HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0464• ~ ,f~. ~ . ~ i . ORDINANCE IvO. 4B4 , ~ , AN ORDINt~:tiCE OF THF CITY OF LYNSCGOD PRESCRIBING ~ RULES ~vD REGULATIOPdS FOR THE USE OF TY.E PUBLIC , F[~RKS OF THE CITY OF LYNVlUOD; PROVIDIFJG FOR TFiE TSSUANCE ~F 3PECIAL PEi1P~IT8 FQR CERTAI~v ACTIVI- TIE$ AND PROVIDIivG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALINCT ORD_TNAIVCE N0. 397. ~ The City Couneil of tne'Gity of Lynwood does ordain as i ~.......,,... , . .. ... :';~•.'MR:.'R.d~Yi.w': ". .'_'. . . . , ~ ' '. , - ~ ~ ~_ . .,,., ... i ~. .. ' .. . . . .. _ .... . , 3ection 1: 'Nithin the limits oP any public park of the ; Gity of Lynwood 2t ehall be unla7rPu1 Yor any person, firm, or cor-; " pox~tion to: ~ A, Opera.te, drive, ride, park, or leave ~tanding any motor . ~ t vehicle or other vehicle or to ride any horse or other animal at any ; . time provided, however, that the provisions of this Subaection A~ ~ sha21 not apply to those soecific~areae wlthin any pubTic park oP• the City which have been regularly and lawfu3.ly set aside for the, ~ use of vehicies or Por the use oY horaes or other animals; and pronided further, that the provielons of this Subsection A shall not apply to any vehicle used or owned by the City or any commercial i vehicle ~aaking 2.awful deliveries to or otherwise lawfully eng~aged~ r 1' in any undertaking or enterprise within any publia parlc of the Ctty _ ` of. Lynwoo8. i 7 ~ B. Lead or let loose any csttle, horse, mule, goa.t, sY~eep, i •" ~ ' swine, or fowl or ~nimal of any kind excegt that it shall not be ~• unlawful to maintain dogs on a leash not in excess of Gix (6) feet. C. Cut, break, in~ure, deface, or distrub any tree, shrub, • plan, rock, buildinrr, monument, fence, bench, structure, appss~etu6, . ~ or property, or pluck, pull up, cut, take out, or remove any shrub, ~ bush, plant, or Piowsrs or remove or write upon any bu1131n~, monu- ~ ~ ment, fence, eench, or other structure. ` , D. Cut or remove any wood, turf, soil, graes, rock, sand, or gra vel. , ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ,, } . t ~ ~ ; - . ., o - ~ , , ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ • E. Indulge in riotous, boiaterous, threatenin~, or ~ indecent conduct, or use abusive, profane, or indecent language. ~ ~ 4 F. G+~mble or en~age in gambling. G. Practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for any trade,, occupAtion, busineas, or profession. ; H. F1Ry or en a.e in sn~y game exaept et lace or n?aces,_._ ~ . :.<„~ set ~part for that•purpose. , I. Deposit any paper, rubUish, debris, or any waste matter of any kind except in receptacles pronided therefor. ~ J. Fossess, exhibit, tranaport or drink any alcoholic. or intoxinatin~: beverK~e. I{. Loiter in or sbout any public toilet or enter any ~ public toilet d.esigns.ted for the opposite sex except tne.t this ; ' prov2s3on ~hall not apply to persons under ei~rht (8) year oP age., + ~ Section 2: 4Yithin the Iimite of kny nublic perk of the; ~ C1Ly of Lyntivcod 1't siiall be unlawPul for anr person, firm, or cor- ti poration unless a special permit i~ first obtained from the Recreation ~ - Director of the City of Lymuood, to @o an,y one of the followin~: ~ , , 4. Distribute eny handbil].s or circul~rs or post, p1A.ce, or erect any oill, notice, paper, or advertising d.evlce or matter of any kind. ~ B. Lqake or kindle a fire except in stovee nrovided £or. th~.t puroose. ~ C. Camp or lodge. (To~ be ].imited to &e8ignated areas.!) D. Re~ain, atay, or loiLer on or about any euch park . , bet~een the hours of 10:00 P. iu_, and 5:00 ~.. ':~I. of ~ne £o11o~a~1nM d.ey . provided that this subsection shall no'C ~oa~ly to aut~~orized activities in the Co;:imunity Center 3uildine at :~emoria.l Pt?rk. Section 3: Y7lthin the limits of any public pPrk of~the, " City~ of Lynwood it shall be unlawful Por any person, firm, or cor- paration unless a apecia2 permit is first obtained Yrom the City, _ 2_ ' ; ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ - • ~ Council, tc o.o a.ny on~ of the followin~t A. Carr,y or discn»rge any f'_rearmG, firecracker~, rockets, torpedees, or oth~r fire ~:orks, air ~*un or slin~ shot, or otnerw2.se cauee any lou~ noises or exploeions. . ~ ~ B. Sell or oYfer for sftle eny mE?'CYt2,~a1~e~ article, or thinr: ~~~2tsoever or otrerwiFe engage ?n business. . ~~...... . _ ~.r, .,:.,,..,W„a.,.~:,:~ .. .~,.., _ , _ ~ection 4: Ti~e Recreatioe ~ommiFSion is hAreoy e~':?pov:ered . to pr~vide for r>>les a.nd reRulations a:nd rent~I sc'r.edule s govern3ng reservataone .for the ~ise ~f ~ny of the fe.ciliti es in any of the public na.rks o~' tf e ~ity oY L~nwood, incl>>ding the Cornmunitv Centsr Bullding - _ ~ - in .;eMOrial Park; and the Recreation ~irector 1e hereby empoivered; and iL sf~szl~ ~e :1'~ ciuty to ~cf~e~ule sucn actlvities in accorctance with such rules and re~uYations when iieces=ary for the orderly and lawful use of the sRme; and. it shall be unlawfu3: for a,ny person, firm, or corporatlon to use said Community Center L~u'_~111n~ or"a.ny F y of th~ f3c~Zitiea of tne p~~'~' lc pa"-';~s .nP trP ~i r,•,- ~~ Lynwood eontrerv - . ° to tne rvles and regulations of the Recreation :.ommission now or ' hereefLer adopted g~verning the use o£ sucn facilitiea for ~roup actS.vities. Sectior_ 5: The Recrewtion Directar may requlre written, ° application ~o be made for any pernit which he is herein suthorized to eive and uny person ag~rievad from the gra:tting or denial of a ;~szr~it b3~ the Recre.»tion Director may, tivitYiin fifteen (15) da,ys thereafter, appeal ~ny such grant3n~ or refusal to the Recreation~ :.on3nissien . ` ` Sec'tiori E: TYiie ordi:~ai:ce shall net be cpnstrued to ~ppZy , Lo nny ot'f.icer, a~ent, or einplovee of the City lawfullv en~a.~ed in ~ , any ~ity funetion or business in or upon Rny of t'r~e Ci~y ;~ar~s of , the 02ty. , Section 7: Any person, firm, or coraoration violatir.g anv o~ t~;e provisions of tnie ordinance shnll be dee~ed ~uilty of a mSsdemeanor and upon conviction thereof she.li be punishable by a -3- • ~ fine of not to excesd five hundred dollars (~p500.00) or imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of Lynwood or tne County 3ai1 of Los An~eles County, State of California, Yor a period of time not to excee~ six months, or by both Fuch fine and ir~prisonment. Each such person, Pirm or corporation snall be deemed ~uilty oY a sep~rate ~qss:tiOr~-, DS:.~:Y4 _ .. ~y.,~.~rd4:U^'. -.; . . , ~. .. ... .. . . • '. ~ . .. . . provieion of ti;is ordina,nce is con~aitted, continued or permitted by aucn person, firrn, or corporation, and shall be punishable therefor as r~rovided by this ordinance. ~ Section 82 Ordinance No. 39? of the City of L.ynwood Ss hereU~ repealed. Section 9: The City Clerk ahail certif}~ to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and ahall cue.se tne sa.me to be publishe~ once in the Lynwood Preas, a newapaper published, printed., and circulated in the City of Lynwood, California, and whSch said newspaper is hereby deaig•nated for tha.t purpose. PASSID and ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1947. ~ E~ 'HE OF YN'AGOD ATTEST• ~ T. L~ , F YN~~OOD r ! ~ ~TAT~ C.:~ CALIFORI+ITA OUNTY Gr' LOS ~.P?G~~S~_ 1 ,~ CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, the u;~::.zrsignec~, City Gle:~. of '..,'~e ~it~ a~- Lynwoed, Galifornia, do herelr~ oertiPy 'that t:ze ~Mo °: ,~< ~ ~:~; ,. ,. ,~ ~ W :. , _ ~..~,.,.»._.... ::,.,,. ..,~,. ~-„ ,, a.nd fo= egoing Ordinance was 3uly adop~cNa ~;; ~;:~e :: Lt~ Counal2 of eaid City at a_- --~-- ^egul?.r meeti~?~ thereof held ~n the City•-Hal~~,~~'~ sai~- ~ity;. ~ on the 18th day o° tiovember ,;.gg~ E.-e~ , y aase~ by the follov~'_ng vote4 AYES.s C~livCILMEN: Doty, Jenaen, Shrock, Willard,and Williame. NOESt CQ'3NCILb~N None. ABSENT: C~UNCILf,~EN None. ~ ~ . ~ ., . 0~ ~~