HomeMy Public PortalAboutLadies Library -- 2017-09-21 Minutes ' i r,. .s• DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Brewster Ladies' Library 9/21/17 �-t The meeting was called to order at 4PM by President Cassidy with the following members present : Ms . Cassidy, Mr. Gorman, Ms. Mathison, Ms . O' Connell, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Mauterstock, Ms. Pearson, Ms: Schaibel, Ms . Anastasio, and Ms . Courtnell . Excused were Ms. Hewitt, and Ms . Gerrish . The members introduced themselves to the new Board members . The President updated the group on the recent Information meeting with the Board of Selectmen . The board did not ask many questions and appear to be strongly behind the project . It was moved and seconded and voted , to amend the agenda and have the Fundraising Report as soon as Ms . Resnick arrived . Secretary's Report : The minutes of the meeting of 8/17 were unanimously approved with corrections . Treasurer's Report: In the Treasurer's absence, Mr. Lowery reported that no unusual items appear on the previously distributed financial reports . The report was moved, seconded and unanimously approved . Director's Report: There are no capital requests for the town budget for 2019, but the 5 year report needs to be submitted with our approval . Motion made, seconded and unanimously voted . Structural Issues recently discovered must be repaired immediately and it is anticipated that the Town will cover them out of free cash at town meeting . The monthly statistics held relatively stable for the year over year. Steering Committee : A comprehensive report of the activities of the Steering Committee was emailed last week to give members time to digest the many accomplishments and the tasks left to do . Project Timelines of past and present activities were included as was a proposed campaign budget. Discussion centered mainly on the decision to switch software programs. Ms. Resnick made a presentation to the Board outlining their personal roles in the upcoming Campaign . Members were asked to think about which areas of the campaign interest them and what level of participation they can offer. Also, reference was made to giving levels and that 100% Director Pledges to the campaign was our first goal, with time for each Director to decide on the amount of their gift . Building and Grounds : Window washing bids have been solicited and the results will be conveyed to the Finance Committee for review at next month's meeting . The knitting groups have donated handmade knit items to the library store and they seem to be quick sellers. Finance Committee : in the Treasurer' s absence Mr. Lowery made a motion "to recommend that the Board approve the Association pledge of up to$ 500,000 to the capital campaign to be paid on a schedule to be determined by the Treasurer. A vote followed to table this motion and it was approved . Discussion followed regarding the funding of this and the current campaign expenses . The motion was voted back off the table and the motion was approved with one abstention by Ms . O ' Connell . An additional motion was made by Mr. Lowery "to authorize the Treasurer to make a transfer of $ 40,000 from the Associations IMA account to the Capital campaign account to cover initial/ startup expenses . After some discussion, it was voted unanimously . A third motion was made by Mr. Lowery " to cancel our contract with Gift Works ( software ) in favor of the purchase of Donor Snap for the capital campaign , initially, and for membership database ultimately" . After discussion , it was approved with only Ms . Schaibei in opposition . Membership : We have 331 new and renewal members and dues paid to date of $ 23740 . Another appeal will go out in October with a final appeal in December . Nickerson Event : 385 people have signed up for the main speaker event to date . Communications : as of 9/2, 2363 subscriptions to the newsletter were active with a 989/o delivery rate and an "open rate" of 39 % , The annual report will be on line in the next two weeks . Personnel : The search committee for a new Library Director has reduced the pool of applicant to three that are scheduled to be interviewed by the full board next month . Each Board member is encouraged to come prepared with one or more questions for the applicants , Interviews will take . place Oct 3 at 10AM ; .Oct 4'at 2 ;30 PM and Oct 5 at 10 AM . The following day, Oct 6 Board members will meet to choose the new director at 9. : 30AM . New Business : Please review the Action Plan for vote at the next meeting , The Board voted unanimously to accept a generous gift from Ms . Courtnell which will cover the cost of purchasing the first year of Donor Snap . The meeting moved to executive session to discuss a personnel matter . Moved , Seconded and voted unanimously to adjourn at 6 : 45 PM Respectfully Submitted , Ross Gorman, Recording Secretary e i i