HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100301 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesBoard of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2010 Page 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING March 1, 2010 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, March 1, 2010 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Brian Herr, RJ Dourney, Michelle Gates and Todd Cestari. Matthew Zettek was absent. Administrative Personnel in attendance: Norman Khumalo; Town Manager, Maryrose DeGroot; Human Resources Director, and Geri Holland; Assistant to the Town Manager. Other officials present: Appropriations Committee members Ron Eldridge, Stuart Cowart, Mary Lou Haroian, and Joseph Karner; School Committee members Nancy Burdick, Troy Mick and Jean Bertschmann; and School Superintendent John Phelan. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Herr called the meeting to order at 6:30PM in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. FY2011 BUDGET DISCUSSION CONTINUED: Mr. Khumalo said that, even though fixed costs raised the line item for General Government, this account is level funded in terms of service provision. The Human Resources Department line item increased by $110,000.00 to fund salaries for the HR Director and Benefits Coordinator. This expense had been recorded in the Town Manager’s Office account in FY2010. The proposed Facilities budget increases by $65,000.00 because it was under funded last year. Mr. Khumalo clarified the difference between recycling collection and disposal and recycling expenses. The former applies to the cost of curbside pick-up and disposal. The latter covers operations of the recycling center (toilet rental, recycling bins, stickers, etc.). Waste disposal, which had been previously addressed through the DPW account, is handled through a 53 ½ account. Mr. Khumalo’s proposal of $232,000.00 for Fire Department overtime is based on an average of past budgets. The Fire Chief is working to establish a long-term strategy for managing overtime. Mr. Khumalo recommends $105,000.00 for IT upgrades in order to improve efficiency and customer service. A part-time position at $26,000.00 per year is recommended for the Youth Commission. The DPW will continue to maintain properties managed by Parks and Recreation and bill P&R on a monthly basis. The rate for health insurance has increased from 8.4% to 11% but overall costs are lower in FY2011 because there are fewer employees. Mrs. Gates suggested that the Youth Commission establish a fee-based structure similar to the one used by P&R. Ms. Haroian suggested that the School Department refrain from budgeting for salary increases until collective bargaining negotiations are complete. Dr. Phelan said such an approach could result in layoffs if pending contracts call for increases and they are not approved at Town Meeting. He said the $550,000.00 proposed for step increases is based on a 0% increase in base salaries. Ms. Haroian maintained that salary increases need to be reexamined given the current economic climate. Mr. Dourney concurred. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2010 Page 2 Mr. Eldridge asked why only $200,000.00 had been budgeted for snow and ice removal next year, noting that the Town has already spent $550,000.00 this winter. Mr. Khumalo responded that under state law, a town can deficit spend on this account. He added that he wanted to minimize the tax impact for FY2011 and move forward on cost savings initiatives in this budget proposal. Mr. Eldridge said a letter to taxpayers justifying the average $179.00 increase in property taxes should be included with the budget. He proposed lowering the 2% CPA surcharge so that it covers debt for existing projects. The remainder could offset some of the property tax increase. The School Committee requested a 0.5% increase ($170,000.00) to maintain class sizes and programs. Dr. Phelan called the school budget maintenance of effort. In addition to the loss of 34.7 positions, some language, music, professional development and tutoring programs have been cut over the last three years and the school infrastructure is in need of attention. In response to Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Bertschmann said funds raised by the HPTA are used to fund professional development, student enrichment programs and materials. Dr. Phelan added that it also provides seed money for school initiatives when possible. In response to Mrs. Bertschmann, Mrs. Gates said that state regulations prohibit transportation fees at regional schools like Keefe Tech. She said it is also difficult to compare athletic fees between Hopkinton schools and Keefe Tech because enrollment in sports at Keefe is low due to income restraints among students. Mrs. Gates is trying to find other areas at Keefe Tech where savings can be achieved. Mr. Khumalo noted that Keefe’s summer camp programs may provide credits for Hopkinton. Mrs. Gates said new initiatives and programs are not appropriate this year and suggested that more cuts can be made without impacting essential services. She said expenses for IT and the Youth Commission should be deferred until the economy improves. Mr. Cestari said the Youth Commission proposal is not unreasonable if it helps keep youth positively engaged. Mr. Dourney said he may support the Youth Commission proposal if the other needs are addressed. Dr. Phelan advised that the Town not put off improvements to IT, noting the savings and efficiencies such upgrades have made in the schools. Chairman Herr requested that Mr. Khumalo prepare responses to questions regarding the stabilization fund, CPA, capital projects, impact on the schools, contract negations, IT upgrades and the Youth Commission for the March 9, 2010 meeting. The Board of Selectmen will vote at that meeting to send the proposed FY2011 budget to the Appropriations Committee for review. Mr. Eldridge commended Mr. Khumalo and Finance Director Heidi Kriger for the flow of communication during this process. OTHER BUSINESS: Boston Marathon – MOTION by Mr. Dourney that a letter be drafted from the Board of Selectmen to the Chinese delegation to the Boston Marathon SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Dourney to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Accepted: 3/23/10