HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100329 - Appropriations Committee - Meeting MinutesTown of Hopkinton Appropriation Committee (AC) Minutes of Meeting on Monday, March 29, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Hall, Hopkinton, Massachusetts In attendance: Stuart Cowart Norman Khumalo, Town Manager Ron Eldridge Heidi Krieger Mary Lou Haroian Joe Karner Chairman Eldridge called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm. Joe moved and Stuart seconded a motion to accept the minutes of our last meeting on March 24, 2010. The motion passed unanimously. The Committee welcomed the Library Building Committee (LBC) as represented by Linda Kimball, Laura Barry, Len Holden, Sarah Duckett, Tom Nealon and Rownak Hussain, among others. The LBC was present to discuss article # 36, transfer of ownership of the Hopkinton Public Library from the Library Board of Trustees to the Town of Hopkinton. The LBC’s goal is to expand the existing library, either through addition to the current facility or construction of a new facility. They propose financing 50% of this expansion with state grant money, the balance to be paid by the taxpayers of the town (25%) and the Library Board of Trustees, via fundraising (25%). In order to procure state grant money, the Town must hold the deed to the property. The deed is currently held by the Library Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees also holds the deed to 9 Church Street, a parcel which will be required in the expansion, should the Trustees choose to add on to the existing site. The Board of Trustees is not currently contemplating transfer of the Church Street property to the Town. In addition to the transfer, the Board of Trustees would like to see the library staff made a bona fide department of the Town. (While the Town currently pays approximately 80% of the library’s budget, it is not formally recognized as a department under the Charter.) After much discussion concerning timing of the project, deadlines, and ownership of the two library parcels, it was determined that the LBC should regroup and return to the AC on April 12th for further discussion of this article. The AC’s primary concern with the article is that the Town not take on any unnecessary additional expenses or liabilities in connection with this project. The AC then welcomed Fire Chief Ken Clark. Ken presented article # 21 for the purchase of a new Class A fire engine for $510K. The Town currently owns 3 such engines, 2 are housed in the center of town and 1 is at the Woodville station. The engine at the Woodville station will be traded in as part of this purchase and replaced with one of the engines in the center of town, and the new engine will reside in the center of town. The engine to be replaced was originally purchased in 1989. The Town’s policy is to replace these engines every 18 years, but since this engine’s replacement has been pushed back for the last 3 years, it is now 21 years old. This article has been approved by the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and the Capital Improvements Committee (CIC) and it is included in the budget for General Fund Debt and Interest. Chief Clark will be providing the AC with the trade-in value of the engine that is being disposed of. Article # 20 is for a thermal imaging camera for $14,000. This item was not approved by the BOS and per Ken, comes in fourth on his list of priorities of the 4 items he’s requesting. Stuart asked Norman to check with MIIA on the availability of insurance credits to the Town should it purchase this camera and embark on its own program of review of buildings for “hot spots.” This item is not provided for in the current budget. Article #23 is for 8 “mission-critical” portable radios for the Fire Department (FD). The FD purchased 8 radios in 1999, 2 of which have already failed, and the remaining 6 units need replacement and upgrade from analog to digital service. Per Ken, these units are absolutely essential for safety. These cameras are not provided for in the current budget. Article # 22 is for a new service vehicle for approximately $38K, to replace 2 existing older vehicles. This article has been approved by the BOS and this vehicle has been approved for purchase by the CIC. This vehicle is not in the current budget. A general discussion of the current budget and tax levies ensued among the members of the AC. Ron requested Heidi to prepare a summary of allowable tax levies and actual taxes raised in 2010 and 2011 (as currently forecasted) for our next meeting. At 8:55 pm Joe moved and Stuart seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.