HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100713 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesBoard of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2010 Page 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING July 13, 2010 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton Massachusetts. Selectmen present: RJ Dourney, Todd Cestari (arrived at 5:50PM), Michelle Gates, John Mosher and Benjamin Palleiko. Administrative Personnel in attendance; Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Geri Holland, Human Resources Director Maryrose DeGroot, and Treasurer/Collector Maureen Dwinnell. Other officials present; Police Chief Richard Flannery. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:30PM in Room 211. Chairman Dourney entertained a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and allow the participation of Police Chief Richard Flannery, Mrs. DeGroot, Mr. Khumalo and Mrs. Holland. So MOVED by Mrs. Gates and SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. The ROLL CALL vote follows: Mr. Dourney-Yes; Mrs. Gates-Yes; Mr. Mosher-Yes; Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. CONTINUE PUBLIC MEETING: Chairman Dourney re-opened the public meeting in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30PM. He announced that the Police Department labor contract had been ratified. PUBLIC FORUM: ►Mrs. Mary Pratt inquired about the open position within the Police Department and suggested that the Town make adjustments to compensate for cuts made to Quinn Bill funding. She also reported that several residents who are not connected to Town sewer object to the DPW using General Fund money for sewer related purposes rather than raising sewer rates. Mrs. Pratt said she has the list of legislators working on the casino Conference Committee and suggested that the Board/Town Manager send a letter to members requesting local input and mitigation if the bill passes. She also advised that a list of events for which additional insurance is necessary (Horribles Parade, Marathon, Tercentennial) be compiled. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Items contained within the Consent Agenda include: a) a Marathon Fund request for $1,000.00 from the Council on Aging for exercise classes; b) approval of a one-day wine and malt license for the Southborough Rod & Gun Club for its annual barbecue on 9/19/10; c) Public Session minutes from 6/29/10; and d) approval of a Municipal Purpose Bond for $3,278,703.00 at an interest rate of 2.4%. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve Consent Agenda items a, b and c SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Mr. Cestari noted that he was recorded in the 6/29/10 minutes as having been present for a vote when he was not. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to accept the 6/29/10 Public Session minutes as amended SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2010 Page 2 Municipal Purpose Bond: Mr. Khumalo reported that Hopkinton’s bond rating had been upgraded from AA to AA+ by Standard & Poor. He acknowledged the efforts of Mrs. Dwinnell and the finance team, as well as the importance of an informed citizenry. Mr. Khumalo said several factors were cited by Standard & Poor for the upgrade, including access to economic opportunities in the greater Boston area, a stable residential tax base with a growing commercial/industrial presence, comparably strong household income levels and low unemployment, strong and consistent property tax collection, and a rapid debt amortization schedule. The Town can improve its rating further by increasing reserves. Mrs. Dwinnell said eight bids had been received for the bond. She provided the Board with an overview of the municipal purposes to be funded by the bond. Each purpose had been approved by Annual Town Meeting over a number of years. MOTION by Mr. Cestari that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the sale of $3,278,582.63 in general obligation municipal purpose loan of 2010 bonds of the Town dated July 15, 2010, the bonds to Hutchinson, Shockey, Earley and Co. at the price of $3,559,285.63, and accrued interest is hereby approved and confirmed. The bonds shall be payable on July 15 of the years and in the principle amounts and their interest at the respective rates as follows: 2011 - $478,703.00 at 3% interest; 2012 - $460,000.00 at 3% interest; 2013 - $445,000.00 at 3% interest; 2014 - $440,000.00 at 3% interest; 2015 - $360,000.00 at 4% interest; 2016 - $240,000.00 at 4% interest; 2017 - $225,000.00 at 5% interest; 2018 - $215,000.00 at 4% interest; 2019 - $215,000.00 at 5% interest ; 2020 - $200,000.00 at 5% interest. Further voted that, in connection with the marketing and sale of the bonds, the preparation and distribution of a notice of sale and preliminary initial statement dated June 22, 2010, and a final official statement dated July 6, 2010, the official statement and each form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed and approved and adopted. Further voted that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver a continuing disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC rule 15C; 2-12 in such form as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference of the bonds for the benefit of the holders of the bonds from time to time. Further voted that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are authorized to take any and all such actions and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ►Mrs. Gates requested a discussion of the future of the Lake Maspenock Dam Committee and a discussion regarding the Housing Committee. She also reported that the Marathon Fund Committee requests a presence when disbursements from the Fund are approved. The MFC was not involved during the last grant cycle. Mr. Khumalo said he wants to discuss the Lake Maspenock Dam Committee issue with the Town Engineer/Facilities Coordinator and Mrs. Pratt prior to its inclusion on a future agenda. ►Mr. Mosher would like to discuss the use of technology for some Board meetings. ►Chairman Dourney requested a presentation by the Fire and Police Departments on their goals for next year. Mrs. Gates recommends that the Fire Chief continue to assess capital needs and provide updates to the Capital Improvements and Finance Committees. She said the Fire Chief should also pursue grants for training and Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2010 Page 3 other needs. Chairman Dourney concurred, saying both public safety departments should make training and development key objectives. ►Chairman Dourney requested a discussion with the Police, Fire and Public Works Departments on emergency management protocol. He also requested an update from the Board of Public Works on outstanding issues. Chairman Dourney referred to the 7/12/10 joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee and the Appropriations Committee and recommended that financial requirements be attached to each of the SCOM’s strategic initiatives. Mr. Khumalo concurred, adding that other municipal departments should do so as well. LIAISON REPORTS: ►Mrs. Gates reported that over 200 people attended the first Movie Night on the Common on July 9 and encouraged residents to attend on 7/16. The Sunday Concert of the Common was also well attended. She announced that the HHS Drama Club has been invited to a competition in Scotland next year. These students will sell raffle tickets at Town Common events and engage in other fundraising activities. She asked that residents support this effort. Mrs. Gates announced that the CAA will conduct a barn raising and cookout on 7/17/10. ►Mr. Palleiko reported that the Downtown Revitalization Committee continues to move forward on a grant application, which has been submitted to the state. The DTRC is developing a project timeline in preparation for the next Town Meeting. The Library Board of Trustees continues to move forward on its grant application. ►Chairman Dourney reported that Town Counsel found the changes in the FY2011 school budget to have been managed appropriately and legally. SELECTMEN REPRESENTATIVES: MOTION by Mr. Cestari to assign Selectmen Representatives as follows: 1) Todd Cestari to the Elementary School Building Committee, 2) Michelle Gates to the Housing Committee, 3) RJ Dourney to the MetroWest Regional Transportation Authority, 4) Ben Palleiko to the Open Space Preservation Committee and 5) John Mosher to the Sustainable Green Committee SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. DISCUSSION: Mr. Khumalo advised that Mr. Mosher’s resignation from the Sustainable Green Committee would provide an opportunity for another citizen to serve on it. Mr. Mosher offered his resignation from the Sustainable Green Committee. The above MOTION was WITHDRAWN by Mr. Cestari. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to accept Mr. Mosher’s resignation from the SGC SECONDED by Mr. Palleiko. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Recused-1. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to approve the Selectmen Representatives as listed above SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS: Gaming Bill/Milford Casino Update. Mr. Khumalo reported that an expanded bill is in conference committee, with the next meeting taking place on 7/15/10. He noted that the Senate bill differs significantly from the House version. Chairman Dourney said a casino in Milford will not complement development and preservation goals pursued by Hopkinton and urged citizens to contact members of the Conference Committee to voice opposition to the proposal. Mr. Khumalo will compose a letter to send to Conference Committee members and post it on the Town website. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2010 Page 4 TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Hopkinton Public Library Update: Mr. Khumalo reported that Town Counsel is working with counsel retained by the Library Board of Trustees on completing the conveyance of the Library. Library Director Rownak Hussein and Trustee Laura Barry said they are happy with the contract. Shared Collaboration Overview: Mr. Khumalo said the Board of Health has indicated in writing its intention to participate in a collaboration with Holliston, Medway and Ashland to improve the quality and delivery of health services using grant funding. OLD BUSINESS: NONE ADJOURN: MOTION by Mrs. Gates to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. Meeting adjourned at 7:48PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Approved: 7/27/10