HomeMy Public PortalAbout20111215 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING December 15, 2011 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, John Coolidge, Jeff Doherty, Al Rogers, Ken Weismantel, Bill Shaw, Ken Driscoll and Chris Waldron. The Affordable Housing Committee seat remains vacant. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM in Room 215. Chairman Kunicki reopened the public hearing to consider applications for CPA funding. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CPA FUNDING REQUESTS Town Hall Renovation: Chairman Kunicki said the only new item requested that might qualify for CPA funding is $35,000.00 for climate control to preserve historic records. Chairman Kunicki said $300,000.00 should be enough to complete work to the building’s envelope, windows and roofing. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to withdraw the request for $654,000.00 from the Town Manager for continued upgrades to Town Hall without prejudice SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. DISCUSSION: Mr. Driscoll requested more clarity on specific items requested. Mr. Coolidge said requested items, such as an interior collection drain, new flooring, repairs for moisture damage, new toilet partitions and first floor renovations do not fit within the four corners of CPA funding requirements. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Library: Several concerns were expressed regarding this project. Chairman Kunicki inferred from discussions with Library officials that they did not know exactly how much money they would need for proposed renovations. Mr. Weismantel said the $750,000.00 requested could replace the windows in the original section of the building several times over. Mr. Shaw said much of the work would not be visible from the street, which is a requirement under CPA historic preservation guidelines. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to withdraw the request for $750,000.00 from the Hopkinton Library Foundation and the Hopkinton Library Building Committee without prejudice; with the caveat that the CPC supports the Library renovation project SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Center School Window Project: There were concerns that the Town has not decided on a future disposition for the building. Mr. Rogers said the School Department is waiting for a report from its consultant. The initial request of $825,000.00 will be considerably reduced, as the 1954 section of the building’s windows would not qualify under CPA guidelines. Chairman Kunicki questioned putting money into the building if it’s going to be closed. Mr. Driscoll suggested that the Town has an obligation to maintain the building. Chairman Kunicki said he has requested project specifics from the School Department on several occasions with no response. He added that he is opposed to bonding for the project. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to withdraw the request for $825,000.00 from the School 1 Department for the Center School windows without prejudice SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-2 (Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Rogers). Open Space Acquisitions – Hayden Rowe Street: Mr. Doherty reported that some of the owners of the combined Hayden Rowe properties are working with a different attorney and that there are family members in disagreement over the future disposition of the property. Mr. Doherty said the owners of the landlocked portion want to move forward with the sale and will offer the Town an easement. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to leave the land acquisition as a placeholder, have the Open Space Preservation Committee negotiate a price, and give the owners a 30-day limit to allow the CPC to execute due diligence SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. DISCUSSION: Mr. Driscoll questioned the difference between consideration of the Center School and consideration of the land acquisition in terms of process. Chairman Kunicki answered that the price of the land can be negotiated. Mr. Driscoll countered that the price of the school windows could also be negotiated. Chairman Kunicki responded that he had contacted the School Department a number of times to get a price on the windows and hasn’t received a response. VOTE to Approve: Yes-7, No-1 (Mr. Driscoll). Open Space Acquisitions – Ash Street: Mr. Weismantel stepped off the Committee for this discussion. Mr. Chris LaPointe of the Trust for Public Land presented a proposal that TPC acquire and protect the 200 year old Elmwood Farm in Hopkinton. There is an agreement to purchase the 80 acre property for $1.8 Million and TPL plans to bring a warrant article before Town Meeting in the spring of 2012. TPL is asking for $500,000.00 in CPA funds for the purchase and will pay to perform due diligence on the deal. If funding can’t be obtained through the Town, the plan will be terminated. Mr. LaPointe maintained that a discount can be realized given the down market. He suggested that the Town apply for a land grant through the Conservation Commission. The environmental impact inspection has not yet been completed. Mr. Coolidge said the benefit to the Town of this acquisition is that a large tract of land will remain undeveloped. Mr. [LaPoint] said TPL will fund phases I and II of environmental mitigation. The purchase and sales agreement is valid until December, 2012. Mr. Coolidge suggested the issue may go to a special Town Meeting in the fall. The structure on the property would come off the price of the land acquisition. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to leave the land acquisition as a placeholder and to let Mr. Doherty and Mr. LaPointe continue with negations while keeping in mind the 30-day deadline to perform due diligence SECONDED by Mr. Rogers. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Abstain-2 (Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Weismantel). Open Space Acquisitions – Cameron Woods ($200,000.00): Mr. Dan McIntyre of Whisper Way was present to discuss the Town’s acquisition of three-plus acres which he owns adjacent to Cameron Woods. Mr. Coolidge agreed the parcel has a lot of potential, but said it would need to be appraised. In response to Mr. Rogers, Mr. McIntyre said a smaller parcel could be negotiated. Mr. Coolidge said it would be a good opportunity for the Town as the property ties into the Whitehall preservation. He advised Mr. McIntyre to negotiate with the Open Space Preservation Committee. MOTION by Mr. Doherty to leave a placeholder on the Cameron Woods acquisition so the Open Space Preservation 2 Committee can continue negations SECONDED by Mr. Driscoll. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Open Space Acquisitions – East Main Street ($250,000.00): Mr. Doherty said he had not heard back from the owner regarding this parcel. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to withdraw the property from consideration SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge to withdraw $2,500.00 from CPA administrative funds to pay for generic open space appraisals SECONDED by Mr. Driscoll. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Sandy Beach Enhancements- : Chairman Kunicki observed that the fact that the Town didn’t acquire the property may make it ineligible for CPA funding. Mr. Rogers suggested CPA funds could be used on the road going into the beach area, as well as ADA compliance work. Money cannot be used to maintain existing resources, only to acquire property or make repairs under catastrophic circumstances. Mr. Driscoll suggested installing a pavilion or picnic area. He said Parks & Recreation has engaged a consultant which has provided estimates on various improvements. Mr. Driscoll said Sandy Beach is P&R’s top priority along with the Town Common. Chairman Kunicki advised that guidance be sought from the Community Preservation Coalition. MOTION by Mr. Coolidge that Sandy Beach Enhancements remain under consideration as a placeholder SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. HEARING CONTINUED: MOTION by Chairman Kunicki to close the public hearing on those items voted as placeholders and to continue it to January 26 at 7:00PM SECONDED by Mr. Rogers. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. OTHER BUSINESS: Meeting Minutes from November 10, 2011. MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to approve the November 10, 2011 meeting minutes as written SECONDED by Chairman Kunicki. VOTE to Approve as amended: Unanimous. Claflin Fountain: Mr. Shaw said other parties are interested in collaborating on restoring the Fountain. Mr. Driscoll said Parks & Recreation will sponsor it to move the project forward. Mr. Coolidge agreed to review the original article from Town Meeting and suggested it might be necessary to go to the next Town Meeting to change the article. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to adjourn SECONDED by Chairman Kunicki. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian CPC Administrative Assistant Documents Used: 1.CPC Meeting Agenda 2.11/11/11 CPC Meeting Minutes 3 3.Completed CPA Funding Applications and Summary 4.Financial Spreadsheet for Fiscal Year 2013 4