HomeMy Public PortalAbout98-16 Large Plan"IfIA* w4l *t `rx A NATIONAL PRINMAST NO. 186A - 24x36 11 t., 1 O U F%A ,IOU I BRICK TERRACE r DRIVE "�� MM 6C -im 3 n.Y RESIDENCE AD- P,wm, 1'(oNC1 N'l{J ,}Z�o2GIrl.tor� qvr(4, �v6a* -'( I '�7{;�'� ,:.:: ��7rc'� -��di i���' Ir►q i'�rp1�► rte' - POOL Off Z 1k I s� .. Arm° ►.o%"�' � �.- . / -,fir! "� "� �i ,;, � Iii ■,i ■�■ ■��, ■ � �M' �� -- ,a ��, ��`��1�� WAW As .�iis'�►.. ► � ro � wig imp .rrtiSi�lr■// ��� /�� e%T `�� i � ` � 1C� r'i �r.fr,l� �� �! ®�'���iil� •':ill r . � { MATERIAL SCHEDULE Qty. Key Botanical /Common Name Size 4 Sn -1 Strellitzea nicollai/White bird of paradise 10- 12ft.mlti. 3 Sn 11 01 of 11 6- 7'flat -sided 1 Tat Tabebuia caribeaNellow trumpet tree 12x8ft.oa. 4 Bst Bursera simaruba/Gumbo limbo tree 14x7ft.oa. 2 Clt Cocculous laurifolia/Snail seed tree 14x8ft. 1 Capt Carpentaria acuminata/Carpenters palm 12- 16ft.trpl. 1 Rmp -r Ravenella madagascariensis/Travellers palm 18'relocated 1 Bgv -1 Bouganvillea vine, red 5- 6ft.mlti. 1 Cnp Coconut palm, gm malayan 2ft.wd.,16ft.oa. 53 Fb Ficus benjamina /fig 30- 36 "3g. 12 Fb -1 11 " 4ft. 15 Sr -r Strelitzea regginae /Orange bird of paradise relocated 120 Pfs Purple fountain salvia 1 g. 18 Az -v Alpinia zerumbet, varig.Narigated ginger 3g. 20 B -h Bromiliads, hybrid 6" 80 Nec -s Nephrolepis e. "swordfern" 1 g. 36 Ch Croton, bravo 3g. 40 Leg Liriope e. giant/Giant monkey grass 1 g. 300 Leg -v " varigated /Aztec grass 1 g. 80 Ri Raphiolepis indica/Indian hawthorne, dwf.pink 3g. 24 Ba -v Brassia arb. /Dwf. schefflera varigated 3g. 9 Ct -k Cordyline terminalis /Hawaiian ti 3g.mlti. 65 Vs Viburnum suspensum /Sandankwa 3g. 150 Aa Agapanthus africanu /Lily of the nile, blue 1g. 120 R -k Ruellia katie /Blue bells 1 g. 20 Ps -x Phillodendron "Xanadue" 3g. 1 Cr Cycas revoluta/Sago palm 10gal. 35 Ptv Pittosporum t.Narigated pittosporum 3g. 9 Bgv Bouganvillea vines, red 7g. 7 Bgv -r I of , relocated 30 Ing Ixora nora grant/Pink ixora 3g. 10 H -Ic Heliconia "lobster claw" 7g. 35 Tg Thryallis glaucaNellow thryallis 3g. 35 Acc Alocasia calif. compacta/Dwf. elephant ear 3g. 35 Pc Plumbago, blue 3g. 60 Pdp Pentas, red /pink 1 g. 5 Pv Passion vine, espalier to fence 3g. 10 Hrsp Hibiscus, Seminole pink 3g. 15 Planting soils (cu.yds.) 30 Mulch (cu.yds.) Remove extg. sod per planting plan. Extg. Banyon trees to be thinned -out from the interior, per Landscape Architect's direction. Landscape revision dated 7.20.99 for garage review only. LIGHTING SCHEDULE ■ UPLIGHT, Well Light " -I; UPLIGHT W'' UPLIGHT, Tree mounted tj WALKWAY LIGHT a98 -16 0 DRAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE JOB NO SHEET OF SHEETS REVISIONS BY W tj LL PAL Q Z E DRAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE JOB NO SHEET OF SHEETS Cl) W tj LL I'- Z E N �rrr■• � 42 0WN U P-, co.� V � L ■ Cl) _ zs L ^CU W CL CU Cqj 06 Q M� .i � III CL � M J � M Z ~ (f� ca cD W a m ci)QZ� W C., < o DRAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE JOB NO SHEET OF SHEETS .�C LL E L L 42 ''tenn V � L ■ N zs L ^CU W CL CU Cqj L 4� � rrann V � r L � M J � M DRAWN CHECKED DATE SCALE JOB NO SHEET OF SHEETS