HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 08:255 ~e!ioIutiott of t~e ~or01tg~ of ([({tiere!, ~ ~ W ~ No. OR-?SS Date of Adoption f\-toOOr 23 ~ 2008 STATE OF NEW JERSEY - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONl\1ENl'AL PROTECTION GREEN ACRES ENABLING RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program ("State"), provides loans ~andlor grants to municipal and county governments and grants to nonprofit organizations for assistance in the acquisition and development of lands for outdoor recreation and conservation purposeSj and WHEREAS, the Borough ofCarteret desires to further the public interest by obtaining a grant in the amount of $240,000.00 and a loan in the amount of$ 240,000.00 from the State to fund the following project: Multi~Parks Improvements NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF TIlE BOROUGH OF CARTERET resolves that Donald 1. Narhut or the successor to the office of Borough Engineer is hereby authorized to: (a) make application for such a grant and loan, (b) provide additional application infonnation and furnish such documents as may be required, and . act as the authoriz~d correspondent of the above named =applicant; and WHEREAS, the State shall detennine if the application is complete and in confonnance with the scope and intent ofthe Green Acres Program, and notify the applicant of the amount of the funding awardj and WHEREAS, the applicant is willing to use the State's funds in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing to enter into an agreement with the State for . the abov~ named project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET: 1. That the Mayor of the Borough of Carteret is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and any amendment thereto with the State known as Multi-Parks Improvements; 2. That the applicant has its matching share of the project, if a match -is required, in the amount of$ $240,000.00; 3. That, in the event the State's funds are less than the total project cost specified above, the applicant has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project; 4. That the applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations in its perfonnance of the project; and 5. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. Adopted tbis 23rd day of October, 2008 and certified as a true copy of the original on October 24, 2008. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, MI\i:C .Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NY A.B. BELTI"" X !fOil"::: v COTf\\! X 1oJ^"T~O X DIAZ X CT~'M X ~ Indicate Vote AB~Absent NV ~NotVoting XOR ~ Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at it meeting of the Municipal Council $'~ ~r?'J, 'JOOR ~ ~C";i]l;1'd;/ '~~A7'-'" .- > ,- L. " .~ _. ,- / ., ~ I Clerk (/ 1~~.)" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following is a true copy of an Ordinapce or Resolution of the Borough of Carteret that has appeared ,n the Home News Tribune, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in Neptune, in said County and S,tate and of general circulation in said county. One ill times, once in each issue as follows: Seotember 22. 2008 r)r.ty"'/.t'~ 0 I~,,~ Notary Public of New Jersey .'d 11 ~.A-,p1..e;!1 athleen M. Barney, ~J Munic;pal Clerk --- LINDA A P'""RA NOTARY PIIB, I' I' W JERSEY MY GOMMlwu,'1 c.i,;i.d MAY 2,2011 Sworn and subscribed before me this Ol'J.-v:/day of A F~~ I ,;l. CA:) f' ) ,,(- v ,,'- . () Cl- O\S._~ Affidavit of Publication Publisher's Fee $9.57 Affidavit Charge $25.00 >state of New Jersey } SS. Middlesex County Personally appeared Manju Gupta Of the Home News Tribune, a newspaper printed in Freehold, New Jersey and published in NEPTUNE, in said Connty and State, and of general circulation in said connty, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that the adveltisement of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in the said newspaper 1 times, once in each issue as follows: 9/22/08 CATHERINE M, WILLIAMS AD. 2008 NO lAKY PUtiL!<..; ut- NeW Jt:Kbt: y MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1, 2012 m(\ ~) . c::\ \\;;.\0 . ^ (l ti ' 1/1 (YJJ/~~a/n~/ Sworn and 11 scnbed be . re me, this 22 day of September, 2008 tJ;!;'; aA/( jl Notary Public of New Jersey RIlR{JIliH Of CARlEREJ 'ublic Notic:e- ._..., notice that the-Ie will be 11 :;peei,,! Public Hellrire in Conjunction with the regularly sched- uled meeting of the- MilY- or and Borough Council of th6 Borcum of Carter- ettobeheli3OllThur~- dilj', October 9, 2008 com~cing at 6;00 PM in the Municfpal 8u~d- ing, 61 Cooke A\'ef1LM!, Carteret, New Jers.w for tJ-re purpoc.e of di::;cu.:;- sfng the Boro~h's ~~e:tn ~~fne;el't; the MultiPilrks. Project The g,ereral public is in- vited to attend "nd par- ~~~;:.n M. Barney, .--;) .-- . /? BQrough Clerk ~ t- / '" ':7 ($9.571 803928 <{, d- b