HomeMy Public PortalAbout20110414 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting Minutes1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING April 14, 2011 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: John Coolidge, Jeff Doherty, Lily Holden, Andre Navez, Chris Waldron, Al Rogers, Bill Shaw, and Ken Driscoll. Henry Kunicki was absent. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM in Room 216. FRIENDS OF WHITEHALL: Ms. Margaret Mighton of the Friends of Whitehall asked the Committee if hardware, cement, etc. associated with the installation of a fence at Piazza Lane can be paid for with CPA funding. The OSPC had given permission to Eagle Scout Erik Herbert build a fence to keep vehicular traffic out of the area. The wood was donated. The Friends of Whitehall and the Hopkinton Area Land Trust absorbed $651.62 in expenses for other material used in the project. An appropriation of $6,000.00 was approved at Annual Town Meeting 2008, Article 43 for the construction of trails and parking areas on the Town-owned property, including, without limitation, obtaining plans, designs, studies, cost estimates and bid documents as well as all materials, labor and equipment necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purpose. MOTION by Mrs. Holden that the purchase of cement, hardware and other material used to install the fence at Piazza Lane is an appropriate use of CPA funds SECONDED by Bill Shaw. VOTE to Approve: Yes-8, No-0, Absent-1. OSPC: Mr. Doherty reported that a verbal agreement had been reached on the land purchase, but some details need to be worked out. This section of the ATM article will be removed from the Warrant for this year and may be revisited in the fall. Chairman Coolidge said it is likely other articles will be entertained by the CPC in the fall. The attorney representing the land owner requested a letter expressing a continued interest in the property by the Town. The attorney also requested signage dedicating the land to the original owners and to designate the property for active or passive recreation, not development. MOTION by Mrs. Holden to withdraw the land purchase article requested by the OSPC from the 2011 Annual Town Meeting Warrant; but to continue to support the endeavor for a future Special or Annual Town Meeting SECONDED by Mr. Navez. VOTE to Approve: Yes-8, No-0, Absent-1. CAA/HCE: Chairman Coolidge reported that the Appropriations and Finance Committees were very inquisitive about this project at a recent meeting on the CPC submissions to Town Meeting. The Finance Committee advised that the project will need approval from the Board of Selectmen as the building is owned by the Town. The Hopkinton Community Endowment organizers will go before the Board of Selectmen on April 26. In response to Mr. Rogers, Chairman Coolidge said the property can be sold, but 2 a new owner would have to maintain the structure’s historic character. Mr. Rogers asked about maintaining the property if the HCE is dissolved. Mrs. Holden noted that the biggest concerns likely to be brought up at Town Meeting are maintenance, operating costs and the Town’s right of uses. It was agreed that the CPC will request Board of Selectmen approval rather than a recommendation. ATM PRESENTATION: The Town Manager has directed the CPC to use the same format for this year’s submission as used in 2010. All requests will appear as lettered items under one article. At ATM, Mr. Shaw will introduce the records restoration request and Peter LaGoy will likely introduce the trails project. Someone from the Library Trustees will introduce the ramp and possibly the Historical Society’s materials access project. Other CPC members will introduce the remaining submissions. OTHER BUSINESS: Meeting Minutes from March, 16, 2011. MOTION by Mr. Navez to approve the March 16, 2011 meeting minutes as written SECONDED by Mrs. Holden. VOTE to Approve: Yes-8, No-0, Absent-1. Closed Out Projects: It was agreed that a letter will be sent to the clerks of the works on inactive projects and a vote will be taken in June to close them. Left over funds will go into a discretionary spending account. Temporary Signs for CPA Projects in Progress: Mrs. Holden and Mr. Doherty will work on designing signs for the various sites. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 18 at 7:30PM in Room 211. ADJOURN: MOTION to adjourn by Mr. Rogers SECONDED by Mr. Shaw. VOTE to Approve: Yes-8, No-0, Absent-1. Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian CPC Administrative Assistant Documents Used: 1) CPC Meeting Agenda 2) 3/16/11 CPC Meeting Minutes 3) FY2012 CPA Funding Applications and Supporting Documentation 4) Form Letter: Clerk of the Works