOO,{j{) SJ.9UlJ.{JU 55,IOU.00 $12,800.(10 $7,600,(I(J ~..--$U,""I SJ,100,UO .$12,000,00 SJ,90U,t!(J $5. I UU.OII SI1,SDO,OO $7,GOO.00 L S-14-,-G~~ ~-------~ DFSClUI>TIOi\' OF CIl,\i\'GE: HElH'CTIONS: E.\:lIU: f>III'I'LE:\IENTAHY: I';ly Ih'l11 S-I h nt/ded 10 elllllpcmatc Ihe cUlltrador ((II' illslnllillg \'OIHTrll' uprull pulltl f'llgiug, as !"equested hy tht. Llurullgh. ,\1 '1'75 )::e:t- --....-" -------.- SEE ATTACHED DETAil, ,\l>UITIO:\AI. I~EJ)li( TIOi\' A. TOTAl. HEIWCllONS )N,\LI).1. NOHIHlT, !'.E. lJIISC.O. X~X.X..X..X..:'(..'\XXX SU.UO '('EI'TEU: B. TOTAL EXTHAS /1 ;L- TlIIS CO, $O.UO XXXXXXXXXXx ),~f~rr~-c-/ c. TOTAL '.I,('Olhlllll'llnll(:o, SIII'I'LFi\1ENL\HY TillS CO. SI1I,990.UU XXXXXXXXXXX - ~ \:,\'EH'S Al'l'nOL\LS: TOTALS TillS C.O. S171,990.011 SU.OO NET CJlA~(;E TillS ('IIAi'i(;E OHDER .. _SI71,99~,{lO -_.--~~"'-,,-,-,. I'nr\'IOIIS ClIAi\GE (HWEHS 50.00 S~~ ~..-_.- "IE: .-\11 wu!"f.( lu Ill' dunc TOTAL C1IAi,,"'GE !tItling 10 Cfll1lr:lcl OIWEHS TO DATE ~ 17_1~??O.UO ~~ 'ciriealinlls, :\TI C1-L\NGE IN CONTHAlT $171,990.00 -~-------- 1)( ,x, ('( \-',1:: ()\ 1\0 arc Spl' ()R)(~INAL CONTRACT HIll I'RI< 'E 1-s%l~'~95:oo-'1 1{[VlSE/) COi\'TRACT f'HICF. [ $171,'J9{!:~ [~ $i",IJ-t,-tS5.~~ CHA:\'GE ORDEHS TO DATE H I: t> I ( t I o :\ F \ 1 H .\ S t I' I' t I: ,'I F " t .\ H Y \. TOTAL REIH!( TlOi\S B. TOTAl. EXTRA S-I CUllcrete ..\pmn Pow.! Edging c. [UTAI, Slll'l'LEi\IEi\T,\I{)' C--so.ill>J $0.00 $0,00 SO.OO I-."--~ .. ~J DOO S\' "~~r.--.. '5132..11) 5171.9911.fHJ $\J.OO $U.l)O 1---- >171,')90.001 IlrSI R1PTIO;'\\ OF C11...\:\,(;E: IU:1HiCT!Oi\S: I'a~' Ih'1ll5 I, 2. 11. J>~I~I. 1)-1-2. '\-1-2 alld ,\-2-2 \\cn' dillliulltcd from tht' nllllr:HI Pay 1(('1ll "\-2-1 n-as redll({.'dto rdh'r1 n,,~huJltljlHllltitk~, EX'IBA: ~.u::r.!.:LHF,\'TAH.Y: t'ny Itelll S-2 i~ added to WmtH'm:It~' till' t'lJlItrHdol' fur Installlllg d~,ctriral H'nln' 10 the pUlId. a~ n'qll~'slt:d hy Ihe BOl"(Hlgh, Pay 1t('1lI S-J i'i adtled In cOlllIH'mu!t' tlH~ cllntraclnl" lur ill~talllllg:1 dl'llIt'd \\ dllo l.'qualll.e the pond \\atcr Il'\'I:I, ;1\ lelJlIl'sli.'d by thl.' BllnlUgll, Pay ItCIlI S---1 Is ndth-d tn l'ollljlt'll\ate the cUlIlrnchll" fur iu'talllllg additional hlUl'k Wlllse tll till' "all along till' pOlld pe.-illleter, as l"cquc,~led hy the Iloruugh. I'ay lit-ill S-5 is added (0 eompenslllt' the cOlltrlH.'tor fur cOllStrllcting (ull-tlt'plh lIaUmays alullj,t (ht' pund lIt'rlme{{'r, <IS ,'eque.sted h~' the BorHugh, Pay 1tC'1Il 5.6 h llddetllu COllli'l'llsalc the ClIlllrarlllf (or iU'ilalling a dn.:ullltillll pUllIp syslclll to till' poud, as n'(JlI('stt'd hy llll' Burungll, Pay I (t'lll S-7 is added to t:llI11peusate till' fOllllador for ill\lalllllg additiunal plantlng.s nil the phlHl islalld, ns n'qul'sll'll hy lhe Borough. I'a.\" Ill'lll S-S Is ~lIldelllo fOUlpcllsa({' tlil' l'onlraclur for 1'l'l'(H1strutllng t!ll' IHlH'1ll1.'1I1 llliltllUI th~' Pad,', Dl'JHll {ment Hlj-sHe (adlity, as I'Clllll'slel1 hy lhl' llolHllgh, ADDITlO:'\:\L REDI,i('TIO:'\ -,-- .,\I'I'IU)\'AL REe ,\I:\IENlHm: D. L()-tjl~~__ IHJj\'..\LD ,I. j\'OHIHI!" \,,[, SEE ATTACIIED DETAIL ,\, TOTAL HEIWCTlONS TillS CO, xxxxx.\XXXXX SI--19,-47HI0 A( nI'IED: /';;;:;j;5~ (.t),'Il,{IF~),{-;~ . n, T(ni\L EX1HAS TillS CO. (', TOT,\!' stil'I'LEj\IENTARY TillS CO, \"&I{('omlructiou('n, $0.00 XXXXXXXXXXX TOTALS TllIS <':.0. NET CIIAj\'GE TillS CIfAi'l(;l~ ORDER I'REVIOUS C1IANGE ORDERS TOTAL C1U;\~T;E OlmEHS TO DATE NET CHANGE IN (.'ONlH.ACT $149,--1lJO.OO __~!--19,,100.fJO XX_\XX.\XXXXX O\F\'EI{'S ,\Pl'tH)\',\I.S: $171,99U.\I0_ i\{ rtT: All wurk 10 Ill' done al'rt1nHng In Contract Slll'l'ilicllliom. SJ21,]I}U.OO_ 5171,916,00 _ OHIGIi'\,\L COi'fJ'H,\CT BID j'lUCE CIIM~'GE OIWEHS TO DATE RE\'ISED COi\'TH,\CT I'H.H 'E SI4Y,47.1.1I0 $149,--174,OU 1'-S~l{;2,.:t95.00. j L__ St7t,.,i6.UU] L SI,lJ4,<'J.OUJ 574,tJO 50.00 Il E Il I' ( t I () i'\ I. .\ I " .\ s I' t' I' I. F i\1 F. ;'\< t ,\ " \ I).j.l 1).I.l :\-\-2 \-2-1 .\-2-2 f)ll-ugillg & Disposal lnilial ami Final SUIH')' AJltm<lllCl' SJ(h.'\Htlk Ht'pair ami Hl'placrllH'lll Bi(UllllllIlU!> ('olllTdc Street Print SJUl'\\ alk Hqllllr lllltl U('placelllclll \. TOTAL RElHiCTlOi\S B. TOTAL EXTHA S_J Island EIl'l;lrit::ll SPlykc S-J Inig:Jliull Well Allon:ulI;c S--i AdtliHunal Wall lleight S~5 Rec<lll\lrllcl Asphalt Wlllkway~ S.6 Circulatiufl Pump Splt'lll S-7 Fill\1lTiug Plants S-S I~{'cnmlrud HolhullSC I'al'klug Lut l. T<JTAL SlJPI'I,Ei\IEi\'TARY 6200.UO CY (SJ.50) (S21,7Uil,OO) LOU LS (S20.UUO,UU) (SI0,OOO.OO) 20.UlJ ,sy S65.00 $I,JOU.OO 1.1.00 SV S9}{.tlll SI.27.t.lJO (i.W.UU SV $6SJlIJ -$-lI ,6flO.Ull I >149,H~.Otl J I LS I I.S I I.S I LS I LS 5111iNIl 4Sn oS)' $6,800.00 SSO,OOll.UU $3,600,00 S3'J,iiUU,UO S19,':JflO.UU $145.00 $49,OU $0.01l SO.OO $O.OU --~._.~-_._-- 10.00 I $6,SOU.on $SfJ,O(J(j.OO $-',600.00 $39)1ll1l.O(J $,19,900.00 S7,Z;iO,(JO $22,050.00 CSI4~~;~l.l~ DESCHII'TIO:\' OF CIIANGE: HEIHICTlOi'\S: I (('illS ,\2.1 allll S.) han IH't'll rt'uund tu rdlec( as-huilt IlllanlHit.s. !S\lll,~ ~LlI>I'LE;\IENTi\RY: S.<) AlldlliollnllhailHlgt' for Picnic ,\1'(':1 ,S. H! Bronze Plaque S-II Infurl1l:lti\'{' WHuHk' SlgllS S-11 Inslallaliull lIf !.)ccuratht' Lighh AIOLlUd Pund ~\l'I'R(I\'DJ DO:\'..-\LIJ J. NOI ;\f;\IENDED: SEE ATTACHED lJETAII. ADDITIONAL (~El)tJCTlON ~U~ ". TOTAL HEIJUCTIO:'\S ~. . ---- UHlT, ",E. TillS CO. XXX.:XXXXXXXX $242,57U.00 '~~--/ B. TOTAL EXTRAS TillS CO. SU.DB XXXXXXXX;'\XX ,/ Co TOTAL II Co, SIIl-'PI.Ei\lENTAR\' TlJJSC.O. $63.16~O.OU XXXXXXXX._:XX.'\ OVALS: TOTALS THIS e.O. .%.1,6-10,00 S241,570,~QQ... NET CIIA",CE TillS - ('IIA;\,GE OIWEH SI78,,~JU..:~ I'HEVIUliS CHANGE OIUJEHS $321,390.00 5254,334.00 --_..~...- u lJl' dune TOTAL C1IAN<;E rael UIUlEH..S TO DATE S385,030.00 S496!2~ NET CIIANGE IN CONTRACT $111,874.00 -- - A(TEI':~ ('()!'\THACH1R: \'&K c.'lJlI~(l'llclin O\\'NEH'S ,\I'PH. j'iOTE: ..\11 wllrk t aCl'onHll~ (0 ('Ullt SI,cdlicaliolls. OHIGINAI, CONTHACT BID PltH'E 1----- 5962,-195.00 I C1IAi'\GE OIWEHS TO DATI:: ~iJ:874.Uiil S850,62<:;)01 REVISED ('ONTHA('T PRfCE , I< r I> {' ( t { " , ,\. TorAI HElJlI<TIOI\'S C~ nSl.i2,5io.o~ I $0.00 SO.OO $0,00 F \ T I< A 1<. TOTAL EXTRA 1- 50.00 J S.I.) :\dlIiHull:l] Drainage for I'kllic An'a S~IU BnHlzt'l'faqIH' S S-ll InflJrlIwihl' WildlileSigm 1I S~ll Ill,~f;lllatlnlll)f lJecol'illin Light.. Arolllllll'Hllu I' I' l. E ;\1 E N I ,\ I< y I LS IIIN 4 \IN 16 tiN 510,7nlUJO 51,IUlI.Oll ')2,900.00 $1,5UU.OO 510,700,00 SI,IUO,Un ')ll,X.W.OO S40,UOO.OO (', rOTAI. SIII'I'LEi\JE:\'TAHY C:::=S6J,6jO~ ! " " BOROUGH OF CARTERET ~rr:r.aJ.tg~ .af 0I~rl2r:d MIDDLesex OOUNTY J'lefu ~mm,. o No. 2537 P. 1 20. 2008 9: 39AM OFFrCB OF _l'HLEEN M. llARl-/l;;Y, RMC/C~1C Ml)NICIl'AL CLEll.K Date: JUNE 20, 2008 TO: Patrick DeBlasio, Treasurer Borough of Carteret. REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS: For: APPROVING CHANGE ORDER #5 & PAYMENT CERTIFICATE #8 .. ..~ ... FOR THE CARTERET PARK POND RESTORATION . . . N~me: of Accoun t f RESOLUTION #08-150 AMOUNT TO BE ENCUMBERED: an increase in contract price . ~n the . ....."----..- HLEEN M. BARNEY, Municip~i Clerk :~-:=~~~:~:-~:;~~:;:~::;:-:;~:::::~;~:-:::i:;;::::::;-~~m~~~ there are sufficient tunds availsble in t~e' c:urrent budget to ./Y/ ,~ "<.)! enaple the Hunicip!d. Couned.l to authorize the entering into Ii . ..,.(>, Contract between the Borough of CarcereC'and: V-rK The funds available .{or th:t.s contract are in the Dudg~t, in tlls., ^/5'&IJ. 9/ aocount .,f: c!-ot.f..o3-(7<:l."lOf' .1(3500. c!.-O'f--os--7f53-?-6( 41 T' to> {!.otf-DCo'-/" ')-dJ.t>I. {:( ('1,61r/slf - i-,2'O:"-::Jl, -ffOt.{--;J..D (, -1f 13,ii3?':OD in the amount of: Jj /.f'fJ (,",0'00 By this ce~tification. I have account for the amount of the hereby.enculnpered the above n~med 'O,','~~' .,'i... rat ok DeBlasio, Treasure!' DATE' 6..,30-0[7' 11M ASSOCIATES LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1;!);.1<;!,ii,,'(il)(; /\i-ii,'j r.iliJNIC,:rr'/\1 :;f\!(;l;'Jf:::r<:;~ DATE June 30, 2008 JOB CART-01222 'j -i TiiHLdl ;:?u;l!1 f'iii;Jilli);I,"i/Ji, N,] 0'/,(':,'1 :</'i<i'!-(HJ ii\>~ (/32) Gli 13G:) ATTENTION Kathleen M. Bamey, Borough Clerk RE: Carteret Park Pond Restoration Carteret, NJ 07008 Borough ofCarteret Municipal Building 61 Cooke Avenue WE ARE SENDING YOU I2JAttached DUnder separate cover o VIA the following items: o Shop Drawings o Copy of letter D Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION I 5-23-08 Payment Certificate No.8 (with backup) 4 5-23-08 Change Order No.5 4 8-21-06 Change Order No.1 4 11-13-06 Change Order No.2 4 2-20-08 Change Order No. 4 I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval D For your use o As requested D For review and comment o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o Resubmit o Submit o Return Copies for approval. Copies for distribution Corrected prints. [g] For execution o FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US #~ i!=tJ?'- /..rtJ ,. a~/'1-csr REMARKS TRA~S'.'rT.DOT Patrick DeBlasio, CFO SIGNED COPY TO Donald J. Norbut, P.E. If "nrl...~'m'" "'c"" nnt,,~ ""lAd Idnrllv n,-,1;fv jl~ ,,/ nnr" UM ASSOCIATES LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 'J/i DATE June 30, 2008 JOB CART-01222 ATTENTION Kathleen M. Bamey, Borough Clerk RE: Carteret Park Pond Restoration ...<'-n~-'(~~;>;>.. r ~X'~:-- --'~~-<-, /-.,.,;:... J,~'.f:/"'{~0~ _0/ \\\\ Wi i,\G~ ) ) '''I I" \ \ ' j /l~1 , ,,;,'y .J.,:,', , . ':';,':,',(/>"" (,H(:!: ti,i r Borough of Carteret Municipal Building 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 WE ARE SENDING YOU [55JAttached DUnder separate cover D VIA the following items: D Shop Drawings D Copy of letter D Prints o Change order D Plans D D Samples o Specifications COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 1 5-23-08 Payment Certificate No.8 (with backup) 4 5-23-08 Change Order No.5 4 8-21-06 Change Order No.1 4 11-13-06 Change Order No.2 4 2-20-08 Change Order No.4 I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval o For your use D As requested o For review and comment o Approved as submitted D Approved as noted o Returned for corrections r8J For execution D Resubmit D Submit o Return Copies for approval. Copies for distribution Corrected prints. D FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRtNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 1~/~!' , REMARKS J TRA},S'..H-DOT _SIGNEQ Donald J. Norbut, P.E. ~OPY-TO-Patri-ck-DeBlasio-eF0.. , 11""r!no",,,o,,,,,,,nro,,onn1,,r/I<;,,rllvnn/;Fv,,o>>tnnr,, ELEVEN TINDAll ROAD, MIDDLETOWN, NJ 07748-2792 (732) 671-6400 * fax (732) 671-7365 * www.tandmassociates.com -aM ASSOCIATES CART 01222 May 23, 2008 Payment Certificate No.8 Mayor & Borough Council Borough of Carteret 20 Cooke Avenue Cmteret, NJ 07008 Re: Carteret Park Pond Restoration Dear Mayor and Borough Council: This is to certify thatV&K Construction, 37 Bmtha Avenue, Edison, New Jersey, 08817, Contractor for the above referenced project, has completed the work shown on the attached Payment Certificate No.8 for work completed through May 23, 2008, and is entitled to payment for same. The costs detailed on Payment Certificate No.8 are summarized below: TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED TO DATE LESS TWO PERCENT (2 % ) RET AINAGE SUBTOTAL LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL AlVlOUNT DUE THIS CERTIFICATE NO.8 .i.....i.....~**g,~$1i~9..i $17,791.08 $871,762.92 $770,244.72 $'Qt>~m$i~9 ST 'N T. A1VIOS, .E. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DIVISION AI>PRUT-. f) DONALD J. NORBUT, P.E. CARTERET BOROUGH ENGINEER CERTIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR: I hereby ceriify that all items, units, quantities and prices of work and mateIial shown 011 the attached progress estimate are correct; that all work has been perf01TIled and materials supplied and completely paid for in full accordance with the terms of the contract documents involved; that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate; and that no part of the lJAmoullt Due This Celiificate" has been received: dZ-~ !ZtfSIt7({0/r TITLE 0.:;;-29 -06' DATE V &K Constructiou Co. DJN:STA:ps Attachment as Noted cc: Patrick DeBlasio, Chief Financial Officer Kathieen M. Barney, Borough Clerk V&K Construction Co. ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * lANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS * ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS * SURVEYORS CIVIL * ELECTRICAL * ENVIRONMENTAL * MECHANICAL * MUNICIPAL * SITE * SOLID WASTE * STRUCTURAL * TRAFFIC * TRANSPORTATiON REGIONAL OFFICES IN MOORESTOWN, TOMS RIVER AND CLIFTON, NJ; NORRISTOWN, PA: and SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO UJ (') ct ~ o o N M N i:i ;;: ~ -< '" c .g " - E 00: ~'" e c '0 o 0 c OOt;::~ N~8E-t N .=...... tl ~ ~41oc~ <:> lo...e 0.... f-< ~ c U ~ ,:c:; .c ::l::.::: ~ <;e~~ UZ~>V E-< o ~ f5 Z'" E-< r-<E-< Ufo-< "'~,,;:i'" 3~~~3 g::~08g: @,:c:;E-< E->E->S "'Zo ~o;;: ::l"':.: E-> "'~ ~~ ~ "'1: 51- E->E-> ~ ",E->>< ","'I-< ~~~ ~U I-< o~S O1Zo 08~ 01-<'" 01-'" oS~ 00:E-> 01~~ 0815 zo ~ " Po '2 , - '" , 0: " @ ~8 8 a -~" 1:1 +-' gas:::s ~ "" en 'C fl ~ 3: ~ ~.... ~ .~~ ~5 g~ ~ ~~ g ~ M] ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ I~ ~0~ 088 6 .~~ 00 _.5 B '" " ,." -,. ~- ..... 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