HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100315 - Appropriations Committee - Meeting Minutes APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 15, 2010 6 PM, ROOM 107 ATTENDING: Ron Eldridge Joe Karner Stuart Cowart (7pm) Chairman Eldridge moved the meeting to the second floor Selectman’s hearing room as a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen. A notice was posted on room 107 of the change. The Committee sat in with the BOS to hear and participate when asked to provide information as the BOS had final discussions on their recommended budget. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Committee met with Nancy Burdick, Chairman of the School Committee for a discussion on the proposal to have one Town Meeting Article cover the entire operating budget. The SC has some concerns but want to discuss it further. The Chairman invited Nancy and Jack Phelan, Superintendent of Schools, to join our Committee to discuss this. Nancy will get back with us for a date and time. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.